get_options_name()); if (!$old_options) { update_site_option(self::$poweredby_optionname, 'off'); } } public function pdfemb_wp_enqueue_scripts() { if (!$this->useminified()) { wp_register_script( 'pdfemb_grabtopan_js', $this->my_plugin_url().'js/grabtopan-basic-'.$this->PLUGIN_VERSION.'.js', array('jquery'), $this->PLUGIN_VERSION); wp_register_script( 'pdfemb_pv_core_js', $this->my_plugin_url().'js/pdfemb-pv-core-'.$this->PLUGIN_VERSION.'.js', array('pdfemb_grabtopan_js', 'jquery'), $this->PLUGIN_VERSION ); wp_register_script( 'pdfemb_versionspecific_pdf_js', $this->my_plugin_url().'js/pdfemb-basic-'.$this->PLUGIN_VERSION.'.js', array('jquery', 'pdfemb_pv_core_js'), $this->PLUGIN_VERSION); wp_register_script( 'pdfemb_embed_pdf_js', $this->my_plugin_url().'js/pdfemb-embed-pdf-'.$this->PLUGIN_VERSION.'.js', array('pdfemb_pv_core_js', 'pdfemb_versionspecific_pdf_js'), $this->PLUGIN_VERSION ); } else { wp_register_script( 'pdfemb_embed_pdf_js', $this->my_plugin_url().'js/all-pdfemb-basic-'.$this->PLUGIN_VERSION.'.min.js', array('jquery'), false); } wp_localize_script( 'pdfemb_embed_pdf_js', 'pdfemb_trans', $this->get_translation_array() ); wp_register_script( 'pdfemb_pdf_js', $this->my_plugin_url().'js/pdfjs/pdf-'.$this->PLUGIN_VERSION.''.($this->useminified() ? '.min' : '').'.js', array('jquery'), $this->PLUGIN_VERSION); } protected function get_extra_js_name() { return 'basic'; } // ADMIN protected function pdfemb_mainsection_extra() { ?>

Premium Versions of the plugin on our website.', 'pdf-embedder'), ''); ?>

PDF Embedder Premium plugin solves this problem with an intelligent 'full screen' mode. When the document is smaller than a certain width, the document displays only as a 'thumbnail' with a large 'View in Full Screen' button for the user to click when they want to study your document. This opens up the document so it has the full focus of the mobile browser, and the user can move about the document without hitting other parts of the web page by mistake. Click Exit to return to the regular web page.", 'pdf-embedder'); ?> for more details and purchase options.', 'pdf-embedder'), ''); ?>

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Secure'; $mobile_link = 'Mobile'; array_unshift( $links, $secure_link ); array_unshift( $links, $mobile_link ); return $links; } protected function get_translation_array() { return array_merge(parent::get_translation_array() // ,Array('poweredby' => get_site_option(self::$poweredby_optionname, false)) ); } public function pdfemb_attachment_fields_to_edit($form_fields, $post) { if ($post->post_mime_type == 'application/pdf') { $form_fields['pdfemb-upgrade'] = array( 'input' => 'html', 'html' => sprintf(__('Track downloads and views with PDF Embedder Premium','pdf-embedder'), ''), 'label' => __( 'Downloads/Views', 'pdf-embedder' )); } return $form_fields; } // AUX protected function my_plugin_basename() { $basename = plugin_basename(__FILE__); if ('/'.$basename == __FILE__) { // Maybe due to symlink $basename = basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.basename(__FILE__); } return $basename; } protected function my_plugin_url() { $basename = plugin_basename(__FILE__); if ('/'.$basename == __FILE__) { // Maybe due to symlink return plugins_url().'/'.basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'; } // Normal case (non symlink) return plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ); } } // Global accessor function to singleton function pdfembPDFEmbedder() { return pdfemb_basic_pdf_embedder::get_instance(); } // Initialise at least once pdfembPDFEmbedder(); ?>