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* /lib/excerpts-highlights.php
* @package Relevanssi
* @author Mikko Saari
* @license https://wordpress.org/about/gpl/ GNU General Public License
* @see https://www.relevanssi.com/
* Prints out the post excerpt.
* Prints out the post excerpt from $post->post_excerpt, unless the post is
* protected. Only works in the Loop.
* @global $post The global post object.
function relevanssi_the_excerpt() {
global $post;
if ( ! post_password_required( $post ) ) {
echo '<p>' . $post->post_excerpt . '</p>'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
} else {
esc_html_e( 'There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.', 'relevanssi' );
* Generates an excerpt for a post.
* Takes the excerpt length and type as parameters. These can be omitted, in
* which case the values are taken from the 'relevanssi_excerpt_length' and
* 'relevanssi_excerpt_type' options respectively.
* @global $post The global post object.
* @param object $t_post The post object.
* @param string $query The search query.
* @param int $excerpt_length The length of the excerpt, default null.
* @param string $excerpt_type Either 'chars' or 'words', default null.
* @return string The created excerpt.
function relevanssi_do_excerpt( $t_post, $query, $excerpt_length = null, $excerpt_type = null ) {
global $post;
if ( ! $excerpt_length ) {
$excerpt_length = get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_length' );
if ( ! $excerpt_type ) {
$excerpt_type = get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_type' );
// Back up the global post object, and replace it with the post we're working on.
$old_global_post = null;
if ( null !== $post ) {
$old_global_post = $post;
$post = $t_post; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited
$remove_stopwords = 'body';
* Filters the search query before excerpt-building.
* Allows filtering the search query before generating an excerpt. This can
* useful if you modifications to the search query, and it may help when working
* with stemming.
* @param string $query The search query.
$query = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_excerpt_query', $query );
$min_word_length = 2;
* Allows creating one-letter highlights.
* @param boolean Set to true to enable one-letter highlights.
if ( apply_filters( 'relevanssi_allow_one_letter_highlights', false ) ) {
$min_word_length = 1;
$terms = relevanssi_tokenize( $query, $remove_stopwords, $min_word_length );
if ( is_array( $query ) ) {
$untokenized_terms = array_filter( $query );
} else {
$untokenized_terms = array_filter( explode( ' ', $query ) );
$untokenized_terms = array_flip(
relevanssi_remove_stopwords_from_array( $untokenized_terms )
$terms = array_merge( $untokenized_terms, $terms );
// These shortcodes cause problems with Relevanssi excerpts.
$problem_shortcodes = array( 'layerslider', 'responsive-flipbook', 'breadcrumb', 'robogallery', 'gravityview', 'wp_show_posts' );
* Filters the excerpt-building problem shortcodes.
* Some shortcodes cause problems in Relevanssi excerpt-building. These
* shortcodes are disabled before building the excerpt. This filter allows
* modifying the list of shortcodes.
* @param array $problem_shortcodes Array of problematic shortcode names.
$problem_shortcodes = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_disable_shortcodes_excerpt', $problem_shortcodes );
array_walk( $problem_shortcodes, 'remove_shortcode' );
* Filters the post content before 'the_content'.
* Filters the post content in excerpt building process before 'the_content'
* filter is applied.
* @param string $content The post content.
* @param object $post The post object.
* @param string $query The search query.
$content = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_pre_excerpt_content', $post->post_content, $post, $query );
$pattern = get_shortcode_regex( $problem_shortcodes );
$content = preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/", 'strip_shortcode_tag', $content );
// Add the custom field content.
if ( 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_custom_fields' ) ) {
$content .= relevanssi_get_custom_field_content( $post->ID );
// Autoembed discovery can really slow down excerpt-building.
// This will print out the attachment file name in front of the excerpt, and we
// don't want that.
remove_filter( 'the_content', 'prepend_attachment' );
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */
$content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
* Filters the post content after 'the_content'.
* Filters the post content in excerpt building process after 'the_content'
* filter is applied.
* @param string $content The post content.
* @param object $post The post object.
* @param string $query The search query.
$content = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_excerpt_content', $content, $post, $query );
// Removes <script>, <embed> &c with content.
$content = relevanssi_strip_invisibles( $content );
// Add spaces between tags to avoid getting words stuck together.
