'', 'sugarroot' => '', 'sugardir' => trailingslashit( sanitize_file_name( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) ), 'sugarmaxbackups' => 15 ); } /** * @param $jobid */ public function edit_tab( $jobid ) { ?>


user(); $syncfolders = $sugarsync->get( $user->syncfolders ); if ( ! is_object( $syncfolders ) ) echo '' . __( 'No Syncfolders found!', 'backwpup' ) . ''; } catch ( Exception $e ) { echo '' . $e->getMessage() . ''; } if ( isset( $syncfolders ) && is_object( $syncfolders ) ) { echo ''; } ?>

Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted.', 'backwpup' ) ?>

get_Refresh_Token( sanitize_email( $_POST[ 'sugaremail' ] ), $_POST[ 'sugarpass' ] ); if ( ! empty( $refresh_token ) ) BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'sugarrefreshtoken', $refresh_token ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { BackWPup_Admin::message( 'SUGARSYNC: ' . $e->getMessage(), TRUE ); } } if ( isset( $_POST[ 'authbutton' ] ) && $_POST[ 'authbutton' ] === __( 'Delete Sugarsync authentication!', 'backwpup' ) ) { BackWPup_Option::delete( $jobid, 'sugarrefreshtoken' ); } if ( isset( $_POST[ 'authbutton' ] ) && $_POST[ 'authbutton' ] === __( 'Create Sugarsync account', 'backwpup' ) ) { try { $sugarsync = new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API(); $sugarsync->create_account( sanitize_email( $_POST[ 'sugaremail' ] ), $_POST[ 'sugarpass' ] ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { BackWPup_Admin::message( 'SUGARSYNC: ' . $e->getMessage(), TRUE ); } } $_POST[ 'sugardir' ] = trailingslashit( str_replace( '//', '/', str_replace( '\\', '/', trim( sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'sugardir' ] ) ) ) ) ); if ( substr( $_POST[ 'sugardir' ], 0, 1 ) == '/' ) $_POST[ 'sugardir' ] = substr( $_POST[ 'sugardir' ], 1 ); if ( $_POST[ 'sugardir' ] == '/' ) $_POST[ 'sugardir' ] = ''; BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'sugardir', $_POST[ 'sugardir' ] ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'sugarroot', isset( $_POST[ 'sugarroot' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'sugarroot' ] ) : '' ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'sugarmaxbackups', isset( $_POST[ 'sugarmaxbackups' ] ) ? absint( $_POST[ 'sugarmaxbackups' ] ) : 0 ); } /** * @param $jobdest * @param $backupfile */ public function file_delete( $jobdest, $backupfile ) { $files = get_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . strtolower( $jobdest ) ); list( $jobid, $dest ) = explode( '_', $jobdest ); if ( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'sugarrefreshtoken' ) ) { try { $sugarsync = new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'sugarrefreshtoken' ) ); $sugarsync->delete( urldecode( $backupfile ) ); //update file list foreach ( $files as $key => $file ) { if ( is_array( $file ) && $file[ 'file' ] == $backupfile ) unset( $files[ $key ] ); } unset( $sugarsync ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { BackWPup_Admin::message( 'SUGARSYNC: ' . $e->getMessage(), TRUE ); } } set_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . strtolower( $jobdest ), $files, YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); } /** * @param $jobid * @param $get_file * @param $local_file_path */ public function file_download( $jobid, $get_file, $local_file_path = null ) { try { $sugarsync = new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'sugarrefreshtoken' ) ); $response = $sugarsync->get( urldecode( $get_file ) ); if ( $level = ob_get_level() ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < $level; $i ++ ) { ob_end_clean(); } } @set_time_limit( 300 ); nocache_headers(); header( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' ); header( 'Content-Type: ' . MimeTypeExtractor::fromFilePath( (string) $response->displayName ) ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . (string) $response->displayName . '"' ); header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' ); header( 'Content-Length: ' . (int) $response->size ); echo $sugarsync->download( urldecode( $get_file ) ); die(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die( $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function file_get_list( $jobdest ) { $list = (array) get_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . strtolower( $jobdest ) ); $list = array_filter( $list ); return $list; } /** * @param $job_object BackWPup_Job * @return bool */ public function job_run_archive( BackWPup_Job $job_object ) { $job_object->substeps_todo = 2 + $job_object->backup_filesize; $job_object->log( sprintf( __( '%d. Try to send backup to SugarSync …', 'backwpup' ), $job_object->steps_data[ $job_object->step_working ][ 'STEP_TRY' ] ), E_USER_NOTICE ); try { $sugarsync = new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API( $job_object->job[ 'sugarrefreshtoken' ] ); //Check Quota $user = $sugarsync->user(); if ( ! empty( $user->nickname ) ) $job_object->log( sprintf( __( 'Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname %s', 'backwpup' ), $user->nickname ), E_USER_NOTICE ); $sugarsyncfreespase = (float)$user->quota->limit - (float)$user->quota->usage; //float fixes bug for display of no free space