is_search() ) { $search_ok = false; // No, we can't, not a search. } if ( ! $query->is_main_query() ) { $search_ok = false; // No, we can't, not the main query. } // Uses $wp_query->is_admin instead of is_admin() to help with Ajax queries that // use 'admin_ajax' hook (which sets is_admin() to true whether it's an admin search // or not. if ( $query->is_search() && $query->is_admin ) { $search_ok = false; // But if this is an admin search, reconsider. $admin_search_option = get_option( 'relevanssi_admin_search' ); if ( 'on' === $admin_search_option ) { $search_ok = true; // Yes, we can search! } } if ( $query->is_admin && empty( $query->query_vars['s'] ) ) { $search_ok = false; // No search term. } $indexed_post_types = array_flip( get_option( 'relevanssi_index_post_types', array() ) ); $images_indexed = get_option( 'relevanssi_index_image_files', 'off' ); if ( $search_ok && ( false === isset( $indexed_post_types['attachment'] ) || 'off' === $images_indexed ) ) { if ( 'attachment' === $query->query_vars['post_type'] && 'inherit,private' === $query->query_vars['post_status'] ) { $search_ok = false; } } /** * Filters whether Relevanssi search can be run or not. * * This can be used to for example activate Relevanssi in cases where there is * no search term available. * * @param boolean True, if Relevanssi can be allowed to run. * @param WP_Query The current query object. */ $search_ok = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_search_ok', $search_ok, $query ); if ( $relevanssi_active ) { $search_ok = false; // Relevanssi is already in action. } if ( $search_ok ) { /** * Filters the WP_Query object before Relevanssi. * * Can be used to modify the WP_Query object before Relevanssi sees it. * Fairly close to pre_get_posts, but is often the better idea, because this * only affects Relevanssi searches, and nothing else. Do note that this is * a filter and needs to return the modified query object. * * @param WP_Query The WP_Query object. */ $query = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_modify_wp_query', $query ); $posts = relevanssi_do_query( $query ); } return $posts; } /** * Does the actual searching. * * This function gets the search arguments, finds posts and returns all the results * it finds. If you wish to access Relevanssi directly, use relevanssi_do_query(), * which takes a WP_Query object as a parameter, formats the arguments nicely and * returns a specified subset of posts. This is for internal use. * * @global object $wpdb The WordPress database interface. * @global array $relevanssi_variables The global Relevanssi variables array. * @global WP_Query $wp_query The WP_Query object. * @global array $relevanssi_post_types Cache array for post type values. * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * * @return array An array of return values. */ function relevanssi_search( $args ) { global $wpdb, $relevanssi_variables; $relevanssi_table = $relevanssi_variables['relevanssi_table']; /** * Filters the search parameters. * * @param array The search parameters. */ $filtered_args = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_search_filters', $args ); $meta_query = $filtered_args['meta_query']; $operator = $filtered_args['operator']; $orderby = $filtered_args['orderby']; $order = $filtered_args['order']; $fields = $filtered_args['fields']; $hits = array(); $query_data = relevanssi_process_query_args( $filtered_args ); $query_restrictions = $query_data['query_restrictions']; $query_join = $query_data['query_join']; $q = $query_data['query_query']; $q_no_synonyms = $query_data['query_no_synonyms']; $phrase_queries = $query_data['phrase_queries']; $min_length = get_option( 'relevanssi_min_word_length' ); /** * Filters whether stopwords are removed from titles. * * @param boolean If true, remove stopwords from titles. */ $remove_stopwords = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_remove_stopwords_in_titles', true ); $terms = relevanssi_tokenize( $q, $remove_stopwords, $min_length ); $terms = array_keys( $terms ); // Don't care about tf in query. if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_process_terms' ) ) { $process_terms_results = relevanssi_process_terms( $terms, $q ); $query_restrictions .= $process_terms_results['query_restrictions']; $terms = $process_terms_results['terms']; } $no_terms = false; if ( count( $terms ) < 1 && empty( $q ) ) { $no_terms = true; $terms[] = 'term'; } /** * Filters the query restrictions for the Relevanssi query. * * Equivalent to the 'posts_where' filter. * * @author Charles St-Pierre * * @param string The MySQL code that restricts the query. */ $query_restrictions = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_where', $query_restrictions ); /** * Filters the meta query JOIN for the Relevanssi search query. * * Somewhat equivalent to the 'posts_join' filter. * * @param string The JOINed query. */ $query_join = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_join', $query_join ); // Go get the count from the options, but run the full query if it's not available. $doc_count = get_option( 'relevanssi_doc_count' ); if ( ! $doc_count || $doc_count < 1 ) { $doc_count = relevanssi_update_doc_count(); } $total_hits = 0; $title_matches = array(); $tag_matches = array(); $comment_matches = array(); $link_matches = array(); $body_matches = array(); $category_matches = array(); $taxonomy_matches = array(); $customfield_matches = array(); $mysqlcolumn_matches = array(); $author_matches = array(); $excerpt_matches = array(); $term_hits = array(); $fuzzy = get_option( 'relevanssi_fuzzy' ); $no_matches = true; $post_type_weights = get_option( 'relevanssi_post_type_weights' ); $recency_bonus = false; $recency_cutoff_date = false; if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_get_recency_bonus' ) ) { $recency_details = relevanssi_get_recency_bonus(); $recency_bonus = $recency_details['bonus']; $recency_cutoff_date = $recency_details['cutoff']; } $exact_match_bonus = false; if ( 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_exact_match_bonus' ) ) { $exact_match_bonus = true; /** * Filters the exact match bonus. * * @param array The title bonus under 'title' (default 5) and