$content = preg_replace( '/(<\/[^>]+?>)(<[^>\/][^>]*?>)/', '$1 $2', $content );
// This removes the tags, but leaves the content.
$content = strip_tags( $content, get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_allowable_tags', '' ) );
// Replace linefeeds and carriage returns with spaces.
$content = preg_replace( "/\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r/", ' ', $content );
if ( 'OR' === get_option( 'relevanssi_implicit_operator' ) || 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_index_synonyms' ) ) {
$query = relevanssi_add_synonyms( $query );
// Find the appropriate spot from the post.
$excerpt_data = relevanssi_create_excerpt( $content, $terms, $query, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_type );
if ( 'none' !== get_option( 'relevanssi_index_comments' ) ) {
// Use comment content as source material for excerpts.
$comment_content = relevanssi_get_comments( $post->ID );
$comment_content = preg_replace( '/(<\/[^>]+?>)(<[^>\/][^>]*?>)/', '$1 $2', $comment_content );
$comment_content = strip_tags( $comment_content, get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_allowable_tags', '' ) );
if ( ! empty( $comment_content ) ) {
$comment_excerpts = relevanssi_create_excerpt(
if ( $comment_excerpts[1] > $excerpt_data[1] ) {
// The excerpt created from comments is better than the one created from post data.
$excerpt_data = $comment_excerpts;
if ( 'off' !== get_option( 'relevanssi_index_excerpt' ) ) {
$excerpt_content = $post->post_excerpt;
$excerpt_content = strip_tags( $excerpt_content, get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_allowable_tags', '' ) );
if ( ! empty( $excerpt_content ) ) {
$excerpt_excerpts = relevanssi_create_excerpt(
if ( $excerpt_excerpts[1] > $excerpt_data[1] ) {
// The excerpt created from post excerpt is the best we found so far.
$excerpt_data = $excerpt_excerpts;
$excerpt = $excerpt_data[0];
$excerpt = trim( $excerpt );
* Filters the excerpt.
* Filters the post excerpt generated by Relevanssi before the highlighting
* is applied.
* @param string $excerpt The excerpt.
* @param int $post->ID The post ID.
$excerpt = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_excerpt', $excerpt, $post->ID );
$whole_post_excerpted = false;
if ( $excerpt === $post->post_content ) {
$whole_post_excerpted = true;
* Filters the ellipsis Relevanssi uses in excerpts.
* @param string $ellipsis Default '...'.
$ellipsis = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_ellipsis', '...' );
$highlight = get_option( 'relevanssi_highlight' );
if ( 'none' !== $highlight ) {
if ( ! is_admin() || ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) {
$excerpt = relevanssi_highlight_terms( $excerpt, $query );
$excerpt = relevanssi_close_tags( $excerpt );
$excerpt_is_from_beginning_of_the_post = $excerpt_data[2];
if ( ! $whole_post_excerpted ) {
if ( ! $excerpt_is_from_beginning_of_the_post && ! empty( $excerpt ) ) {
$excerpt = $ellipsis . $excerpt;
if ( ! empty( $excerpt ) ) {
$excerpt = $excerpt . $ellipsis;
if ( null !== $old_global_post ) {
$post = $old_global_post; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited
return $excerpt;
* Creates an excerpt from content.
* Since 2.6, this function no longer reads in the excerpt length and type from
* the options, but instead receives them as the function parameters. That is
* done to get uniform results in multisite searches. For backwards support,
* calling this function without the length and type parameters falls back into
* reasonable defaults.
* @param string $content The content.
* @param array $terms The search terms, tokenized.
* @param string $query The search query.
* @param int $excerpt_length The length of the excerpt, default 30.
* @param string $excerpt_type Either 'chars' or 'words', default 'words'.
* @return array Element 0 is the excerpt, element 1 the number of term hits,
* element 2 is true, if the excerpt is from the start of the content.
function relevanssi_create_excerpt( $content, $terms, $query, $excerpt_length = 30, $excerpt_type = 'words' ) {
$best_excerpt_term_hits = -1;
$excerpt = '';
$content = ' ' . preg_replace( '/\s+/u', ' ', $content );
$content = html_entity_decode( $content );
// Finds all the phrases in the query.
$phrases = relevanssi_extract_phrases( stripslashes( $query ) );
* This process generates an array of terms, which has single terms and all the
* phrases.
