array(51), //Authors's id's you like to include 'posts_per_page' => '3', 'paged' => $pagedlocal, ); $local_content = new WP_Query($args1); if($local_content->have_posts()) : while($local_content->have_posts()) : $local_content->the_post(); get_template_part( 'content', 'preview' ); endwhile; // $pag_argslocal = array( 'format' => '?pagedlocal=%#%', 'current' => $pagedlocal, 'total' => $local_content->max_num_pages, 'add_args' => array( 'pagedaggr' => $pagedaggr ) ); echo paginate_links( $pag_argslocal ); else: echo "Oops, there are no posts."; endif; echo '
'; // LOOP AGGREGATED CONTENT $args2 = array( 'author__in'=> array(51), //Authors's id's you like to include 'posts_per_page' => '2', 'paged' => $pagedaggr, ); $aggregated_content = new WP_Query($args2); if($aggregated_content->have_posts()) : while($aggregated_content->have_posts()) : $aggregated_content->the_post(); get_template_part( 'content', 'preview' ); endwhile; // $pag_args1 = array( 'format' => '?pagedaggr=%#%', 'current' => $pagedaggr, 'total' => $aggregated_content->max_num_pages, 'add_args' => array( 'pagedlocal' => $pagedlocal ) ); echo paginate_links( $pag_arggr ); else: ?> Oops, there are no posts.