the content * bonus under 'content' (default 2). */ $exact_match_boost = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_exact_match_bonus', array( 'title' => 5, 'content' => 2, ) ); } $search_again = false; $content_boost = floatval( get_option( 'relevanssi_content_boost', 1 ) ); // Default value, because this option was added late. $title_boost = floatval( get_option( 'relevanssi_title_boost' ) ); $link_boost = floatval( get_option( 'relevanssi_link_boost' ) ); $comment_boost = floatval( get_option( 'relevanssi_comment_boost' ) ); $tag = $relevanssi_variables['post_type_weight_defaults']['post_tag']; $cat = $relevanssi_variables['post_type_weight_defaults']['category']; if ( ! empty( $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_post_tag'] ) ) { $tag = $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_post_tag']; } if ( ! empty( $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_category'] ) ) { $cat = $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_category']; } // Legacy code, improvement introduced in 2.1.8, remove at some point. // phpcs:ignore Squiz.Commenting.InlineComment // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ( ! empty( $post_type_weights['post_tag'] ) ) { $tag = $post_type_weights['post_tag']; } if ( ! empty( $post_type_weights['category'] ) ) { $cat = $post_type_weights['category']; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd /* End legacy code. */ $include_these_posts = array(); $include_these_items = array(); $df_counts = array(); $doc_weight = array(); do { foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $term_cond = relevanssi_generate_term_where( $term, $search_again, $no_terms ); if ( null === $term_cond ) { continue; } $this_query_restrictions = relevanssi_add_phrase_restrictions( $query_restrictions, $phrase_queries, $term, $operator ); $query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(relevanssi.doc)) FROM $relevanssi_table AS relevanssi $query_join WHERE $term_cond $this_query_restrictions"; // Clean: $this_query_restrictions is escaped, $term_cond is escaped. /** * Filters the DF query. * * This query is used to calculate the df for the tf * idf calculations. * * @param string MySQL query to filter. */ $query = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_df_query_filter', $query ); $df = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared if ( $df < 1 && 'sometimes' === $fuzzy ) { $term_cond = relevanssi_generate_term_where( $term, true, $no_terms ); $query = " SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(relevanssi.doc)) FROM $relevanssi_table AS relevanssi $query_join WHERE $term_cond $query_restrictions"; // Clean: $query_restrictions is escaped, $term is escaped. /** Documented in lib/search.php. */ $query = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_df_query_filter', $query ); $df = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared } $df_counts[ $term ] = $df; } // Sort the terms in ascending DF order, so that rarest terms are searched // for first. This is to make sure the throttle doesn't cut off posts with // rare search terms. asort( $df_counts ); foreach ( $df_counts as $term => $df ) { $term_cond = relevanssi_generate_term_where( $term, $search_again, $no_terms ); $this_query_restrictions = relevanssi_add_phrase_restrictions( $query_restrictions, $phrase_queries, $term, $operator ); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(relevanssi.doc), relevanssi.*, relevanssi.title * $title_boost + relevanssi.content * $content_boost + relevanssi.comment * $comment_boost + relevanssi.tag * $tag + * $link_boost + + relevanssi.category * $cat + relevanssi.excerpt + relevanssi.taxonomy + relevanssi.customfield + relevanssi.mysqlcolumn AS tf FROM $relevanssi_table AS relevanssi $query_join WHERE $term_cond $this_query_restrictions"; /** Clean: $this_query_restrictions is escaped, $term_cond is escaped. */ /** * Filters the Relevanssi MySQL query. * * The last chance to filter the MySQL query before it is run. * * @param string MySQL query for the Relevanssi search. */ $query = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_query_filter', $query ); $matches = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared if ( count( $matches ) < 1 ) { continue; } else { $no_matches = false; if ( count( $include_these_posts ) > 0 ) { $existing_ids = array(); foreach ( $matches as $match ) { $existing_ids[] = $match->doc; } $existing_ids = array_keys( array_flip( $existing_ids ) ); $added_post_ids = array_diff( array_keys( $include_these_posts ), $existing_ids ); if ( count( $added_post_ids ) > 0 ) { $offset = 0; $slice_length = 20; $total_ids = count( $added_post_ids ); do { $current_slice = array_slice( $added_post_ids, $offset, $slice_length ); $post_ids_to_add = implode( ',', $current_slice ); if ( ! empty( $post_ids_to_add ) ) { $query = "SELECT relevanssi.*, relevanssi.title * $title_boost + relevanssi.content * $content_boost + relevanssi.comment * $comment_boost + relevanssi.tag * $tag + * $link_boost + + relevanssi.category * $cat + relevanssi.excerpt + relevanssi.taxonomy + relevanssi.customfield + relevanssi.mysqlcolumn AS tf FROM $relevanssi_table AS relevanssi WHERE relevanssi.doc IN ($post_ids_to_add) AND $term_cond"; // Clean: no unescaped user inputs. $matches_to_add = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared $matches = array_merge( $matches, $matches_to_add ); } $offset += $slice_length; } while ( $offset <= $total_ids ); } } if ( count( $include_these_items ) > 0 ) { $existing_items = array(); foreach ( $matches as $match ) { if ( 0 !== intval( $match->item ) ) { $existing_items[] = $match->item; } } $existing_items = array_keys( array_flip( $existing_items ) ); $items_to_add = implode( ',', array_diff( array_keys( $include_these_items ), $existing_items ) ); if ( ! empty( $items_to_add ) ) { $query = "SELECT relevanssi.