$remove_stopwords = false;
$non_phrase_terms = array();
foreach ( $phrases as $phrase ) {
$phrase_terms = array_keys( relevanssi_tokenize( $phrase, $remove_stopwords ) );
foreach ( array_keys( $terms ) as $term ) { // array_keys(), because tokenized terms have the term as key.
if ( ! in_array( $term, $phrase_terms, true ) ) {
$non_phrase_terms[ $term ] = true;
$terms = $non_phrase_terms;
$terms[ $phrase ] = true;
// Sort the longest search terms first, because those are generally more significant.
uksort( $terms, 'relevanssi_strlen_sort' );
$start = false;
if ( 'chars' === $excerpt_type ) {
$prev_count = floor( $excerpt_length / 6 );
list( $excerpt, $best_excerpt_term_hits, $start ) =
array_keys( $terms ),
$excerpt_length + 1,
} else {
list( $excerpt, $best_excerpt_term_hits, $start ) =
array_keys( $terms ),
return array( $excerpt, $best_excerpt_term_hits, $start );
* Manages the highlighting in documents.
* Uses relevanssi_highlight_terms() to do the highlighting. Attached to
* 'the_content' and 'comment_text' filter hooks.
* @global object $wp_query The global WP_Query object.
* @global boolean $relevanssi_test_enable If true, this is a test.
* @param string $content The content to highlight.
* @return string The content with highlights.
function relevanssi_highlight_in_docs( $content ) {
global $wp_query, $relevanssi_test_enable;
if ( ( is_singular() && is_main_query() ) || $relevanssi_test_enable ) {
if ( isset( $wp_query->query_vars['highlight'] ) ) {
// Local search.
$query = relevanssi_add_synonyms( $wp_query->query_vars['highlight'] );
$in_docs = true;
$highlighted_content = relevanssi_highlight_terms( $content, $query, $in_docs );
if ( ! empty( $highlighted_content ) ) {
// Sometimes the content comes back empty; until I figure out why, this tries to be a solution.
$content = $highlighted_content;
return $content;
* Adds highlighting to content.
* Adds highlighting to content based on Relevanssi highlighting settings (if
* you want to override the settings, 'pre_option_relevanssi_highlight' filter
* hook is your friend).
* @param string $content The content to highlight.
* @param string|array $query The search query (should be a string, can
* sometimes be an array).
* @param boolean $in_docs Are we highlighting post content? Default false.
* @return string The $content with highlighting.
function relevanssi_highlight_terms( $content, $query, $in_docs = false ) {
$type = get_option( 'relevanssi_highlight' );
if ( 'none' === $type ) {
return $content;
switch ( $type ) {
case 'mark':
$start_emp = '<mark>';
$end_emp = '</mark>';
case 'strong':
$start_emp = '<strong>';
$end_emp = '</strong>';
case 'em':
$start_emp = '<em>';
$end_emp = '</em>';
case 'col':
$col = get_option( 'relevanssi_txt_col' );
if ( ! $col ) {
$col = '#ff0000';
$start_emp = "<span style='color: $col'>";
$end_emp = '</span>';
case 'bgcol':
$col = get_option( 'relevanssi_bg_col' );
if ( ! $col ) {
$col = '#ff0000';
$start_emp = "<span style='background-color: $col'>";
$end_emp = '</span>';
case 'css':
$css = get_option( 'relevanssi_css' );
if ( ! $css ) {
$css = 'color: #ff0000';
$start_emp = "<span style='$css'>";
$end_emp = '</span>';
case 'class':
$css = get_option( 'relevanssi_class' );
if ( ! $css ) {
$css = 'relevanssi-query-term';
$start_emp = "<span class='$css'>";
$end_emp = '</span>';
return $content;
$start_emp_token = '**{}[';
$end_emp_token = ']}**';
if ( function_exists( 'mb_internal_encoding' ) ) {
mb_internal_encoding( 'UTF-8' );
* Runs before tokenizing the terms in highlighting.
do_action( 'relevanssi_highlight_tokenize' );
// Setting min_word_length to 2, in order to avoid 1-letter highlights.
$min_word_length = 2;
* Allows creating one-letter highlights.