if ( $job_object->backup_filesize > $sugarsyncfreespase ) { $job_object->log( sprintf( _x( 'Not enough disk space available on SugarSync. Available: %s.','Available space on SugarSync', 'backwpup' ), size_format( $sugarsyncfreespase, 2 ) ), E_USER_ERROR ); $job_object->substeps_todo = 1 + $job_object->backup_filesize; return TRUE; } else { $job_object->log( sprintf( __( '%s available at SugarSync', 'backwpup' ), size_format( $sugarsyncfreespase, 2 ) ), E_USER_NOTICE ); } //Create and change folder $sugarsync->mkdir( $job_object->job[ 'sugardir' ], $job_object->job[ 'sugarroot' ] ); $dirid = $sugarsync->chdir( $job_object->job[ 'sugardir' ], $job_object->job[ 'sugarroot' ] ); //Upload to SugarSync $job_object->substeps_done = 0; $job_object->log( __( 'Starting upload to SugarSync …', 'backwpup' ), E_USER_NOTICE ); self::$backwpup_job_object = &$job_object; $reponse = $sugarsync->upload( $job_object->backup_folder . $job_object->backup_file ); if ( is_object( $reponse ) ) { if ( ! empty( $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ] ) ) BackWPup_Option::update( $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ], 'lastbackupdownloadurl', network_admin_url( 'admin.php' ) . '?page=backwpupbackups&action=downloadsugarsync&file=' . (string)$reponse . '&jobid=' . $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ] ); $job_object->substeps_done ++; $job_object->log( sprintf( __( 'Backup transferred to %s', 'backwpup' ), 'https://' . $user->nickname . '.sugarsync.com/' . $sugarsync->showdir( $dirid ) . $job_object->backup_file ), E_USER_NOTICE ); } else { $job_object->log( __( 'Cannot transfer backup to SugarSync!', 'backwpup' ), E_USER_ERROR ); return FALSE; } $backupfilelist = array(); $files = array(); $filecounter = 0; $dir = $sugarsync->showdir( $dirid ); $getfiles = $sugarsync->getcontents( 'file' ); if ( is_object( $getfiles ) ) { foreach ( $getfiles->file as $getfile ) { $getfile->displayName = utf8_decode( (string)$getfile->displayName ); if ( $this->is_backup_archive( $getfile->displayName ) && $this->is_backup_owned_by_job( $getfile->displayName, $job_object->job['jobid'] ) == true ) $backupfilelist[ strtotime( (string)$getfile->lastModified ) ] = (string)$getfile->ref; $files[ $filecounter ][ 'folder' ] = 'https://' . (string)$user->nickname . '.sugarsync.com/' . $dir; $files[ $filecounter ][ 'file' ] = (string)$getfile->ref; $files[ $filecounter ][ 'filename' ] = (string)$getfile->displayName; $files[ $filecounter ][ 'downloadurl' ] = network_admin_url( 'admin.php' ) . '?page=backwpupbackups&action=downloadsugarsync&file=' . (string)$getfile->ref . '&jobid=' . $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ]; $files[ $filecounter ][ 'filesize' ] = (int)$getfile->size; $files[ $filecounter ][ 'time' ] = strtotime( (string)$getfile->lastModified ) + ( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 ); $filecounter ++; } } if ( ! empty( $job_object->job[ 'sugarmaxbackups' ] ) && $job_object->job[ 'sugarmaxbackups' ] > 0 ) { //Delete old backups if ( count( $backupfilelist ) > $job_object->job[ 'sugarmaxbackups' ] ) { ksort( $backupfilelist ); $numdeltefiles = 0; while ( $file = array_shift( $backupfilelist ) ) { if ( count( $backupfilelist ) < $job_object->job[ 'sugarmaxbackups' ] ) break; $sugarsync->delete( $file ); //delete files on Cloud foreach ( $files as $key => $filedata ) { if ( $filedata[ 'file' ] == $file ) unset( $files[ $key ] ); } $numdeltefiles ++; } if ( $numdeltefiles > 0 ) $job_object->log( sprintf( _n( 'One file deleted on SugarSync folder', '%d files deleted on SugarSync folder', $numdeltefiles, 'backwpup' ), $numdeltefiles ), E_USER_NOTICE ); } } set_site_transient( 'BackWPup_' . $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ] . '_SUGARSYNC', $files, YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $job_object->log( E_USER_ERROR, sprintf( __( 'SugarSync API: %s', 'backwpup' ), $e->getMessage() ), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine() ); return FALSE; } $job_object->substeps_done ++; return TRUE; } /** * @param $job_settings array * @return bool */ public function can_run( array $job_settings ) { if ( empty( $job_settings[ 'sugarrefreshtoken' ] ) ) return FALSE; if ( empty( $job_settings[ 'sugarroot' ] ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } /** * */ class BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API { /** * url for the sugarsync-api */ const API_URL = 'https://api.sugarsync.com'; /** * * @var string */ protected $folder = ''; /** * @var mixed|string */ protected $encoding = 'UTF-8'; /** * @var null|string */ protected $refresh_token = ''; /** * The Auth-token * * @var string */ protected $access_token = ''; // class methods /** * Default constructor/Auth */ public function __construct( $refresh_token = NULL ) { //auth xml $this->encoding = mb_internal_encoding(); //get access token if ( isset( $refresh_token ) and ! empty( $refresh_token ) ) { $this->refresh_token = $refresh_token; $this->get_Access_Token(); } } /** * Make the call * * @return string * * @param string $url The url to call. * @param string $data * @param string $method * @throws BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception * @internal param $string [optiona] $data File on put, xml on post. * @internal param $string [optional] $method The method to use. Possible values are GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. */ private function doCall( $url, $data = '', $method = 'GET' ) { // allowed methods $allowedMethods = array( 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE' ); // redefine $url = (string)$url; $method = (string)$method; // validate method if ( ! in_array( $method, $allowedMethods, true ) ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Unknown method (' . $method . '). Allowed methods are: ' . implode( ', ', $allowedMethods ) ); // check auth token if ( empty( $this->access_token ) ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Auth Token not set correctly!' ); else $headers[ ] = 'Authorization: ' . $this->access_token; $headers[ ] = 'Expect:'; // init $curl = curl_init(); //set options curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'User-Agent' ) ); if ( ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) == '' ) curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE ); if ( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, dirname( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) ); } else { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE ); } if ( $method == 'POST' ) { $headers[ ] = 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8'; curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE ); $headers[ ] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $data ); } elseif ( $method == 'PUT' ) { if ( is_readable( $data ) ) { $headers[ ] = 'Content-Length: ' . filesize( $data ); $datafilefd = fopen( $data, 'rb' ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_PUT, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_INFILE, $datafilefd ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize( $data ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, array( BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync::$backwpup_job_object, 'curl_read_callback' ) ); } else { throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Is not a readable file:' . $data ); } } elseif ( $method == 'DELETE' ) { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE' ); } else { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, FALSE ); } // set headers curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, TRUE ); // execute $response = curl_exec( $curl ); $curlgetinfo = curl_getinfo( $curl ); // fetch curl errors if ( curl_errno( $curl ) != 0 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'cUrl Error: ' . curl_error( $curl ) ); curl_close( $curl ); if ( ! empty( $datafilefd ) && is_resource( $datafilefd ) ) fclose( $datafilefd ); if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] >= 200 && $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] < 300 ) { if ( FALSE !== stripos( $curlgetinfo[ 'content_type' ], 'xml' ) && ! empty( $response ) ) return simplexml_load_string( $response ); else return $response; } else { if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 401 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' Authorization required.' ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 403 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' (Forbidden) Authentication failed.' ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 404 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' Not found' ); else throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] ); } } /** * @return string * @throws BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception */ private function get_Access_Token() { $auth = ''; $auth .= ''; $auth .= '' . get_site_option( 'backwpup_cfg_sugarsynckey', base64_decode( "TlRBek1EY3lOakV6TkRrMk1URXhNemM0TWpJ" ) ) . ''; $auth .= '' . BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( get_site_option( 'backwpup_cfg_sugarsyncsecret', base64_decode( "TkRFd01UazRNVEpqTW1Ga05EaG1NR0k1TVRFNFpqa3lPR1V6WlRVMk1tTQ==" ) ) ) . ''; $auth .= '' . trim( $this->refresh_token ) . ''; $auth .= ''; // init $curl = curl_init(); //set options curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . '/authorization' ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'User-Agent' ) ); if ( ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) == '' ) curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE ); if ( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, dirname( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) ); } else { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE ); } curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $auth ) ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $auth ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE ); // execute $response = curl_exec( $curl ); $curlgetinfo = curl_getinfo( $curl ); // fetch curl errors if ( curl_errno( $curl ) != 0 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'cUrl Error: ' . curl_error( $curl ) ); curl_close( $curl ); if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] >= 200 && $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] < 300 ) { if ( preg_match( '/Location:(.*?)