*, relevanssi.title * $title_boost + relevanssi.content * $content_boost + relevanssi.comment * $comment_boost + relevanssi.tag * $tag + * $link_boost + + relevanssi.category * $cat + relevanssi.excerpt + relevanssi.taxonomy + relevanssi.customfield + relevanssi.mysqlcolumn AS tf FROM $relevanssi_table AS relevanssi WHERE relevanssi.item IN ($items_to_add) AND $term_cond"; // Clean: no unescaped user inputs. $matches_to_add = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared $matches = array_merge( $matches, $matches_to_add ); } } } relevanssi_populate_array( $matches ); global $relevanssi_post_types; $total_hits += count( $matches ); $idf = log( $doc_count + 1 / ( 1 + $df ) ); $idf = $idf * $idf; // Adjustment to increase the value of IDF. if ( $idf < 1 ) { $idf = 1; } foreach ( $matches as $match ) { if ( 'user' === $match->type ) { $match->doc = 'u_' . $match->item; } elseif ( 'post_type' === $match->type ) { $match->doc = 'p_' . $match->item; } elseif ( ! in_array( $match->type, array( 'post', 'attachment' ), true ) ) { $match->doc = '**' . $match->type . '**' . $match->item; } if ( ! empty( $match->taxonomy_detail ) ) { relevanssi_taxonomy_score( $match, $post_type_weights ); } else { $tag_weight = 1; if ( isset( $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_post_tag'] ) && is_numeric( $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_post_tag'] ) ) { $tag_weight = $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_post_tag']; } $category_weight = 1; if ( isset( $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_category'] ) && is_numeric( $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_category'] ) ) { $category_weight = $post_type_weights['post_tagged_with_category']; } // Legacy code from 2.1.8. Remove at some point. // phpcs:ignore Squiz.Commenting.InlineComment // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ( isset( $post_type_weights['post_tag'] ) && is_numeric( $post_type_weights['post_tag'] ) ) { $tag_weight = $post_type_weights['post_tag']; } $category_weight = 1; if ( isset( $post_type_weights['category'] ) && is_numeric( $post_type_weights['category'] ) ) { $category_weight = $post_type_weights['category']; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd /* End legacy code. */ $taxonomy_weight = 1; $match->taxonomy_score = $match->tag * $tag_weight + $match->category * $category_weight + $match->taxonomy * $taxonomy_weight; } $match->tf = $match->title * $title_boost + $match->content * $content_boost + $match->comment * $comment_boost + $match->link * $link_boost + $match->author + $match->excerpt + $match->taxonomy_score + $match->customfield + $match->mysqlcolumn; $term_hits[ $match->doc ][ $term ] = $match->title + $match->content + $match->comment + $match->tag + $match->link + $match->author + $match->category + $match->excerpt + $match->taxonomy + $match->customfield + $match->mysqlcolumn; $match->weight = $match->tf * $idf; if ( $recency_bonus ) { $post = relevanssi_get_post( $match->doc ); if ( strtotime( $post->post_date ) > $recency_cutoff_date ) { $match->weight = $match->weight * $recency_bonus; } } if ( $exact_match_bonus ) { $post = relevanssi_get_post( $match->doc ); $clean_q = str_replace( array( '"', '”', '“' ), '', $q_no_synonyms ); if ( $post && $clean_q ) { if ( stristr( $post->post_title, $clean_q ) !== false ) { $match->weight *= $exact_match_boost['title']; } if ( stristr( $post->post_content, $clean_q ) !== false ) { $match->weight *= $exact_match_boost['content']; } } } if ( ! isset( $body_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $body_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $title_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $title_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $link_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $link_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $tag_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $tag_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $category_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $category_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $taxonomy_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $taxonomy_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $comment_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $comment_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $customfield_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $customfield_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $author_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $author_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $excerpt_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $excerpt_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $mysqlcolumn_matches[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $mysqlcolumn_matches[ $match->doc ] = 0; } $body_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->content; $title_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->title; $link_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->link; $tag_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->tag; $category_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->category; $taxonomy_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->taxonomy; $comment_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->comment; $customfield_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->customfield; $author_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->author; $excerpt_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->excerpt; $mysqlcolumn_matches[ $match->doc ] += $match->mysqlcolumn; /* Post type weights. */ $type = null; if ( isset( $relevanssi_post_types[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $type = $relevanssi_post_types[ $match->doc ]; } if ( ! empty( $post_type_weights[ $type ] ) ) { $match->weight = $match->weight * $post_type_weights[ $type ]; } /* Weight boost for taxonomy terms based on taxonomy. */ if ( ! empty( $post_type_weights[ 'taxonomy_term_' . $match->type ] ) ) { $match->weight = $match->weight * $post_type_weights[ 'taxonomy_term_' . $match->type ]; } /** * Filters the hit. * * This filter hook can be used to adjust the weights of found hits. * Calculate the new weight and set the $match->weight to the new * value. * * @param object $match The match object. * @param int $idf The IDF value, if you want to recalculate * TF * IDF values (TF is in $match->tf). * @param