'Get information about a site.', 'group' => 'sites', 'stat' => 'sites:X', 'allowed_if_flagged' => true, 'method' => 'GET', 'min_version' => '1.2', 'path' => '/sites/%s', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) Site ID or domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'context' => false, ), 'response_format' => WPCOM_JSON_API_GET_Site_V1_2_Endpoint::$site_format, 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.2/sites/en.blog.wordpress.com/', ) ); class WPCOM_JSON_API_GET_Site_V1_2_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_GET_Site_Endpoint { public static $site_format = array( 'ID' => '(int) Site ID', 'name' => '(string) Title of site', 'description' => '(string) Tagline or description of site', 'URL' => '(string) Full URL to the site', 'capabilities' => '(array) Array of capabilities for the current user on this site.', 'jetpack' => '(bool) Whether the site is a Jetpack site or not', 'is_multisite' => '(bool) Whether the site is a Multisite site or not. Always true for WP.com sites.', 'post_count' => '(int) The number of posts the site has', 'subscribers_count' => '(int) The number of subscribers the site has', 'locale' => '(string) Primary locale code of the site', 'icon' => '(array) An array of icon formats for the site', 'logo' => '(array) The site logo, set in the Customizer', 'visible' => '(bool) If this site is visible in the user\'s site list', 'is_private' => '(bool) If the site is a private site or not', 'is_coming_soon' => '(bool) If the site is a "coming soon" site or not', 'single_user_site' => '(bool) Whether the site is single user. Only returned for WP.com sites and for Jetpack sites with version 3.4 or higher.', 'is_vip' => '(bool) If the site is a VIP site or not.', 'is_following' => '(bool) If the current user is subscribed to this site in the reader', 'options' => '(array) An array of options/settings for the blog. Only viewable by users with post editing rights to the site. Note: Post formats is deprecated, please see /sites/$id/post-formats/', 'plan' => '(array) Details of the current plan for this site.', 'updates' => '(array) An array of available updates for plugins, themes, wordpress, and languages.', 'jetpack_modules' => '(array) A list of active Jetpack modules.', 'meta' => '(object) Meta data', 'quota' => '(array) An array describing how much space a user has left for uploads', 'launch_status' => '(string) A string describing the launch status of a site', 'site_migration' => '(array) Data about any migration into the site.', 'is_fse_active' => '(bool) If the site has Full Site Editing active or not.', 'is_fse_eligible' => '(bool) If the site is capable of Full Site Editing or not', 'is_core_site_editor_enabled' => '(bool) If the site has the core site editor enabled.', ); function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) { add_filter( 'sites_site_format', array( $this, 'site_format' ) ); return parent::callback( $path, $blog_id ); } public function site_format( $format ) { return self::$site_format; } }