* @param boolean Set to true to enable one-letter highlights.
if ( apply_filters( 'relevanssi_allow_one_letter_highlights', false ) ) {
$min_word_length = 1;
$remove_stopwords = 'body';
$terms = array_keys(
if ( ! is_array( $query ) ) {
$query = explode( ' ', $query );
$body_stopwords = function_exists( 'relevanssi_fetch_body_stopwords' )
? relevanssi_fetch_body_stopwords()
: array();
$untokenized_terms = array_filter(
function( $value ) use ( $min_word_length, $body_stopwords ) {
if ( in_array( $value, $body_stopwords, true ) ) {
return false;
if ( relevanssi_strlen( $value ) > $min_word_length ) {
return true;
return false;
$terms = array_unique( array_merge( $untokenized_terms, $terms ) );
array_walk( $terms, 'relevanssi_array_walk_trim' ); // Numeric search terms begin with a space.
if ( is_array( $query ) ) {
$query = implode( ' ', $query );
$phrases = relevanssi_extract_phrases( stripslashes( $query ) );
$remove_stopwords = false;
$non_phrase_terms = array();
foreach ( $phrases as $phrase ) {
$phrase_terms = array_keys( relevanssi_tokenize( $phrase, $remove_stopwords ) );
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
if ( ! in_array( $term, $phrase_terms, true ) ) {
$non_phrase_terms[] = $term;
$terms = $non_phrase_terms;
$terms[] = $phrase;
usort( $terms, 'relevanssi_strlen_sort' );
$word_boundaries_available = false;
if ( 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_word_boundaries', 'off' ) ) {
$word_boundaries_available = true;
$content = html_entity_decode( $content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$pr_term = preg_quote( $term, '/' );
$pr_term = relevanssi_add_accent_variations( $pr_term );
if ( $word_boundaries_available ) {
$regex = "/(\b$pr_term\b)/iu";
if ( 'never' !== get_option( 'relevanssi_fuzzy' ) ) {
$regex = "/(\b$pr_term|$pr_term\b)/iu";
$content = preg_replace(
$start_emp_token . '\\1' . $end_emp_token,
} else {
$content = preg_replace(
$start_emp_token . '\\1' . $end_emp_token,
if ( preg_match_all( '/<.*>/U', $content, $matches ) > 0 ) {
// Remove highlights from inside HTML tags.
foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
$new_match = str_replace( $start_emp_token, '', $match );
$new_match = str_replace( $end_emp_token, '', $new_match );
$content = str_replace( $match, $new_match, $content );
if ( preg_match_all( '/&.*;/U', $content, $matches ) > 0 ) {
// Remove highlights from inside HTML entities.
foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
$new_match = str_replace( $start_emp_token, '', $match );
$new_match = str_replace( $end_emp_token, '', $new_match );
$content = str_replace( $match, $new_match, $content );
if ( preg_match_all( '/<(style|script|object|embed|pre|code).*<\/(style|script|object|embed|pre|code)>/Us', $content, $matches ) > 0 ) {
// Remove highlights in style, object, embed, script and pre tags.
foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
$new_match = str_replace( $start_emp_token, '', $match );
$new_match = str_replace( $end_emp_token, '', $new_match );
$content = str_replace( $match, $new_match, $content );
$content = relevanssi_remove_nested_highlights( $content, $start_emp_token, $end_emp_token );
$content = relevanssi_fix_entities( $content, $in_docs );
* Allows cleaning unwanted highlights.
* This filter lets you clean unwanted highlights, for example from within
* <pre> tags. To remove a highlight, remove the matching starting and
* ending tokens from the $content string.
* @param string $content The highlighted content.
* @param string $start_emp_token A token that signifies the start of a
* highlight.
* @param string $end_emp_token A token that signifies the end of a
* highlight.
* @return string The highlighted content.
$content = apply_filters(
$content = str_replace( $start_emp_token, $start_emp, $content );
$content = str_replace( $end_emp_token, $end_emp, $content );
$content = str_replace( $end_emp . $start_emp, '', $content );
if ( function_exists( 'mb_ereg_replace' ) ) {
$pattern = $end_emp . '\s*' . $start_emp;
$content = mb_ereg_replace( $pattern, ' ', $content );
return $content;
* Fixes problems with entities.
* For excerpts, runs htmlentities() on the excerpt, then converts the allowed
* tags back into tags.
* @param string $excerpt The excerpt to fix.
* @param boolean $in_docs If true, we are manipulating post content, and need
* to work in a different fashion.
