prepare_settings(); $this->errors = $this->validate(); $this->cancel = array( 'from' => false, 'from_name' => false ); if( !empty( $this->errors ) ) { $this->is_multisite = is_multisite(); $this->title = __( 'Global SMTP Setup', 'global-smtp' ); add_action( ( $this->is_multisite ) ? 'network_admin_menu' : 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'register_admin_menu' ) ); } else { add_action( 'phpmailer_init', array( $this, 'mailer' ) ); } // Filter the from name and address early, allowing them to be set in a constant but also overriden by plugins. if ( defined( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM' ) ) { add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', array( $this, 'get_from' ), -999 ); } if ( defined( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM_NAME' ) ) { add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', array( $this, 'get_from_name' ), -999 ); } add_filter( 'wp_mail', array( $this, 'check_headers') ); unset( $this->validations ); } /** * Self Instantiate * Note: Plugin can be disable internally by setting GLOBAL_SMTP_DISABLE to true. * This is useful if you have different needs between staging and production environments. */ public static function launch() { self::$instance = ( defined( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_DISABLE' ) && GLOBAL_SMTP_DISABLE ) ? null : new self(); } /** * Get this plugin's main class instance * @return object */ public static function instance() { return self::$instance; } /** * Register our admin menu in the correct context. * @return none */ public function register_admin_menu() { $parent = ( $this->is_multisite ) ? 'settings.php' : 'options-general.php'; $capability = ( $this->is_multisite ) ? 'manage_network_options' : 'manage_options'; add_submenu_page( $parent, $this->title, $this->title, $capability, 'global-smtp', array( $this, 'render_admin_page' ) ); } /** * Display the admin page * @return none */ public function render_admin_page() { $minimum = "define('GLOBAL_SMTP_HOST','');\n" . "define('GLOBAL_SMTP_USER','');\n" . "define('GLOBAL_SMTP_PASSWORD','**********')"; $optional = "define('GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM','');\n" . "define('GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM_NAME','Your Name');\n" . "define('GLOBAL_SMTP_PORT', 465);\n" . "define('GLOBAL_SMTP_SECURE', 'ssl');"; ?>

title; ?>

check email plugin', 'global-smtp' ), '' ); ?>.

errors as $error ) : ?>

get_error_message(); ?>

Example of minimum configuration (example for gmail)', 'global-smtp' ) ?>

validations = new stdClass; $this->validations->required = array( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_HOST', 'GLOBAL_SMTP_USER', 'GLOBAL_SMTP_PASSWORD' ); $this->validations->is_email = array( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_RETURN_PATH', 'GLOBAL_SMTP_REPLYTO_FROM' ); $this->validations->is_int = array( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_PORT', 'GLOBAL_SMTP_TIMEOUT' ); $this->validations->should_be = array( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_SECURE' => array( 'ssl', 'tls', 'none' ), 'GLOBAL_SMTP_AUTH_TYPE' => array( 'LOGIN', 'PLAIN', 'NTLM' ) ); //Assume any undefined settings $assume = array( 'GLOBAL_SMTP_PORT' => 587, 'GLOBAL_SMTP_SECURE' => 'tls', 'GLOBAL_SMTP_TIMEOUT' => 10, 'GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM' => '', 'GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM_NAME' => '', 'GLOBAL_SMTP_AUTH_TYPE' => 'LOGIN', ); foreach ( $assume as $setting => $default ) { if( !defined( $setting ) ) { define( $setting, $default ); } } } /** * Callback for wp_mail_from filter. * Applies the from address constant if a * "From" header was not present. * @return string from email address */ public function get_from( $from ) { $value = ( $this->cancel['from'] ) ? $from : GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM; $this->cancel['from'] = false; return $value; } /** * Callback for wp_mail_from_name filter * Applies the from name constant if a * "From" header was not present. * @return string from email address */ public function get_from_name( $from_name ) { $value = ( $this->cancel['from_name'] ) ? $from_name : GLOBAL_SMTP_FROM_NAME; $this->cancel['from_name'] = false; return $value; } /** * Validate Configuration to ensure things are setup correctly * @return bool|WP_Error Returns true if successful, else WP_Error with message */ protected function validate() { $errors = array(); foreach ( $this->validations->required as $setting ) { if( !defined( $setting ) ) { $errors[] = new WP_Error( 'global-smtp', sprintf( __( '%s is required for Multisite SMTP. Please define this in wp-config.php.', 'global-smtp' ), $setting ) ); } } foreach ( $this->validations->is_email as $setting ) { if ( defined( $setting ) && !is_email( constant( $setting ) ) ) { $errors[] = new WP_Error( 'global-smtp', sprintf( __( 'Value of %s is not a valid email address. Check wp-config.php, or ensure a valid fallback is available.', 'global-smtp' ), $setting ) ); } } foreach ( $this->validations->is_int as $setting ) { if( defined( $setting ) && !is_int( constant( $setting ) ) ) { $errors[] = new WP_Error( 'global-smtp', sprintf( __( '%s should be a number', 'global-smtp' ), $setting ) ); } } foreach ( $this->validations->should_be as $setting => $allowed ) { if( defined( $setting ) && !in_array( constant( $setting ), $allowed ) ) { $errors[] = new WP_Error( 'global-smtp', sprintf( __( '%s is invalid. It should be one of these values: "%s"', 'global-smtp' ), $setting, implode('" , "', $allowed ) ) ); } } return $errors; } /** * Filter for `wp_mail` used for introspection * @param array $atts Arguments passed into wp_mail * @return array Unmodified $atts */ public function check_headers( $atts ) { // Detect from headers in string based headers if ( is_string( $atts['headers'] ) && strpos( $atts['headers'], 'From: ' ) !== false ) { $this->cancel['from'] = true; $this->cancel['from_name'] = true; } // Detect from headers in array based headers if ( is_array( $atts['headers'] ) ) { foreach ( $atts['headers'] as $header) { if ( is_string( $header ) && strpos( $header, 'From: ' ) !== false ) { $this->cancel['from'] = true; $this->cancel['from_name'] = true; } } } // Passthough original values unchanged. return $atts; } /** * Hook PHP Mailer to use our SMTP settings */ public function mailer( $phpmailer ) { // Allow debug output to be displayed if ( defined('GLOBAL_SMTP_DEBUG') && GLOBAL_SMTP_DEBUG && is_admin() && ( !defined('DOING_AJAX') || !DOING_AJAX ) ) { $phpmailer->SMTPDebug = true; // There's no way to close this
 without plugging wp_mail, which this project aims to avoid
			// It will make the PHPMailer output more readable, but only when used with:
			if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && 'checkemail' == $_GET['page'] )
			  echo '


		$phpmailer->Mailer = "smtp";
		$phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true;

		$phpmailer->Host = GLOBAL_SMTP_HOST;
		$phpmailer->Username = GLOBAL_SMTP_USER;
		$phpmailer->Password = GLOBAL_SMTP_PASSWORD;

		$phpmailer->Port = (int) GLOBAL_SMTP_PORT;
		$phpmailer->SMTPSecure = GLOBAL_SMTP_SECURE;
		$phpmailer->AuthType = GLOBAL_SMTP_AUTH_TYPE;

		$phpmailer->Sender = defined('GLOBAL_SMTP_RETURN_PATH') ? GLOBAL_SMTP_RETURN_PATH : $phpmailer->From;

		if ( defined('GLOBAL_SMTP_REPLYTO_FROM') ) {



* Fire it up.