( time() - 900 ) ) { $msg = __( 'Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.', 'wp-cerber' ); $status = 1; } else { $msg = sprintf( __( 'Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_date( $scan['started'] ) ); $status = 2; } } else { } } else { $msg = __( 'It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.', 'wp-cerber' ); } $start_quick = ''; $start_full = ''; $stop = ''; $continue = ''; $controls = ''; switch ( $status ) { case 0: $controls = $start_quick . $start_full; break; case 1: $controls = ''; break; case 2: $controls = $start_quick . $start_full . $continue; break; } $controls .= $stop; echo '
'; cerber_scanner_dashboard( $msg ); $d = ''; if ( nexus_is_valid_request() && ! nexus_is_granted( 'submit' ) ) { $d = 'disabled="disabled"'; } ?>
value=""/> value=""/>
'; } add_action( 'wp_ajax_cerber_scan_control', 'cerber_manual_scan' ); function cerber_manual_scan() { cerber_check_ajax_permissions(); ob_start(); // Collecting possible junk warnings and notices cause we need clean JSON to be sent $scanner = array(); $console_log = array(); $scan_do = ''; if ( cerber_is_http_post() && $scan_do = crb_get_post_fields( 'cerber_scan_do' ) ) { $scan_do = preg_replace( '/[^a-z_\-\d]/i', '', $scan_do ); //$mode = ( isset( $_POST['cerber_scan_mode'] ) ) ? preg_replace( '/[^a-z_\-\d]/i', '', $_POST['cerber_scan_mode'] ) : 'quick'; $mode = ( $mode = crb_get_post_fields( 'cerber_scan_mode' ) ) ? preg_replace( '/[^a-z_\-\d]/i', '', $mode ) : 'quick'; $scanner = cerber_scanner( $scan_do, $mode ); } else { $console_log[] = 'Unknown HTTP request'; } $next_do = ( ! empty( $scanner['cerber_scan_do'] ) ) ? $scanner['cerber_scan_do'] : 'stop'; $console_log = array_merge( $console_log, cerber_db_get_errors() ); $console_log[] = 'PHP MEMORY ' . @ini_get( 'memory_limit' ); $ret = array( 'console_log' => $console_log, 'cerber_scan_do' => $next_do, 'cerber_scanner' => $scanner, //'scan' => cerber_get_scan(), // debug only ); if ( $scan_do != 'continue_scan' ) { $ret['strings'] = cerber_get_strings(); } ob_end_clean(); echo json_encode( $ret ); crb_admin_stop_ajax(); } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function () { global $cerber_db_errors; if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { return; } ob_start(); // Collecting possible junk warnings and notices cause we need clean JSON to be sent // Load dependencies if ( ! function_exists( '_get_dropins' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } $scanner = array(); $errors = array(); $do = ''; if ( isset( $_POST['scan_mode'] ) ) { $mode = ( isset( $_POST['scan_mode'] ) ) ? preg_replace( '/[^a-z_\-\d]/i', '', $_POST['scan_mode'] ) : 'quick'; if ( cerber_is_cloud_enabled( $mode ) ) { if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { if ( $scan['finished'] || $scan['aborted'] ) { if ( $scan['finished'] < ( time() - 900 ) ) { $do = 'start_scan'; } else { $errors['p'] = 'Scan protection interval'; } } elseif ( $scan['cloud'] ) { if ( $scan['cloud'] == lab_get_real_node_id() ) { $do = 'continue_scan'; } else { // Restart a hung scan if ( $scan['started'] < ( time() - 900 ) ) { $do = 'start_scan'; } else { $errors['d'] = 'Scan from different node in progress'; } } } // Restart a hung/abandoned scan elseif ( $scan['started'] < ( time() - 900 ) ) { $do = 'start_scan'; } } else { $do = 'start_scan'; } if ( $do ) { $scanner = cerber_scanner( $do, $mode ); $scanner['errors'] = array(); // We don't process each error } } else { $errors['m'] = 'Mode is disabled'; } } else { $errors['u'] = 'Unknown cloud request'; } if ( ! empty( $scanner['cerber_scan_do'] ) ) { $do = $scanner['cerber_scan_do']; } else { $do = 'stop'; } $db_errors = array_map( function ( $err ) { return substr( $err, 0, 1000 ); }, $cerber_db_errors ); $ret = array( 'cerber_scanner' => $scanner, 'client_errors' => array( $errors, $db_errors ), 'mem_limit' => @ini_get( 'memory_limit' ), 'ver' => CERBER_VER //'scan' => cerber_get_scan(), // debug only ); ob_end_clean(); if ( $do == 'continue_scan' ) { echo CRB_SCAN_GO; } else { echo CRB_SCAN_STOP; } echo CRB_SCAN_DTB; echo json_encode( $ret ); echo CRB_SCAN_DTE; die(); } ); function cerber_scanner( $control, $mode ) { global $cerber_db_errors, $cerber_scan_mode; if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_debug' ) ) { register_shutdown_function( function () { if ( http_response_code() != 200 ) { crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: Unexpected software errors detected. Check the server error log.' ); if ( $err = error_get_last() ) { crb_scan_debug( print_r( $err, 1 ) ); } } } ); } $errors = array(); if ( function_exists( 'wp_raise_memory_limit' ) ) { if ( ! wp_raise_memory_limit( 'admin' ) ) { $m = 'WARNING: Unable to raise memory limit'; crb_scan_debug( $m ); $errors[] = $m; } } if ( ! $mode ) { $mode = 'quick'; } $cerber_scan_mode = $mode; $status = null; $ret = array(); switch ( $control ) { case 'start_scan': cerber_update_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, '', 0, false ); cerber_init_scan( $mode ); crb_scan_debug( '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> START SCANNING: ' . $mode .', memory: '.@ini_get( 'memory_limit' ) ); cerber_step_scanning(); break; case 'continue_scan': if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { $cerber_scan_mode = $scan['mode']; cerber_step_scanning(); } else { $errors[] = 'No scan in progress'; } break; case 'get_last_scan': if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { $ret['issues'] = crb_issue_filer( $scan['issues'], 'file_exists' ); } break; } if ($scan = cerber_get_scan()) { $ret['scan_id'] = $scan['id']; $ret['mode'] = $scan['mode']; $ret['cloud'] = $scan['cloud']; if ( $scan['finished'] || $scan['aborted'] ) { $ret['cerber_scan_do'] = 'stop'; } else { $ret['cerber_scan_do'] = 'continue_scan'; } $ret['step'] = $scan['next_step']; $ret['aborted'] = $scan['aborted']; $ret['errors'] = array_merge( $errors, cerber_get_scan_errors() ); $ret['errors_total'] = count( $ret['errors'] ); $ret['total'] = $scan['total']; $ret['scanned'] = $scan['scanned']; if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { $ret['step_issues'] = $scan['step_issues']; $ret['scanned'] = $scan['scanned']; $ret['numbers'] = $scan['numbers']; $ret['started'] = cerber_date( $scan['started'] ); $ret['elapsed'] = time() - $scan['started']; $duration = $ret['elapsed']; $ret['finished'] = ''; $ret['duration'] = ''; if ( $scan['finished'] ) { $ret['finished'] = cerber_date( $scan['finished'] ); $duration = $scan['finished'] - $scan['started']; $ret['step'] = ''; } if ( $duration < 60 ) { $ret['duration'] = $duration . ' seconds'; } else { $ret['duration'] = round( $duration / 60, 2 ) . ' minutes'; } if ( $duration && ! empty( $scan['scanned']['bytes'] ) ) { $ret['performance'] = number_format( round( ( $scan['scanned']['bytes'] / $duration ) / 1024, 0 ), 0, '.', ' ' ); } else { $ret['performance'] = 0; } $ret['performance'] .= ' KB/sec'; } } else { $ret['cerber_scan_do'] = 'stop'; } if ( $cerber_db_errors ) { cerber_watchdog( true ); } return $ret; } function cerber_step_scanning() { global $cerber_scan_mode; ignore_user_abort( true ); cerber_exec_timer(); if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } if ( $scan['finished'] || $scan['aborted'] ) { return true; } cerber_update_scan( array( 'step_issues' => array() ) ); $update = array(); $next_step = $scan['next_step']; $aborted = 0; $remain = 0; $exceed = false; crb_scan_debug( cerber_step_desc( $scan['next_step'] ) . ' (step ' . $scan['next_step'] . ')' ); switch ( $scan['next_step'] ) { case 0: cerber_before_scan(); break; case 1: if ( $result = cerber_scan_directory( ABSPATH, null, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { $above = dirname( cerber_get_abspath() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; _crb_save_file_names( array( $above . 'wp-config.php', $above . '.htaccess' ) ); $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan['id'] ); $update['total']['folders'] = $result[0]; crb_scan_debug( array( 'Folders: ' . $update['total']['folders'] ) ); } else { $aborted = 1; } break; case 2: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) ) { $tmp_dir = @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ); if ( is_dir( $tmp_dir ) && $result = cerber_scan_directory( $tmp_dir, null, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { //$update['total']['folders'] += $result[0]; } $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan['id'] ); } break; case 3: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) ) { $tmp_dir = @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ); $another_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); if ( $another_dir !== $tmp_dir && @is_dir( $another_dir ) && $result = cerber_scan_directory( $another_dir, null, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { //$update['total']['folders'] += $result[0]; } $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan['id'] ); } break; case 4: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) ) { $another_dir = session_save_path(); if ( @is_dir( $another_dir ) && $result = cerber_scan_directory( $another_dir, null, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { //$update['total']['folders'] += $result[0]; } $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan['id'] ); } break; case 5: $x = 0; if ( $result = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND file_hash = ""' ) ) { foreach ( $result as $row ) { if ( ! cerber_add_file_info( $row ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to update file info. Scanning has been aborted.' ); $aborted = 1; break; } if ( 0 === ( $x % 100 ) ) { if ( cerber_exec_timer() ) { $exceed = true; break; } } $x ++; } // Some files might be symlinks $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan['id'] ); $update['total']['parsed'] = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND file_type !=0' ); } else { $aborted = 1; } break; case 6: if ( cerber_is_check_fs() ) { cerber_check_fs_changes(); } break; case 7: cerber_verify_wp(); break; case 8: $remain = cerber_recover_files( CERBER_PK_WP ); break; case 9: $remain = cerber_verify_plugins(); break; case 10: $remain = cerber_recover_files( CERBER_PK_PLUGIN ); break; case 11: $remain = cerber_verify_themes(); break; case 12: $remain = cerber_process_files(); break; case 13: // Finalizing scan cerber_apply_scan_policies(); break; } if ( ! $remain && ! $exceed && ! $aborted ) { $next_step = cerber_next_step( $scan['next_step'] ); } if ( $next_step > 13 ) { $update['finished'] = time(); $update['step_issues'] = array(); } if ( $aborted ) { $update['aborted'] = time(); } $update['next_step'] = $next_step; $update['scanned']['files'] = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND scan_status > 0' ); $update['scanned']['bytes'] = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT SUM(file_size) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND scan_status > 0' ); if ( isset( $update['total']['files'] ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Files: ' . $update['total']['files'] ); } if ( $update['scanned']['files'] ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Scanned files: ' . $update['scanned']['files'] ); } if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } $update['issues'] = cerber_merge_issues( $scan['issues'], $scan['step_issues'] ); cerber_make_numbers( $update, $scan ); $ret = cerber_update_scan( $update ); if ( isset( $update['finished'] ) || isset( $update['aborted'] ) ) { crb_scan_debug( '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCANNING IS COMPLETED.' ); cerber_scan_completed(); $cr = cerber_cleanup_recovery(); if ( is_wp_error( $cr ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: ' . $cr->get_error_message() ); } } return $ret; } // Calculate the next step according to settings function cerber_next_step( $current_step ) { //$current_step = $scan['next_step']; $next_step = $current_step; switch ( $current_step ) { case 1: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) ) { $next_step += 1; } else { $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) ) ? 3 : 4; } break; case 3: $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) ) ? 1 : 2; break; case 5: $next_step += ( cerber_is_check_fs() ) ? 1 : 2; break; case 7: $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_recover_wp' ) ) ? 1 : 2; break; case 9: $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_recover_pl' ) ) ? 1 : 2; break; default: $next_step ++; } return $next_step; } function cerber_scan_completed() { if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() || ! lab_lab() || ! cerber_is_cloud_enabled() ) { return; } if ( ! ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) || ! $scan['cloud'] ) { return; } $report = cerber_scan_report( $scan ); if ( ! $report ) { crb_scan_debug( 'No issues for email reporting.' ); return; } if ( ! cerber_send_email( 'scan', $report ) ) { // Send alert via cloud? } else { crb_scan_debug( 'Email report has been sent.' ); } } function cerber_before_scan() { $dir = session_save_path(); if ( @is_dir( $dir ) && crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) && ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_nodelsess' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up in the session directory ' . $dir ); cerber_empty_folder( $dir ); } $dir = @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ); if ( @is_dir( $dir ) && crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) && ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_nodeltemp' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up in the temp directory ' . $dir ); cerber_empty_folder( $dir ); } $dir = @sys_get_temp_dir(); if ( @is_dir( $dir ) && crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) && ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_nodeltemp' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up in the temp directory ' . $dir ); cerber_empty_folder( $dir ); } } function cerber_empty_folder( $dir ) { $dir = rtrim( $dir, '/\\' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $ex = crb_get_settings( 'scan_delexdir' ); if ( $ex && in_array( $dir, $ex ) ) { return; } if ( ! wp_is_writable( $dir ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'The directory is write protected: ' . $dir ); return; } $r = cerber_empty_dir( $dir ); if ( is_wp_error( $r ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to delete files in the directory: ' . $dir ); crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: ' . $r->get_error_message() ); } else { crb_scan_debug( 'Directory has been emptied: ' . $dir ); } } function cerber_apply_scan_policies() { if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() && ! lab_lab() ) { return; // TODO: !uncomment for production } if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return; } $opt = crb_get_settings(); $sess_dir = rtrim( session_save_path(), '/\\' ); $tmp_dir1 = rtrim( @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ), '/\\' ); $tmp_dir2 = rtrim( sys_get_temp_dir(), '/\\' ); $scan_delupl = ( ! empty( $opt['scan_delupl'] ) ) ? array_keys( $opt['scan_delupl'] ) : array(); $may_be_deleted = array( CERBER_SCF, CERBER_PMC, CERBER_USF, CERBER_EXC, CERBER_UXT ); $update = false; crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up...' ); foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $id => &$set ) { foreach ( $set['issues'] as $key => &$issue ) { if ( empty( $issue['data']['fd_allowed'] ) || isset( $issue['data']['prced'] ) || ! in_array( $issue[0], $may_be_deleted ) || ! is_file( $issue['data']['name'] ) ) { continue; } $file_name = $issue['data']['name']; $dir = dirname( $file_name ); $delete = false; if ( $opt['scan_delexdir'] && in_array( $dir, $opt['scan_delexdir'] ) ) { continue; } if ( $opt['scan_delexext'] && cerber_has_extension( $file_name, 'scan_delexext' ) ) { continue; } if ( $dir == $sess_dir ) { if ( $opt['scan_nodelsess'] ) { continue; } $delete = true; } elseif ( $dir == $tmp_dir1 || $dir == $tmp_dir2 ) { if ( $opt['scan_nodeltemp'] ) { continue; } $delete = true; } elseif ( $issue['data']['type'] == CERBER_FT_UPLOAD ) { if ( ! in_array( $issue[2], $scan_delupl ) ) { continue; } $delete = true; } if ( ! $delete ) { if ( $set['setype'] == 21 || $issue[0] == CERBER_USF ) { if ( ! empty( $opt['scan_delunatt'] ) ) { $delete = true; } } if ( ! $delete && ! empty( $opt['scan_delunwant'] ) ) { if ( cerber_has_extension( $file_name, 'scan_uext' ) ) { $delete = true; } } } if ( $delete ) { $update = true; $result = cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan['id'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( $result->get_error_message() ); $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FDUN; } else { crb_scan_debug( 'File deleted: ' . $file_name ); $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FDLD; } } } } if ( $update ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Updating scan...' ); cerber_update_scan( $scan ); } } function cerber_recover_files( $package_type ) { if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() && ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } $mapping = array( CERBER_FT_WP => CERBER_PK_WP, CERBER_FT_ROOT => CERBER_PK_WP, CERBER_FT_PLUGIN => CERBER_PK_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME => 'theme', ); $update = false; $ret = 0; foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $id => &$set ) { foreach ( $set['issues'] as $key => &$issue ) { if ( $issue[0] != CERBER_IMD || isset( $issue['data']['prced'] ) ) { continue; } $file_type = $issue['data']['type']; if ( ! isset( $mapping[ $file_type ] ) || $mapping[ $file_type ] != $package_type ) { continue; } $file_name = $issue['data']['name']; if ( ! is_file( $file_name ) ) { continue; } $data = array(); if ( $package_type == CERBER_PK_PLUGIN ) { $data = $set['sec_details']['plugin']; } $source_file = cerber_get_the_source( $package_type, $file_name, $data ); if ( cerber_exec_timer() ) { // TODO: should be checked separately for downloading and unziping $ret = 1; break 2; } if ( is_wp_error( $source_file ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: ' . $source_file->get_error_message() ); continue; } cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan['id'], false ); if ( ! @copy( $source_file, $file_name ) ) { $err = error_get_last(); crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: Unable to recover the file: ' . $file_name ); if ( $err ) { crb_scan_debug( 'I/O ERROR: ' . $err['message'] ); } $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FRCV - 1; } else { crb_scan_debug( 'The file has been recovered: ' . $file_name ); $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FRCV; $update = true; } } } if ( $update ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Updating scan...' ); cerber_update_scan( $scan ); } return $ret; } function cerber_get_the_source( $package_type, $file_name, $data = array() ) { switch ( $package_type ) { case CERBER_PK_WP: $file_name = mb_substr( $file_name, mb_strlen( cerber_get_abspath() ) ); $version = cerber_get_wp_version(); $locale = get_locale(); $arc_folder = 'wordpress/'; $slug = $locale . '-'; // See do_core_upgrade(); if ( $locale == 'en_US' ) { $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-' . $version . '.zip'; $zip_name = 'wordpress-' . $version . '.zip'; } else { $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/' . $locale . '/wordpress-' . $version . '.zip'; $zip_name = 'wordpress-' . $version . '-' . $locale . '.zip'; } break; case CERBER_PK_PLUGIN: $file_name = mb_substr( $file_name, mb_strlen( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ) ); list( $slug ) = explode( '/', $data['slug'] ); $version = trim( $data['Version'], '.' ); $arc_folder = ''; $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/' . $slug . '.' . $version . '.zip'; $zip_name = $slug . '.' . $version . '.zip'; break; default: return false; } $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $tmp_folder = $folder . CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR . '/' . $package_type . '/' . $slug . $version . '/'; $ret = $tmp_folder . $arc_folder . $file_name; if ( file_exists( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } crb_scan_debug( 'Downloading source: ' . $url ); $zip_file = cerber_download_file( $url, $zip_name ); if ( ! $zip_file || is_wp_error( $zip_file ) ) { return $zip_file; } $result = cerber_unzip( $zip_file, $tmp_folder ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Unable to unzip file ' . $zip_file . ' ' . $result->get_error_message() ); } unlink( $zip_file ); if ( ! file_exists( $ret ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'scan_no_source', 'No source file found' ); } return $ret; } function cerber_cleanup_recovery() { $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } if ( ! file_exists( $folder . CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR ) ) { return true; } $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( is_wp_error( $fs ) ) { return $fs; } if ( ! $fs->rmdir( $folder . CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR, true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'ERROR: Unable to clean up recovery folder' ); } return true; } /** * Initialize data structure for a new Scan * * @param string $mode quick|fool * * @return array|bool */ function cerber_init_scan( $mode = 'quick' ) { cerber_delete_old_scans(); if ( ! $mode ) { $mode = 'quick'; } $data = array(); $data['mode'] = $mode; // Quick | Full $data['id'] = time(); $data['started'] = $data['id']; $data['finished'] = 0; $data['aborted'] = 0; // If > 0, the scan has been aborted due to unrecoverable errors $data['scanned'] = array(); $data['issues'] = array(); // The list of issues $data['step_issues'] = array(); // The list of issues during the current step $data['total'] = array(); // Counters $data['integrity'] = array(); $data['ip'] = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $data['cloud'] = cerber_is_cloud_request(); $data['next_step'] = 0; $data['numbers'] = array(); if ( ! cerber_update_set( 'scan', $data, $data['id'] ) ) { return false; } return $data; } /** * Return ID for the Scan in progress (the latest scan started) * * @return bool|integer Scan ID false if no scan in progress (no files to scan) */ function cerber_get_scan_id() { $scan_id = null; if ( $all = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT the_id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "scan"' ) ) { $scan_id = max( $all ); // There is no index for the_id column, so it should be faster } if ( ! $scan_id ) { $scan_id = false; } return $scan_id; } /** * Return Scan data * * @param integer $scan_id if not specified the last Scan data is returned * * @return array|bool */ function cerber_get_scan( $scan_id = null ) { // If no ID is specified look for the latest one if ( $scan_id === null ) { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); } if ( ! $scan_id ) { return false; } $scan = cerber_get_set( 'scan', $scan_id ); $scan['mode_h'] = ( $scan['mode'] == 'full' ) ? __( 'Full Scan', 'wp-cerber' ) : __( 'Quick Scan', 'wp-cerber' ); // Chunked data if ( ! empty( $scan['chunked'] ) ) { $in = '("scan_chunk_' . implode( '","scan_chunk_', range( 1, $scan['chunked'] ) ) . '")'; $order = ' ORDER BY FIELD (the_key, "scan_chunk_' . implode( '","scan_chunk_', range( 0, $scan['chunked'] ) ) . '")'; if ( $values = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT the_value FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key IN ' . $in . ' AND the_id = ' . $scan_id . $order ) ) { if ( ! empty( $scan['compressed'] ) && extension_loaded( 'zlib' ) ) { /*$values = implode( '', $values ); $values = hex2bin( $values ); $values = gzuncompress( $values ); $values = json_decode( $values, true );*/ $values = unserialize( gzuncompress( hex2bin( implode( '', $values ) ) ) ); } else { $values = unserialize( implode( '', $values ) ); //$values = json_decode( implode( '', $values ), true ); } //$values = unserialize( implode( '', $values ) ); $scan['issues'] = $values[0]; $scan['step_issues'] = $values[1]; unset( $values ); } } // --- return $scan; } /** * Update scan data by simply merging values in array * * @param array $new_data * * @return bool */ function cerber_update_scan( $new_data ) { if ( ! $old_data = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } if ( isset( $new_data['id'] ) ) { unset( $new_data['id'] ); } $data = array_merge( $old_data, $new_data ); unset( $old_data ); unset( $new_data ); // Split massive data sets into chunks $data['chunked'] = false; $data['compressed'] = 0; if ( ! $p = crb_get_mysql_var( 'max_allowed_packet' ) ) { $p = 1048576; } $chunk_size = intval( 0.9 * $p ); if ( ! isset( $data['step_issues'] ) ) { $data['step_issues'] = array(); } if ( ! isset( $data['issues'] ) ) { $data['issues'] = array(); } $issues = serialize( array( $data['issues'], $data['step_issues'] ) ); //$issues = json_encode( array( $data['issues'], $data['step_issues'] ) ); $length = strlen( $issues ); if ( $length > $chunk_size ) { unset( $data['issues'] ); unset( $data['step_issues'] ); $start = 0; $index = 1; if ( extension_loaded( 'zlib' ) ) { if ( $issues = bin2hex( gzcompress( $issues, 2 ) ) ) { //if ( $issues = bin2hex( gzencode( $issues, 2 ) ) ) { //if ( $issues = bin2hex( gzdeflate( $issues, 2 ) ) ) { $gzlength = strlen( $issues ); crb_scan_debug( "Chunk is compressed {$length} {$gzlength} " . ( $length / $gzlength ) ); $length = $gzlength; $data['compressed'] = 1; } } while ( $length > 0 ) { $chunk = substr( $issues, $start, $chunk_size ); if ( ! cerber_update_set( 'scan_chunk_' . $index, $chunk, $data['id'], false ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to save a scan chunk' ); } $index ++; $start += $chunk_size; $length -= $chunk_size; } $data['chunked'] = $index - 1; unset( $issues ); crb_scan_debug( 'Split data into ' . $data['chunked'] . ' chunks, chunk size '.$chunk_size ); } // -- $ret = cerber_update_set( 'scan', $data, $data['id'] ); if ( ! $ret ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to update the scan' ); } unset( $issues ); unset( $data ); unset( $old_data ); return $ret; } /** * Update scan data and preserve existing keys in array (scan structure) * * @param array $new_data * * @return bool */ function cerber_set_scan( $new_data ) { if ( ! $scan_data = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } $data = cerber_array_merge_recurively( $scan_data, $new_data ); return cerber_update_scan( $data ); } /** * Delete all outdated scans and their results except the several ones * */ function cerber_delete_old_scans() { if ( ! $scans = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "scan" ORDER BY the_id DESC' ) ) { return; } $limit = 2; // How many results we keep in the DB as a history $q_list = array(); $q = 0; $f_list = array(); $f = 0; foreach ( $scans as $item ) { $scan = unserialize( $item['the_value'] ); if ( $scan['mode'] == 'quick' && $q < $limit ) { $q_list[] = $scan['id']; $q ++; } elseif ( $scan['mode'] == 'full' && $f < $limit ) { $f_list[] = $scan['id']; $f ++; } elseif ($q >= $limit && $f >= $limit ){ break; } } $keep = array_merge( $q_list, $f_list ); //$all = array_column( $scans, 'the_id' ); $all = crb_array_column( $scans, 'the_id' ); $delete = array_diff( $all, $keep ); if ( ! $delete ) { return; } foreach ( $delete as $scan_id ) { cerber_delete_scan( $scan_id ); } // TODO: cleanup junk parts if no realted scan data exists /* if ( ! $scans = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "scan" ORDER BY the_id DESC' ) ) { return; } cerber_delete_set( 'scan_errors', $scan_id ); cerber_delete_set( 'tmp_verify_plugins', $scan_id ); */ } /** * Delete a single scan * * @return bool */ function cerber_delete_scan( $scan_id ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan( $scan_id ) ) { if ( ! empty( $scan['chunked'] ) ) { for ( $n = 0; $n <= $scan['chunked']; $n ++ ) { if ( ! cerber_delete_set( 'scan_chunk_' . $n, $scan_id ) ) { return false; } } } cerber_delete_set( 'scan_errors', $scan_id ); cerber_delete_set( 'tmp_verify_plugins', $scan_id ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id ); cerber_delete_set( 'scan', $scan_id ); return true; } return false; } function cerber_get_num_files( $scan_id ) { return cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . absint( $scan_id ) ); } /** * Save issues (for end user reporting) during the scanning * * @param string $section * @param array $issues * @param string $container Top level container for the section * * @return bool */ function cerber_push_issues( $section, $issues = array(), $container = '', $sec_details = array() ) { if ( empty( $issues ) || empty( $section ) ) { return false; } $sec_details = array_merge( array( 'vul_list' => false ), $sec_details ); $list = array(); // Add some details $setype = 0; foreach ( $issues as $issue ) { $data = array(); $extra_issue = 0; if ( isset( $issue['file'] ) ) { $file = $issue['file']; $data['bytes'] = $file['file_size']; $data['size'] = crb_size_format( $file['file_size'] ); $ftime = $file['file_mtime']; $data['time'] = cerber_auto_date( $ftime ); $data['name'] = $file['file_name']; $data['type'] = $file['file_type']; $status = crb_array_get( $file, 'file_status', 0 ); if ( 0 < $status && $status != $issue[0] ) { $extra_issue = $status; } // Can the file be deleted safely? $allowed = 0; if ( $file['file_type'] != CERBER_FT_CONF && ! empty( $file['fd_allowed'] ) && true === cerber_can_be_deleted( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $allowed = 1; } $data['fd_allowed'] = $allowed; } //elseif ( isset( $issue['plugin'] ) ) { // $data['version'] = $issue['plugin']['Version']; elseif ( isset( $sec_details['plugin'] ) ) { $data['version'] = $sec_details['plugin']['Version']; $setype = 3; } elseif ( isset( $issue['theme'] ) ) { $data['version'] = $issue['theme']->get( 'Version' ); $setype = 2; } elseif ( isset( $issue[ CERBER_PK_WP ] ) ) { $data['version'] = $issue[ CERBER_PK_WP ]; $setype = 1; } $issue_type = $issue[0]; $details = ( isset( $issue[2] ) ) ? $issue[2] : ''; $short_name = ( isset( $issue[1] ) ) ? $issue[1] : ''; // Single issue data set $list[] = array( $issue_type, // 0 - Type of issue $short_name, // 1 - Object name cerber_calculate_risk( $issue ), // 2 - Severity $extra_issue, // 3 - Extra issue 'data' => $data, 'details' => $details, ); } // Some stuff for better end-user report displaying if ( $section == 'WordPress' ) { $container = 'crb-wordpress'; } if ( $section == 'Uploads folder' ) { $setype = 20; } if ( $section == 'Unattended files' ) { $container = 'crb-unattended'; $setype = 21; } // TODO: $container Should be refactored if ( ! $container ) { //$container = sha1( $section ); if ( isset( $issues[0]['file'] ) ) { switch ( $issues[0]['file']['file_type'] ) { case CERBER_FT_WP: case CERBER_FT_CONF: $container = 'crb-wordpress'; break; case CERBER_FT_PLUGIN: $container = 'crb-plugins'; break; case CERBER_FT_THEME: $container = 'crb-themes'; break; case CERBER_FT_UPLOAD: $container = 'crb-uploads'; break; case CERBER_FT_MUP: $container = 'crb-muplugins'; break; case CERBER_FT_DRIN: $container = 'crb-dropins'; break; default: $container = 'crb-unattended'; } } else { if ( $section == 'WordPress' ) { $container = 'crb-wordpress'; } } } if ( ! $container ) { $container = 'crb-unattended'; $setype = 21; } // Save all // TODO: save section issues as a separate row with cerber_update_set() $id = sha1( $section ); $scan = cerber_get_scan(); $scan['step_issues'] = cerber_merge_issues( $scan['step_issues'], array( $id => array( 'name' => $section, 'container' => $container, 'sec_details' => $sec_details, 'setype' => $setype, 'issues' => $list, ) ) ); $ret = cerber_update_scan( $scan ); if ( ! $ret ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to save the list of issues!' ); } return $ret; } /** * Merge two lists of issues in a correct way * * @param $issues1 * @param $issues2 * * @return array */ function cerber_merge_issues( $issues1, $issues2 ) { if ( ! $issues1 ) { $issues1 = array(); } foreach ( $issues2 as $id => $item ) { if ( ! isset( $issues1[ $id ] ) ) { //$issues1[ $id ] = array( 'name' => $item['name'], 'issues' => $item['issues'] ); $issues1[ $id ] = $item; } else { $issues1[ $id ]['issues'] = array_merge( $issues1[ $id ]['issues'], $item['issues'] ); } } return $issues1; } /** * Indicator for end-user * * @param $issue * * @return int|mixed */ function cerber_calculate_risk( $issue ) { $risk = array( CERBER_FOK => 0, CERBER_VULN => 3, 10 => 1, 11 => 2, 5 => 3, 6 => 3, 7 => 3, 8 => 3 ); if ( isset( $risk[ $issue[0] ] ) ) { return $risk[ $issue[0] ]; } $file = $issue['file']; // Small junk files? $size_factor = null; if ( isset( $file['file_size'] ) ) { if ( $file['file_size'] < 10 ) { $size_factor = 1; } elseif ( $file['file_size'] < 30 ) { $size_factor = 2; } } // TODO: convert into a formula with metrics switch ( $issue[0] ) { case 14: if ( $size_factor ) { return $size_factor; } return 2; break; case CERBER_EXC: if ( $size_factor ) { return $size_factor; } if ( $file['file_type'] == CERBER_FT_UPLOAD ) { return 2; } return 2; break; case CERBER_IMD: case CERBER_USF: case CERBER_SCF: case CERBER_PMC: case CERBER_DIR: if ( $size_factor ) { return $size_factor; } if ( ! cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file['file_name'], array( 'js', 'inc' ) ) ) { return 2; } return 3; break; } return 1; } function cerber_get_risk_label() { return array( '', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', ); } function cerber_get_issue_label( $id = null ) { $issues = array( 0 => 'To be scanned', CERBER_FOK => __( 'Verified', 'wp-cerber' ), // 2-3 are prohibited! See: 'scan_reinc' - overlap with risk levels // >3 is a real issue CERBER_VULN => __( 'Vulnerability found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_NOHASH => __( 'Integrity data not found', 'wp-cerber' ), 6 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error', 'wp-cerber' ), 7 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error', 'wp-cerber' ), 8 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error', 'wp-cerber' ), 9 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error', 'wp-cerber' ), 10 => __( "Local file doesn't exist", 'wp-cerber' ), 11 => 'No local hash found', 13 => __( 'Unable to process file', 'wp-cerber' ), 14 => __( 'Unable to open file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_IMD => __( 'Checksum mismatch', 'wp-cerber' ), // Integrity // 16-25 PHP related ------------------------- CERBER_SCF => __( 'Suspicious code found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_PMC => __( 'Malicious code found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_USF => __( 'Unattended suspicious file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_EXC => __( 'Executable code found', 'wp-cerber' ), // Other ------------------------------------- CERBER_DIR => __( 'Suspicious directives found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_UXT => __( 'Unwanted file extension', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_MOD => __( 'Content has been modified', 'wp-cerber' ), // Previous scan CERBER_NEW => __( 'New file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_FDUN => __( 'Unable to delete', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_FDLD => __( 'File deleted', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_FRCV => __( 'File recovered', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( $id !== null ) { if ( is_array( $id ) ) { return array_intersect_key( $issues, array_flip( $id ) ); } return $issues[ $id ]; } return $issues; } function cerber_get_qs( $v = null ) { $q = array( 0 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Every hour', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'Every 3 hours', 'wp-cerber' ), 6 => __( 'Every 6 hours', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( $v ) { return $q[ $v ]; } return $q; } /** * Log system errors for the current scan * * @param string $msg * * @return bool */ function cerber_log_scan_error( $msg = '' ) { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); $errors = cerber_get_scan_errors(); $errors[] = $msg; crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: ' . $msg ); return cerber_update_set( 'scan_errors', $errors, $scan_id ); } function cerber_get_scan_errors() { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); if ( ! $errors = cerber_get_set( 'scan_errors', $scan_id ) ) { $errors = array(); } return $errors; } /** * Check the integrity of installed plugins * * @return int The number of plugins to process */ function cerber_verify_plugins() { if ( ! $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id() ) { return 0; } $key = 'tmp_verify_plugins'; $done = cerber_get_set( $key, $scan_id ); $plugins = get_plugins(); if ( $done ) { $to_scan = array_diff( array_keys( $plugins ), array_keys( $done ) ); } else { $done = array(); $to_scan = array_keys( $plugins ); } if ( empty( $to_scan ) ) { return 0; } $plugins_dir = cerber_get_plugins_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $file_count = 0; $bytes = 0; $max_files = 100; while ( ! empty( $to_scan ) ) { $plugin = array_shift( $to_scan ); $issues = array(); if ( false === strpos( $plugin, '/' ) ) { // A single-file plugin with no plugin folder (no hash on wordpress.org) $done[ $plugin ] = 1; if ( $plugin == 'hello.php' ) { // It's checked with WP hash continue; } $plugin_folder = $plugin; } else { $plugin_folder = dirname( $plugin ); } crb_scan_debug( 'Verifying ' . $plugins[ $plugin ]['Name'] . ' ' . $plugins[ $plugin ]['Version'] ); $plugin_hash = cerber_get_plugin_hash( $plugin_folder, $plugins[ $plugin ]['Version'] ); if ( $plugin_hash && ! is_wp_error( $plugin_hash ) ) { foreach ( $plugin_hash->files as $file => $hash ) { if ( ! cerber_is_file_type_scan( $file ) ) { continue; } $file_name = $plugins_dir . $plugin_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . cerber_normal_path( $file ); $file_name_hash = sha1( $file_name ); $where = 'scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"'; $local_file = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where ); if ( ! $local_file ) { $issues[] = array( 10, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $plugin_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ); continue; } if ( $local_file['scan_status'] != 0 ) { continue; } $short_name = cerber_get_short_name( $local_file ); if ( empty( $local_file['file_hash'] ) ) { $issues[] = array( 11, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); continue; } $hash_match = 0; if ( isset( $hash->sha256 ) ) { $repo_hash = $hash->sha256; if ( is_array( $repo_hash ) ) { $file_hash_repo = 'REPO provides multiple values, none match'; foreach ( $repo_hash as $item ) { if ( $local_file['file_hash'] == $item ) { $hash_match = 1; $file_hash_repo = $item; break; } } } else { $file_hash_repo = $repo_hash; if ( $local_file['file_hash'] == $repo_hash ) { $hash_match = 1; } } } else { $file_hash_repo = 'SHA256 hash not found'; } $status = ( $hash_match ) ? CERBER_FOK : CERBER_IMD; if ( $status > CERBER_FOK ) { $issues[] = array( $status, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); } cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET file_hash_repo = "' . $file_hash_repo . '", hash_match = ' . $hash_match . ', scan_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE ' . $where ); $file_count ++; $bytes += absint( $local_file['file_size'] ); } $verified = 1; } else { $verified = cerber_verify_plugin( $plugin_folder, $plugins[ $plugin ] ); } if ( ! $verified ) { $verified = 0; $status = CERBER_NOHASH; } else { $verified = 1; $status = CERBER_FOK; } //$issues[] = array( $status, '', 'plugin' => $plugins[ $plugin ] ); $issues[] = array( $status ); $vuln = cerber_check_vulnerabilities( $plugin_folder, $plugins[ $plugin ] ); if ( $vuln ) { foreach ( $vuln as $v ) { $issues[] = array( CERBER_VULN, $v['vu_info'] ); } } $sec_details = array( $status, 'plugin' => array( 'slug' => $plugin, 'Version' => $plugins[ $plugin ]['Version'] ), 'vul_list' => $vuln ); cerber_push_issues( $plugins[ $plugin ]['Name'], $issues, 'crb-plugins', $sec_details ); cerber_set_scan( array( 'integrity' => array( 'plugins' => array( $plugin => $verified ) ) ) ); $done[ $plugin ] = 1; if ( $file_count > $max_files || cerber_exec_timer() ) { break; } } cerber_update_set( $key, $done, $scan_id ); return count( $to_scan ); } /** * Checking the integrity of a plugin if there is no hash on wordpress.org * * @param string $plugin_folder Just folder, no full path, no slashes * @param array $plugin_data * * @return bool If true the plugin was verified by using an alternative source of hash */ function cerber_verify_plugin( $plugin_folder, $plugin_data ) { $ret = false; $hash = null; // Is there local hash? $hash = cerber_get_local_hash( CRB_HASH_PLUGIN . sha1( $plugin_data['Name'] . $plugin_folder ), $plugin_data['Version'] ); // Possibly remote hash? if ( ! $hash ) { $hash_url = null; if ( in_array( $plugin_folder, array( 'wp-cerber', 'wp-cerber-buddypress', 'wp-cerber-cloudflare-addon', 'jetflow' ) ) ) { $hash_url = 'https://my.wpcerber.com/downloads/checksums/' . $plugin_folder . '/' . $plugin_data['Version'] . '.json'; } if ( $hash_url ) { $response = cerber_obtain_hash( $hash_url ); if ( ! $response['error'] ) { $hash = get_object_vars( $response['server_data'] ); } else { if ( ! empty( $response['curl_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'CURL ' . $response['curl_error']; } elseif ( ! empty( $response['json_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'JSON ' . $response['json_error']; } else { $msg = 'Unknown network error'; } //$ret = new WP_Error( 'net_issue', $msg ); cerber_log_scan_error( $msg ); } } } if ( $hash ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Using local hash...' ); $local_prefix = cerber_get_plugins_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! strpos( $plugin_folder, '.' ) ) { // Not a single file plugin $local_prefix .= $plugin_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } list( $issues, $errors ) = cerber_verify_files( $hash, 'file_hash', $local_prefix ); $sec_details = array( 'plugin' => array( 'slug' => $plugin_folder, 'Version' => $plugin_data['Version'] ), ); cerber_push_issues( $plugin_data['Name'], $issues, 'crb-plugins', $sec_details ); if ( ! $errors ) { $ret = true; } } return $ret; } /** * Verifying the integrity of the WordPress * * @return int */ function cerber_verify_wp() { $wp_version = cerber_get_wp_version(); $ret = 0; $verified = 0; $wp_hash = cerber_get_wp_hash(); if ( ! is_wp_error( $wp_hash ) ) { // In case the default name 'plugins' of the plugins folder has been changed $wp_plugins_dir = basename( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ); if ( $wp_plugins_dir != 'plugins' ) { $new_data = array(); foreach ( $wp_hash as $key => $item ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'wp-content/plugins/' ) ) { $new_data[ 'wp-content/' . $wp_plugins_dir . '/' . substr( $key, 19 ) ] = $item; } else { $new_data[ $key ] = $item; } } $wp_hash = $new_data; } // In case the default name 'wp-content' of the CONTENT folder has been changed $wp_content_dir = basename( cerber_get_content_dir() ); if ( $wp_content_dir != 'wp-content' ) { $new_data = array(); foreach ( $wp_hash as $key => $item ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'wp-content/' ) ) { $new_data[ $wp_content_dir . '/' . substr( $key, 11 ) ] = $item; } else { $new_data[ $key ] = $item; } } $wp_hash = $new_data; } list( $issues, $errors ) = cerber_verify_files( $wp_hash, 'file_md5', ABSPATH, array(CERBER_FT_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME), CERBER_FT_WP, '_crb_not_existing' ); if ( ! $errors ) { $verified = 1; $status = CERBER_FOK; } else { $status = 9; } cerber_push_issues( 'WordPress', array( array( $status, CERBER_PK_WP => $wp_version ) ) ); cerber_push_issues( 'WordPress', $issues ); } else { cerber_push_issues( 'WordPress', array( array( 7, CERBER_PK_WP => $wp_version ) ) ); } cerber_set_scan( array( 'integrity' => array( CERBER_PK_WP => $verified ) ) ); return $ret; } // Themes and plugin will be checked separately, not as a part of WP function _crb_not_existing( $file_name ) { static $themes_prefix, $plugins_prefix; if ( $themes_prefix == null ) { $themes_prefix = basename( cerber_get_content_dir() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $themes_prefix ) ) { return false; } if ( $plugins_prefix == null ) { $plugins_prefix = basename( cerber_get_content_dir() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $plugins_prefix ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Verifying the integrity of the themes * * @return int */ function cerber_verify_themes() { $themes = wp_get_themes(); foreach ( $themes as $theme_folder => $theme ) { $issues = array(); $hash = cerber_get_theme_hash( $theme_folder, $theme ); $verified = 0; if ( $hash && ! is_wp_error( $hash ) ) { $local_prefix = cerber_get_themes_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $theme_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; list( $issues, $errors ) = cerber_verify_files( $hash, 'file_hash', $local_prefix, null, CERBER_FT_THEME ); if ( ! $errors ) { $verified = 1; $status = CERBER_FOK; } else { $status = 9; } } else { if ( is_wp_error( $hash ) ) { crb_scan_debug( $hash->get_error_message() ); //cerber_log_scan_error( $hash->get_error_message() ); } $status = CERBER_NOHASH; } $issues[] = array( $status, $theme_folder, 'theme' => $theme ); cerber_set_scan( array( 'integrity' => array( 'themes' => array( $theme_folder => $verified ) ) ) ); if ( $issues ) { cerber_push_issues( $theme->get( 'Name' ), $issues, 'crb-themes' ); } } return 0; } /** * Inspecting unattended files (remain after integrity checking) for traces of malware and other issue * * @return int */ function cerber_process_files(){ if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return 0; } $not_in = CERBER_FOK . ',14,' . CERBER_IMD; /* if ( !$files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND scan_status NOT IN ('.$not_in.')' ) ) { return 0; }*/ $in = '0'; if ( !$files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND scan_status IN ('.$in.')' ) ) { return 0; } // Plugins data ------------------- $plugins = array(); foreach ( get_plugins() as $key => $item ) { if ( $pos = strpos( $key, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { $new_key = substr( $key, 0, strpos( $key, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ); } else { $new_key = $key; } $plugins[ $new_key ] = $item; if ( ! empty( $scan['integrity']['plugins'][ $key ] ) ) { $plugins[ $new_key ]['integrity'] = true; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Themes data ------------------- $themes = wp_get_themes(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $can_be_deleted = array( CERBER_FT_UPLOAD, CERBER_FT_CNT, CERBER_FT_OTHER, CERBER_FT_LNG ); $issues = array(); $remain = 0; // Prevent hanging if ( $f = cerber_get_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, 0, false ) ) { cerber_update_fscan_status( sha1( $f ), 13, $scan['id'] ); cerber_update_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, '', 0, false ); $m = cerber_get_issue_label( 13 ) . ' ' . $f . ' size: ' . @filesize( $f ) . ' bytes'; cerber_log_scan_error( $m ); } $counter = 0; foreach ( $files as $file ) { $integrity_verified = false; $severity_limit = 6; $status = CERBER_USF; $section = ''; $do_not_del = false; switch ( $file['file_type'] ) { case CERBER_FT_WP: $section = 'WordPress'; $do_not_del = true; if ( ! empty( $scan['integrity'][ CERBER_PK_WP ] ) ) { $integrity_verified = true; } break; case CERBER_FT_PLUGIN: $f = cerber_get_file_folder( $file['file_name'], cerber_get_plugins_dir() ); if ( isset( $plugins[ $f ] ) ) { $section = $plugins[ $f ]['Name']; $do_not_del = true; if ( ! empty( $plugins[ $f ]['integrity'] ) ) { $integrity_verified = true; } } else { $severity_limit = 1; } break; case CERBER_FT_THEME: $f = cerber_get_file_folder( $file['file_name'], cerber_get_themes_dir() ); if ( isset( $themes[ $f ] ) ) { $section = $themes[ $f ]->get( 'Name' ); // WP_Theme object $do_not_del = true; if ( ! empty( $scan['integrity']['themes'][ $f ] ) ) { $integrity_verified = true; } $severity_limit = 5; } else { $severity_limit = 1; } //$status = 1; break; case CERBER_FT_ROOT: if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $section = 'WordPress'; $status = CERBER_FOK; } if ( ! empty( $scan['integrity'][ CERBER_PK_WP ] ) ) { //$integrity_verified = true; $do_not_del = false; } else { $do_not_del = true; } $severity_limit = 1; break; case CERBER_FT_CONF: $section = 'WordPress'; $do_not_del = true; $severity_limit = 2; break; case CERBER_FT_UPLOAD: $section = 'Uploads folder'; $severity_limit = 1; break; case CERBER_FT_MUP: $section = 'Must-use plugins'; $do_not_del = true; break; case CERBER_FT_OTHER: $severity_limit = 1; break; case CERBER_FT_DRIN: $section = 'Drop-ins'; break; default: $severity_limit = 2; break; } // Now we're ready to perform inspection $result = array(); if ( ! $integrity_verified ) { $result = cerber_inspect_file( $file['file_name'] ); // TODO: refactor this! if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $status = CERBER_FOK; if ( $result['severity'] == CERBER_MALWR_DETECTED ) { $status = CERBER_PMC; } /* elseif ( $result['severity'] == $severity_limit ) { $status = CERBER_USF; }*/ elseif ( $result['severity'] >= $severity_limit ) { if ( $result['severity'] == 1 ) { $status = CERBER_EXC; } else { if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $status = CERBER_DIR; } else { $status = CERBER_SCF; } } } } else { $status = 14; } } // An exception for wp-config.php if ( $status == CERBER_USF && $file['file_type'] == CERBER_FT_CONF ) { $status = CERBER_FOK; } // Unwanted extensions if ( $status == CERBER_FOK ) { if ( cerber_has_extension( $file['file_name'], 'scan_uext' ) ) { $status = CERBER_UXT; } } if ( $status == CERBER_FOK && $file['file_status'] > 0 ) { $status = $file['file_status']; } // This file must be included in the list of issue if ( $status > CERBER_FOK ) { if ( ! $section ) { $section = 'Unattended files'; $len = 0; if ( 0 === strpos( $file['file_name'], rtrim( cerber_get_abspath(), '/\\' ) ) ) { $len = mb_strlen( cerber_get_abspath() ) - 1; } if ( $len ) { $short_name = mb_substr( $file['file_name'], $len ); } else { $short_name = $file['file_name']; } } else { $short_name = cerber_get_short_name( $file ); } // Is file can be deleted? if ( $status >= CERBER_SCF ) { if ( $integrity_verified ) { $file['fd_allowed'] = 1; } elseif ( ! $do_not_del || in_array( $file['file_type'], $can_be_deleted ) ) { $file['fd_allowed'] = 1; } } $issues[ $section ][] = array( $status, $short_name, $result, 'file' => $file ); } cerber_update_fscan_status( $file['file_name_hash'], $status , $scan['id'] ); // Limits on time and the number of files per single step if ( 0 === ( $counter % 100 ) ) { if ( cerber_exec_timer() ) { $remain = 1; break; } } if ( $counter > 1000 ) { $remain = 1; break; } $counter ++; } if ( $issues ) { foreach ( $issues as $section => $list ) { cerber_push_issues( $section, $list ); } } return $remain; } /** * Scan a file for suspicious and malicious code * * @param string $file_name * * @return array|bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_inspect_file( $file_name = '' ) { global $cerber_scan_mode, $wp_cerber; if ( !@is_file( $file_name ) ) { return false; } if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) ) { return cerber_inspect_htaccess( $file_name ); } if ( ! cerber_check_extension( $file_name, array( 'php', 'phtm', 'phtml', 'phps', 'php2', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'php7', 'inc' ) ) ) { $php = false; if ( $cerber_scan_mode == 'full' ) { // Try to find an PHP open tag in the content if ( $f = @fopen( $file_name, 'r' ) ) { $str = fread( $f, 100000 ); if ( false !== strrpos( $str, ' 0 ); } } cerber_update_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, $file_name, 0, false ); $result = cerber_inspect_php( $file_name ); cerber_update_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, '', 0, false ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( $result->get_error_message() ); return $result; } return $result; } /** * Scan a file for suspicious and malicious PHP code * * @param string $file_name * * @return array|bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_inspect_php( $file_name = '' ) { static $patterns; if ( false === ( $content = @file_get_contents( $file_name ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name ) ); } $important = array( T_STRING, T_EVAL ); $tokens = @token_get_all( $content ); unset( $content ); if ( ! $tokens ) { return array( 'severity' => 0 ); // weird } $code_found = 0; // Any PHP code in the file = 1 $severity = array(); $xdata = array(); $pos = array(); $open = null; $list = cerber_get_php_unsafe(); foreach ( $tokens as $token ) { if ( ! is_array( $token ) ) { continue; } if ( in_array( $token[0], $important ) ) { $code_found = 1; if ( isset( $list[ $token[1] ] ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 1, $token[1], $token[2], $token[0] ); $severity[] = $list[ $token[1] ][0]; } } if ( $token[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING ) { if ( $val = cerber_is_base64_encoded( trim( $token[1], '\'"' ) ) ) { if ( cerber_inspect_value( $val ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 1, 'base64_encoded_php', $token[2], $token[0], $token[1] ); $severity[] = CERBER_MALWR_DETECTED; } /* else { // obsolete since 7.6.4 $xdata[] = array( 1, 'base64_encoded_string', $token[2], $token[0], $token[1] ); } $severity[] = 10;*/ } } if ( $token[0] == T_OPEN_TAG ) { $open = $token[2] - 1; } if ( $open && ( $token[0] == T_CLOSE_TAG ) ) { $pos[] = array( $open, $token[2] - 1 ); $open = null; } } if ( $open !== null ) { // No closing tag till the end of the file $pos[] = array( $open, null ); } if ( empty( $pos ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $lines = @file( $file_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name ) ); } $code = array(); $last = count( $pos ) - 1; foreach ( $pos as $k => $p ) { if ( $last == $k ) { $length = null; } else { $length = $p[1] - $p[0] + 1; } $code = $code + array_slice( $lines, $p[0], $length, true ); } //unset( $lines ); $code = implode( "\n", $code ); $code = cerber_remove_comments( $code ); $code = preg_replace( "/[\r\n\s]+/", '', $code ); if ( ! $code ) { return false; } // Check for malicious code patterns if ( ! $patterns ) { $patterns = cerber_get_php_patterns(); } /* foreach ( $patterns as $pa ) { if ($pa[1] == 2) { // 2 = REGEX $matches = array(); if ( preg_match_all( '/' . $pa[2] . '/i', $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) { if ( ! empty( $pa['not_func'] ) && function_exists( $pa['not_func'] ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $key => $match ) { if ( call_user_func( $pa['not_func'], $match[0] ) ) { unset( $matches[0][ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $pa['func'] ) && function_exists( $pa['func'] ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $key => $match ) { if ( ! call_user_func( $pa['func'], $match[0] ) ) { unset( $matches[0][ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $matches[0] ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 2, $pa[0], array_values( $matches[0] ) ); $severity[] = $pa[3]; } } } else { if ( false !== stripos( $code, $pa[2] ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 2, $pa[0], array( array( $pa[2] ) ) ); $severity[] = $pa[3]; } } } */ list ($x, $s) = cerber_process_patterns($code, $patterns); if ( ! empty( $x ) ) { $xdata = array_merge( $xdata, $x ); $severity = array_merge( $severity, $s ); } // Try to find line numbers for matches if ( $xdata ) { foreach ( $xdata as $x => $d ) { if ( $d[0] != 2 || ! isset( $d[2] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $d[2] as $y => $m ) { foreach ( $lines as $i => $line ) { if ( false !== strrpos( $line, $m[0] ) ) { $xdata[ $x ][2][ $y ][2] = $i + 1; break; } } if ( ! isset( $xdata[ $x ][2][ $y ][2] ) ) { $xdata[ $x ][2][ $y ][2] = '?'; } } } } unset( $lines ); // An attempt to interpret the results $max = 0; if ( $severity ) { $malwr_found = false; $malwr_combinations = array( array( 10, 7 ), array( 9, 7 ) ); foreach ( $malwr_combinations as $malwr ) { if ( $int = array_intersect( $malwr, $severity ) ) { if ( count( $malwr ) == count( $int ) ) { $malwr_found = true; } } } $max = ( $malwr_found ) ? CERBER_MALWR_DETECTED : max( $severity ); } if ( $code_found && ! $max ) { $max = $code_found; } return array( 'severity' => $max, 'xdata' => $xdata ); } /** * Unsafe code tokens * * @return array */ function cerber_get_php_unsafe(){ return array( 'base64_encoded_string' => array( 3, 'Base64 encoded string found.' ), 'base64_encoded_php' => array( 10, 'Base64 encoded malware found.' ), 'system' => array( 10, 'May be used to get/change vital system information or to run arbitrary server software.' ), 'shell_exec' => array(10, 'Executes arbitrary command via shell and returns the complete output as a string.'), 'exec' => array(10, 'Executes arbitrary programs on the web server.'), 'assert' => array(10, 'Allows arbitrary code execution.'), 'passthru' => array(10,'Executes arbitrary programs on the web server and displays raw output.'), 'pcntl_exec' => array(10, 'Executes arbitrary programs on the web server in the current process space.'), 'proc_open' => array(10, 'Executes an arbitrary command on the web server and open file pointers for input/output.'), 'popen' => array(10, 'Opens a process (execute an arbitrary command) file pointer on the web server.'), 'dl' => array(10, 'Loads a PHP extension on the web server at runtime.'), 'eval' => array( 9, 'May be used to execute malicious code on the web server. Pairing with base64_decode function indicates malicious code.' ), 'str_rot13' => array(9, 'Perform the rot13 transform on a string. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'mysql_connect' => array(9, 'Open a new connection to the MySQL server'), 'mysqli_connect' => array(9, 'Open a new connection to the MySQL server'), 'mysql_query' => array(9, 'Performs a query on the database'), 'mysqli_query' => array(9, 'Performs a query on the database'), 'base64_decode' => array(7, 'May be used to obfuscate and hinder detection of malicious code. Pairing with eval function indicates malicious code.'), 'socket_create' => array(6, 'Creates a network connection with any remote host. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'create_function' => array(6, 'Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function. Deprecated. A native anonymous function must be used instead.'), 'hexdec' => array(5, 'Hexadecimal to decimal. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'dechex' => array(5, 'Decimal to hexadecimal. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'chmod' => array(5, 'Changes file access mode.'), 'chown' => array(5, 'Changes file owner.'), 'chgrp' => array(5, 'Changes file group.'), 'symlink' => array(5, 'Creates a symbolic link to the existing file.'), 'unlink' => array(5, 'Deletes a file.'), 'gzinflate' => array(4, 'Inflate a deflated string. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'gzdeflate' => array(4, 'Deflate a string. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'curl_init' => array(4, 'Load external data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'curl_exec' => array(4, 'Load external data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'file_get_contents' => array(4, 'Read the entire file into a string. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'wp_remote_request' => array(3, 'Load data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_remote_get' => array(3, 'Load external data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_remote_post' => array(3, 'Upload or download data from/to any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_safe_remote_post' => array(3, 'Upload or download data from/to any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_remote_head' => array(3, 'Load data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'call_user_func' => array(2, 'Call any function given by the first parameter. May be used to run malicious code or hinder code inspection.'), 'call_user_func_array' => array(2, 'Call any function with an array of parameters. May be used to run malicious code or hinder code inspection.'), 'fputs' => array(1, ''), 'flock' => array(1, ''), 'getcwd' => array(1, ''), 'setcookie' => array(1, ''), 'php_uname' => array(1, ''), 'get_current_user' => array(1, ''), 'fileperms' => array(1, ''), 'getenv' => array(1, ''), 'phpinfo' => array(1, ''), 'header' => array(1, ''), 'add_filter' => array(1, 'Can alter any website data or website settings'), 'add_action' => array(1, ''), 'unserialize' => array(1, 'Can pose a serious security threat if it processes unfiltered user input'), ); } /** * Unsafe code patterns/signatures * * @return array */ function cerber_get_php_patterns() { $list = array( array( 'VARF', 2, '(? '_is_ip_external' ), //array( 'IPV6', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv6 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), array( 'BCTK', 2, '`[a-z]+`', 10, 'Execute arbitrary command on the web server' ), array( 'PIDT', 2, 'data:\/\/[A-Z0-9]+', 6, 'Process data in a non-standard way. Can be used to obfuscate malware.' ), array( 'PIDT', 3, 'php://input', 6, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), array( 'NGET', 3, '$_GET', 3, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), array( 'NPST', 3, '$_POST', 3, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), array( 'NREQ', 3, '$_REQUEST', 3, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), // Should be in a separate data set for non-php files //array( 'SHL1', 3, '#!/bin/sh', 6, 'Executable shell script' ), ); $list = array_merge( cerber_get_ip_patterns(), $list ); if ( $custom = crb_get_settings( 'scan_cpt' ) ) { foreach ( $custom as $i => $p ) { if ( substr( $p, 0, 1 ) == '{' && substr( $p, - 1 ) == '}' ) { $p = substr( $p, 1, - 1 ); $t = 2; } else { $t = 3; } $list[] = array( 'CUS' . $i, $t, $p, 4, __( 'Custom signature found', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } return $list; } function cerber_get_ip_patterns() { return array( array( 'IPV4', 2, '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv4 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), array( 'IPV6', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv6 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), ); } function cerber_get_js_patterns() { $list = array( array( 'EWEB', 2, '(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)', 10, 'An obfuscated external link found.' ), array( 'EFTP', 2, '(ftps?:\/\/[^\s]+)', 10, 'An obfuscated external link found.' ), ); $list = array_merge( cerber_get_ip_patterns(), $list ); return $list; } function cerber_get_ht_patterns() { static $ret; if ( $ret !== null ) { return $ret; } $ret = array( //array( 'R4IP', 2, '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', 6, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_rewrite_rule' ), //array( 'R6IP', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_rewrite_rule' ), array( 'IPV4', 2, '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv4 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), array( 'IPV6', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv6 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), array( 'RWEB', 2, '(https?:\/\/[^\s]+\.?)', 6, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_unsafe_redirect_rule' ), array( 'RFTP', 2, '(ftps?:\/\/[^\s]+\.?)', 10, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_unsafe_redirect_rule' ), array( 'PHPC', 2, 'php_value\s+(.+)', 10, 'An unsafe, suspicious PHP configuration command. Normally must not be here.', 'func' => '_is_unsafe_php_value' ), ); return $ret; } function cerber_inspect_htaccess( $file_name = '' ) { if ( false === ( $lines = @file( $file_name ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name ) ); } $pats = cerber_get_ht_patterns(); $severity = array(); $xdata = array(); foreach ( $lines as $n => $line ) { if ( false !== ( $p = strpos( $line, '#' ) ) ) { $line = substr( $line, 0, $p ); } $line = trim( $line ); if ( ! $line ) { continue; } foreach ( $pats as $pa ) { if ($pa[1] == 2) { // 2 = REGEX $matches = array(); if ( preg_match_all( '/' . $pa[2] . '/i', $line, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) { if ( ! empty( $pa['not_func'] ) && function_exists( $pa['not_func'] ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $key => $match ) { if ( call_user_func( $pa['not_func'], $match[0], $line ) ) { unset( $matches[0][ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $pa['func'] ) && function_exists( $pa['func'] ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $key => $match ) { if ( ! call_user_func( $pa['func'], $match[0], $line ) ) { unset( $matches[0][ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $matches[0] ) ) { $m = array_values( $matches[0] ); $m[0][2] = $n + 1; $xdata[] = array( 2, $pa[0], $m ); $severity[] = $pa[3]; } } } else { if ( false !== stripos( $line, $pa[2] ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 2, $pa[0], array( array( $pa[2], 0, $n + 1 ) ) ); $severity[] = $pa[3]; } } } } $max = 0; if ( $severity ) { $max = max( $severity ); } return array( 'severity' => $max, 'xdata' => $xdata ); } function _is_unsafe_php_value( $found, $line ) { $cmd_list = array( 'asp_tags', 'auto_append_file', 'auto_prepend_file', 'register_globals', 'include_path', 'open_basedir', 'user_ini', 'upload_tmp_dir' ); if ( false !== crb_stripos_multi( $found, $cmd_list ) ) { return true; } return false; } function _is_unsafe_redirect_rule( $found, $line ) { static $allowed, $coms; $line = trim( $line ); if ( ! $coms ) { $coms = array( 'RewriteRule', 'RewriteMap', 'ErrorDocument' ); } if ( 0 !== crb_stripos_multi( $line, $coms ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $allowed ) { $allowed = array( cerber_get_home_url(), 'https://%{HTTP_HOST}', 'http://%{HTTP_HOST}' ); } if ( 0 !== crb_stripos_multi( $found, $allowed ) ) { return true; } return false; } function crb_stripos_multi( &$str, &$list ) { foreach ( $list as $item ) { $pos = stripos( $str, $item ); if ( false !== $pos ) { return $pos; } } return false; } function _is_ip_external( $ip ) { if ( is_ip_private( $ip ) ) { return false; } if ( defined( 'DB_HOST' ) && DB_HOST === $ip ) { return false; } return true; } function cerber_get_strings() { $data = array(); $data[1] = cerber_get_php_unsafe(); $list = array(); $pats = array_merge( cerber_get_php_patterns(), cerber_get_ht_patterns() ); foreach ( $pats as $p ) { $list[ $p[0] ] = $p[4]; } $data[2] = $list; $data['explain'] = array( __( 'This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.' ), __( 'The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.' ), __( 'It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.' ), __( 'Suspicious code instruction found', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Suspicious code signatures found', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Suspicious directives found', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.' ), __( 'To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Please upload a reference ZIP archive', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Resolve issue', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $data['complete'] = 1; return $data; } /** * Verify files using hash data provided as array of $file_name => $hash * * @param array $hash_data Hash * @param string $field Name of DB table field with local hash * @param string $local_prefix Local filename prefix * @param int $set_type If set, the file type will be set to this value * @param callable $func If a local file doesn't exist it will be saved as an issue if return true * * @return array Possibly DB Errors + List of issues found */ function cerber_verify_files( $hash_data, $field = 'file_hash', $local_prefix = '', $type_not_in = array(), $set_type = null, $func = null ) { if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return array(); } $set_type = absint( $set_type ); $issues = array(); $errors = 0; $file_count = 0; if ( !$func || !function_exists( $func ) ) { $func = null; } $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; $local_prefix = cerber_normal_path( $local_prefix ); foreach ( $hash_data as $file_name => $hash ) { if ( ! cerber_is_file_type_scan( $file_name ) ) { continue; } $file_name = cerber_normal_path( $file_name ); $file_name_hash = sha1( $local_prefix . $file_name ); $where = 'scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"'; $local_file = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . $where ); if ( ! $local_file ) { if ( $func ) { if ( ! call_user_func( $func, $file_name ) ) { continue; } } $issues[] = array( 10, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ltrim( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ); continue; } if ( $local_file['scan_status'] != 0 ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $type_not_in ) && in_array( $local_file['file_type'], $type_not_in ) ) { continue; } $short_name = cerber_get_short_name( $local_file ); if ( empty( $local_file[ $field ] ) ) { $issues[] = array( 11, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); continue; } $hash_match = ( $local_file[ $field ] === $hash ) ? 1 : 0; $status = ( $hash_match ) ? CERBER_FOK : CERBER_IMD; if ( $status > CERBER_FOK ) { $issues[] = array( $status, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); } $file_type = ( ! empty( $set_type ) ) ? $set_type : $local_file['file_type']; if ( ! cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET file_type = ' . $file_type . ', file_hash_repo = "' . $hash . '", hash_match = ' . $hash_match . ', scan_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE ' . $where ) ) { $errors++; } $file_count ++; } return array( $issues, $errors ); } /** * Retrieve hash for a given plugin from wordpress.org * * @param $plugin string Plugin folder * @param $ver string Plugin version * @param $nocache bool If true, do not use data from the local cache (refresh one) * * @return WP_Error|array|mixed */ function cerber_get_plugin_hash( $plugin, $ver, $nocache = false ) { if ( !$plugin = preg_replace( '/[^a-z\-\d]/i', '', $plugin ) ) { return false; } $response = cerber_obtain_hash( 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin-checksums/' . $plugin . '/' . $ver . '.json', $nocache ); if ( ! $response['error'] ) { return $response['server_data']; } if ( $response['http_code'] == 404 ) { $ret = new WP_Error( 'no_remote_hash', 'The plugin is not found on wordpress.org' ); } else { if ( ! empty( $response['curl_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'CURL ' . $response['curl_error']; } elseif ( ! empty( $response['json_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'JSON ' . $response['json_error']; } else { $msg = 'Unknown network error'; } $ret = new WP_Error( 'net_issue', $msg ); } return $ret; } /** * @param $theme_folder * @param $theme object WP_Theme * * @return bool|WP_Error|array false if no local hash or theme is not publicly hosted on on the wordpress.org */ function cerber_get_theme_hash( $theme_folder, $theme ) { if ( $hash = cerber_get_local_hash( CRB_HASH_THEME . sha1( $theme->get( 'Name' ) . $theme_folder ), $theme->get('Version') ) ) { return $hash; } $tmp_file_name = $theme_folder . '.' . $theme->get( 'Version' ) . '.zip'; $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/theme/' . $theme_folder . '.' . $theme->get( 'Version' ) . '.zip'; $tmp_zip_file = cerber_download_file( $url, $tmp_file_name ); if ( is_wp_error( $tmp_zip_file ) ) { return $tmp_zip_file; } $result = cerber_need_for_hash( $tmp_zip_file, true, time() + DAY_IN_SECONDS ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return $result; } if ( $hash = cerber_get_local_hash( CRB_HASH_THEME . sha1( $theme->get( 'Name' ) . $theme_folder ), $theme->get('Version') ) ) { return $hash; } return false; } function cerber_download_file( $url, $file_name, $folder = null ) { static $errors = array(); $url_id = sha1( $url ); if ( isset( $errors[ $url_id ] ) ) { return $errors[ $url_id ]; } $tmp = false; if ( ! $folder ) { $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $tmp = true; } elseif ( ! file_exists( $folder ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Target folder does not exist: ' . $folder ); } $dst_file = $folder . $file_name; if ( ! $tmp && file_exists( $dst_file ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Aborted. Target file exists: ' . $dst_file ); } if ( ! $fp = fopen( $dst_file, 'w' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Unable to create file: ' . $dst_file ); } $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-curl', 'CURL library is disabled or not installed on this web server.'); } curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_POST => false, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Cerber Security Plugin', CURLOPT_FILE => $fp, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 5, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 25, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 3 * 3600, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_CAINFO => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt', ) ); $exec = curl_exec( $curl ); $code = curl_getinfo( $curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); curl_close( $curl ); fclose( $fp ); if ( ! $exec ) { unlink( $dst_file ); $ret = new WP_Error( 'cerber-curl', 'Unable (HTTP ' . $code . ') to download file: ' . $url ); $errors[ $url_id ] = $ret; return $ret; } return $dst_file; } /** * Retrieve MD5 hash from wordpress.org * See also: get_core_checksums(); * * @param bool $nocache if true, do not use the local cache * * @return array|object|WP_Error */ function cerber_get_wp_hash( $nocache = false ) { $wp_version = cerber_get_wp_version(); $locale = get_locale(); $response = cerber_obtain_hash( 'https://api.wordpress.org/core/checksums/1.0/?version=' . $wp_version . '&locale=' . $locale, $nocache ); if ( ! $response['error'] ) { $ret = $response['server_data']; if ( ! empty( $ret->checksums ) ) { return get_object_vars( $ret->checksums ); } elseif ( isset( $ret->checksums ) ) { $err = 'WordPress integrity data not found. Version: ' . $wp_version . ', locale: ' . $locale; } else { $err = 'WordPress integrity data has invalid format. Version: ' . $wp_version . ', locale: ' . $locale; } } else { if ( ! empty( $response['curl_error'] ) ) { $err = 'CURL ' . $response['curl_error']; } elseif ( ! empty( $response['json_error'] ) ) { $err = 'JSON ' . $response['json_error']; } else { $err = 'Unknown network error'; } } $ret = new WP_Error( 'net_issue', $err ); cerber_log_scan_error( $err ); return $ret; } /** * Download hash from the given URL. Network level. * * @param $url * @param bool $nocache If true, do not use data from the local cache (refresh one) * * @return array|bool */ function cerber_obtain_hash( $url, $nocache = false ) { $key = 'tmp_hashcache_' . sha1( $url ); if ( ! $nocache && $cache = cerber_get_set( $key ) ) { return $cache; } $ret = array( 'error' => 1 ); $err = null; $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl ) { $ret['curl_error'] = 'CURL library is disabled or not installed on this web server.'; return $ret; } curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_POST => false, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Cerber Security Plugin', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 5, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 3 * 3600, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_CAINFO => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt', ) ); crb_scan_debug( 'Launching CURL to download integrity data from: ' . $url ); $result = curl_exec( $curl ); $ret['curl_status'] = curl_getinfo( $curl ); $http_code = curl_getinfo( $curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); $ret['http_code'] = $http_code; if ( $result ) { if ( 200 === $http_code ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Integrity data is downloaded from: ' . $url ); crb_scan_debug( 'SIZE: ' . strlen( $result ) ); $ret['server_data'] = json_decode( $result ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { $ret['server_data'] = ''; $ret['json_error'] = json_last_error(); $ret['error'] = json_last_error(); } else { $ret['error'] = 0; cerber_update_set( $key, $ret, 0, true, time() + DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } } elseif ( 404 === $http_code ) { $err = 'Remote server return 404 URL not found'; $ret['curl_error'] = $err; $ret['error'] = $err; // There is no information about the plugin or this version of the plugin } else { if ( ! $err = curl_error( $curl ) ) { $err = 'Unknown CURL (network) error. Code ' . $http_code; } $ret['curl_error'] = $err; $ret['error'] = $err; } } else { if ( ! $err = curl_error( $curl ) ) { $err = 'Unknown CURL (network) error. Code ' . $http_code; } $ret['curl_error'] = $err; $ret['error'] = $err; } if ( ! empty( $ret['curl_error'] ) ) { $err = '#' . curl_errno( $curl ) . ' ' . $ret['curl_error'] . ' for URL: ' . $url; $ret['curl_error'] = $err; } curl_close( $curl ); if ( $err ) { if ( $http_code == 404 ) { crb_scan_debug( $err ); } else { cerber_log_scan_error( $err ); } } return $ret; } function cerber_detect_file( $file_name ) { static $abspath = null; static $upload_dir = null; static $upload_dir_mu = null; static $plugin_dir = null; static $theme_dir = null; static $content_dir = null; static $len = null; if ( $abspath === null ) { $abspath = cerber_get_abspath(); $len = strlen( $abspath ); $content_dir = cerber_get_content_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $upload_dir = cerber_get_upload_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $upload_dir_mu = cerber_get_upload_dir_mu() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $plugin_dir = cerber_get_plugins_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $theme_dir = cerber_get_themes_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } // Check in a particular order for a better performance if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $abspath . 