=== Simple Catch === Contributors: catchthemes Tags: one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, grid-layout, custom-menu, featured-images, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, e-commerce Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.3 Stable tag: 3.6.4 License: GNU General Public License v3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Simple Catch is a simple yet dynamic multipurpose WordPress theme specially designed to fit perfectly for any kind of website. == Description == Simple Catch is a Highly Customizable Simple, Clean and Responsive WordPress Theme for anyone looking to give their website a professional look. It's easy customization through WordPress theme customizer, ultra-readable typography, large thumbnail and featured slider makes it outstanding. It comes with a wide variety of options: like Custom Menu, Custom Widgets, Custom Layouts, Featured Post Slider, Header Logo, Footer Logo, Fav Icon, Header Image, Background Image, Social Icons, Color Schemes, Custom CSS Styles, Excerpt settings and scroll up. This theme is translation ready and also currently translated in Polish, Russian, Finnish, French, Dutch, Greek, Croatian, Chinese, Spanish, German, Italian, Danish, Czech, Hungarian and Brazilian Portuguese languages. Check out Theme Instructions at https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/simple-catch/, Support at https://catchthemes.com/support/ and Demo at https://catchthemes.com/demo/simplecatch/ For more information about Simple Catch Pro please go to https://catchthemes.com/themes/simple-catch/ == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button. 2. Type in Simple Catch in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. 3. Click on the 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away. 4. Go to https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/simple-catch/ for a guide on how to customize this theme. 5. Navigate to Appearance -> Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this theme support any plugins? = Theme supports all plugins from catchplugins.com and WooCommerce Plugin. = Where can I find theme documentation? = You can check our Theme Instructions at https://catchthemes.com/themes/simple-catch in the Theme Instructions Tab. = Where can I find theme demo? = You can check our Theme Demo at https://catchthemes.com/demo/simple-catch/ == UPGRADE to Simple Catch Pro == Simple Catch Pro is an advance version of our popular theme Simple Catch. It is based on HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive Web Design to view in various devices. Some of the additional features includes: Featured Image Slider, Responsive Design, Additional Layout Options, Custom Footer Editor, and Adspace Widget for Advertisement. For more details of Simple Catch Pro theme see this https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/simple-catch-pro/ == Translation == Simple Catch theme is translation ready. Added Translation for Polish by Piotrek Jas (fansitejustgames@gmail.com) Added Translation for Russian by Alexey Kurpachev (kurpachev@gmail.com) Added Translation for Finnish by Juha Louhiranta (charni@gmail.com) Added Translation for French by Wolforg (contact@wolforg.eu) and Athéna G (webmaster@athena.georgakelos.net) Added Translation for Dutch by Thomas Gerard (beldin2000@gmail.com) and Alain J. Baudrez (a.baudrez@gmail.com) Added Translation for Greek by Dimitris Antonakis (dimantonak@gmail.com) Added Translation for Croatian by Sanjin Barac (rapid24income@gmail.com) Added Translation for Chinese by yiranboke (yiranboke@hotmail.com) Added Translation for Spanish by Jorge Lorente (chaguanco@ofdp.com) Added Translation for German by Manuel Salmann (manuel.salmann@gmail.com) Added Translation for Italian by Lorenzo Bossi (lorenzobossi83@gmail.com) Added Translation for Danish by Marianne (marianne@gindrup.dk) Added Translation for Czech by Marek Pridal (Email: m.pridal29@gmail.com) Added translation for Hungarian by Szentpétery István (Email: szempy@gmail.com) Added Translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Giovanna Chinellato (Email: giovanna@chinellato.com.br) = More FAQ = For more FAQs, visit https://catchthemes.com/frequently-asked-questions/ == Change Log == = 3.6.4 (Released: February 04, 2020) = * Bug Fixed: Keyboard navigation accessibility issue * Bug Fixed: Typo issue = 3.6.3 (Released: June 03, 2019) = * Added: Support for wp_body_open action * Added: Option to disable featured slider = 3.6.2 (Released: July 12, 2018) = * Added: Core Privacy Policy link support in footer * Updated: Metabox UI * Updated: Readme file as per new requirement * Updated: Upgrade to pro button css update = 3.6.1 (Released: July 30, 2018) = * Bug Fixed: