2020-05-22 01:40:23 +00:00

170 lines
5.4 KiB

require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class.json-api-site-base.php';
abstract class Abstract_Jetpack_Site extends SAL_Site {
abstract protected function get_constant( $name );
abstract protected function current_theme_supports( $feature_name );
abstract protected function get_theme_support( $feature_name );
abstract protected function get_mock_option( $name );
abstract public function get_jetpack_version();
abstract public function get_updates();
abstract protected function main_network_site();
abstract protected function wp_version();
abstract protected function max_upload_size();
abstract protected function is_main_network();
abstract protected function is_version_controlled();
abstract protected function file_system_write_access();
function before_render() {
protected function wp_memory_limit() {
return $this->get_constant( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT' );
protected function wp_max_memory_limit() {
return $this->get_constant( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT' );
function after_render( &$response ) {
// Add the updates only make them visible if the user has manage options permission and the site is the main site of the network
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && $this->is_main_site( $response ) ) {
$jetpack_update = $this->get_updates();
if ( ! empty( $jetpack_update ) ) {
// In previous version of Jetpack 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 we synced the wp_version into to jetpack_updates
unset( $jetpack_update['wp_version'] );
// In previous version of Jetpack 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 we synced the site_is_version_controlled into to jetpack_updates
unset( $jetpack_update['site_is_version_controlled'] );
$response['updates'] = $jetpack_update;
function after_render_options( &$options ) {
$options['jetpack_version'] = $this->get_jetpack_version();
if ( $main_network_site = $this->main_network_site() ) {
$options['main_network_site'] = (string) rtrim( $main_network_site, '/' );
if ( is_array( $active_modules = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'active_modules' ) ) ) {
$options['active_modules'] = (array) array_values( $active_modules );
$options['software_version'] = (string) $this->wp_version();
$options['max_upload_size'] = $this->max_upload_size();
$options['wp_memory_limit'] = $this->wp_memory_limit();
$options['wp_max_memory_limit'] = $this->wp_max_memory_limit();
// Sites have to prove that they are not main_network site.
// If the sync happends right then we should be able to see that we are not dealing with a network site
$options['is_multi_network'] = (bool) $this->is_main_network();
$options['is_multi_site'] = (bool) $this->is_multisite();
$file_mod_disabled_reasons = array_keys( array_filter( array(
'automatic_updater_disabled' => (bool) $this->get_constant( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED' ),
// WP AUTO UPDATE CORE defaults to minor, '1' if true and '0' if set to false.
'wp_auto_update_core_disabled' => ! ( (bool) $this->get_constant( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE' ) ),
'is_version_controlled' => (bool) $this->is_version_controlled(),
// By default we assume that site does have system write access if the value is not set yet.
'has_no_file_system_write_access' => ! (bool) $this->file_system_write_access(),
'disallow_file_mods' => (bool) $this->get_constant( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS' ),
) ) );
$options['file_mod_disabled'] = empty( $file_mod_disabled_reasons ) ? false : $file_mod_disabled_reasons;
function get_jetpack_modules() {
return array_values( Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'active_modules', array() ) );
function is_module_active( $module ) {
return in_array ( $module, Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'active_modules', array() ), true );
function is_vip() {
return false; // this may change for VIP Go sites, which sync using Jetpack
function featured_images_enabled() {
return $this->current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' );
function get_post_formats() {
// deprecated - see separate endpoint. get a list of supported post formats
$all_formats = get_post_format_strings();
$supported = $this->get_theme_support( 'post-formats' );
$supported_formats = array();
if ( isset( $supported[0] ) ) {
foreach ( $supported[0] as $format ) {
$supported_formats[ $format ] = $all_formats[ $format ];
return $supported_formats;
function get_icon() {
$icon_id = get_option( 'site_icon' );
if ( empty( $icon_id ) ) {
$icon_id = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'site_icon_id' );
if ( empty( $icon_id ) ) {
return null;
$icon = array_filter( array(
'img' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $icon_id, 'full' ),
'ico' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $icon_id, array( 16, 16 ) )
) );
if ( empty( $icon ) ) {
return null;
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts', $icon_id ) ) {
$icon['media_id'] = (int) $icon_id;
return $icon;
* Private methods
private function is_main_site( $response ) {
if ( isset( $response['options']->main_network_site, $response['options']->unmapped_url ) ) {
$main_network_site_url = set_url_scheme( $response['options']->main_network_site, 'http' );
$unmapped_url = set_url_scheme( $response['options']->unmapped_url, 'http' );
if ( $unmapped_url === $main_network_site_url ) {
return true;
return false;
// For Jetpack sites this will always return false
protected function is_a8c_publication( $post_id ) {
return false;