Name; printf( '


', sprintf( __( 'The %1$s theme requires at least %2$s version %3$s', 'customizr' ), $theme, $requires_what, $requires_what_version ) ); } /** * This is where Customizr starts. This file defines and loads the theme's components : * => Constants : CUSTOMIZR_VER, TC_BASE, TC_BASE_CHILD, TC_BASE_URL, TC_BASE_URL_CHILD, THEMENAME, CZR_WEBSITE * => Default filtered values : images sizes, skins, featured pages, social networks, widgets, post list layout * => Text Domain * => Theme supports : editor style, automatic-feed-links, post formats, navigation menu, post-thumbnails, retina support * => Plugins compatibility : JetPack, bbPress, qTranslate, WooCommerce and more to come * => Default filtered options for the customizer * => Customizr theme's hooks API : front end components are rendered with action and filter hooks * * The method CZR__::czr_fn__() loads the php files and instantiates all theme's classes. * All classes files (except the class__.php file which loads the other) are named with the following convention : class-[group]-[class_name].php * * The theme is entirely built on an extensible filter and action hooks API, which makes customizations easy and safe, without ever needing to modify the core structure. * Customizr's code acts like a collection of plugins that can be enabled, disabled or extended. * * If you're not familiar with the WordPress hooks concept, you might want to read those guides : * * */ //Fire Customizr require_once( get_template_directory() . '/core/init-base.php' ); /** * THE BEST AND SAFEST WAY TO EXTEND THE CUSTOMIZR THEME WITH YOUR OWN CUSTOM CODE IS TO CREATE A CHILD THEME. * You can add code here but it will be lost on upgrade. If you use a child theme, you are safe! * * Don't know what a child theme is ? Then you really want to spend 5 minutes learning how to use child themes in WordPress, you won't regret it :) ! * * * More informations about how to create a child theme with Customizr : * A good starting point to customize the Customizr theme : */