curlang = &$polylang->curlang; $this->cache = new PLL_Cache(); } /** * Returns the url of the translation ( if exists ) of the current page * * @since 0.1 * * @param object $language * @return string */ public function get_translation_url( $language ) { global $wp_query; if ( false !== $translation_url = $this->cache->get( 'translation_url:' . $language->slug ) ) { return $translation_url; } // Make sure that we have the queried object // See $queried_object_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); /** * Filter the translation url before Polylang attempts to find one * Internally used by Polylang for the static front page and posts page * * @since 1.8 * * @param string $url Empty or the url of the translation of teh current page * @param object $language Language of the translation * @param int $queried_object_id Queried object id */ if ( ! $url = apply_filters( 'pll_pre_translation_url', '', $language, $queried_object_id ) ) { $qv = $wp_query->query_vars; // Post and attachment if ( is_single() && ( $this->options['media_support'] || ! is_attachment() ) && ( $id = $this->model->post->get( $queried_object_id, $language ) ) && $this->model->post->current_user_can_read( $id ) ) { $url = get_permalink( $id ); } // Page elseif ( is_page() && ( $id = $this->model->post->get( $queried_object_id, $language ) ) && $this->model->post->current_user_can_read( $id ) ) { $url = get_page_link( $id ); } elseif ( is_search() ) { $url = $this->get_archive_url( $language ); // Special case for search filtered by translated taxonomies: taxonomy terms are translated in the translation url if ( ! empty( $wp_query->tax_query->queries ) ) { foreach ( $wp_query->tax_query->queries as $tax_query ) { if ( ! empty( $tax_query['taxonomy'] ) && $this->model->is_translated_taxonomy( $tax_query['taxonomy'] ) ) { $tax = get_taxonomy( $tax_query['taxonomy'] ); $terms = get_terms( $tax->name, array( 'fields' => 'id=>slug' ) ); // Filtered by current language foreach ( $tax_query['terms'] as $slug ) { $term_id = array_search( $slug, $terms ); // What is the term_id corresponding to taxonomy term? if ( $term_id && $term_id = $this->model->term->get_translation( $term_id, $language ) ) { // Get the translated term_id $term = get_term( $term_id, $tax->name ); $url = str_replace( $slug, $term->slug, $url ); } } } } } } // Translated taxonomy // Take care that is_tax() is false for categories and tags elseif ( ( is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax() ) && ( $term = get_queried_object() ) && $this->model->is_translated_taxonomy( $term->taxonomy ) ) { $lang = $this->model->term->get_language( $term->term_id ); if ( ! $lang || $language->slug == $lang->slug ) { $url = get_term_link( $term, $term->taxonomy ); // Self link } elseif ( $tr_id = $this->model->term->get_translation( $term->term_id, $language ) ) { if ( $tr_term = get_term( $tr_id, $term->taxonomy ) ) { // Check if translated term ( or children ) have posts $count = $tr_term->count || ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $term->taxonomy ) && array_sum( wp_list_pluck( get_terms( $term->taxonomy, array( 'child_of' => $tr_term->term_id, 'lang' => $language->slug ) ), 'count' ) ) ); /** * Filter whether to hide an archive translation url * * @since 2.2.4 * * @param bool $hide True to hide the translation url. * defaults to true when the translated archive is empty, false otherwise. * @param string $lang The language code of the translation * @param array $args Arguments used to evaluated the number of posts in the archive */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'pll_hide_archive_translation_url', ! $count, $language->slug, array( 'taxonomy' => $term->taxonomy ) ) ) { $url = get_term_link( $tr_term, $term->taxonomy ); } } } } // Post type archive elseif ( is_post_type_archive() ) { if ( $this->model->is_translated_post_type( $qv['post_type'] ) ) { $args = array( 'post_type' => $qv['post_type'] ); $count = $this->model->count_posts( $language, $args ); /** This filter is documented in frontend/frontend-links.php */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'pll_hide_archive_translation_url', ! $count, $language->slug, $args ) ) { $url = $this->get_archive_url( $language ); } } } // Other archives elseif ( is_archive() ) { $keys = array( 'post_type', 'm', 'year', 'monthnum', 'day', 'author', 'author_name' ); $keys = array_merge( $keys, $this->model->get_filtered_taxonomies_query_vars() ); $args = array_intersect_key( $qv, array_flip( $keys ) ); $count = $this->model->count_posts( $language, $args ); /** This filter is documented in frontend/frontend-links.php */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'pll_hide_archive_translation_url', ! $count, $language->slug, $args ) ) { $url = $this->get_archive_url( $language ); } } // Front page when it is the list of posts elseif ( is_front_page() ) { $url = $this->get_home_url( $language ); } } /** * Filter the translation url of the current page before Polylang caches it * * @since 1.1.2 * * @param null|string $url The translation url, null if none was found * @param string $language The language code of the translation */ $translation_url = apply_filters( 'pll_translation_url', ( isset( $url ) && ! is_wp_error( $url ) ? $url : null ), $language->slug ); // Don't cache before template_redirect to avoid a conflict with Barrel + WP Bakery Page Builder if ( did_action( 'template_redirect' ) ) { $this->cache->set( 'translation_url:' . $language->slug, $translation_url ); } return $translation_url; } /** * Get the translation of the current archive url * used also for search * * @since 1.2 * * @param object $language * @return string */ public function get_archive_url( $language ) { $url = pll_get_requested_url(); $url = $this->links_model->switch_language_in_link( $url, $language ); $url = $this->links_model->remove_paged_from_link( $url ); /** * Filter the archive url * * @since 1.6 * * @param string $url Url of the archive * @param object $language Language of the archive */ return apply_filters( 'pll_get_archive_url', $url, $language ); } /** * Returns the home url in the right language * * @since 0.1 * * @param object $language Optional, defaults to current language * @param bool $is_search Optional, whether we need the home url for a search form, defaults to false */ public function get_home_url( $language = '', $is_search = false ) { if ( empty( $language ) ) { $language = $this->curlang; } return parent::get_home_url( $language, $is_search ); } }