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All the utilities can be accessed through the mejs.Utils.{name} element.


MediaElement.js has already polyfills to use some of the methods that jQuery provided for matching/manipulating/AJAX-calling DOM.

However, some of those methods are not possible to match natively, so MediaElement.js has created them.

Method Description
offset(element) Obtain the top and left coordinates of element
hasClass(element, className) Check if element has the className class defined
addClass(element, className) Add the className class to element
removeClass(element, className) Remove the className class to element
toggleClass(element, className) Add/remove className class from element
fadeIn(element, duration, callback) Show element within a certain duration time (default: 400), and once it is shown, execute callback (if any)
fadeOut(element, duration, callback) Hide element within a certain duration time (default: 400), and once it is hidden, execute callback (if any)
siblings(element, filter) Obtain all the siblings from element based on filter selector (if any)
visible(element) Check if element is visible; this goes beyond checking if element has display: none, since also visibility: hidden is considered as not visible
ajax(url, dataType, success, error) Wrapper to execute an AJAX request to a certain url, specifying its type (text, html, json, xml) and execute either success or error callbacks


Sometimes, common tasks like escaping HTML or checking if a value is a certain type, are needed. MediaElement.js has also implemented some methods to achieve them.

Method Description
escapeHTML(input) Escape &, <, >, " characters from input to avoid XSS attacks
debounce(callback, wait, immediate) Execute callback in a specific period of wait time, or bypasses the time if immediate is true (default: false)
isObjectEmpty(object) Check if object is empty
splitEvents(events, id) Split a string of events separated by spaces into document (d) and window (w) events. An id can be passed to append a namespace
createEvent(eventName, target) Wrapper of CustomEvent class to create a event, passing a eventName and a possible target
isNodeAfter(sourceNode, targetNode) Check if targetNode appears after sourceNode in the DOM
isString(input) Determine if an input value is a string


Method Description
absolutizeUrl(path) Append the full URL of a given path
formatType(url, type) Obtain the format of a specific media, based on url and additionally its MIME type
getMimeFromType(type) Obtain the correct MIME part of the type in case the attribute contains a codec (video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2" becomes video/mp4)
getTypeFromFile(url) Obtain the type of media based on url structure
getExtension(url) Obtain media file extension from url
normalizeExtension(extension) Obtain the standard extension of a media extension


Method Description
secondsToTimeCode(time, forceHours, showFrameCount, fps, secondsDecimalLength) Format a numeric time in format '00:00:00', potentially showing hours if forceHours is set to true, and the frame count if showFrameCount is true. Also, frames per second (fps, by default 25) can be specified, and also the number of decimals to display if any (secondsDecimalLength)
timeCodeToSeconds(time, fps) Convert a '00:00:00' time string into seconds. Also, frames per second (fps, by default 25) can be specified
calculateTimeFormat(time, options, fps) Calculate the time format to use given the player options. The time argument ideally should be a number, but if not, it will default to 0. Also, frames per second (fps, by default 25) can be specified
convertSMPTEtoSeconds(SMPTE) Convert a Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMTPE) time code into seconds


MediaElement.js has some flags/methods to determine which browser the user is in, some elements to determine the type of fullscreen the browser supports, etc.

All of these elements can be accessed by using mejs.Features.{name}. The following list shows all the possible features.

  • mejs.Features.isiPad
  • mejs.Features.isiPhone
  • mejs.Features.isiOS
  • mejs.Features.isAndroid
  • mejs.Features.isIE
  • mejs.Features.isEdge
  • mejs.Features.isChrome
  • mejs.Features.isFirefox
  • mejs.Features.isSafari
  • mejs.Features.isStockAndroid
  • mejs.Features.hasMSE
  • mejs.Features.supportsNativeHLS
  • mejs.Features.supportsPointerEvents
  • mejs.Features.hasiOSFullScreen
  • mejs.Features.hasNativeFullscreen
  • mejs.Features.hasWebkitNativeFullScreen
  • mejs.Features.hasMozNativeFullScreen
  • mejs.Features.hasMsNativeFullScreen
  • mejs.Features.hasTrueNativeFullScreen
  • mejs.Features.nativeFullScreenEnabled
  • mejs.Features.fullScreenEventName
  • mejs.Features.isFullScreen()
  • mejs.Features.requestFullScreen()
  • mejs.Features.cancelFullScreen()