* @return string The $excerpt with entities fixed.
function relevanssi_fix_entities( $excerpt, $in_docs ) {
if ( ! $in_docs ) {
// For excerpts, use htmlentities() to convert.
$excerpt = htmlentities( $excerpt, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
// Except for allowed tags, which are turned back into tags.
$tags = get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_allowable_tags', '' );
$tags = trim( str_replace( '<', ' <', $tags ) );
$tags = explode( ' ', $tags );
$closing_tags = relevanssi_generate_closing_tags( $tags );
$tags_entitied = htmlentities(
' ',
$tags_entitied = explode( ' ', $tags_entitied );
$closing_tags_entitied = htmlentities(
' ',
$closing_tags_entitied = explode( ' ', $closing_tags_entitied );
$tags_entitied_regexped = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ( $tags_entitied as $tag ) {
$tag = str_replace( '&gt;', '(.*?)&gt;', $tag );
$pattern = "~$tag~";
$tags_entitied_regexped[] = $pattern;
$matching_tag = $tags[ $i ];
$matching_tag = str_replace( '>', '\1>', $matching_tag );
$tags[ $i ] = $matching_tag;
$closing_tags_entitied_regexped = array();
foreach ( $closing_tags_entitied as $tag ) {
$pattern = '~' . preg_quote( $tag, '~' ) . '~';
$closing_tags_entitied_regexped[] = $pattern;
$tags = array_merge( $tags, $closing_tags );
$tags_entitied = array_merge(
$excerpt = preg_replace( $tags_entitied, $tags, $excerpt );
// In case there are attributes. This is the easiest solution, as
// using quotes and apostrophes un-entitied can't really break
// anything.
$excerpt = str_replace( '&quot;', '"', $excerpt );
$excerpt = str_replace( '&#039;', "'", $excerpt );
} else {
// Running htmlentities() for whole posts tends to ruin things.
// However, we may want to run htmlentities() for anything inside
// <pre> and <code> tags.
* Choose whether htmlentities() is run inside <pre> tags or not. If
* your pages have HTML code inside <pre> tags, set this to false.
* @param boolean If true, htmlentities() will be used inside <pre>
* tags.
if ( apply_filters( 'relevanssi_entities_inside_pre', true ) ) {
$excerpt = relevanssi_entities_inside( $excerpt, 'pre' );
* Choose whether htmlentities() is run inside <code> tags or not. If
* your pages have HTML code inside <code> tags, set this to false.
* @param boolean If true, htmlentities() will be used inside <code>
* tags.
if ( apply_filters( 'relevanssi_entities_inside_code', true ) ) {
$excerpt = relevanssi_entities_inside( $excerpt, 'code' );
return $excerpt;
* Runs htmlentities() for content inside specified tags.
* @param string $content The content.
* @param string $tag The tag.
* @return string $content The content with HTML code inside the $tag tags
* ran through htmlentities().
function relevanssi_entities_inside( $content, $tag ) {
$hits = preg_match_all( '/<' . $tag . '.*?>(.*?)<\/' . $tag . '>/ims', $content, $matches );
if ( $hits > 0 ) {
$replacements = array();
foreach ( $matches[1] as $match ) {
if ( ! empty( $match ) ) {
$replacements[] = '<xxx' . $tag . '\1>'
. htmlentities( $match, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' )
. '</xxx' . $tag . '>';
if ( ! empty( $replacements ) ) {
$count_replacements = count( $replacements );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count_replacements; $i++ ) {
$patterns[] = '/<' . $tag . '(.*?)>(.*?)<\/' . $tag . '>/ims';
$content = preg_replace( $patterns, $replacements, $content, 1 );
$content = str_replace( 'xxx' . $tag, $tag, $content );
return $content;
* Generates closing tags for an array of tags.
* @param array $tags Array of tag names.
* @return array $closing_tags Array of closing tags.
function relevanssi_generate_closing_tags( $tags ) {
$closing_tags = array();
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
$a = str_replace( '<', '</', $tag );
$b = str_replace( '>', '/>', $tag );
$closing_tags[] = $a;
$closing_tags[] = $b;
return $closing_tags;
* Removes nested highlights from a string.
* If there are highlights within highlights in a string, this function will
* clean out the nested highlights, leaving just the outmost highlight tokens.
* @param string $string The content.
