forms = array( 'login_form' => __( 'login form', 'math-captcha' ), 'registration_form' => __( 'registration form', 'math-captcha' ), 'reset_password_form' => __( 'reset password form', 'math-captcha' ), 'comment_form' => __( 'comment form', 'math-captcha' ), 'bbpress' => __( 'bbpress', 'math-captcha' ), 'contact_form_7' => __( 'contact form 7', 'math-captcha' ) ); $this->mathematical_operations = array( 'addition' => __( 'addition (+)', 'math-captcha' ), 'subtraction' => __( 'subtraction (-)', 'math-captcha' ), 'multiplication' => __( 'multiplication (×)', 'math-captcha' ), 'division' => __( 'division (÷)', 'math-captcha' ) ); $this->groups = array( 'numbers' => __( 'numbers', 'math-captcha' ), 'words' => __( 'words', 'math-captcha' ) ); } /** * Add options menu. */ public function admin_menu_options() { add_options_page( __( 'Math Captcha', 'math-captcha' ), __( 'Math Captcha', 'math-captcha' ), 'manage_options', 'math-captcha', array( $this, 'options_page' ) ); } /** * Render options page. * * @return mixed */ public function options_page() { echo '

' . __( 'Math Captcha', 'math-captcha' ) . '

' . __( 'Math Captcha', 'math-captcha' ) . ' ' . Math_Captcha()->defaults['version'] . '

' . __( 'Need support?', 'math-captcha' ) . '

' . __( 'If you are having problems with this plugin, please talk about them in the', 'math-captcha' ) . ' ' . __( 'Support forum', 'math-captcha' ) . '

' . __( 'Do you like this plugin?', 'math-captcha' ) . '

' . __( 'Rate it 5', 'math-captcha' ) . ' ' . __( 'on', 'math-captcha' ) . '
' . __( 'Blog about it & link to the', 'math-captcha' ) . ' ' . __( 'plugin page', 'math-captcha' ) . '
' . __( 'Check out our other', 'math-captcha' ) . ' ' . __( 'WordPress plugins', 'math-captcha' ) . '

'; wp_nonce_field( 'update-options' ); settings_fields( 'math_captcha_options' ); do_settings_sections( 'math_captcha_options' ); echo '

'; submit_button( '', 'primary', 'save_mc_general', false ); echo ' '; submit_button( __( 'Reset to defaults', 'math-captcha' ), 'secondary reset_mc_settings', 'reset_mc_general', false ); echo '

'; } /** * Register settings. */ public function register_settings() { // general settings register_setting( 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_options', array( $this, 'validate_settings' ) ); add_settings_section( 'math_captcha_settings', __( 'Math Captcha settings', 'math-captcha' ), '', 'math_captcha_options' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_enable_captcha_for', __( 'Enable Math Captcha for', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_enable_captcha_for' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_hide_for_logged_users', __( 'Hide for logged in users', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_hide_for_logged_users' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_mathematical_operations', __( 'Mathematical operations', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_mathematical_operations' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_groups', __( 'Display captcha as', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_groups' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_title', __( 'Captcha field title', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_title' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_time', __( 'Captcha time', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_time' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_block_direct_comments', __( 'Block Direct Comments', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_block_direct_comments' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); add_settings_field( 'mc_general_deactivation_delete', __( 'Deactivation', 'math-captcha' ), array( $this, 'mc_general_deactivation_delete' ), 'math_captcha_options', 'math_captcha_settings' ); } public function mc_general_enable_captcha_for() { echo '
'; foreach ( $this->forms as $val => $trans ) { echo ' options['general']['enable_for'][$val], false ) . ' ' . disabled( (($val === 'contact_form_7' && ! class_exists( 'WPCF7_ContactForm' )) || ($val === 'bbpress' && ! class_exists( 'bbPress' )) ), true, false ) . '/>'; } echo '
' . __( 'Select where you\'d like to use Math Captcha.', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } public function mc_general_hide_for_logged_users() { echo '
options['general']['hide_for_logged_users'], false ) . '/>
' . __( 'Would you like to hide captcha for logged in users?', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } public function mc_general_mathematical_operations() { echo '
'; foreach ( $this->mathematical_operations as $val => $trans ) { echo ' options['general']['mathematical_operations'][$val], false ) . '/>'; } echo '
' . __( 'Select which mathematical operations to use in your captcha.', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } public function mc_general_groups() { echo '
'; foreach ( $this->groups as $val => $trans ) { echo ' options['general']['groups'][$val], false ) . '/>'; } echo '
' . __( 'Select how you\'d like to display you captcha.', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } public function mc_general_title() { echo '

' . __( 'How to entitle field with captcha?', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } public function mc_general_time() { echo '

' . __( 'Enter the time (in seconds) a user has to enter captcha value.', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } public function mc_general_block_direct_comments() { echo '
options['general']['block_direct_comments'], false ) . '/>
' . __( 'Enable this to prevent spambots from posting to Wordpress via a URL.', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } public function mc_general_deactivation_delete() { echo '
options['general']['deactivation_delete'], false ) . '/>
' . __( 'Delete settings on plugin deactivation', 'math-captcha' ) . '
'; } /** * Validate settings. * * @param array $input * @return array */ public function validate_settings( $input ) { if ( isset( $_POST['save_mc_general'] ) ) { // enable captcha forms $enable_for = array(); if ( empty( $input['enable_for'] ) ) { foreach ( Math_Captcha()->defaults['general']['enable_for'] as $enable => $bool ) { $input['enable_for'][$enable] = false; } } else { foreach ( $this->forms as $enable => $trans ) { $enable_for[$enable] = (in_array( $enable, $input['enable_for'] ) ? true : false); } $input['enable_for'] = $enable_for; } if ( ! class_exists( 'WPCF7_ContactForm' ) && Math_Captcha()->options['general']['enable_for']['contact_form_7'] ) $input['enable_for']['contact_form_7'] = true; if ( ! class_exists( 'bbPress' ) && Math_Captcha()->options['general']['enable_for']['bbpress'] ) $input['enable_for']['bbpress'] = true; // enable mathematical operations $mathematical_operations = array(); if ( empty( $input['mathematical_operations'] ) ) { add_settings_error( 'empty-operations', 'settings_updated', __( 'You need to check at least one mathematical operation. Defaults settings of this option restored.', 'math-captcha' ), 'error' ); $input['mathematical_operations'] = Math_Captcha()->defaults['general']['mathematical_operations']; } else { foreach ( $this->mathematical_operations as $operation => $trans ) { $mathematical_operations[$operation] = (in_array( $operation, $input['mathematical_operations'] ) ? true : false); } $input['mathematical_operations'] = $mathematical_operations; } // enable groups $groups = array(); if ( empty( $input['groups'] ) ) { add_settings_error( 'empty-groups', 'settings_updated', __( 'You need to check at least one group. Defaults settings of this option restored.', 'math-captcha' ), 'error' ); $input['groups'] = Math_Captcha()->defaults['general']['groups']; } else { foreach ( $this->groups as $group => $trans ) { $groups[$group] = (in_array( $group, $input['groups'] ) ? true : false); } $input['groups'] = $groups; } // hide for logged in users $input['hide_for_logged_users'] = isset( $input['hide_for_logged_users'] ); // block direct comments access $input['block_direct_comments'] = isset( $input['block_direct_comments'] ); // deactivation delete $input['deactivation_delete'] = isset( $input['deactivation_delete'] ); // captcha title $input['title'] = trim( $input['title'] ); // captcha time $time = (int) $input['time']; $input['time'] = ($time < 0 ? Math_Captcha()->defaults['general']['time'] : $time); // flush rules $input['flush_rules'] = true; } elseif ( isset( $_POST['reset_mc_general'] ) ) { $input = Math_Captcha()->defaults['general']; add_settings_error( 'settings', 'settings_reset', __( 'Settings restored to defaults.', 'math-captcha' ), 'updated' ); } return $input; } }