string $term The current search term. */ $match = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_match', $match, $idf, $term ); if ( $match->weight <= 0 ) { continue; // The filters killed the match. } $post_ok = true; /** * Filters whether the post can be shown to the user. * * This filter hook is used for 'relevanssi_default_post_ok' filter * function which handles private posts and some membership plugins. * If you want to add support for more membership plugins, this is * the filter hook to use. * * @param boolean True, if the post can be shown to the current user. * @param int The post ID. */ $post_ok = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_post_ok', $post_ok, $match->doc ); if ( $post_ok ) { $doc_terms[ $match->doc ][ $term ] = true; // Count how many terms are matched to a doc. if ( ! isset( $doc_weight[ $match->doc ] ) ) { $doc_weight[ $match->doc ] = 0; } $doc_weight[ $match->doc ] += $match->weight; // For AND searches, add the posts to the $include_these lists, so that // nothing is missed. if ( is_numeric( $match->doc ) && 'AND' === $operator ) { // This is to weed out taxonomies and users (t_XXX, u_XXX). $include_these_posts[ $match->doc ] = true; } elseif ( 0 !== intval( $match->item ) && 'AND' === $operator ) { $include_these_items[ $match->item ] = true; } } } } if ( $no_matches ) { if ( $search_again ) { // No hits even with fuzzy search! $search_again = false; } else { if ( 'sometimes' === $fuzzy ) { $search_again = true; } } } else { $search_again = false; } $params = array( 'no_matches' => $no_matches, 'doc_weight' => $doc_weight, 'terms' => $terms, 'search_again' => $search_again, ); /** * Filters the parameters for fallback search. * * If you want to make Relevanssi search again with different parameters, you * can use this filter hook to adjust the parameters. Set * $params['search_again'] to true to make Relevanssi do a new search. * * @param array The search parameters. */ $params = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_search_again', $params ); $search_again = $params['search_again']; $terms = $params['terms']; $doc_weight = $params['doc_weight']; $no_matches = $params['no_matches']; } while ( $search_again ); $strip_stops = true; $temp_terms_without_stops = array_keys( relevanssi_tokenize( implode( ' ', $terms ), $strip_stops ) ); $terms_without_stops = array(); foreach ( $temp_terms_without_stops as $temp_term ) { if ( relevanssi_strlen( $temp_term ) >= $min_length ) { array_push( $terms_without_stops, $temp_term ); } } $total_terms = count( $terms_without_stops ); if ( isset( $doc_weight ) ) { /** * Filters the results Relevanssi finds. * * Often you'll find 'relevanssi_hits_filter' more useful than this, but * sometimes this is the right tool for filtering the results. * * @param array $doc_weight An array of (post ID, weight) pairs. */ $doc_weight = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_results', $doc_weight ); } if ( isset( $doc_weight ) && count( $doc_weight ) > 0 ) { arsort( $doc_weight ); $i = 0; foreach ( $doc_weight as $doc => $weight ) { if ( count( $doc_terms[ $doc ] ) < $total_terms && 'AND' === $operator ) { // AND operator in action: // doc didn't match all terms, so it's discarded. continue; } if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) { if ( 'ids' === $fields ) { $hits[ intval( $i ) ] = $doc; } if ( 'id=>parent' === $fields ) { $object = new StdClass(); $object->ID = $doc; $object->post_parent = wp_get_post_parent_id( $doc ); $hits[ intval( $i ) ] = $object; } } else { $hits[ intval( $i ) ] = relevanssi_get_post( $doc ); $hits[ intval( $i ) ]->relevance_score = round( $weight, 2 ); } $i++; } } if ( count( $hits ) < 1 ) { if ( 'AND' === $operator && 'on' !== get_option( 'relevanssi_disable_or_fallback' ) ) { $or_args = $args; $or_args['operator'] = 'OR'; global $wp_query; $wp_query->set( 'operator', 'OR' ); $or_args['q_no_synonyms'] = $q; $or_args['q'] = relevanssi_add_synonyms( $q ); $return = relevanssi_search( $or_args ); $hits = $return['hits']; $body_matches = $return['body_matches']; $title_matches = $return['title_matches']; $tag_matches = $return['tag_matches']; $category_matches = $return['category_matches']; $taxonomy_matches = $return['taxonomy_matches']; $comment_matches = $return['comment_matches']; $link_matches = $return['link_matches']; $author_matches = $return['author_matches']; $customfield_matches = $return['customfield_matches']; $mysqlcolumn_matches = $return['mysqlcolumn_matches']; $excerpt_matches = $return['excerpt_matches']; $term_hits = $return['term_hits']; $doc_weight = $return['doc_weights']; $q = $return['query']; } $params = array( 'args' => $args ); /** * Filters the fallback search parameters. * * This filter can be used to implement a fallback search. Take the * parameters, do something with them, then return a proper return value * array in $param['return']. * * @param array Search parameters. */ $params = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_fallback', $params ); $args = $params['args']; if ( isset( $params['return'] ) ) { $return = $params['return']; $hits = $return['hits']; $body_matches = $return['body_matches']; $title_matches = $return['title_matches']; $tag_matches = $return['tag_matches']; $category_matches = $return['category_matches']; $taxonomy_matches = $return['taxonomy_matches']; $comment_matches = $return['comment_matches']; $link_matches = $return['link_matches']; $author_matches = $return['author_matches']; $customfield_matches = $return['customfield_matches']; $mysqlcolumn_matches = $return['mysqlcolumn_matches']; $excerpt_matches = $return['excerpt_matches']; $term_hits = $return['term_hits']; $doc_weight = $return['doc_weights']; $q = $return['query']; } } $default_order = get_option( 'relevanssi_default_orderby', 'relevance' ); if ( empty( $orderby ) ) { $orderby = $default_order; } if ( is_array( $orderby ) ) { /** * Filters the 'orderby' value just before sorting. * * Relevanssi can use both array orderby ie. array( orderby => order ) * with multiple orderby parameters, or a single pair of orderby and * order parameters. To avoid problems, try sticking to one and don't * use this filter to make surprising changes between different formats. * * @param string The 'orderby' parameter. */ $orderby = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_orderby', $orderby ); relevanssi_object_sort( $hits, $orderby, $meta_query ); } else { if ( empty( $order ) ) { $order = 'desc'; } $order = strtolower( $order ); $order_accepted_values = array( 'asc', 'desc' ); if ( ! in_array( $order, $order_accepted_values, true ) ) { $order = 'desc'; } /** Documented in lib/search.php. */ $orderby = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_orderby', $orderby ); /** * Filters the 'order' value just before sorting. * * @param string The 'order' parameter. */ $order = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_order', $order ); if ( 'relevance' !