'wp-admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_WP; // WP } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $abspath . WPINC . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_WP; // WP } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $plugin_dir ) ) { return CERBER_FT_PLUGIN; // Plugin } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $theme_dir ) ) { return CERBER_FT_THEME; // Theme } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $upload_dir ) ) { return CERBER_FT_UPLOAD; // Upload folder } if ( is_multisite() ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $upload_dir_mu ) ) { return CERBER_FT_UPLOAD; // Upload folder } } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $content_dir ) ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $content_dir . 'languages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_LNG; // Translations } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $content_dir . 'mu-plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_MUP; // A file in MU plugins folder } if ( $file_name === $content_dir . 'index.php' ) { return CERBER_FT_WP; // WP } if ( cerber_is_dropin( $file_name ) ) { return CERBER_FT_DRIN; } return CERBER_FT_CNT; // WP Content } if ( strrpos( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) === ( $len - 1 ) ) { //if ( strrchr( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-config.php' ) { if ( basename( $file_name ) == 'wp-config.php' ) { return CERBER_FT_CONF; } return CERBER_FT_ROOT; // File in the root folder } if ( basename( $file_name ) == 'wp-config.php' ) { if ( ! file_exists( $abspath . '/wp-config.php' ) ) { return CERBER_FT_CONF; } } return CERBER_FT_OTHER; // Some subfolder in the root folder } function cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) { if ( strrchr( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess' ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_is_dropin( $file_name ) { $dropins = _get_dropins(); if ( isset( $dropins[ basename( $file_name ) ] ) ) { if ( cerber_get_content_dir() == dirname( $file_name ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return theme or plugin main folder * * @param $file_name * @param $path * * @return string */ function cerber_get_file_folder( $file_name, $path ) { $p_start = mb_strlen( $path ) + 1; $folder = mb_substr( $file_name, $p_start ); if ( $pos = mb_strpos( $folder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { $folder = mb_substr( $folder, 0, $pos ); } return $folder; } /** * Prepare and save file data to the DB * * @param array $file A row from the cerber_files table * * @return bool */ function cerber_add_file_info( $file ) { static $md5; static $hash; if ( $md5 === null ) { $md5 = array( CERBER_FT_WP, CERBER_FT_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME, CERBER_FT_LNG, CERBER_FT_ROOT ); } if ( $hash === null ) { $hash = array( CERBER_FT_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME ); } $type = cerber_detect_file( $file['file_name'] ); $file_name = $file['file_name']; $update_file_name = ''; // A symbolic link in the content folder? Transform it to a real file name if ( $type == CERBER_FT_CNT && is_link( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $file_name = @readlink( $file['file_name'] ); if ( is_dir( $file_name ) ) { $delete_it = true; } else { $delete_it = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $file['scan_id'] . ' AND file_name = "' . cerber_real_escape( $file_name ) . '"' ); } if ( $delete_it ) { return cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $file['scan_id'] . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file['file_name_hash'] . '"' ); } $update_file_name = ' file_name="'.cerber_real_escape( $file_name ).'",'; } $file_hash = ''; $file_md5 = ''; if ( @is_readable( $file_name ) ) { if ( in_array( $type, $md5 ) ) { if ( ! $file_md5 = @md5_file( $file_name ) ) { $file_md5 = ''; } } //if ( cerber_is_check_fs() || in_array( $type, $hash ) || cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) ) { if ( cerber_is_check_fs() || in_array( $type, $hash ) ) { if ( ! $file_hash = @hash_file( 'sha256', $file_name ) ) { $file_hash = ''; } } } else { cerber_log_scan_error( cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name ) ); } $size = @filesize( $file_name ); $size = ( is_numeric( $size ) ) ? $size : 0; $perms = @fileperms( $file_name ); $perms = ( is_numeric( $perms ) ) ? $perms : 0; $mtime = @filemtime( $file_name ); $mtime = ( is_numeric( $mtime ) ) ? $mtime : 0; $is_writable = ( is_writable( $file_name ) ) ? 1 : 0; //if ( ! cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET file_name = "' . $file_name . '", file_hash = "' . $file_hash . '", file_md5 = "' . $file_md5 . '", file_size = ' . $size . ', file_type = ' . $type . ', file_perms = ' . $perms . ', file_writable = ' . $is_writable . ', file_mtime = ' . $mtime . if ( ! cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET '.$update_file_name.' file_hash = "' . $file_hash . '", file_md5 = "' . $file_md5 . '", file_size = ' . $size . ', file_type = ' . $type . ', file_perms = ' . $perms . ', file_writable = ' . $is_writable . ', file_mtime = ' . $mtime . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $file['scan_id'] . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file['file_name_hash'] . '"' ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param string $file_name_hash * @param int $status * @param int $scan_id * * @return bool|mysqli_result|resource */ function cerber_update_fscan_status( $file_name_hash, $status, $scan_id ) { return cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET scan_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"' ); } function cerber_is_check_fs() { if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_imod' ) || crb_get_settings( 'scan_inew' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Are there any changes/new files * * @return int */ function cerber_check_fs_changes() { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); $prev_id = cerber_get_prev_scan_id( $scan_id ); if ( $prev_id ) { cerber_cmp_scans( $prev_id, $scan_id ); } return 0; } function cerber_get_prev_scan_id( $scan_id = 0 ) { global $cerber_scan_mode; if ( ! $scans = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "scan" AND the_id < ' . $scan_id . ' ORDER BY the_id DESC' ) ) { return 0; } $prev_id = 0; foreach ( $scans as $item ) { $scan = unserialize( $item['the_value'] ); if ( $scan['mode'] == $cerber_scan_mode ) { $prev_id = $scan['id']; break; } } return $prev_id; } function cerber_cmp_scans( $prev_id, $scan_id ) { $p_files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_name_hash, file_hash, file_md5, file_size FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $prev_id); $n_files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_name_hash, file_hash, file_md5, file_size FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id); if ( ! $p_files || ! $n_files ) { return 0; } $prev_files = array(); foreach ( $p_files as $file ) { $prev_files[$file['file_name_hash']] = $file; } $new_files = array(); foreach ( $n_files as $file ) { $new_files[$file['file_name_hash']] = $file; } $inew = crb_get_settings( 'scan_inew' ); $imod = crb_get_settings( 'scan_imod' ); $update = array(); foreach ( $new_files as $key => $file ) { $status = 0; if ( ! isset( $prev_files[ $key ] ) ) { if ( $inew ) { if ( $inew != 2 ) { if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $status = CERBER_NEW; } } else { $status = CERBER_NEW; } } } elseif ( $imod ) { $status = cerber_cmp_files( $prev_files[ $key ], $new_files[ $key ] ); if ( $status && ( $imod != 2 ) ) { if ( ! cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $status = 0; } } } if ( $status > 0 ) { $update[ $key ] = $status; } } if ( ! $update ) { return 0; } $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; foreach ( $update as $key => $status ) { cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET file_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $key . '"' ); } return 0; } function cerber_cmp_files( $prev, $new ) { if ( ! empty( $prev['file_hash'] ) && ! empty( $new['file_hash'] ) ) { if ( $prev['file_hash'] != $new['file_hash'] ) { return CERBER_MOD; } } elseif ( ! empty( $prev['file_md5'] ) && ! empty( $new['file_md5'] ) ) { if ( $prev['file_md5'] != $new['file_md5'] ) { return CERBER_MOD; } } elseif ( $prev['file_size'] != $new['file_size'] ) { return CERBER_MOD; } return 0; } /** * Recursively creates a list of files in a given folder with a given filename pattern * * @param string $root The starting folder with trailing slash * @param string $pattern Pattern for filenames to include * @param callable $function The function to save the list of files that are passed as an array * * @return array The total number of folders and files */ function cerber_scan_directory( $root, $pattern = null, $function ) { static $history = array(); static $exclude = null; // Prevent infinite recursion if ( isset( $history[ $root ] ) ) { return array( 0, 0 ); } $history[ $root ] = 1; // Must be excluded if ( $exclude === null ) { $list = crb_get_settings( 'scan_exclude' ); if ( ! $list || ! is_array( $list ) ) { $list = array(); } $d = cerber_get_the_folder(); if ( is_dir( $d ) ) { $list[] = $d; } $exclude = array(); foreach ( $list as $dir ) { if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) ) { continue; } $exclude[] = rtrim( $dir, '/\\' ); } /*$exclude = array_map( function ( $item ) { return rtrim( $item, '/\\' ); }, $exclude );*/ } if ( ! $pattern ) { $pattern = '{*,.*}'; } $dir_counter = 1; $file_counter = 0; $root = rtrim( $root, '/\\' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $list = array(); //if ( $files = glob( $root . $pattern, GLOB_BRACE ) ) { if ( $files = cerber_glob_brace( $root, $pattern ) ) { foreach ( $files as $file_name ) { if ( @is_dir( $file_name ) || ! is_readable( $file_name ) ) { continue; } $file_counter ++; $list[] = $file_name; if ( count( $list ) > 200 ) { // packet size, can affect the DB performance if $function saves file names to the DB call_user_func( $function, $list ); $list = array(); } } if ( ! empty( $list ) ) { call_user_func( $function, $list ); } } elseif ( $files === false ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'PHP glob got error while accessing ' . $root . $pattern ); } //if ( $dirs = glob( $root . '{*,.*}', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_BRACE ) ) { if ( $dirs = cerber_glob_brace( $root, '{*,.*}', GLOB_ONLYDIR ) ) { foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) { if ( in_array( $dir, $exclude ) ) { continue; } $b = basename( $dir ); if ( $b == '.' || $b == '..' ) { continue; } list ( $dc, $fc ) = cerber_scan_directory( $dir, $pattern, $function ); $dir_counter += $dc; $file_counter += $fc; } } elseif ( $files === false ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'PHP glob got error while accessing ' . $root . '*' ); } return array( $dir_counter, $file_counter ); } /** * A PHP glob() implementation that works with no GLOB_BRACE available * * @param string $dir With the trailing directory delimiter * @param string $patterns We expect '{pattern1,pattern2,etc.}' * @param int $flags Standard glob() flags except GLOB_BRACE * * @return array|false */ function cerber_glob_brace( $dir, $patterns, $flags = 0 ) { if ( $patterns[0] != '{' ) { // No GLOB_BRACE is needed return glob( $dir . $patterns, $flags ); } if ( defined( 'GLOB_BRACE' ) ) { $flags = ( $flags ) ? $flags | GLOB_BRACE : GLOB_BRACE; return glob( $dir . $patterns, $flags ); } // GLOB_BRACE is not supported $list = explode( ',', substr( $patterns, 1, strlen( $patterns ) - 2 ) ); $list = array_map( 'trim', $list ); $ret = array(); foreach ( $list as $pt ) { if ( $glob = glob( $dir . $pt, $flags ) ) { $ret = array_merge( $ret, $glob ); } } return $ret; } /** * @param $file_name string * * @return string */ function cerber_normal_path( $file_name ) { return str_replace( array( '/', '\\' ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file_name ); } /** * Packet saving of file names * * @param array $list * * @return bool|mysqli_result */ function _crb_save_file_names( $list ) { global $cerber_scan_mode; static $scan_id; static $ignore; $list = array_filter( $list ); if ( empty( $list ) ) { return true; } if ( ! isset( $scan_id ) ) { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); if ( ! $scan_id ) { return false; } } if ( ! isset( $ignore ) ) { $ignore = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ); if ( ! $ignore || ! is_array( $ignore ) ) { $ignore = array(); } } if ( $cerber_scan_mode == 'full' ) { $scan_mode = 1; } else { $scan_mode = 0; } $sql = ''; $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; foreach ( $list as $filename ) { if ( ! @is_file( $filename ) || ! cerber_is_file_type_scan( $filename ) ) { continue; } $filename = cerber_normal_path( $filename ); $file_name_hash = sha1( $filename ); if ( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"' ) ) { continue; } $status = 0; if ( isset( $ignore[ $file_name_hash ] ) ) { $status = 1; crb_scan_debug( 'The file is in the ignore list: ' . $filename ); } $filename = cerber_real_escape( $filename ); //$sql .= '(' . $scan_id . ',' . $scan_mode . ',"' . $file_name_hash . '","' . $filename . '"),'; $sql .= '(' . $scan_id . ',' . $scan_mode . ',"' . $file_name_hash . '","' . $filename . '",'.$status.'),'; } if ( ! $sql ) { return true; } $sql = rtrim( $sql, ',' ); $ret = cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (scan_id, scan_mode, file_name_hash, file_name, scan_status) VALUES ' . $sql ); if ( ! $ret ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'DB Error occurred while saving filenames' ); } return $ret; } /** * Return true if a given file must be checked (scanned) * * @param $filename * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_file_type_scan( $filename ) { global $cerber_scan_mode; if ( $cerber_scan_mode == 'full' ) { return true; } else { // @since 8.2 the list includes additional php extensions if ( cerber_check_extension( $filename, array( 'php', 'phtm', 'phtml', 'phps', 'php2', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'php7', 'inc' ) ) ) { return true; } $pos = strrpos( $filename, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); if ( $pos ) { $filename = substr( $filename, $pos + 1 ); } if ( $filename == '.htaccess' ) { return true; } return false; } return false; } /** * Check if a filename has an extension from a given list * * @param $filename * @param array $ext_list * * @return bool */ function cerber_check_extension( $filename, $ext_list = array() ) { if ( ! is_array( $ext_list ) || empty( $ext_list ) ) { return false; } //$d = cerber_detect_exec_extension(); $pos = mb_strrpos( $filename, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); if ( $pos !== false ) { $filename = mb_substr( $filename, $pos + 1 ); } $pos = mb_strpos( $filename, '.' ); if ( $pos === false ) { return false; } $ext = mb_substr( $filename, $pos + 1 ); $ext = strtolower( $ext ); // A normal, single extension if ( in_array( $ext, $ext_list ) ) { return true; } // No more additional extensions if ( substr_count( $ext, '.' ) == 0 ) { return false; } // Multiple "extensions" $last = substr( $ext, strrpos( $ext, '.' ) + 1 ); if ( in_array( $last, $ext_list ) ) { return true; } $first = substr( $ext, 0, strpos( $ext, '.' ) ); if ( in_array( $first, $ext_list ) ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_step_desc( $step = null ) { $steps = array( __( 'Preparing for the scan', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Scanning folders for files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Scanning the upload folder for files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Scanning the temp folder for files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Scanning the session folder for files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Parsing the list of files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Checking for new and modified files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Verifying the integrity of WordPress', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Recovering WordPress files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Verifying the integrity of the plugins', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Recovering plugins files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Verifying the integrity of the themes', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Searching for malicious code', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Finalizing the scan', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( $step !== null && isset( $steps[ $step ] ) ) { return $steps[ $step ]; } return $steps; } /** * Overwrites values and preserve array hierarchy (keys) * * @param array $a1 * @param array $a2 * * @return mixed */ function cerber_array_merge_recurively( $a1, $a2 ) { foreach ( $a2 as $key => $value ) { if ( isset( $a1[ $key ] ) && is_array( $a1[ $key ] ) && is_array( $value ) ) { $a1[ $key ] = cerber_array_merge_recurively( $a1[ $key ], $value ); } else { $a1[ $key ] = $value; } } return $a1; } function cerber_get_short_name( $file_row ) { if ( ! $file_row ) { return ''; } $file_name = $file_row['file_name']; $len = null; switch ( $file_row['file_type'] ) { case CERBER_FT_PLUGIN: $len = mb_strlen( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ); break; case CERBER_FT_THEME: $len = mb_strlen( cerber_get_themes_dir() ); break; case CERBER_FT_UPLOAD: if ( is_multisite() && false !== strpos( $file_name, cerber_get_upload_dir_mu() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { $len = mb_strlen( dirname( cerber_get_upload_dir_mu() ) ); } else { $len = mb_strlen( dirname( cerber_get_upload_dir() ) ); } break; default: if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, rtrim( cerber_get_abspath(), '/\\' ) ) ) { $len = mb_strlen( cerber_get_abspath() ) - 1; } } if ( $len ) { $ret = mb_substr( $file_name, $len ); } else { $ret = $file_name; } return $ret; } function cerber_scanner_dashboard( $msg = '' ) { ?>
Mode -