* @param string $begin The beginning highlight token.
* @param string $end The ending highlight token.
* @return string The string with nested highlights cleaned out.
function relevanssi_remove_nested_highlights( $string, $begin, $end ) {
$bits = explode( $begin, $string );
$new_bits = array( $bits[0] );
$count_bits = count( $bits );
$depth = -1;
for ( $i = 1; $i < $count_bits; $i++ ) {
if ( 0 === $depth ) {
$new_bits[] = $begin;
if ( empty( $bits[ $i ] ) ) {
$end_count = substr_count( $bits[ $i ], $end );
if ( $end_count ) {
if ( substr_count( $bits[ $i ], $end ) < $depth ) {
$new_bits[] = str_replace( $end, '', $bits[ $i ], $count );
$depth -= $count;
} elseif ( substr_count( $bits[ $i ], $end ) >= $depth ) {
$end_p = preg_quote( $end, '#' );
$new_bits[] = preg_replace( '#' . $end_p . '#', '', $bits[ $i ], $depth );
$depth = -1;
} else {
$new_bits[] = $bits[ $i ];
return join( '', $new_bits );
* Finds the locations of each word.
* Originally lifted from http://www.boyter.org/2013/04/building-a-search-result-extract-generator-in-php/
* Finds the location of each word in the fulltext.
* @author Ben Boyter
* @param array $words An array of words to locate.
* @param string $fulltext The fulltext where to find them.
* @return array Array of locations.
function relevanssi_extract_locations( $words, $fulltext ) {
$locations = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ) {
$count_locations = 0;
$wordlen = relevanssi_strlen( $word );
$loc = relevanssi_stripos( $fulltext, $word, 0 );
while ( false !== $loc ) {
$locations[] = $loc;
$loc = relevanssi_stripos( $fulltext, $word, $loc + $wordlen );
* Optimizes the excerpt creation.
* @param boolean If true, stop looking after ten locations are found.
if ( apply_filters( 'relevanssi_optimize_excerpts', false ) ) {
// If more than ten locations are found, quit: there's probably a
// good one in there, and this saves plenty of time.
if ( $count_locations > 10 ) {
$locations = array_unique( $locations );
sort( $locations );
return $locations;
* Counts how many times the words appear in the text.
* @param array $words An array of words.
* @param string $complete_text The text where to count the words.
* @return int Number of times the words appear in the text.
function relevanssi_count_matches( $words, $complete_text ) {
$count = 0;
$lowercase_text = relevanssi_strtolower( $complete_text, 'UTF-8' );
$text = '';
$word_boundaries_available = false;
if ( 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_word_boundaries', 'off' ) ) {
$word_boundaries_available = true;
$count_words = count( $words );
for ( $t = 0; $t < $count_words; $t++ ) {
$word_slice = relevanssi_strtolower(
$words[ $t ],
if ( $word_boundaries_available ) {
if ( 'never' !== get_option( 'relevanssi_fuzzy' ) ) {
$regex = "/\b$word_slice|$word_slice\b/";
} else {
$regex = "/\b$word_slice\b/";
} else {
$regex = "/$word_slice/";
$lines = preg_split( $regex, $lowercase_text );
if ( $lines && count( $lines ) > 1 ) {
$count_lines = count( $lines );
for ( $tt = 0; $tt < $count_lines; $tt++ ) {
if ( $tt < ( count( $lines ) - 1 ) ) {
$text = $text . $lines[ $tt ] . '=***=';
} else {
$text = $text . $lines[ $tt ];
$lines = explode( '=***=', $text );
$count = count( $lines ) - 1;
return $count;
* Works out which is the most relevant portion to display.
* This is done by looping over each match and finding the smallest distance
* between two found strings. The idea being that the closer the terms are the
* better match the snippet would be. When checking for matches we only change
* the location if there is a better match. The only exception is where we have
* only two matches in which case we just take the first as will be equally
* distant.
* @author Ben Boyter
* @param array $locations Locations of the words.
* @param int $prevcount How much text to include before the location.
* @return int Starting position for the snippet.
function relevanssi_determine_snip_location( $locations, $prevcount ) {
if ( ! is_array( $locations ) || empty( $locations ) ) {
return 0;
// If we only have 1 match we dont actually do the for loop so set to the first.