== $orderby ) { $orderby_array = array( $orderby => $order ); relevanssi_object_sort( $hits, $orderby_array, $meta_query ); } } $return = array( 'hits' => $hits, 'body_matches' => $body_matches, 'title_matches' => $title_matches, 'tag_matches' => $tag_matches, 'category_matches' => $category_matches, 'comment_matches' => $comment_matches, 'taxonomy_matches' => $taxonomy_matches, 'link_matches' => $link_matches, 'customfield_matches' => $customfield_matches, 'mysqlcolumn_matches' => $mysqlcolumn_matches, 'author_matches' => $author_matches, 'excerpt_matches' => $excerpt_matches, 'term_hits' => $term_hits, 'query' => $q, 'doc_weights' => $doc_weight, ); return $return; } /** * Takes a WP_Query object and runs the search query based on that * * This function can be used to run Relevanssi searches anywhere. Just create an * empty WP_Query object, give it some parameters, make sure 's' is set and contains * the search query, then run relevanssi_do_query() on the query object. * * This function is strongly influenced by Kenny Katzgrau's wpSearch plugin. * * @global boolean $relevanssi_active If true, Relevanssi is currently * doing a search. * @global boolean $relevanssi_test_admin If true, assume this is an admin * search (because we can't adjust WP_ADMIN constant). * * @param WP_Query $query A WP_Query object, passed as a reference. Relevanssi will * put the posts found in $query->posts, and also sets $query->post_count. * * @return array The found posts, an array of post objects. */ function relevanssi_do_query( &$query ) { global $relevanssi_active, $relevanssi_test_admin; $relevanssi_active = true; $posts = array(); $q = trim( stripslashes( relevanssi_strtolower( $query->query_vars['s'] ) ) ); $did_multisite_search = false; if ( is_multisite() ) { if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_is_multisite_search' ) ) { $searchblogs = relevanssi_is_multisite_search( $query ); if ( $searchblogs ) { if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_compile_multi_args' ) && function_exists( 'relevanssi_search_multi' ) ) { $multi_args = relevanssi_compile_multi_args( $query, $searchblogs, $q ); $return = relevanssi_search_multi( $multi_args ); } $did_multisite_search = true; } } } $search_params = array(); if ( ! $did_multisite_search ) { $search_params = relevanssi_compile_search_args( $query, $q ); $return = relevanssi_search( $search_params ); } $hits = array(); if ( isset( $return['hits'] ) ) { $hits = $return['hits']; } $q = ''; if ( isset( $return['query'] ) ) { $q = $return['query']; } $filter_data = array( $hits, $q ); /** * Filters the founds results. * * One of the key filters for Relevanssi. If you want to modify the results * Relevanssi finds, use this filter. * * @param array $filter_data The index 0 has an array of post objects found in * the search, index 1 has the search query string. * * @return array The return array composition is the same as the parameter array, * but Relevanssi only uses the index 0. */ $hits_filters_applied = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_hits_filter', $filter_data ); // array_values() to make sure the $hits array is indexed in numerical order // Manipulating the array with array_unique() for example may mess with that. $hits = array_values( $hits_filters_applied[0] ); $hits_count = count( $hits ); $query->found_posts = $hits_count; if ( ! isset( $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] ) || 0 === $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] ) { // Assume something sensible to prevent "division by zero error". $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] = -1; } if ( -1 === $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] ) { $query->max_num_pages = $hits_count; } else { $query->max_num_pages = ceil( $hits_count / $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] ); } $update_log = get_option( 'relevanssi_log_queries' ); if ( 'on' === $update_log ) { relevanssi_update_log( $q, $hits_count ); } $make_excerpts = get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpts' ); if ( $relevanssi_test_admin || ( $query->is_admin && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) ) { $make_excerpts = false; } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['paged'] ) && $query->query_vars['paged'] > 0 ) { $search_low_boundary = ( $query->query_vars['paged'] - 1 ) * $query->query_vars['posts_per_page']; } else { $search_low_boundary = 0; } if ( ! isset( $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] ) || -1 === $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] ) { $search_high_boundary = $hits_count; } else { $search_high_boundary = $search_low_boundary + $query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] - 1; } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['offset'] ) && $query->query_vars['offset'] > 0 ) { $search_high_boundary += $query->query_vars['offset']; $search_low_boundary += $query->query_vars['offset']; } if ( $search_high_boundary > $hits_count ) { $search_high_boundary = $hits_count; } for ( $i = $search_low_boundary; $i <= $search_high_boundary; $i++ ) { if ( isset( $hits[ intval( $i ) ] ) ) { $post = $hits[ intval( $i ) ]; } else { continue; } if ( null === $post ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // Sometimes you can get a null object. continue; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } if ( 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_hilite_title' ) && empty( $search_params['fields'] ) ) { $post->post_highlighted_title = wp_strip_all_tags( $post->post_title ); $highlight = get_option( 'relevanssi_highlight' ); if ( 'none' !== $highlight ) { if ( ! is_admin() || ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) { $post->post_highlighted_title = relevanssi_highlight_terms( $post->post_highlighted_title, $q ); } } } /* * If you need to modify these on the go, use * 'pre_option_relevanssi_excerpt_length' and * pre_option_relevanssi_excerpt_type' filters. */ $excerpt_length = get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_length' ); $excerpt_type = get_option( 'relevanssi_excerpt_type' ); if ( 'on' === $make_excerpts && empty( $search_params['fields'] ) ) { if ( isset( $post->blog_id ) ) { switch_to_blog( $post->blog_id ); } $post->original_excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; $post->post_excerpt = relevanssi_do_excerpt( $post, $q, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_type ); if ( isset( $post->blog_id ) ) { restore_current_blog(); } } if ( empty( $search_params['fields'] ) ) { relevanssi_add_matches( $post, $return ); } if ( 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_show_matches' ) && empty( $search_params['fields'] ) ) { $post->post_excerpt .= relevanssi_show_matches( $post ); } $posts[] = $post; } $query->posts = $posts; $query->post_count = count( $posts ); return $posts; } /** * Limits the search queries to restrict the number of posts handled. * * Tested. * * @param string $query The MySQL query. * * @return string The query with the LIMIT parameter added, if necessary. */ function relevanssi_limit_filter( $query ) { $termless_search = strstr( $query, 'relevanssi.term = relevanssi.term' ); if ( $termless_search || 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_throttle', 'on' ) ) { $limit = get_option( 'relevanssi_throttle_limit', 500 ); if ( ! is_numeric( $limit ) ) { $limit = 500; } if ( $limit < 0 ) { $limit = 500; } return $query . " ORDER BY tf DESC LIMIT $limit"; } else { return $query; } } /** * Fetches the list of post types that are excluded from the search. * * Figures out the post types that are not included in the search. * * Tested. * * @param string $include_attachments Whether to include attachments or not. * * @return string SQL escaped list of excluded post types. */ function relevanssi_get_negative_post_type( $include_attachments ) { $negative_post_type = null; $negative_post_type_list = array(); if ( isset( $include_attachments ) && in_array( $include_attachments, array( '0', 'off', 'false', false ), true ) ) { $negative_post_type_list[] = 'attachment'; } $front_end = true; if ( is_admin() && ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! DOING_AJAX ) ) { $front_end = false; } if ( 'on' === get_option( 'relevanssi_respect_exclude' ) && $front_end ) { // If Relevanssi is set to respect exclude_from_search, find out which // post types should be excluded from search. $pt_1 = get_post_types( array( 'exclude_from_search' => '1' ) ); $pt_2 = get_post_types( array( 'exclude_from_search' => true ) ); $negative_post_type_list = array_merge( $negative_post_type_list, $pt_1, $pt_2 ); } // Post types to exclude. if ( count( $negative_post_type_list ) > 0 ) { $negative_post_types = esc_sql( array_unique( $negative_post_type_list ) ); $negative_post_type = null; if ( count( $negative_post_types ) ) { $negative_post_type = "'" . implode( "', '", $negative_post_types ) . "'"; } } return $negative_post_type; } /** * Generates the WHERE condition for terms. * * Trims the term, escapes it and places it in the template. * * Tested. * * @param string $term The search term. * @param boolean $force_fuzzy If true, force fuzzy search. Default false. * @param boolean $no_terms If true, no search term is used. Default false. * @param string $option_override If set, won't read the value from the * 'relevanssi_fuzzy' option but will use this instead. Used in multisite searching. * Default null. * * @return string The template with the term in place. */ function relevanssi_generate_term_where( $term, $force_fuzzy = false, $no_terms = false, $option_override = null ) { global $wpdb; $fuzzy = get_option( 'relevanssi_fuzzy' ); if ( $option_override && in_array( $option_override, array( 'always', 'sometimes', 'never' ), true ) ) { $fuzzy = $option_override; } /** * Filters the partial matching search query. * * By default partial matching matches the beginnings and the ends of the * words. If you want it to match inside words, add a function to this * hook that returns '(relevanssi.term LIKE '%#term#%')'. * * @param string The partial matching query. */ $fuzzy_query = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_fuzzy_query', "(relevanssi.term LIKE '#term#%' OR relevanssi.term_reverse LIKE CONCAT(REVERSE('#term#'), '%')) " ); $basic_query = " relevanssi.term = '#term#' "; if ( 'always' === $fuzzy || $force_fuzzy ) { $term_where_template = $fuzzy_query; } else { $term_where_template = $basic_query; } if ( $no_terms ) { $term_where_template = ' relevanssi.term = relevanssi.term '; } $term = trim( $term ); // Numeric search terms will start with a space. if ( relevanssi_strlen( $term ) < 2 ) { /** * Allows the use of one letter search terms. * * Return false to allow one letter searches. * * @param boolean True, if search term is one letter long and will be blocked. */ if ( apply_filters( 'relevanssi_block_one_letter_searches', true ) ) { return null; } // No fuzzy matching for one-letter search terms. $term_where_template = $basic_query; } $term = esc_sql( $term ); if ( false !== strpos( $term_where_template, 'LIKE' ) ) { $term = $wpdb->esc_like( $term ); } $term_where = str_replace( '#term#', $term, $term_where_template ); return $term_where; } /** * Counts the taxonomy score for a match. * * Uses the taxonomy_detail object to count the taxonomy score for a match. * If there's a taxonomy weight in $post_type_weights, that is used, otherwise * assume weight 1. * * Tested. * * @since 2.1.5 * * @param object $match The match object, used as a reference. * @param array $post_type_weights The post type and taxonomy weights array. */ function relevanssi_taxonomy_score( &$match, $post_type_weights ) { $match->taxonomy_score = 0; $match->taxonomy_detail = json_decode( $match->taxonomy_detail ); if ( is_object( $match->taxonomy_detail ) ) { foreach ( $match->taxonomy_detail as $tax => $count ) { if ( empty( $post_type_weights[ 'post_tagged_with_' . $tax ] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $post_type_weights[ $tax ] ) ) { // Legacy code, needed for 2.1.8, remove later. // phpcs:ignore Squiz.Commenting.InlineComment // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $match->taxonomy_score += $count * $post_type_weights[ $tax ]; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } else { $match->taxonomy_score += $count * 1; } } else { $match->taxonomy_score += $count * $post_type_weights[ 'post_tagged_with_' . $tax ]; } } } } /** * Collects the search parameters from the WP_Query object. * * @global boolean $relevanssi_test_admin If true, assume this is an admin * search. * * @param object $query The WP Query object used as a source. * @param string $q The search query. * * @return array The search parameters. */ function relevanssi_compile_search_args( $query, $q ) { global $relevanssi_test_admin; $tax_query = array(); /** * Filters the default tax_query relation. * * @param string The default relation, default 'AND'. */ $tax_query_relation = apply_filters( 'relevanssi_default_tax_query_relation', 'AND' ); if ( isset( $query->tax_query ) && empty( $query->tax_query->queries ) ) { // Tax query is empty, let's get rid of it. $query->tax_query = null; } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['tax_query'] ) ) { // This is user-created tax_query array as described in WP Codex. foreach ( $query->query_vars['tax_query'] as $type => $item ) { if ( is_string( $type ) && 'relation' === $type ) { $tax_query_relation = $item; } else { $tax_query[] = $item; } } } elseif ( isset( $query->tax_query ) ) { // This is the WP-created Tax_Query object, which is different from above. foreach ( $query->tax_query as $type => $item ) { if ( is_string( $type ) && 'relation' === $type ) { $tax_query_relation = $item; } if ( is_string( $type ) && 'queries' === $type ) { foreach ( $item as $tax_query_row ) { $tax_query[] = $tax_query_row; } } } } else { $cat = false; if ( isset( $query->query_vars['cats'] ) ) { $cat = $query->query_vars['cats']; } if ( empty( $cat ) ) { $cat = get_option( 'relevanssi_cat' ); } if ( $cat ) { $cat = explode( ',', $cat ); $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $cat, ); } $excat = get_option( 'relevanssi_excat' ); if ( $relevanssi_test_admin || ( is_admin() && ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! DOING_AJAX ) ) ) { $excat = null; } if ( ! empty( $excat ) ) { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $excat, 'operator' => 'NOT IN', ); } $tag = false; if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['tags'] ) ) { $tag = $query->query_vars['tags']; if ( false !== strpos( $tag, '+' ) ) { $tag = explode( '+', $tag ); $operator = 'AND'; } else { $tag = explode( ',', $tag ); $operator = 'OR'; } $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'post_tag', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $tag, 'operator' => $operator, ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['tag_slug__not_in'] ) ) { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'post_tag', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $query->query_vars['tag_slug__not_in'], 'operator' => 'NOT IN', ); } $extag = get_option( 'relevanssi_extag' ); if ( ! empty( $extag ) && '0' !== $extag ) { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'post_tag', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $extag, 'operator' => 'NOT IN', ); } } $author = false; if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['author'] ) ) { $author = explode( ',', $query->query_vars['author'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['author_name'] ) ) { $author_object = get_user_by( 'slug', $query->query_vars['author_name'] ); $author[] = $author_object->ID; } $post_query = array(); if ( isset( $query->query_vars['p'] ) && $query->query_vars['p'] ) { $post_query = array( 'in' => array( $query->query_vars['p'] ) ); } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['page_id'] ) && $query->query_vars['page_id'] ) { $post_query = array( 'in' => array( $query->query_vars['page_id'] ) ); } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post__in'] ) && is_array( $query->query_vars['post__in'] ) && ! empty( $query->query_vars['post__in'] ) ) { $post_query = array( 'in' => $query->query_vars['post__in'] ); } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post__not_in'] ) && is_array( $query->query_vars['post__not_in'] ) && ! empty( $query->query_vars['post__not_in'] ) ) { $post_query = array( 'not in' => $query->query_vars['post__not_in'] ); } $parent_query = array(); if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post_parent'] ) && '' !== $query->query_vars['post_parent'] ) { $parent_query = array( 'parent in' => array( (int) $query->query_vars['post_parent'] ) ); } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post_parent__in'] ) && is_array( $query->query_vars['post_parent__in'] ) && ! empty( $query->query_vars['post_parent__in'] ) ) { $parent_query = array( 'parent in' => $query->query_vars['post_parent__in'] ); } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post_parent__not_in'] ) && is_array( $query->query_vars['post_parent__not_in'] ) && ! empty( $query->query_vars['post_parent__not_in'] ) ) { $parent_query = array( 'parent not in' => $query->query_vars['post_parent__not_in'] ); } $meta_query = array(); if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['meta_query'] ) ) { $meta_query = $query->query_vars['meta_query']; } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['customfield_key'] ) ) { $build_meta_query = array(); // Use meta key. $build_meta_query['key'] = $query->query_vars['customfield_key']; /** * Check the value is not empty for ordering purpose, * set it or not for the current meta query. */ if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['customfield_value'] ) ) { $build_meta_query['value'] = $query->query_vars['customfield_value']; } // Set