Design issue with Catch Infinite Scroll plugin * Code Optimization * Removed: changelog.txt file and added changelog in readme.txt file = 3.6 (Released: June 08, 2017) = * Internationalized date() to date_i18n() * Compatible with WordPress 4.8 = 3.5.7 = * Bug Fixed: Blog page showing full content instead of default excerpt (Reported by Maile Vanderford) = 3.5.6 = * Bug Fixed: Undefined variable: blog_query in Blog template = 3.5.5 = * Bug Fixed: Primary div closing issue in singular, search pages = 3.5.4 = * Bug Fixed: Main div closing issue in singular, search, image and 404 pages = 3.5.3 = * Bug Fixed: Slider Image not linking to post (Reported By: john.latham) * Code Optimization = 3.5.2 = * Bug Fixed: Homepage/Frontpage categories update option causing blog to show no posts = 3.5.1 = * Featured slider needs to show only in homepage (Reported by Marlo) = 3.5 (Major Version Update) = * Added: Responsive design and disable option * Bug Fixed: more_tag_text sanitize issue * Enhanced: Keyboard Navigation * Enhanced: Heading tags * Enhanced: ARIA Landmark Roles * Optimized: Code * Removed: Unnecessary codes * Removed: Theme Options Panel * Upgraded: HTML4 and CSS2 to HTML5 and CSS3 = 3.4.1 = * Bug Fixed: Fatal error when WPML, qtranslate, polylang, etc plugins installed (Reported By: agu5ka) = 3.4 = * Bug Fixed: Reset Options in customizer updated * Updated: Upgrade Button in customizer with respect to trt decision * Updated: Custom CSS to Additional CSS( Core Support ) for WP version 4.7 * Code Optimization = 3.3.1 = * Bug Fixed: white space issue * Bug Fixed: ID column display issue in mobile devices * Updated: Instagram and YouTube logo * Updated: All instances of http://catchthemes.com changed to https://catchthemes.com * Updated: Theme tags = 3.3 = * Updated: Media Uploader in Theme Options * Updated: Favicon and Web Clip Migration to Site Icon( Core Support ) * Updated: Logo to Custom Logo( Core Support ) for WP version 4.5 = 3.2 = * Bug Fixed: Google font now loads in all protocols(previously nor loading properly in https protocol) * Enhanced: Google font delivery = 3.1 = * Added Text Domain in style.css * Added Button that links to Customizer-> Header Image in Theme Options * Bug Fixed: Some Select types not updating in Customizer * Bug Fixed: Excerpt More Tag sanitization issue * Bug Fixed: Header meta charset issue * Compatibility fix: Customizer Reset option not working when returning any value in WordPress 4.4 * Updated: German translation * Updated: Removed @import 978 grid from style.css and added it as dependency for main stylesheet = 3.0 = * Added all theme options to customizer = 2.9 = * Added title tag via add theme support * Compatible with WordPress 4.3 * Removed support for WordPress version less than 4.1 * Updated codes to comply with deprecating PHP4 style constructors in WordPress 4.3 * Updated text-domain = 2.8 = * Added Brazilian Portuguese translation pt_BR.po and pt_BR.mo files * Bug Fixed: Comment background and font line height issue * Added changelog.txt file which list the theme change log = 2.7.4 = * Added email in social link option * Optimized Theme Options panel to speed up = 2.7.3 = * Added Hungarian translation hu_HU.po and hu_HU.mo = 2.7.2 = * Added Czech translation cs_CZ.po and cs_CZ.mo = 2.7.1 = * Fixed menu css isssue * Minified admin scripts * Remove outdated simplecatch_backward_compatibility(), simplecatch_template_backward_compatibility(), simplecatch_sidebar_layout_backward_compatibility() and simplecatch_reset_template_cache functions = 2.7 = * Added missing function_exists condition to support child theme * Added Custom Header option * Updated theme Tag Filter in style.css * Updated theme screenshot file to match with WordPress 3.8 * Updated slider script * Updated jQuery Cookie Script added minified version * Removed depreciated functions add_custom_background() * Removed Redirect to Theme Options Page on Activation as per new theme review guideline * Replaced the logo with Generic Logo as per the review guideline = 2.6.7 = * Added span for slider title, separator and content to give better control through CSS = 2.6.6 = * Added brown color scheme * Fixed dark color scheme = 2.6.5 = * Added dark color scheme * Fixed custom css issues with color options * Moved style.css enqueue to wp_enqueue_scripts * Merged Content Background and Content Color Options to Color Options = 2.6.4 = * Added Simple Catch: Advertisement widget to add google ads and custom image ads * Added support for Widgets id and class for custom css support = 2.6.3 = * Added Soundcloud social icon * Fixed Skype Link Data Validation as per https://dev.skype.com/skype-uri = 2.6.2 = * Fixed Fav Icon image = 2.6.1 = * Added Skype Social Icon * Fixed admin.js to support