/* Theme Name: Responsive Theme URI: http://themeid.com/responsive-theme/ Description: Adding support for language written in a Right To Left (RTL) direction. Version: 0.7 Author: Hesaam Farhang and Ulrich Pogson Author URI: http://cyberchimps.com/guide/why-should-i-translate-responsive/ Copyright (C) 2014 CyberChimps License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3) License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html NOTE: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, IF YOU DO IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY THE NEXT UPDATE. CREATE CHILD THEME INSTEAD. See: http://codex.wordpress.org/Right_to_Left_Language_Support http://cyberchimps.com/guide/why-should-i-translate-responsive/ CSS Rules: Sorted alphabetically for better organization. */ /* =Base -------------------------------------------------------------- */ div.wpforms-container-full .wpforms-form select, select { background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, gray 50%), linear-gradient(-135deg, gray 50%, transparent 50%); background-position: calc(100% - (100% - 20px)) calc(50% + 2px), calc(100% - (100% - 15px)) calc(50% + 2px), calc(100% - (100% - .5em)) 0.5em; }