$startpos = $locations[0];
$loc_count = count( $locations );
$smallestdiff = PHP_INT_MAX;
// If we only have 2 skip as its probably equally relevant.
if ( $loc_count > 2 ) {
// Skip the first as we check 1 behind.
for ( $i = 1; $i < $loc_count; $i++ ) {
if ( $i === $loc_count - 1 ) { // At the end.
$diff = $locations[ $i ] - $locations[ $i - 1 ];
} else {
$diff = $locations[ $i + 1 ] - $locations[ $i ];
if ( $smallestdiff > $diff ) {
$smallestdiff = $diff;
$startpos = $locations[ $i ];
if ( $startpos > $prevcount ) {
$startpos = $startpos - $prevcount;
} else {
$startpos = 0;
return $startpos;
* Extracts relevant part of the full text.
* Finds the part of full text with as many relevant words as possible. 1/6
* ratio on prevcount tends to work pretty well and puts the terms in the middle
* of the excerpt.
* Source: https://boyter.org/2013/04/building-a-search-result-extract-generator-in-php/
* @author Ben Boyter
* @param array $words An array of relevant words.
* @param string $fulltext The source text.
* @param int $excerpt_length The length of the excerpt, default 300
* characters.
* @param int $prevcount How much text include before the words, default
* 50 characters.
* @return array The excerpt, number of words in the excerpt, true if it's the
* start of the $fulltext.
function relevanssi_extract_relevant( $words, $fulltext, $excerpt_length = 300, $prevcount = 50 ) {
$text_length = relevanssi_strlen( $fulltext );
if ( $text_length <= $excerpt_length ) {
return array( $fulltext, 1, 0 );
$locations = relevanssi_extract_locations( $words, $fulltext );
$startpos = relevanssi_determine_snip_location( $locations, $prevcount );
// If we are going to snip too much...
if ( $text_length - $startpos < $excerpt_length ) {
$startpos -= ( $text_length - $startpos ) / 2;
$substr = 'substr';
if ( function_exists( 'mb_substr' ) ) {
$substr = 'mb_substr';
$excerpt = call_user_func( $substr, $fulltext, $startpos, $excerpt_length );
$start = false;
if ( 0 === $startpos ) {
$start = true;
$besthits = count( relevanssi_extract_locations( $words, $excerpt ) );
return array( $excerpt, $besthits, $start );
* Extracts relevant words of the full text.
* Finds the part of full text with as many relevant words as possible. If the
* excerpt length parameter is less than 1, the function will immediately
* return an empty excerpt in order to avoid an endless loop.
* @param array $terms An array of relevant words.
* @param string $content The source text.
* @param int $excerpt_length The length of the excerpt, default 30 words.
* @return array The excerpt, number of words in the excerpt, true if it's the
* start of the $fulltext.
function relevanssi_extract_relevant_words( $terms, $content, $excerpt_length = 30 ) {
if ( $excerpt_length < 1 ) {
return array( '', 0, false );
$words = array_filter( explode( ' ', $content ) );
$offset = 0;
$tries = 0;
$excerpt = '';
$count_words = count( $words );
$start = false;
$best_excerpt_term_hits = -1;
while ( $offset < $count_words ) {
if ( $offset + $excerpt_length > $count_words ) {
$offset = $count_words - $excerpt_length;
if ( $offset < 0 ) {
$offset = 0;
$excerpt_slice = array_slice( $words, $offset, $excerpt_length );
$excerpt_slice = ' ' . implode( ' ', $excerpt_slice );
$count_matches = relevanssi_count_matches( $terms, $excerpt_slice );
if ( $count_matches > 0 && $count_matches > $best_excerpt_term_hits ) {
$best_excerpt_term_hits = $count_matches;
$excerpt = $excerpt_slice;
if ( 0 === $offset ) {
$start = true;
} else {
$start = false;
* Enables the excerpt optimization.
* If your posts are very long, building excerpts can be really slow.
* To speed up the process, you can enable optimization, which means
* Relevanssi only creates 50 excerpt candidates.
* @param boolean Return true to enable optimization, default false.
if ( apply_filters( 'relevanssi_optimize_excerpts', false ) ) {
if ( $tries > 50 ) {
// An optimization trick: try only 50 times.
$offset += $excerpt_length;
if ( '' === $excerpt ) {
* Nothing found, take the beginning of the post. +2, because the first
* index is an empty space and the last index is the rest of the post.