WordPress 3.6 jQuery UI version update * Updated Dutch translation nl_NL.po and nl_NL.mo = 2.6 = * Added Danish translation da_DK.po and da_DK.mo = 2.5.2 = * Added GitHub, Vkontakte, My World, Odnoklassniki and Goodreads Social Icons = 2.5.1 = * Added Jetpack Infinite Scroll support * Added option to disable logo * Added option to disable fav icon * Change default logo to WordPress Logo as required by WordPress.org Theme Review Guideline * Change default fav icon as disabled as required by WordPress.org Theme Review Guideline * Fixed the layout issue when scrolling * Removed site verification code as required by WordPress.org Theme Review Guideline = 2.5 = * Added Italian translation it_IT.po and it_IT.mo = 2.4.3 = * Fixed the Slider = 2.4.2 = * Moved function simplecatch_pass_slider_value() from header.php to simplecatch_functions.php under function simplecatch_sliderbreadcrumb() * Fixed the slider homepage condition while setting static Posts Page * Fixed Front page posts categories setting = 2.4.1 = * Added page template blog = 2.4 = * Added css of bold to html code * Added layout 'No Sidebar, Full Width' = 2.3.4 = * Added Web Clip Icon Option = 2.3.3 = * Moved comment-reply script to wp_enqueue_scripts * Added Post ID shown in the All Posts Table in admin section * Added !function_exists() condition to support child theme easy editing * Fixed the css for wp-caption img = 2.3.2 = * Removed simplecatch_sort_query_by_post_in function as post orderby is already implement in WordPress = 3.5 by default * Added German translation de_DE.po and de_DE.mo = 2.3.1 = * Fixed the grammatical in Social Icons title tags * Fixed Search Form Title not changing as per Theme Options = 2.3 = * Added Spanish translation es_ES.po and es_ES.mo = 2.2.1 = * Added Instagram Social Icon = 2.2 = * Added Chinese translation zh_CN.po and zh_CN.mo = 2.1 = * Added Croatian translation hr_HR.po and hr_HR.mo = = * Minor CSS edits for Header Logo, Site Details and background * Added Support Forum URL in Theme Description = 2.0.1 = * Added Simple Catch Social Icons Widget * Fixed Simple Catch Tag Clouds Widget = 2.0 = * Added Greek translation el.po and el.mo * Language File Update for Polish * Added Save Button on Social Links Option Panel * Logo Upload Issue in Option Panel = = * Replace footer logo with generic WP logo as per the WPRT instruction * Fixed the condition of header logo = 1.9.1 = * Redesign whole Theme Options panel * Made Header Logo and Favicon disable by default. * Added action to redirect to Theme Options upon activation = 1.9 = * Added Logo and site title separator = 1.8 = * Added Dutch translation nl_NL.po and nl_NL.mo = 1.7 = * Added French translation fr_FR.po and fr_FR.mo = 1.6.2 = * Fixed the comment validation issue. = 1.6.1 = * Updated screenshot to match with WordPress 3.5 version update * Added comment form fields alteration function to match with WordPress 3.5 version update = 1.6 = * Added Finnish translation fi.po and fi.mo * Added missing text translation ready * Updated simplecatch.pot, pl_PL.po and ru_RU.po * Fixed conflict with Custom CSS and Content Color Options CSS = 1.5.1 = * Added missing text translation ready * Updated simplecatch.pot, pl_PL.po and ru_RU.po = 1.5 = * Added Russian translation ru_RU.po and ru_RU.mo * Added Word Wrap for commentlist in style.css = = * Fixed CSS Pagination with WP-PageNavi and WP Page Numbers Plugins * Fixed CSS for default textarea = 1.4.9 = * Improving Theme Options data validation = 1.4.8 = * Fixed simplecatch.pot file for comment form labels = 1.4 = * Added Feed Redirect Option in Theme Options * Added more FAQ * Change the Settings in Theme Options = 1.4.7 = * Fixed menu highlight for current menu * Added Polish translation pl_PL.po and pl_PL.mo = 1.4.6 = * Fixed the typo for All Rights Reserved = 1.4.5 = * Fixed Theme Option issue with Facebook and Twitter Like = 1.4.4 = * Update the Add Image Script * Fixed layout issue with the attachments = 1.4.3 = * Fixed textdomain in Info Bar * Fixed float issue of Static home page. * Fixed footer code * Fixed site title though changes in wp_title and simplecatch_filter_wp_title function = 1.4.2 = * Changed Theme URI to match with the new theme site * Change the license to GPL 2 * Added Info bar in Theme Option Panel * Fixed Slider Initialization = 1.4.1 = * Fixing Color Options = 1.3.6 = * Added Content Color Option * Added Custom Background = = * Fixed pagination float issue * Added pagination in page * Added Support for Captcha Plugin * Replaced get_stylesheet_directory_uri to get_template_directory_uri = = * Fixed css for Title * Fixed css for input fields in sidebar * Fixing textdomain in theme option * Replace wp_print_styles to wp_enqueue_scripts = = * Updated FAQ in Theme Options * Fixed