\r/i', $response, $matches ) ) $this->access_token = trim( $matches[ 1 ] ); return $this->access_token; } else { if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 401 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' Authorization required.' ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 403 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' (Forbidden) Authentication failed.' ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 404 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' Not found' ); else throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] ); } } /** * @param $email * @param $password * @return null|string * @throws BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception */ public function get_Refresh_Token( $email, $password ) { $auth = ''; $auth .= ''; $auth .= '' . mb_convert_encoding( $email, 'UTF-8', $this->encoding ) . ''; $auth .= '' . mb_convert_encoding( $password, 'UTF-8', $this->encoding ) . ''; $auth .= '' . get_site_option( 'backwpup_cfg_sugarsyncappid', "/sc/5030726/449_18207099" ) . ''; $auth .= '' . get_site_option( 'backwpup_cfg_sugarsynckey',base64_decode( "TlRBek1EY3lOakV6TkRrMk1URXhNemM0TWpJ" ) ) . ''; $auth .= '' . BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( get_site_option( 'backwpup_cfg_sugarsyncsecret', base64_decode( "TkRFd01UazRNVEpqTW1Ga05EaG1NR0k1TVRFNFpqa3lPR1V6WlRVMk1tTQ==" ) ) ) . ''; $auth .= ''; // init $curl = curl_init(); //set options curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . '/app-authorization' ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'User-Agent' ) ); if ( ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) == '' ) curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE ); if ( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, dirname( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) ); } else { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE ); } curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $auth ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $auth ) ) ); // execute $response = curl_exec( $curl ); $curlgetinfo = curl_getinfo( $curl ); // fetch curl errors if ( curl_errno( $curl ) != 0 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'cUrl Error: ' . curl_error( $curl ) ); curl_close( $curl ); if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] >= 200 && $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] < 300 ) { if ( preg_match( '/Location:(.*?)\r/i', $response, $matches ) ) $this->refresh_token = trim( $matches[ 1 ] ); return $this->refresh_token; } else { if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 401 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' Authorization required.' ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 403 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' (Forbidden) Authentication failed.' ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 404 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' Not found' ); else throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] ); } } /** * @param $email * @param $password * @throws BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception */ public function create_account( $email, $password ) { $auth = ''; $auth .= ''; $auth .= '' . mb_convert_encoding( $email, 'UTF-8', $this->encoding ) . ''; $auth .= '' . mb_convert_encoding( $password, 'UTF-8', $this->encoding ) . ''; $auth .= '' . get_site_option( 'backwpup_cfg_sugarsynckey', base64_decode( "TlRBek1EY3lOakV6TkRrMk1URXhNemM0TWpJ" ) ) . ''; $auth .= '' . BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( get_site_option( 'backwpup_cfg_sugarsyncsecret', base64_decode( "TkRFd01UazRNVEpqTW1Ga05EaG1NR0k1TVRFNFpqa3lPR1V6WlRVMk1tTQ==" ) ) ) . ''; $auth .= ''; // init $curl = curl_init(); //set options curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://provisioning-api.sugarsync.com/users' ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'User-Agent' ) ); if ( ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) == '' ) curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE ); if ( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, dirname( BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ) ); } else { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE ); } curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $auth ) ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $auth ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE ); // execute $response = curl_exec( $curl ); $curlgetinfo = curl_getinfo( $curl ); // fetch curl errors if ( curl_errno( $curl ) != 0 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'cUrl Error: ' . curl_error( $curl ) ); curl_close( $curl ); if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 201 ) { throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Account created.' ); } else { if ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 400 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' ' . substr( $response, $curlgetinfo[ 'header_size' ] ) ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 401 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' Developer credentials cannot be verified. Either a developer with the specified accessKeyId does not exist or the privateKeyID does not match an assigned accessKeyId.' ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 403 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' ' . substr( $response, $curlgetinfo[ 'header_size' ] ) ); elseif ( $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] == 503 ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] . ' ' . substr( $response, $curlgetinfo[ 'header_size' ] ) ); else throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'Http Error: ' . $curlgetinfo[ 'http_code' ] ); } } /** * @param $folder * @param string $root * @return string * @throws BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception */ public function chdir( $folder, $root = '' ) { $folder = rtrim( $folder, '/' ); if ( substr( $folder, 0, 1 ) == '/' || empty( $this->folder ) ) { if ( ! empty( $root ) ) $this->folder = $root; else throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'chdir: root folder must set!' ); } $folders = explode( '/', $folder ); foreach ( $folders as $dir ) { if ( $dir == '..' ) { $contents = $this->doCall( $this->folder ); if ( ! empty( $contents->parent ) ) $this->folder = $contents->parent; } elseif ( ! empty( $dir ) && $dir != '.' ) { $isdir = FALSE; $contents = $this->getcontents( 'folder' ); foreach ( $contents->collection as $collection ) { if ( strtolower( $collection->displayName ) == strtolower( $dir ) ) { $isdir = TRUE; $this->folder = $collection->ref; break; } } if ( ! $isdir ) throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'chdir: Folder ' . $folder . ' not exitst' ); } } return $this->folder; } /** * @param $folderid * @return string */ public function showdir( $folderid ) { $showfolder = ''; while ( $folderid ) { $contents = $this->doCall( $folderid ); $showfolder = $contents->displayName . '/' . $showfolder; if ( isset( $contents->parent ) ) $folderid = $contents->parent; else break; } return $showfolder; } /** * @param $folder * @param string $root * @return bool * @throws BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception */ public function mkdir( $folder, $root = '' ) { $savefolder = $this->folder; $folder = rtrim( $folder, '/' ); if ( substr( $folder, 0, 1 ) == '/' || empty( $this->folder ) ) { if ( ! empty( $root ) ) $this->folder = $root; else throw new BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception( 'mkdir: root folder must set!' ); } $folders = explode( '/', $folder ); foreach ( $folders as $dir ) { if ( $dir == '..' ) { $contents = $this->doCall( $this->folder ); if ( ! empty( $contents->parent ) ) $this->folder = $contents->parent; } elseif ( ! empty( $dir ) && $dir != '.' ) { $isdir = FALSE; $contents = $this->getcontents( 'folder' ); foreach ( $contents->collection as $collection ) { if ( strtolower( $collection->displayName ) == strtolower( $dir ) ) { $isdir = TRUE; $this->folder = $collection->ref; break; } } if ( ! $isdir ) { $this->doCall( $this->folder, '' . mb_convert_encoding( $dir, 'UTF-8', $this->encoding ) . '', 'POST' ); $contents = $this->getcontents( 'folder' ); foreach ( $contents->collection as $collection ) { if ( strtolower( $collection->displayName ) == strtolower( $dir ) ) { $isdir = TRUE; $this->folder = $collection->ref; break; } } } } } $this->folder = $savefolder; return TRUE; } /** * @return string */ public function user() { return $this->doCall( self::API_URL . '/user' ); } /** * @param $url * @return string */ public function get( $url ) { return $this->doCall( $url, '', 'GET' ); } /** * @param $url * @return string */ public function download( $url ) { return $this->doCall( $url . '/data' ); } /** * @param $url * @return string */ public function delete( $url ) { return $this->doCall( $url, '', 'DELETE' ); } /** * @param string $type * @param int $start * @param int $max * @return string */ public function getcontents( $type = '', $start = 0, $max = 500 ) { $parameters = ''; if ( strtolower( $type ) == 'folder' || strtolower( $type ) == 'file' ) $parameters .= 'type=' . strtolower( $type ); if ( ! empty( $start ) && is_integer( $start ) ) { if ( ! empty( $parameters ) ) $parameters .= '&'; $parameters .= 'start=' . $start; } if ( ! empty( $max ) && is_integer( $max ) ) { if ( ! empty( $parameters ) ) $parameters .= '&'; $parameters .= 'max=' . $max; } $request = $this->doCall( $this->folder . '/contents?' . $parameters ); return $request; } /** * @param $file * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public function upload( $file, $name = '' ) { if ( empty( $name ) ) { $name = basename( $file ); } $content_type = MimeTypeExtractor::fromFilePath( $file ); $xmlrequest = ''; $xmlrequest .= ''; $xmlrequest .= '' . mb_convert_encoding( $name, 'UTF-8', $this->encoding ) . ''; $xmlrequest .= '' . $content_type . ''; $xmlrequest .= ''; $this->doCall( $this->folder, $xmlrequest, 'POST' ); $getfiles = $this->getcontents( 'file' ); foreach ( $getfiles->file as $getfile ) { if ( $getfile->displayName == $name ) { $this->doCall( $getfile->ref . '/data', $file, 'PUT' ); return $getfile->ref; } } } } /** * SugarSync Exception class * * @author Daniel Hüsken */ class BackWPup_Destination_SugarSync_API_Exception extends Exception { }