0 / 0

0 / 0


'; $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; /* $plugins = get_plugins(); foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { $rows[] = ''; } */ $rows[] = ''; /*$themes = wp_get_themes(); foreach ( $themes as $theme_folder => $theme ) { $rows[] = ''; }*/ $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; echo implode("\n",$rows); ?>
Must use plugins
Uploads folder
Unattended files
$folder->get_error_message() ) ); } if ( isset( $_FILES['refile'] ) ) { // Step 1, saving file if ( ! is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['refile']['tmp_name'] ) ) { $error = 'Unable to read uploaded file'; } if ( ! cerber_check_extension( $_FILES['refile']['name'], array( 'zip' ) ) ) { $error = 'Incorrect file format'; } if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $_FILES['refile']['name'] ) ) { $error = 'Incorrect file format'; } if ( false !== strpos( $_FILES['refile']['name'], '/' ) ) { $error = 'Incorrect filename'; } if ( $error ) { cerber_end_ajax( array( 'error' => $error ) ); } if ( false === @move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['refile']['tmp_name'], $folder . $_FILES['refile']['name'] ) ) { cerber_end_ajax( array( 'error' => 'Unable to copy file to ' . $folder ) ); } } else { // Step 2, creating hash $result = cerber_need_for_hash(); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { cerber_end_ajax( array( 'error' => $result->get_error_message() ) ); } } cerber_end_ajax(); } ); // Process a manually installed/upgraded plugin/theme, part 1 add_filter( 'wp_insert_attachment_data', function ( $data, $postarr ) { global $crb_new_zip_file; if ( $postarr['context'] == 'upgrader' && $postarr['post_status'] == 'private' && isset( $postarr['file'] ) ) { $crb_new_zip_file = $postarr['file']; } return $data; }, 10, 2 ); // Process a manually installed/upgraded plugin/theme, part 2 add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', function ( $object, $extra ) { global $crb_new_zip_file; if ( empty( $crb_new_zip_file ) ) { return; } switch ( $extra['type'] ) { case 'plugin': case 'theme': if ( file_exists( $crb_new_zip_file ) ) { $tmp = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( ! is_wp_error( $tmp ) ) { $target_zip = $tmp . basename( $crb_new_zip_file ); if ( copy( $crb_new_zip_file, $target_zip ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'cerber_scheduled_hash', array( $target_zip ) ); cerber_need_for_hash( $target_zip ); } else { // Error } } else { // Error } } break; } }, 10, 2 ); // Process a manually installed/upgraded plugin/theme, part 3 add_action( 'cerber_scheduled_hash', 'cerber_scheduled_hash' ); function cerber_scheduled_hash( $zip_file = '' ) { $result = cerber_need_for_hash( $zip_file ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { //cerber_log( $result->get_error_message() ); } } /** * Generate hash for an uploaded theme/plugin ZIP archive or for a specified ZIP file. * Hash will not be created if a theme/plugin is not installed on the website. * * @param string $zip_file Be used if set * @param bool $delete If true the source ZIP will be deleted * @param int $expires Timestamp when hash will expire, 0 = never * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_need_for_hash( $zip_file = '', $delete = true, $expires = 0 ) { $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); $tmp_folder1 = $folder . 'zip' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $tmp_folder2 = $folder . 'nested_zip' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; crb_raise_limits(); if ( ! $zip_file ) { if ( ! $files = glob( $folder . '*.zip' ) ) { return false; } } else { if ( ! is_array( $zip_file ) ) { $files = array( $zip_file ); } else { $files = $zip_file; } } $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); $result = true; foreach ( $files as $zip_file ) { if ( ! file_exists( $zip_file ) ) { continue; } crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: ' . basename( $zip_file ) ); $result = crb_hash_maker( $zip_file, $tmp_folder1, false, $expires ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: ' . $result->get_error_message() ); // It's possible that there is a nested ZIP archive if ( $nested_zip_list = glob( $tmp_folder1 . '*.zip' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: trying to find the reference code in the nested zip archive' ); foreach ( $nested_zip_list as $nested_zip ) { $result = crb_hash_maker( $nested_zip, $tmp_folder2, true, $expires ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) { break; // Yay, we found it! } } } } else { crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: ' . basename( $zip_file ) . ' - OK!' ); } if ( $delete ) { unlink( $zip_file ); } if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { break; } } $fs->delete( $tmp_folder1, true ); $fs->delete( $tmp_folder2, true ); crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: Completed' ); return $result; } /** * @param string $zip_file ZIP file to process * @param string $zip_folder Temporary folder for unpacking ZIP * @param bool $delete If true, the temp folder will be deleted afterward * @param int $expires HASH expiration time, Unix timestamp, 0 = never * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function crb_hash_maker( $zip_file, $zip_folder, $delete = true, $expires = 0 ) { $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( file_exists( $zip_folder ) && ! $fs->delete( $zip_folder, true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Unable to clean up temporary zip folder ' . $zip_folder ); } $result = cerber_unzip( $zip_file, $zip_folder ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Unable to unzip file ' . $zip_file . ' ' . $result->get_error_message() ); } if ( ! $obj = cerber_detect_object( $zip_folder ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'File ' . basename( $zip_file ) . ' cannot be used. Proper program code not found or version mismatch. Please upload another file.' ); } $dir = $obj['src'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $len = mb_strlen( $dir ); global $the_file_list; $the_file_list = array(); cerber_scan_directory( $dir, null, function ($list){ global $the_file_list; $the_file_list = array_merge( $the_file_list, $list ); } ); if ( empty( $the_file_list ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'No files found in ' . $zip_file ); } $hash = array(); foreach ( $the_file_list as $file_name ) { $hash[ mb_substr( $file_name, $len ) ] = hash_file( 'sha256', $file_name ); } if ( !$obj['single'] ) { $b = $obj['src']; } else { $b = $obj['file']; } //$key = $obj['type'] . sha1( $obj['name'] . basename( $obj['src'] ) ); $key = $obj['type'] . sha1( $obj['name'] . basename( $b ) ); if ( ! cerber_update_set( $key, array( 'name' => $obj['name'], 'ver' => $obj['ver'], 'hash' => $hash, 'time' => time() ), 0, true, $expires ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Database error occurred while saving hash' ); } if ( $delete ) { $fs->delete( $zip_folder, true ); } unset( $the_file_list ); return true; } /** * Retrieve local hash for plugin or theme * * @param $key * @param $version * * @return bool|mixed */ function cerber_get_local_hash( $key, $version ) { if ( $local_hash = cerber_get_set( $key ) ) { if ( $local_hash['ver'] == $version ) { return $local_hash['hash']; } } return false; } /** * @return string|WP_Error Full path to the folder with trailing slash */ function cerber_get_tmp_file_folder() { $folder = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); if ( is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $folder = $folder . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! is_dir( $folder ) ) { if ( ! mkdir( $folder, 0755, true ) ) { // TODO: try to set permissions for the parent folder return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to create the tmp directory ' . $folder ); } } return $folder; } /** * Return Cerber's folder. If there is no folder, creates it. * * @return string|bool|WP_Error Full path to the folder with trailing slash */ function cerber_get_the_folder( $asis = false ) { $ret = cerber_get_my_folder(); if ( is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: ' . $ret->get_error_message() ); if ( $asis ) { return $ret; } return false; } return $ret; } /** * Return Cerber's folder. If there is no folder, creates it. * * @return string|WP_Error Full path to the folder with trailing slash */ function cerber_get_my_folder() { static $ret; if ( $ret !== null ) { return $ret; } $opt = cerber_get_set( '_cerber_mnemosyne' ); if ( $opt && isset( $opt[4] ) && isset( $opt[ $opt[4] ] ) ) { $key = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $opt[ $opt[4] ] ); if ( $key ) { $folder = cerber_get_upload_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-cerber-' . $key . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( is_dir( $folder ) ) { if ( ! wp_is_writable( $folder ) ) { if ( ! chmod( $folder, 0755 ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'The directory is not writable: ' . $folder ); } } cerber_lock_the_folder( $folder ); $ret = $folder; return $ret; } } } // Let's create the folder $key = substr( str_shuffle( '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ), 0, rand( 16, 20 ) ); $folder = cerber_get_upload_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-cerber-' . $key . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! mkdir( $folder, 0755, true ) ) { // TODO: try to set permissions for the parent folder return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to create WP CERBER directory: ' . $folder ); } if ( ! cerber_lock_the_folder( $folder ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to lock the directory ' . $folder ); } $k = substr( str_shuffle( '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ), 0, rand( 16, 20 ) ); $i = rand( 5, 10 ); if ( ! cerber_update_set( '_cerber_mnemosyne', array( rand( 0, 3 ) => $k, 4 => $i, $i => $key ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to save WP CERBER directory info' ); } $ret = $folder; return $ret; } /** * Make a folder not accessible from the web * * @param $folder string * * @return bool */ function cerber_lock_the_folder( $folder ) { if ( $f = fopen( $folder . '.htaccess', 'w' ) ) { if ( fwrite( $f, 'deny from all' ) ) { fclose( $f ); return true; } } return false; } /** * @param $file * @since 8.6.1 * * @return bool */ function cerber_set_writable( $file ) { static $chmod_file, $chmod_dir; if ( ! $chmod_file ) { $chmod_file = ( fileperms( ABSPATH . 'index.php' ) & 0777 | 0644 ); } if ( ! $chmod_dir ) { $chmod_dir = ( fileperms( ABSPATH ) & 0777 | 0755 ); } if ( @is_file( $file ) ) { return @chmod( $file, $chmod_file ); } elseif ( @is_dir( $file ) ) { return @chmod( $file, $chmod_dir ); } return false; } function cerber_unzip( $file_name, $folder ) { cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); return unzip_file( $file_name, $folder ); } /** * @return WP_Error|WP_Filesystem_Direct */ function cerber_init_wp_filesystem() { global $wp_filesystem; if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Direct ) { // @since 8.1.5 return $wp_filesystem; } require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); add_filter( 'filesystem_method', '__ret_direct' ); if ( ! WP_Filesystem() ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Unable to init WP_Filesystem' ); } remove_filter( 'filesystem_method', '__ret_direct' ); return $wp_filesystem; } function __ret_direct() { return 'direct'; } function cerber_detect_object( $folder = '' ) { // Look for a theme $the_folder = false; $dirs = glob( $folder . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR ); if ( $dirs ) { $the_folder = $dirs[0]; // we expect only one subfolder if ( ! file_exists( $the_folder ) ) { $the_folder = false; } } if ( $result = cerber_check_theme_data( $the_folder ) ) { return array( 'type' => CRB_HASH_THEME, 'name' => $result->get( 'Name' ), 'ver' => $result->get( 'Version' ), 'src' => $the_folder, 'single' => false, ); } // Look for a plugin $files = glob( $folder . '*.php' ); // single file plugin if ( ! $files && $the_folder ) { // plugin with folder $files = glob( $the_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.php' ); $single = false; } else { $single = true; } if ( ! $files ) { return false; } require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); foreach ( $files as $file_name ) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( $file_name ); if ( ! empty ( $plugin_data['Name'] ) && ! empty ( $plugin_data['Version'] ) ) { foreach ( get_plugins() as $key => $plugin ) { if ( $plugin['Name'] == $plugin_data['Name'] && $plugin['Version'] == $plugin_data['Version'] ) { return array( 'type' => CRB_HASH_PLUGIN, 'name' => $plugin_data['Name'], 'ver' => $plugin_data['Version'], 'data' => $plugin_data, 'src' => dirname( $file_name ), 'single' => $single, 'file' => $file_name ); } } } } return false; } /** * @param string $folder A folder with theme files * * @return bool|WP_Theme */ function cerber_check_theme_data( $folder ) { $style = $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'style.css'; if ( ! file_exists( $style ) ) { return false; } // See class-wp-theme.php static $theme_headers = array( 'Name' => 'Theme Name', 'ThemeURI' => 'Theme URI', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Author' => 'Author', 'AuthorURI' => 'Author URI', 'Version' => 'Version', 'Template' => 'Template', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TextDomain' => 'Text Domain', 'DomainPath' => 'Domain Path', ); $theme_folder = basename( $folder ); $headers = get_file_data( $style, $theme_headers, 'theme' ); // $headers['Version'] means just theme, $headers['Template'] means child theme if ( ! empty ( $headers['Name'] ) && ( ! empty ( $headers['Version'] ) || ! empty ( $headers['Template'] ) ) ) { $themes = wp_get_themes(); foreach ( $themes as $the_folder => $theme ) { if ( $the_folder != $theme_folder ) { continue; } if ( $headers['Name'] == $theme->get( 'Name' ) ) { if ( ! empty ( $headers['Version'] ) && ( $headers['Version'] == $theme->get( 'Version' ) ) ) { return $theme; } if ( ! empty ( $headers['Template'] ) && ( $headers['Template'] == $theme->get( 'Template' ) ) ) { return $theme; } } } } return false; } /** * File viewer, server side AJAX * */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_cerber_view_file', function () { cerber_check_ajax_permissions(); $get = crb_get_query_params(); $file_name = $get['file']; if ( ! @is_file( $file_name ) ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'I/O Error' ); return; } $file_size = filesize( $file_name ); if ( $file_size > 8000000 ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error: This file is too large to display.' ); return; } if ( $file_size <= 0 ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'The file is empty.' ); return; } $scan_id = absint( $get['scan_id'] ); $the_file = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name = "' . $file_name . '"' ); if ( ! $the_file ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( __( 'File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.', 'wp-cerber' ) ); return; } if ( ! $source = file_get_contents( $file_name ) ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error: Unable to load file.' ); return; } $source = htmlspecialchars( $source, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); if ( ! $source ) { $source = 'Unable to display the contents of the file. This file contains non-printable characters.'; } if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file_name ) || cerber_check_extension( $file_name, array( 'js', 'css', 'inc' ) ) || cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) ) { $paint = true; } else { $paint = false; } $overlay = ''; if ( $paint ) { $overlay = '
Loading, please wait...
'; } $sh_url = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/sh/'; $sheight = absint( $get['sheight'] ) - 100; // highlighter is un-responsible, so we need tell him the real height $c_height = absint( $get['sheight'] ); ?> ' . $source . ''; if ( $the_file ) { echo '
Issue: ' . cerber_get_issue_label( $the_file['scan_status'] ) . '
'; } if ( $paint ) : ?> file_name ) ) { $errors[] = 'Unknown file: '.$file_name; continue; } switch ( $operation ) { case 'delete_file': $result = cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan_id ); break; case 'ignore_add_file': $ignore[ $the_file->file_name_hash ] = array( $the_file->file_name, @hash_file( 'sha256', $the_file->file_name ), $user_id, $time, ); $result = true; break; } if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $errors[] = $result->get_error_message(); } elseif ( ! $result ) { $errors[] = 'Unknown error 55'; } else { $i ++; $crb_list[] = $file_name; } } if ( $operation == 'ignore_add_file' ) { // Update the last scan results to keep it up to date and avoid user confusing if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { $scan['issues'] = crb_issue_filer( $scan['issues'], function ( $file_name ) { global $crb_list; if ( in_array( $file_name, $crb_list ) ) { return false; } return true; }); cerber_update_scan( $scan ); } if ( ! cerber_update_set( 'ignore-list', $ignore ) ) { $errors [] = 'Unable to update the ignore list'; } } crb_scan_debug( $errors ); cerber_end_ajax( array( 'errors' => $errors, 'number' => $i, 'processed' => $crb_list ) ); }); /** * Move files to the quarantine folder * * @param string $file_name * @param integer $scan_id * @param bool $move true to delete the file in its original location @since 8.6.1 * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan_id, $move = true ) { static $folder; $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); if ( ! is_file( $file_name ) || ! $scan_id ) { return false; } if ( $move ) { $can = cerber_can_be_deleted( $file_name, true ); if ( is_wp_error( $can ) ) { return $can; //return new WP_Error( 'cerber-del', "This file can't be deleted: " . $file_name ); } } if ( $folder === null ) { $folder = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); } if ( is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $quarantine = $folder . 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scan_id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! is_dir( $quarantine ) ) { if ( ! mkdir( $quarantine, 0755, true ) ) { // TODO: try to set permissions for the parent folder return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to create the quarantine directory ' . $quarantine ); } } else { if ( ! chmod( $quarantine, 0755 ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to set directory permissions for ' . $quarantine ); } } if ( ! cerber_lock_the_folder( $quarantine ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to lock the directory ' . $quarantine ); } // Preserve original paths for deleted files in a restore file $restore = $quarantine . '.restore'; if ( ! file_exists( $restore ) ) { if ( ! $f = fopen( $restore, 'w' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-quar', 'Unable to create a restore file.' ); } fwrite( $f, 'Information for restoring files.' . PHP_EOL . 'Deletion date | Deleted file => Original file to copy to restore.' . PHP_EOL . '-----------------------------------------------------------------' //. PHP_EOL . `` ); . PHP_EOL ); } else { if ( ! $f = fopen( $restore, 'a' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-quar', 'Unable to write to the restore file.'); } } // Avoid file name collisions $new_name = $quarantine . basename( $file_name ); if ( file_exists( $new_name ) ) { $i = 2; while ( file_exists( $new_name ) ) { $new_name = $quarantine . basename( $file_name ) . '.' . $i; $i ++; } } if ( ! crb_move_copy( $file_name, $new_name, $move ) ) { $dir = dirname( $file_name ); if ( $move ) { $msg = 'Unable to move file to the quarantine: ' . $file_name . '. Check permissions (owner) of this folder: ' . $dir; } else { $msg = 'Unable to copy file to the quarantine: ' . $file_name . '. Check permissions (owner) of this folder: ' . $dir; } return new WP_Error( 'cerber-quar-fail', $msg ); } // Save restoring info fwrite( $f, PHP_EOL . cerber_date( time() ) . ' | ' . basename( $new_name ) . ' => ' . $file_name ); fclose( $f ); return true; } // @since 8.6.1 function crb_move_copy( $file_name, $new_name, $move = true ) { $abort = false; do { if ( $move ) { $ok = @rename( $file_name, $new_name ); } else { $ok = @copy( $file_name, $new_name ); } if ( $ok ) { return true; } if ( $abort ) { return false; } if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_chmod' ) ) { return false; } cerber_set_writable( dirname( $file_name ) ); cerber_set_writable( $file_name ); $abort = true; } while ( true ); } /** * Some files cannot be deleted * * @param $file_name * @param bool $check_inclusion * * @return true|WP_Error true if a file can be safely deleted */ function cerber_can_be_deleted( $file_name, $check_inclusion = false ) { if ( ! file_exists( $file_name ) || ! is_file( $file_name ) || is_link( $file_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_no_file', 'This file cannot be deleted because it doesn\'t exist: ' . $file_name ); //return false; } if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) || cerber_is_dropin( $file_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_file_not_allowed', 'This file is not allowed to be deleted: ' . $file_name ); //return false; } if ( $check_inclusion && in_array( $file_name, get_included_files() ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_file_active', 'This file cannot be deleted because it \'s loaded and in use: ' . $file_name ); //return false; } if ( basename( $file_name ) == 'wp-config.php' ) { $abspath = cerber_get_abspath(); $file_name = cerber_normal_path( $file_name ); if ( ( $file_name == $abspath . 'wp-config.php' ) || ( ! file_exists( $abspath . 'wp-config.php' ) && $file_name == dirname( $abspath ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-config.php' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_file_not_allowed', 'This file is not allowed to be deleted: ' . $file_name ); //return false; } /*if ( ! file_exists( $abspath . 'wp-config.php' ) && $file_name == dirname( $abspath ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-config.php' ) { return false; }*/ } return true; } /** * Is time for current step is over? * * @param int $limit * * @return bool True if the time of execution of the current step is over */ function cerber_exec_timer( $limit = CERBER_MAX_SECONDS) { static $start; if ( $start === null ) { $start = time(); } if ( $limit == CERBER_MAX_SECONDS && cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { $limit = CERBER_MAX_SECONDS_CLOUD; } if ( ( time() - $start ) > $limit ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_scan_msg( $id, $txt = '' ) { $m = array( __( 'Unable to open file', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $ret = '???'; if ( isset( $m[ $id ] ) ) { $ret = $m[ $id ]; } if ( $txt ) { //sprintf() $ret .= ' ' . $txt; } return $ret; } /** * Return the number of node if the request is originated from the Cerber Cloud, false otherwise * * @return bool|integer */ function cerber_is_cloud_request() { static $ret = null; if ( $ret !== null) { return $ret; } if ( ! cerber_is_http_post() || empty( $_POST['cerber-cloud-key'] ) ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $key = lab_get_key(); if ( empty( $key[4] ) ) { $key = lab_get_key( true ); } if ( $key[4] != $_POST['cerber-cloud-key'] ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $ret = lab_get_real_node_id(); return $ret; } /** * Creates a user report * * @param array $scan * * @return bool|string False if there is nothing to report */ function cerber_scan_report( $scan ) { global $cerber_scan_mode; $include = crb_get_settings( 'scan_reinc' ); $severity = array_intersect_key( array( 0, 1, 2, 3 ), $include ); // Severity are 0-4 $types = array_keys( $include ); if ( ! $last_filtered = cerber_filter_issues( $scan, $types, $severity ) ) { return false; } $for_report = $last_filtered; if ( ! $cerber_scan_mode ) { $cerber_scan_mode = $scan['mode']; } if ( $prev_id = cerber_get_prev_scan_id( $scan['id'] ) ) { $prev_scan = cerber_get_scan( $prev_id ); } else { $prev_scan = null; } $re = crb_get_settings( 'scan_relimit' ); $prev_filtered = null; if ( $re > 1 ) { if ( $prev_scan ) { $prev_filtered = cerber_filter_issues( $prev_scan, $types, $severity ); } } if ( $prev_filtered ) { switch ( $re ) { case 3: $last_comp = $last_filtered; // Remove "xx ago" that always changing from scan to scan and affect checksum array_walk_recursive( $last_comp, function ( &$e, $key ) { if ( $key === 'time' ) { $e = ''; } } ); array_walk_recursive( $prev_filtered, function ( &$e, $key ) { if ( $key === 'time' ) { $e = ''; } } ); $hash1 = sha1( serialize( $last_comp ) ); $hash2 = sha1( serialize( $prev_filtered ) ); if ( $hash1 == $hash2 ) { return false; } break; case 5: $for_report = cerber_get_new_issues( $prev_filtered, $last_filtered ); break; } } if ( ! $for_report ) { return false; } // Generating the report $base_url = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_main' ); $site_name = ( is_multisite() ) ? get_site_option( 'site_name' ) : get_option( 'blogname' ); $css_table = 'width: 95%; max-width: 1000px; margin:0 auto; margin-bottom: 10px; background-color: #f5f5f5; text-align: center; color: #000; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'; $css_td = 'padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1em; text-align: left;'; $css_border = 'border-bottom: solid 2px #f9f9f9;'; $ret = ''; $mode = ( $scan['mode'] == 'full' ) ? __( 'Full Scan Report', 'wp-cerber' ) : __( 'Quick Scan Report', 'wp-cerber' ); $mode = '' . $mode . ''; // Summary $summary = array(); $diff = ''; if ( ! empty( $prev_scan['scanned']['files'] ) ) { $d = $scan['scanned']['files'] - $prev_scan['scanned']['files']; if ( absint( $d ) > 0 ) { $diff = ' (' . ( ( $d > 0 ) ? '+' . $d : $d ) . ')'; } } $summary[] = __( 'Files scanned', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $scan['scanned']['files'] . '' . $diff; // TODO: refactor, keep the counter it in $scan $tot = 0; foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $sec ) { foreach ( $sec['issues'] as $i ) { if ( $i[0] > CERBER_FOK ) { $tot ++; } } } $diff = ''; if ( ! empty( $prev_scan['issues'] ) ) { $prev_tot = 0; foreach ( $prev_scan['issues'] as $sec ) { foreach ( $sec['issues'] as $i ) { if ( $i[0] > CERBER_FOK ) { $prev_tot ++; } } } if ( $prev_tot ) { $d = $tot - $prev_tot; if ( absint( $d ) > 0 ) { $diff = ' (' . ( ( $d > 0 ) ? '+' . $d : $d ) . ')'; } } } $summary[] = __( 'Issues total', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $tot . ''.$diff; // Issues $isize = crb_get_settings( 'scan_isize' ); $cols = ( $isize ) ? 3 : 2; $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; $deleted = 0; $recovered = 0; if ( $for_report ) { $conames = array( 'crb-plugins' => 'plugin', 'crb-themes' => 'theme', 'crb-wordpress' => 'files' ); $rows = array(); //$rows[] = '


'; foreach ( $for_report as $section_id => $section ) { $section_items = array(); $extra = ''; $vlist = ''; $c = ( isset( $conames[ $section['container'] ] ) ) ? ' ' . $conames[ $section['container'] ] : ''; //$rows[] = '' . $section['name'] . $c . ''; $i = 0; foreach ( $section['issues'] as $issue ) { if ( $issue[0] < 10 ) { if ( $issue[0] == CERBER_VULN ) { $vlist .= $issue[1] . '
'; } else { $extra .= ' '.cerber_get_html_label( $issue[0] ); } continue; } $i ++; $color = ( $issue[2] > 2 ) ? ' color: #dd1320;' : ''; //$bgcolor = ( $i % 2 == 0 ) ? ' bgcolor: #fff;' : ''; $size = ''; if ( $isize ) { $size_diff = ''; if ( $issue[0] !== CERBER_NEW && $prev_id ) { $psize = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT file_size FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $prev_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . sha1( $issue['data']['name'] ) . '"' ); if ( is_numeric( $psize ) ) { $diff = $issue['data']['bytes'] - $psize; if ( absint( $diff ) > 0 ) { $size_diff = crb_size_format( $diff ); $size_diff = ' (' . ( ( $diff > 0 ) ? '+' . $size_diff : '-' . $size_diff ) . ')'; } } } $size = '' . $issue['data']['size'] . $size_diff . ''; } $status = ''; if ( isset( $issue['data']['prced'] ) ) { switch ( $issue['data']['prced'] ) { case CERBER_FDLD: $status = ' ' . __( 'Deleted', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' '; $deleted ++; break; case CERBER_FRCV: $status = ' ' . __( 'Recovered', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' '; $recovered ++; break; } } //$rows[] = '' . $single_issue[1] . '' . cerber_get_issue_label( $single_issue[0] ) . ''.$size; $section_items[] = '' . $issue[1] . $status . '' . cerber_get_issue_label( $issue[0] ) . '' . $size; } /* if ( ! $i ) { array_pop( $rows ); }*/ if ( $section_items || $vlist ) { if ( $vlist ) { $extra = cerber_get_html_label( CERBER_VULN ) . $extra; } $rows[] = '' . $section['name'] . $c . ' ' . $extra . '

' . $vlist . '

'; $rows = array_merge( $rows, $section_items ); } } if ( ! $rows ) { return false; } $ret .= '' . implode( '', $rows ) . '
'; } // Errors if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_ierrors' ) && $ers = cerber_get_scan_errors()) { $ret .= '

Some errors occurred during the scan

  1. ' . implode( '
  2. ', $ers ) . '
'; } // Some KPI numbers $inc = array( CERBER_VULN, CERBER_NEW, CERBER_MOD, CERBER_USF, CERBER_UXT ); foreach ( $inc as $id ) { if ( isset( $scan['numbers'][ $id ] ) ) { $css = ''; if ( $id == CERBER_VULN ) { $css = 'color:red;'; } $summary[] = '' . cerber_get_issue_label( $id ) . ' ' . $scan['numbers'][ $id ] . ''; } } $qu = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_quarantine', array( 'scan' => $scan['id'] ) ); if ( $deleted ) { __( 'Automatically moved to quarantine', 'wp-cerber' ); $summary[] = '' . __( 'Automatically deleted', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $deleted . ''; } if ( $recovered ) { $summary[] = '' . __( 'Automatically recovered', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $recovered . ''; } //$summary = implode( '  |  ', $summary ); //$summary = '
'.implode( '
', $summary ).'
'; $summary = '

'.implode( '

', $summary ).'

'; $header = '

' . $site_name . '

' . $mode . '

' . $summary . '
'; $ret = $header . $ret; $ret = '
' . $ret . '
'; $ret .= '

' . __( 'To view full report visit', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $base_url . '

'; return $ret; } /** * Filter out a list of issues for a user report * * @param array $scan * @param array $types * @param array $severity * * @return array */ function cerber_filter_issues( $scan, $types, $severity ) { //$scan = cerber_get_scan($scan_id); $result = array(); if ( empty( $scan['issues'] ) ) { return $result; } if ( $scan['issues'] ) { foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $section_id => $section ) { $list = array(); $sec_details = array(); foreach ( $section['issues'] as $issue ) { if ( in_array( $issue[2], $severity ) ) { $list[] = $issue; continue; } if ( in_array( $issue[0], $types ) ) { $list[] = $issue; continue; } if ( $issue[3] && in_array( $issue[3], $types ) ) { $list[] = $issue; continue; } if ( $issue[0] < 10 ) { $sec_details[] = $issue; } } if ( $list ) { $list = array_merge( $sec_details, $list ); $result[ $section_id ] = $section; $result[ $section_id ]['issues'] = $list; } } } return $result; } function cerber_get_new_issues( $list_a, $list_b ) { $ret = array(); foreach ( $list_b as $key => $new ) { if ( ! isset( $list_a[ $key ] ) ) { $ret[ $key ] = $new; continue; } $new_elements = array(); foreach ( $new['issues'] as $i => $b_issue ) { if ( ! empty( $b_issue[1] ) ) { $found = 0; foreach ( $list_a[ $key ]['issues'] as $a_issue ) { if ( $a_issue['data']['name'] == $b_issue['data']['name'] ) { $found = 1; break; } } if ( ! $found ) { $new_elements[] = $i; } } } if ( $new_elements ) { $ret[ $key ] = $new; $all = array_keys( $new['issues'] ); $diff = array_diff( $all, $new_elements ); foreach ( $diff as $i ) { unset( $ret[ $key ]['issues'][ $i ] ); } } } return $ret; } function cerber_check_vulnerabilities( $plugin_slug, $plugin ) { if ( strpos( $plugin_slug, '.' ) ) { return false; } $ret = cerber_get_vulnerabilities( $plugin_slug, $plugin ); if ( ! $ret ) { $ret = false; } elseif ( is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: ' . $ret->get_error_message() ); $ret = false; } return $ret; } /** * @param $plugin_slug string * @param $plugin array * * @return array|bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_get_vulnerabilities( $plugin_slug, $plugin ) { if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } $key = '_crb_vu_plugins'; $vu_list = cerber_get_set( $key ); if ( ! $vu_list || ( ! isset( $vu_list['plugins'][ $plugin_slug ] ) && ! isset( $vu_list['cloud_error'] ) ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Getting vulnerability data from the cloud.' ); $plugins = array_keys( get_plugins() ); array_walk( $plugins, function ( &$e ) { $e = dirname( $e ); } ); $plugins = array_filter( $plugins, function ( $e ) { return ( false === strpos( $e, '.' ) ); } ); if ( ! $vu_list = lab_api_send_request( array( 'get_vu_list' => array( 'plugins' => $plugins, ) ), 'vu_list' ) ) { $vu_list = array( 'cloud_error' => 1 ); $t = 120; // Network error } else { $t = 3600; // OK } cerber_update_set( $key, $vu_list, null, true, time() + $t ); } if ( isset( $vu_list['cloud_error'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'network_error', 'Unable to get the list of vulnerabilities' ); } $ret = array(); $lst = crb_array_get( $vu_list['plugins'], $plugin_slug ); if ( empty( $lst ) ) { return $ret; } foreach ( $lst as $v ) { if ( version_compare( $v['fixed_in'], $plugin['Version'], '>' ) ) { $ret[] = array( 'vu_info' => $v['short_desc'] . ' ' . 'Fixed in version: ' . $v['fixed_in'] ); } } return $ret; } /** * Check a filename has a specific extension * * @param $file_name * @param $setting string Setting slug with a set of file extensions to check for * * @return bool */ function cerber_has_extension( $file_name, $setting ) { static $list = null; if ( ! isset( $list[ $setting ] ) ) { if ( $list[ $setting ] = crb_get_settings( $setting ) ) { $list[ $setting ] = array_map( function ( $ext ) { return strtolower( trim( $ext, '. *' ) ); }, $list[ $setting ] ); } else { $list[ $setting ] = false; } } if ( false === $list[ $setting ] ) { return false; } $f = strtolower( basename( $file_name ) ); $e = explode( '.', $f ); array_shift( $e ); if ( $e && array_intersect( $list[ $setting ], $e ) ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_make_numbers( &$update = array(), &$scan = array() ) { $update['numbers'] = ( ! isset( $scan['numbers'] ) ) ? array() : $scan['numbers']; foreach ( $scan['step_issues'] as $set ) { foreach ( $set['issues'] as $issue ) { if ( ! isset( $update['numbers'][ $issue[0] ] ) ) { $update['numbers'][ $issue[0] ] = 0; } $update['numbers'][ $issue[0] ] ++; // extra issue if ( ! empty( $issue[3] ) ) { if ( ! isset( $update['numbers'][ $issue[3] ] ) ) { $update['numbers'][ $issue[3] ] = 0; } $update['numbers'][ $issue[3] ] ++; } } if ( $set['setype'] == 21 ) { if ( ! isset( $update['numbers'][ CERBER_USF ] ) ) { $update['numbers'][ CERBER_USF ] = 0; } $update['numbers'][ CERBER_USF ] += count( $set['issues'] ); } } } function cerber_show_quarantine() { $folder = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); if ( is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { echo $folder->get_error_message(); return; } $no_files = __( 'There are no files in the quarantine at the moment.', 'wp-cerber' ); $per_page = crb_admin_get_per_page(); $first = ( cerber_get_pn() - 1 ) * $per_page; $last = $first + $per_page; $list = array(); $filter_scan = crb_get_query_params( 'scan', '\d+' ); //$filter_scan = intval( crb_array_get( $get, 'scan' ) ); //$dirs = array( $folder . 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . absint( $_GET['scan'] )); if ( ! $dirs = glob( $folder . 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR ) ) { echo $no_files; return; } $scan_list = array(); $count = 0; foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) { $f = $dir . '/.restore'; $scan_id = basename( $dir ); $inc = false; if ( file_exists( $f ) && $handle = @fopen( $f, "r" ) ) { $ln = 0; $included = array(); while ( ( $line = fgets( $handle ) ) !== false ) { $ln ++; if ( $ln <= 4 || empty( $line ) ) { continue; } $line = trim( $line ); if ( empty( $line ) ) { continue; } $v = crb_parse_qline( $dir, $line ); if ( $v ) { if ( in_array( $v['qfile'], $included ) ) { continue; // Prevent listing the same file several times } $inc = true; if ( ! $filter_scan || $filter_scan == $scan_id ) { if ( $count >= $first && $count <= $last ) { $v['scan_id'] = $scan_id; $list[] = $v; $included[] = $v['qfile']; } $count ++; } else { continue; // skip the rest of the lines } } } if ( ! feof( $handle ) ) { echo "Error: unexpected I/O Error"; } fclose( $handle ); } if ( $inc ) { $scan_list[] = $scan_id; } } if ( ! $list ) { if ( ! $filter_scan ) { echo $no_files; } else { echo __( 'No files match the specified filter.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'Click here to see the full list of files', 'wp-cerber' ) . '.'; } return; } //echo nl2br( print_r( $list, 1 ) ); $rows = array(); $ofs = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; $confirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . __( 'Are you sure?', 'wp-cerber' ) . '\');"'; foreach ( $list as $file ) { $p = array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'scan_tegrity', 'crb_scan_id' => $file['scan_id'], 'crb_file_id' => $file['qfile'] ); $p['crb_scan_adm'] = 'delete'; $delete = '' . __( 'Delete permanently', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $p['crb_scan_adm'] = 'restore'; $restore = ( ! $file['can'] ) ? '' : ' | ' . __( 'Restore', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $moved = strtotime( $file['date'] ) - $ofs; $will = cerber_auto_date( $file['scan_id'] + DAY_IN_SECONDS * crb_get_settings( 'scan_qcleanup' ) ); $file_name = str_replace( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file['source'] ); $rows[] = '' . cerber_auto_date( $file['scan_id'] ) . '' . cerber_auto_date( $moved ) . '' . $will . '' . $file['size'] . '' . $file_name . '' . $delete . $restore . ''; } $heading = array( __( 'Scanned', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Moved to quarantine', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Automatic deletion', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Size', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'File', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Action', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $titles = '' . implode( '', $heading ) . ''; $table = '' . $titles . '' . $titles . '' . implode( '', $rows ) . '
'; $table .= cerber_page_navi( $count, $per_page ); $filter = ''; if ( count( $scan_list ) > 1 ) { krsort( $scan_list ); $list = array( 0 => __( 'All scans', 'wp-cerber' ) ); foreach ( $scan_list as $s ) { $list[ $s ] = cerber_date( $s ); } $filter = '
' . cerber_select( 'scan', $list, $filter_scan ) . '
'; } echo $filter.$table; } function cerber_quarantine_do( $what, $scan_id, $qfile ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); if ( ! $scan_id ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: Wrong scan parameters.' ); return; } //$dir = cerber_get_the_folder() . 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scan_id; $dir = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); if ( is_wp_error( $dir ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( $dir->get_error_message() ); return; } $dir .= 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scan_id; $file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $qfile; if ( ! @is_file( $file ) || is_link( $file ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: No file to process' ); return; } $rst = $dir . '/.restore'; if ( ! file_exists( $rst ) || ! $handle = @fopen( $rst, 'r' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: A restore registry file is corrupt or missing.' ); return; } $data = null; while ( ( $line = fgets( $handle ) ) !== false ) { if ( $p = crb_parse_qline( $dir, $line ) ) { if ( $p['qfile'] == $qfile ) { $data = $p; break; } } } if ( ! $data ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: No information about this file. Unable to proceed.' ); return; } $err = null; $msg = null; switch ( $what ) { case 'delete': if ( unlink( $file ) ) { $msg = __( 'The file has been deleted permanently.', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $err = 'Unable to delete the file: ' . $file; } break; case 'restore': if ( $data['can'] ) { $target_dir = dirname( $data['source'] ); if ( ! file_exists( $target_dir ) && ! mkdir( $target_dir, 0755, true ) ) { $err = 'Unable to create the folder ' . $target_dir . '. Check permissions of parent folders.'; } if ( ! $err ) { if ( @rename( $file, $data['source'] ) ) { $msg = __( 'The file has been restored to its original location.', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $err = 'A file error occurred while restoring the file. Check permissions of folders.'; } } } else { $err = 'This file cannot be restored and needs to be manually copied.

See instructions in this file: ' . $rst . '

'; } break; } if ( $err ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $err ); } if ( $msg ) { cerber_admin_message( $msg ); } } function cerber_show_ignore() { // For translators __( 'Apply', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'Remove from the list', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'User Insights', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'Traffic Insights', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'Activity Insights', 'wp-cerber' ); $no_files = __( 'The list is empty.', 'wp-cerber' ); $per_page = crb_admin_get_per_page(); $first = ( cerber_get_pn() - 1 ) * $per_page; if ( ! $list = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ) ) { echo $no_files; return; } $count = count( $list ); $list = array_slice( $list, $first, $per_page ); $rows = array(); $confirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . __( 'Are you sure?', 'wp-cerber' ) . '\');"'; foreach ( $list as $key => $file ) { $delete = '' . __( 'Remove from the list', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $rows[] = '' . cerber_date( $file[3] ) . '' . $file[0] . ''.$delete . ''; } $heading = array( __( 'Added', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'File', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Action', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $titles = '' . implode( '', $heading ) . ''; $table = '' . $titles . '' . $titles . '' . implode( '', $rows ) . '
'; $table .= cerber_page_navi( $count, $per_page ); echo $table; } function crb_remove_ignore( $id ) { if ( ! $list = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $list[ $id ] ) ) { return false; } unset( $list[ $id ] ); return cerber_update_set( 'ignore-list', $list ); } function crb_parse_qline( $dir, $line ) { if ( ! $line || ! strpos( $line, '|' ) || ! strpos( $line, '=>' ) ) { return false; } list( $date, $info ) = explode( '|', $line ); list( $qfile, $source ) = explode( '=>', $info ); $date = trim( $date ); $qfile = trim( $qfile ); $source = trim( $source ); if ( ! $qfile ) { return false; } $fname = $dir . '/' . $qfile; if ( ! @is_file( $fname ) ) { return false; } $size = @filesize( $fname ); $size = ( is_numeric( $size ) ) ? $size : 0; //$sdir = dirname( $source ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; //$can = ( file_exists( $sdir ) ) ? true : false; //$can = ( file_exists( $source ) ) ? false : true; $ret = array( 'date' => $date, 'size' => crb_size_format( $size ), 'qfile' => $qfile, 'source' => $source, //'sdir' => $sdir, //'can' => $can 'can' => true ); return $ret; } function crb_scan_debug( $msg ) { global $cerber_db_errors; if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_debug' ) ) { cerber_diag_log( $cerber_db_errors, 'Scanner' ); cerber_diag_log( $msg, 'Scanner' ); } } /** * array_filter( $list ) * * @param $list array * @param $function callable * * @return array */ function crb_issue_filer( $list, $function ) { //$filtered = $scan['issues']; $filtered = $list; foreach ( $list as $key => $item ) { if ( isset( $item['issues'] ) ) { foreach ( $item['issues'] as $id => $issue ) { if ( isset( $issue['data']['name'] ) ) { if ( ! call_user_func( $function, $issue['data']['name'] ) ) { unset( $filtered[ $key ]['issues'][ $id ] ); } } } // We have to refresh indexes for JS code in the user browser $filtered[ $key ]['issues'] = array_values( $filtered[ $key ]['issues'] ); } } //$response['issues'] = $filtered; return $filtered; }