the compare. $build_meta_query['compare'] = '='; $meta_query[] = $build_meta_query; } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['meta_key'] ) || ! empty( $query->query_vars['meta_value'] ) || ! empty( $query->query_vars['meta_value_num'] ) ) { $build_meta_query = array(); // Use meta key. $build_meta_query['key'] = $query->query_vars['meta_key']; $value = null; if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['meta_value'] ) ) { $value = $query->query_vars['meta_value']; } elseif ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['meta_value_num'] ) ) { $value = $query->query_vars['meta_value_num']; } /** * Check the meta value, as it could be not set for ordering purpose. * Set it or not for the current meta query. */ if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $build_meta_query['value'] = $value; } // Set meta compare. $build_meta_query['compare'] = '='; if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['meta_compare'] ) ) { $build_meta_query['compare'] = $query->query_vars['meta_compare']; } $meta_query[] = $build_meta_query; } $date_query = false; if ( ! empty( $query->date_query ) ) { if ( is_object( $query->date_query ) && 'WP_Date_Query' === get_class( $query->date_query ) ) { $date_query = $query->date_query; } else { $date_query = new WP_Date_Query( $query->date_query ); } } elseif ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['date_query'] ) ) { // The official date query is in $query->date_query, but this allows // users to set the date query from query variables. $date_query = new WP_Date_Query( $query->query_vars['date_query'] ); } if ( ! $date_query ) { $date_query = array(); if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['year'] ) ) { $date_query['year'] = intval( $query->query_vars['year'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['monthnum'] ) ) { $date_query['month'] = intval( $query->query_vars['monthnum'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['w'] ) ) { $date_query['week'] = intval( $query->query_vars['w'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['day'] ) ) { $date_query['day'] = intval( $query->query_vars['day'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['hour'] ) ) { $date_query['hour'] = intval( $query->query_vars['hour'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['minute'] ) ) { $date_query['minute'] = intval( $query->query_vars['minute'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['second'] ) ) { $date_query['second'] = intval( $query->query_vars['second'] ); } if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['m'] ) ) { if ( 6 === strlen( $query->query_vars['m'] ) ) { $date_query['year'] = intval( substr( $query->query_vars['m'], 0, 4 ) ); $date_query['month'] = intval( substr( $query->query_vars['m'], -2, 2 ) ); } } if ( ! empty( $date_query ) ) { $date_query = new WP_Date_Query( $date_query ); } else { $date_query = false; } } $post_type = false; if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post_type'] ) && 'any' !== $query->query_vars['post_type'] ) { $post_type = $query->query_vars['post_type']; } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post_types'] ) && 'any' !== $query->query_vars['post_types'] ) { $post_type = $query->query_vars['post_types']; } $post_status = false; if ( isset( $query->query_vars['post_status'] ) && 'any' !== $query->query_vars['post_status'] ) { $post_status = $query->query_vars['post_status']; } $expost = get_option( 'relevanssi_exclude_posts' ); if ( $relevanssi_test_admin || ( is_admin() && ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! DOING_AJAX ) ) ) { $expost = null; } $sentence = false; if ( isset( $query->query_vars['sentence'] ) && ! empty( $query->query_vars['sentence'] ) ) { $sentence = true; } $operator = ''; if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_set_operator' ) ) { $operator = relevanssi_set_operator( $query ); $operator = strtoupper( $operator ); } if ( ! in_array( $operator, array( 'OR', 'AND' ), true ) ) { $operator = get_option( 'relevanssi_implicit_operator' ); } $query->query_vars['operator'] = $operator; $orderby = null; $order = null; if ( isset( $query->query_vars['orderby'] ) ) { $orderby = $query->query_vars['orderby']; } if ( isset( $query->query_vars['order'] ) ) { $order = $query->query_vars['order']; } $fields = ''; if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['fields'] ) ) { if ( 'ids' === $query->query_vars['fields'] ) { $fields = 'ids'; } if ( 'id=>parent' === $query->query_vars['fields'] ) { $fields = 'id=>parent'; } } $by_date = ''; if ( ! empty( $query->query_vars['by_date'] ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/\d+[hdmyw]/', $query->query_vars['by_date'] ) ) { // Accepted format is digits followed by h, d, m, y, or w. $by_date = $query->query_vars['by_date']; } } $admin_search = false; if ( isset( $query->query_vars['relevanssi_admin_search'] ) ) { $admin_search = true; } $include_attachments = ''; if ( isset( $query->query_vars['include_attachments'] ) ) { $include_attachments = $query->query_vars['include_attachments']; } if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_extract_specifier' ) ) { $q = relevanssi_extract_specifier( $q ); } // Add synonyms. // This is done here so the new terms will get highlighting. $q_no_synonyms = $q; if ( 'OR' === $operator ) { // Synonyms are only used in OR queries. $q = relevanssi_add_synonyms( $q ); } $search_params = array( 'q' => $q, 'q_no_synonyms' => $q_no_synonyms, 'tax_query' => $tax_query, 'tax_query_relation' => $tax_query_relation, 'post_query' => $post_query, 'parent_query' => $parent_query, 'meta_query' => $meta_query, 'date_query' => $date_query, 'expost' => $expost, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post_status' => $post_status, 'operator' => $operator, 'author' => $author, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'fields' => $fields, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'by_date' => $by_date, 'admin_search' => $admin_search, 'include_attachments' => $include_attachments, 'meta_query' => $meta_query, ); return $search_params; }