$excerpt = explode( ' ', $content, $excerpt_length + 2 );
array_pop( $excerpt );
$excerpt = implode( ' ', $excerpt );
$start = true;
return array( $excerpt, $best_excerpt_term_hits, $start );
* Adds accented variations to letters.
* In order to have non-accented letters in search terms match the accented terms in
* full text, this function adds accent variations to the search terms.
* @param string $word The word to manipulate.
* @return string The word with accent variations.
function relevanssi_add_accent_variations( $word ) {
* Filters the accent replacement array.
* @param array Array of replacements. 'from' has the source characters, 'to' the replacements.
$replacement_arrays = apply_filters(
'from' => array( 'a', 'c', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'n' ),
'to' => array( '(a|á|à|â)', '(c|ç)', '(e|é|è|ê|ë)', '(i|í|ì|î|ï)', '(o|ó|ò|ô|õ)', '(u|ú|ù|ü|û)', '(n|ñ)' ),
'from_re' => array( "/(s)('|)?$/", "/[^\(\|]('|)/" ),
'to_re' => array( "(('|)?\\1|\\1('|)?)", "?('|)?" ),
$len = relevanssi_strlen( $word );
$word_array = array();
$escaped = false;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$char = relevanssi_substr( $word, $i, 1 );
if ( '\\' === $char && ! $escaped ) {
$escaped = true;
if ( $escaped ) {
$escaped = false;
$char = '\\' . $char;
$word_array[] = $char;
$word = implode( '-?', $word_array );
$word = str_ireplace( $replacement_arrays['from'], $replacement_arrays['to'], $word );
$word = preg_replace( $replacement_arrays['from_re'], $replacement_arrays['to_re'], $word );
return $word;
* Fetches the custom field content for a post.
* @param int $post_id The post ID.
* @return string The custom field content.
function relevanssi_get_custom_field_content( $post_id ) {
$custom_field_content = '';
$remove_underscore_fields = false;
$custom_fields = relevanssi_get_custom_fields();
if ( isset( $custom_fields ) && 'all' === $custom_fields ) {
$custom_fields = get_post_custom_keys( $post_id );
if ( isset( $custom_fields ) && 'visible' === $custom_fields ) {
$custom_fields = get_post_custom_keys( $post_id );
$remove_underscore_fields = true;
/* Documented in lib/indexing.php. */
$custom_fields = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_index_custom_fields', $custom_fields, $post_id );
if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_get_child_pdf_content' ) ) {
$custom_field_content .= ' ' . relevanssi_get_child_pdf_content( $post_id );
if ( is_array( $custom_fields ) ) {
$custom_fields = array_unique( $custom_fields ); // No reason to index duplicates.
if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_add_repeater_fields' ) ) {
relevanssi_add_repeater_fields( $custom_fields, $post_id );
foreach ( $custom_fields as $field ) {
if ( $remove_underscore_fields ) {
if ( '_' === substr( $field, 0, 1 ) ) {
/* Documented in lib/indexing.php. */
$values = apply_filters(
if ( empty( $values ) || ! is_array( $values ) ) {
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
// Quick hack : allow indexing of PODS relationship custom fields. @author TMV.
if ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $value['post_title'] ) ) {
$value = $value['post_title'];
// Flatten other array data.
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$value_as_string = '';
function( $val ) use ( &$value_as_string ) {
$value_as_string .= ' ' . $val;
$value = $value_as_string;
$custom_field_content .= ' ' . $value;
* Filters the custom field content for excerpt use.
* @param string $custom_field_content Custom field content for excerpts.
return apply_filters( 'relevanssi_excerpt_custom_field_content', $custom_field_content );
* Kills the autoembed filter hook on 'the_content'.
* @global array $wp_filter The global filter array.
* It's an object hook, so this isn't as simple as doing remove_filter(). This
* needs to be done, because autoembed discovery can take a very, very long
* time.
function relevanssi_kill_autoembed() {
global $wp_filter;
if ( isset( $wp_filter['the_content']->callbacks ) ) {
foreach ( $wp_filter['the_content']->callbacks as $priority => $bucket ) {
foreach ( array_keys( $bucket ) as $key ) {
if ( 'autoembed' === substr( $key, -9 ) ) {
unset( $wp_filter['the_content']->callbacks[ $priority ][ $key ] );