Theme Option Data Validation for html special character → in continue reading. This fixed the problem in the server where Theme Option was not being saved. * Fixed Slider loading issue and display overlap * Added un-minified version of JS as per GPL * Updated simplecatch.pot file = = * Adding back missing tanslation ready file in function = 1.3.5 = * Changed theme options user interface design. * Added Toggle effect on Theme Options. Added admin_js file for the toggle effect. * Larger size js file(jquery.cycle.all.min.js) are minified. = 1.3.4 = * Initialized all theme options variables and created simplecatch_themeoptions_defaults.php file. * Fixed add_image_scripts.js * Stored all theme options variables in a global variable and used it instead of get_option. * Change stylesheet URL to get_stylesheet_uri() * Added simplecatch.pot file to make theme translation ready = 1.3.3 = * Added Excerpt Length option to alter the excerpt length in Layout Settings. * Fixed content.php file. * Used get_option( 'date_format' ) rather than hardcoding format. * Made Post author link prefix translation ready. * Changing the key name for post custom metadata i.e. 'Sidebar-layout' keyname changed to 'simplecatch-sidebarlayout'. = 1.3.2 = * Added sidebar layout option metabox in post and page * Added default sidebar layout option in Theme options. * Fixed the issue of Dual title in feed * Fixed the site verification, site title, Description caching issue * Fixed the css issue for search title = = * Fixed Link for logo and site title in simplecatch_headerdetails() function = = * Fixed logo condition in simplecatch_headerdetails() function = 1.3.1 = * Added option to show posts from only selected category in homepage. * Added option to disable site title and site description = 1.3.0 = * Added Theme Option array Backward Compatibility for SimpleCatch version 1.2.7 and below = 1.2.9 = * Cleaned simplecatch_functions.php file. * Removed the inline script from searchform.php * Theme options are saved in single option array from multiple options array * Unwanted wp_query removed and instead used pre_get_posts hook to alter main loop in homepage = 1.2.8 = * Added option in Featured Slider to Exclude Slider Posts from Homepage. * Cleaned simplecatch_functions.php file. * Cleaned searchform.php file. * Fixed Layout settings of theme option. = 1.2.7 = * Cleaned and arranging simpecatch_functions.php * Cleaned and fixing searchform.php * Cleaned Header.php file * Fixed slider to make compatible with ie7 and ie8 * Fixed css to make compatible with ie8 * Fixed image.php file * ul,next and previous bullet changed from jpg image format to png image format = 1.2.6 = * Fixed CSS for Dropdown menu height to accept longer titles * Added Layout Options under Theme Options * Added more slider options under Slider Options = 1.2.5 = * Cleaned and Fixed the theme_options.php * Cleaned and Fixed the Simplecatch_functins.php * Added Social Icons for Delicious and Last.fm = 1.2.4 = * Fixed the action hook for simplecatch_haedercode to simplecatch_footercode = 1.2.3 = * Fixed css for alignment and footer clear * Fixed the layout and css for error404 page * Change the Heading from H1 to h2 class entry title * Remove title modification from header.php and added function simplecatch_filter_wp_title() to filter the wp_title * Added Enqueue Comment Reply Script in function simplecatch_enqueue_comment_reply_script and removed it from header * Added Social Icons for Linkedin, Slideshare, Foursquare, Vimeo, Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt, Dribbble, MySpace and WordPress * Added Custom CSS Styles option in Theme Options * Added Webmaster Tools and verification of Google, Yahoo and Bing = 1.2.2 = * Fixed css for Pinterest = 1.2.1 = * Fixed the Slider Image Link * Modified the Continue Reading Link * Added Social Icons for Pinterest and Google+ * Added CSS to Support WP-PageNavi and Contact Form 7 Plugins == Copyright == Simple Catch WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012-2019 Catchthemes.com Simple Catch is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 == Resources == * Based on Underscores http://underscores.me/, (C) 2012-2018 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * Unless otherwise specified, all Images are self shot by Catch Themes Copyright: Catch Themes, catchthemes.com * Scripts used in the site are as below: HTML5-Shiv is Licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses https://github.com/afarkas/html5shiv jQuery Cycle is Licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/ fitvids is Licensed under the WTFPL license http://fitvidsjs.com/ jQuery Cookie script is Licensed under the MIT license https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie