array( $ip_id => $ip ) ) ); if ( ! $lab_data || empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]['reputation'] ) ) { $reputation = LAB_IP_OK; $ip_data = array(); $ip_data['reputation']['value'] = $reputation; $ip_data['reputation']['ttl'] = 600; } else { $reputation = absint( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]['reputation']['value'] ); $ip_data = $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]; } lab_reputation_update($ip , $ip_data); if ( ! empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]['network']['geo'] ) ) { lab_geo_update($ip, $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]); } return $reputation; } function lab_reputation_update( $ip, $ip_data ) { if ( empty( $ip_data['reputation'] ) ) { return; } if ( ! $ip = filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return; } $reputation = absint( $ip_data['reputation']['value'] ); $expires = time() + absint( $ip_data['reputation']['ttl'] ); if ( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"' ) ) { cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' SET reputation = ' . $reputation . ', expires = ' . $expires . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"' ); } else { cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' (ip, reputation, expires) VALUES ("' . $ip . '",' . $reputation . ',' . $expires . ')' ); } } /** * Send request to a Cerber Lab node. * * @param array $workload Workload * @param string|int Return this element from the payload if it exists * * @return array|bool */ function lab_api_send_request( $workload = array(), $payload_key = null ) { global $node_delay; $push = lab_get_push(); if ( ! $workload && ! $push ) { return false; } $key = lab_get_key(); if ( $workload && empty( $key[2] ) && ! $push ) { return false; } $request = array( 'key' => $key, 'workload' => $workload, 'push' => $push, 'lang' => crb_get_bloginfo( 'language' ), 'multi' => is_multisite(), 'version' => CERBER_VER, 'PHP' => PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION, 'sapi' => PHP_SAPI, 'time' => time(), ); $ret = lab_send_request( $request ); // If something goes wrong, take the next closest node if ( ! $ret ) { $ret = lab_send_request( $request ); } elseif ( ( $node_delay * 1000 ) > LAB_DELAY_MAX ) { lab_check_nodes(); // Recheck nodes for further requests } if ( $ret ) { lab_trunc_push(); } if ( $payload_key ) { return crb_array_get( $ret, array( 'response', 'payload', $payload_key ) ); } return $ret; } /** * Send an HTTP request to a node. * * @param $request array * @param null $node_id Node ID if not set, will use the last closest and active node * @param string $scheme http|https * * @return array|bool The response of a node on the success request otherwise false on any error */ function lab_send_request($request, $node_id = null, $scheme = null) { global $node_delay; $node = lab_get_node($node_id); if ( ! $scheme ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'cerberproto' ) ) { $scheme = 'https'; } else { $scheme = 'http'; } } elseif ($scheme != 'http' || $scheme != 'https') { $scheme = 'https'; } $body = array(); $body['container'] = $request; $body['nodes'] = lab_get_nodes(); $request_body = json_encode($body); if (JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error()) { //'Unable to encode request: '.json_last_error_msg(), array(__FUNCTION__,__LINE__)); return false; } $headers = array( 'Host:'.$node[2], 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json', 'Cerber: '.CERBER_VER, /* 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $fields['key']*/ ); $curl = @curl_init(); // @since 4.32 if ( ! $curl ) { return false; } curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $scheme . '://' . $node[2] . '/engine/v1/', CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $request_body, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Cerber Security Plugin ' . CERBER_VER, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 2, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 4, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 4 * 3600, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_CAINFO => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt', ) ); $start = microtime( true ); $data = @curl_exec( $curl ); $stop = microtime( true ); $node_delay = $stop - $start; if ( $data ) { $response = lab_parse_response( $data ); } else { $response['status'] = 0; $code = intval( curl_getinfo( $curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ) ); $response['error'] = 'No connection (' . $code . ')'; //if (!$data) // curl_error($curl) . curl_errno($curl) ); } curl_close( $curl ); //$response = lab_parse_response( $data ); lab_update_node_last( $node[0], array( $node_delay, $response['status'], $response['error'], time(), $scheme, $node[1] ) ); if ( $response['error'] ) { return false; } return $response; } /** * Parse node response and detect possible errors * * @param $response * * @return array|mixed|object */ function lab_parse_response( $response ) { $ret = array( 'status' => 1, 'error' => false ); if ( ! empty( $response ) ) { $ret = json_decode( $response, true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { $ret['status'] = 0; $ret['error'] = 'JSON ERROR: ' . json_last_error_msg(); } // Is everything is OK? if ( empty( $ret['key'] ) || ! empty( $ret['error'] ) ) { $ret['status'] = 0; // Not OK } } else { $ret['status'] = 0; $ret['error'] = 'No node answer'; } if ( ! isset( $ret['error'] ) ) { $ret['error'] = false; } return $ret; } /** * Return "the best" (closest) node if $node_id is not specified * * @param $node_id integer node ID * @return array first element is ID of closest node, second is an IP address */ function lab_get_node($node_id = null){ $node_id = absint($node_id); if ($node_id) $best_id = $node_id; else $best_id = null; $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if (!$best_id) { if ( $nodes && ! empty( $nodes['best'] ) ) { $best_id = $nodes['best']; if ( ! $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ]['last'][1] ) { // this node was not active at the last request unset( $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ] ); $best_id = lab_best_node( $nodes['nodes'] ); } } } if (!$best_id || $best_id > LAB_NODE_MAX) $best_id = rand(1, LAB_NODE_MAX); $name = 'node' . $best_id . ''; $host = null; if ( ! empty( $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ]['last'] ) ) { $node = $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ]['last']; if ( $node[5] && ( time() - $node[3] ) < LAB_DNS_TTL ) { $host = $node[5]; } } if ( ! $host ) { $host = @gethostbyname( $name ); } return array($best_id, $host, $name); } /** * Check all nodes and find the closest and active one. * * @param bool $force If true performs checking nodes without checking allowed interval LAB_RECHECK * @param bool $kick_dns If true preload DNS cache to eliminate DNS resolving delay * * @return bool|int */ function lab_check_nodes( $force = false, $kick_dns = false ) { $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if ( ! $force && isset( $nodes['last_check'] ) && ( time() - $nodes['last_check'] ) < LAB_RECHECK ) { return false; } $nodes['nodes'] = array(); // clean up before testing //update_site_option( '_cerberlab_', $nodes ); cerber_update_set( '_cerberlab_', $nodes ); for ( $i = 1; $i <= LAB_NODE_MAX; $i ++ ) { if ( $kick_dns ) { @gethostbyname( 'node' . $i . '' ); } lab_send_request( array( 'test' => 'test', 'key' => 1 ), $i ); } $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); $nodes['best'] = lab_best_node( $nodes['nodes'] ); $nodes['last_check'] = time(); //update_site_option( '_cerberlab_', $nodes ); cerber_update_set( '_cerberlab_', $nodes ); return $nodes['best']; } /** * Find the best (closest) and active node in the list of nodes * * @param array $nodes * * @return int */ function lab_best_node( $nodes = array() ) { $active_nodes = array(); foreach ( $nodes as $id => $data ) { if ( $data['last']['1'] ) { // only active nodes must be in the list $active_nodes[ $id ] = $data['last']['0']; } } if ( $active_nodes ) { asort( $active_nodes ); reset( $active_nodes ); $best_id = key( $active_nodes ); } else { $best_id = 0; // no active nodes found :-( } return $best_id; } /** * Update node status * * @param $node_id * @param array $last * * @return bool */ function lab_update_node_last($node_id, $last = array()) { $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); $nodes['nodes'][$node_id]['last'] = $last; return cerber_update_set('_cerberlab_', $nodes); } function lab_get_nodes() { $nodes = cerber_get_set( '_cerberlab_' ); if ( ! $nodes || ! is_array( $nodes ) ) { $nodes = array(); } return $nodes; } /** * Small diagnostic report about nodes for admin * * @return string Report to show in Dashboard */ function lab_status() { $ret = ''; if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) && ! lab_lab() ) { $ret .= '

Cerber Lab connection is disabled

'; } $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if ( empty( $nodes['nodes'] ) ) { return $ret . '

No information. No request has been made yet.

'; } $tb = array(); foreach ( $nodes['nodes'] as $id => $node ) { $delay = round( 1000 * $node['last'][0] ) . ' ms'; $ago = cerber_ago_time( $node['last'][3] ); $status = $node['last'][1]; if ( $status ) { $status = '' . $status . ''; } else { $status = 'Down'; $delay = 'Unknown'; } if ( $country = lab_get_country( $node['last'][5], false ) ) { $country = cerber_country_name( $country ); } else { $country = ''; } $tb[] = array( $id, $delay, $status, $node['last'][2], $node['last'][5], $country, $ago, $node['last'][4], ); } $ret .= cerber_make_plain_table( $tb, array( 'Node', 'Processing time', 'Operational status', 'Info', 'IP address', 'Location', 'Last request', 'Protocol' ), false, true ); if ( ! empty( $nodes['best'] ) ) { $ret .= '

Closest (fastest) node: ' . $nodes['best'] . '

'; } if ( ! empty( $nodes['last_check'] ) ) { $ret .= '

Last check for all nodes: ' . cerber_ago_time( $nodes['last_check'] ) . '

'; } $key = lab_get_key(); $ret .= '

Site ID: ' . $key[0] . '

'; return $ret; } /** * Check if the Cerber Cloud alive * * @return bool|int The number of active nodes, false otherwise */ function lab_is_cloud_ok(){ $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if ( ! $nodes ) { return false; } $n = 0; foreach ( $nodes['nodes'] as $id => $node ) { if ($node['last'][1]){ $n++; } } if ($n > 0){ return $n; } return false; } /** * Save data for lab * * @param $ip string IP address * @param $reason_id integer Why IP is malicious * @param $details */ function lab_save_push( $ip, $reason_id, $details = null ) { global $cerber_status; $ip = filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); if ( ! $ip || is_ip_private( $ip ) || crb_acl_is_white( $ip ) || ! ( crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) || lab_lab() ) ) { return; } $reason_id = absint( $reason_id ); if ( $reason_id == 8 || $reason_id == 9 ) { $details = array( 'uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); } elseif ( $reason_id == 100 ) { $details = absint( $cerber_status ); } if ( is_array( $details ) ) { $details = serialize( $details ); } $details = cerber_real_escape( $details ); cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE . ' (ip, reason_id, details, stamp) VALUES ("' . $ip . '",' . $reason_id . ',"' . $details . '",' . time() . ')' ); } /** * Get data for lab * * @return array|bool */ function lab_get_push() { //$result = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE, ARRAY_A ); $result = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE, MYSQLI_ASSOC ); if ( $result ) { return array( 'type_1' => $result ); } return false; } function lab_trunc_push(){ cerber_db_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE ); // TRUNCATE might not work on a weird hosting } function cerber_push_lab() { if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) ) { return; } if ( cerber_get_set( '_cerberpush_', null, false ) ) { return; } lab_api_send_request(); cerber_update_set( '_cerberpush_', 1, null, false, time() + LAB_INTERVAL ); } function lab_gen_site_id() { if ( is_multisite() ) { $home = network_home_url(); } else { $home = cerber_get_site_url(); } $home = rtrim( trim( $home ), '/' ); $id = substr( $home, strpos( $home, '//' ) + 2 ); $site_id = md5( $id ); return $site_id; } /** * @since 8.5.6 * @param $site_id string * * @return bool */ function lab_check_site_id( $site_id ) { if ( ! $site_id || $site_id != substr( preg_replace( '/[^A-Z0-9]/i', '', $site_id ), 0, 32 ) ) { return false; } return true; } function lab_get_key( $refresh = false, $nocache = false) { static $key = null; if ( ! isset( $key ) || $nocache ) { $key = cerber_get_set( '_cerberkey_' ); } if ( $refresh || ! $key || ! is_array( $key ) ) { if ( empty( $key ) || ! is_array( $key ) ) { $key = array( '' ); } if ( ! lab_check_site_id( $key[0] ) ) { $key[0] = lab_gen_site_id(); } else { // Fix: WP is installed in a subdirectory, rewrite old, domain-based site ID if ( 2 < substr_count( cerber_get_site_url(), '/' ) ) { $key[0] = lab_gen_site_id(); } } $key[1] = time(); if ( empty( $key[4] ) ) { $key[4] = 'SK//' . str_shuffle( '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ); } cerber_update_set( '_cerberkey_', $key ); } return $key; } function lab_update_key( $lic, $expires = 0 ) { $key = lab_get_key(); $key[2] = strtoupper( $lic ); $key[3] = absint( $expires ); delete_site_option( '_cerberkey_' ); // old cerber_update_set( '_cerberkey_', $key ); lab_get_key( false, true ); // reload the static cache } function lab_validate_lic( $lic = '', &$msg = '' ) { $msg = ''; $key = lab_get_key(); if ( ! $lic ) { if ( empty( $key[2] ) ) { $msg = '(1)'; return false; } $lic = $key[2]; } $request = array( 'key' => $key, 'validate' => $lic ); $i = LAB_NODE_MAX; while ( ! ( $ret = lab_send_request( $request ) ) && $i > 0 ) { $i --; } if ( ! $ret || ! isset( $ret['response']['expires_gmt'] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'A network error occurred while verifying the license key. Please try again in a couple of minutes.' ); $msg = '(2)'; $expires = 0; } else { $msg = '(3)'; $expires = absint( $ret['response']['expires_gmt'] ); } lab_update_key( $lic, $expires ); if ( ! $expires ) { $msg = '(4)'; return false; } if ( time() > ( $expires + LAB_LICENSE_GRACE ) ) { $msg = '(5)'; return false; } $df = get_option( 'date_format', false ); $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset', false ) * 3600; $msg = date_i18n( $df, $gmt_offset + $expires ); return true; } function lab_lab( $with_date = 0 ) { if ( $slave = nexus_get_context() ) { if ( ! $slave->site_key ) { return false; } $exp = $slave->site_key; } else { $key = lab_get_key(); if ( empty( $key[2] ) || empty( $key[3] ) ) { return false; } $exp = $key[3]; } if ( time() > ( $exp + LAB_LICENSE_GRACE ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $with_date ) { return true; } if ( $with_date == 2 ) { return $exp; } $df = get_option( 'date_format', false ); $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset', false ) * 3600; return date_i18n( $df, $gmt_offset + $exp ); } function lab_indicator(){ if ( lab_is_cloud_ok() && lab_lab() ) { $key = lab_get_key(); $sid = 'Site ID: '.$key[0]; return '
'; //return '
'; //return '
Cerber Security Cloud Protection is active
'; } return ''; } /** * Opt in for the connection to Cerber Lab * */ function lab_opt_in(){ global $crb_assets_url; if ( lab_lab() || crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) ) { return; } if ( $o = get_site_option( '_lab_o' . 'pt_in_' ) ) { //if ( $o[0] == 'NO' && ( $o[1] + 3600 * 24 * 30 ) > time() ) { if ( ( $o[1] + 3600 * 24 * 30 ) > time() ) { return; } } //if ( $c = get_site_option( '_cerber_activated' ) ) { // $c = maybe_unserialize( $c ); if ( $c = cerber_get_set( '_activated' ) ) { if ( ! empty( $c['time'] ) && ( $c['time'] + 3600 * 24 * 7 ) > time() ) { return; } } $h = __('Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?','wp-cerber'); $text = __('Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.','wp-cerber'); $ok = __('OK, nail them all','wp-cerber'); $no = __('NO, maybe later','wp-cerber'); $more = '' . __( 'Know more', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $msg = '

' . $h . '

' . $text . '

'; $notice = '' . '
' . $msg . '

' . $more . '

'; echo '

' . $notice . '

'; } /** * Save a user choice * * @param string $button */ function lab_user_opt_in( $button = '' ) { $a = null; if ( $button == 'lab_ok' ) { $a = array( 'YES', time() ); $o = get_site_option( CERBER_OPT ); $o['cerberlab'] = 1; update_site_option( CERBER_OPT, $o ); } if ( $button == 'lab_no' ) { $a = array( 'NO', time() ); } if ( $a ) { update_site_option( '_lab_o' . 'pt_in_', $a ); } } /** * Return country ISO code * * @param $ip array|string IP address(es) * @param bool $cache_only Use local cache. If false and an IP is not in the cache, sends a request to the Cerber Lab GEO service. * * @return array|string|false A list of country codes if a list of IPs provided, otherwise a string with the country code. */ function lab_get_country( $ip, $cache_only = true ) { global $remote_country; if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } if ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ); if ( isset( $remote_country[ $ip_id ] ) ) { return $remote_country[ $ip_id ]; } } if ( ! is_array( $ip ) ) { $ip_list = array( $ip ); } else { $ip_list = $ip; } $ret = array(); $ask = array(); foreach ( $ip_list as $item ) { if ( ! filter_var( $item, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { continue; } $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $item ); $ret[ $ip_id ] = null; if ( is_ip_private( $item ) ) { continue; } if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $item ) ) { $ip_long = ip2long($item); $where = ' WHERE ip_long_begin <= ' . $ip_long . ' AND ' . $ip_long . ' <= ip_long_end'; } else { $where = ' WHERE ip = "' . $item . '"'; } $country = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT country FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . $where ); if ( $country ) { $ret[ $ip_id ] = $country; } elseif (!$cache_only) { $ask[ $ip_id ] = $item; } } if ( !$cache_only && $ask ) { $lab_data = lab_api_send_request( array( 'ask_cerberlab' => $ask ) ); if ( ! empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'] ) ) { foreach ( $lab_data['response']['payload'] as $ip_id => $ip_data ) { //foreach ( $ask as $ip_id => $ip_ask ) { //if ( ! empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ] ) ) { //$ip_data = $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]; lab_geo_update( $ip_data['ip'], $ip_data ); lab_reputation_update($ip_data['ip'] , $ip_data); $ret[ $ip_id ] = $ip_data['network']['geo']['country_iso']; //} } } } if ( ! is_array( $ip ) && ! empty( $ret ) ) { return current($ret); } return $ret; } /** * Update local GEO cache with a given network data * * @param string $ip IP address which country we asked for * @param array $data IP and its network data */ function lab_geo_update( $ip = '', $data = array() ) { global $remote_country; if ( empty( $data['network']['geo'] ) ) { return; } $code = substr( $data['network']['geo']['country_iso'], 0, 3 ); $remote_country[ cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ) ] = $code; $expires = time() + absint($data['network']['geo']['country_expires']); $begin = intval($data['network']['begin']); $end = intval($data['network']['end']); if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $where = ' WHERE ip_long_begin = ' . $begin . ' AND ip_long_end = ' . $end; //$ip = ''; } else { $where = ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"'; } $exists = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . $where ); if ( $exists ) { cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . " SET expires = $expires, country = '$code' $where" ); } else { cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . " (ip, ip_long_begin, ip_long_end, country, expires) VALUES ('{$ip}',{$begin},{$end},'{$code}',{$expires})" ); } // The list of names of the countries if ( ! empty( $data['network']['geo']['country'] ) ) { foreach ( $data['network']['geo']['country'] as $locale => $name ) { $where = ' WHERE country = "' . $code . '" AND locale = "' . $locale . '"'; $exists = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT country FROM ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . $where ); if ( ! $exists ) { cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . ' (country, locale, country_name) VALUES ("' . $code . '","' . $locale . '","' . $name . '")' ); } else { //$wpdb->query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . ' SET country_name = "' . $name . '"' . $where ); } } } } function lab_cleanup_cache() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } cerber_db_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE ); } /** * Return node ID for the current request if it is originated from the Cerber Cloud * * @return bool|int Node ID if the current request comes from a valid node or false otherwise */ function lab_get_real_node_id() { static $ret; if ( $ret !== null ) { return $ret; } $hostname = @gethostbyaddr( cerber_get_remote_ip() ); if ( ! $hostname || filter_var( $hostname, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $domain = array_slice( explode( '.', $hostname ), - 3, 3 ); if ( ! $domain || count( $domain ) != 3 ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } if ( $domain[1] . '.' . $domain[2] !== '' ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $ret = absint( substr( $domain[0], 4, 2 ) ); // 0-99 return $ret; }