$screen_id ) ) ) { return; } $option = 'cerber-' . $screen_id; register_setting( 'cerberus-' . $screen_id, $option ); global $tmp; foreach ( $sections as $section_id => $section_config ) { //add_settings_section( $section, $section_config['name'], 'cerber_sapi_section', $option ); $desc = crb_array_get( $section_config, 'desc' ); if ( $link = crb_array_get( $section_config, 'doclink' ) ) { $desc .= '. ' . __( 'Know more', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $tmp[ $section_id ] = '' . $desc . ''; add_settings_section( $section_id, crb_array_get( $section_config, 'name', '' ), function ( $sec ) { global $tmp; if ( $tmp[ $sec['id'] ] ) { echo $tmp[ $sec['id'] ]; } }, $option ); foreach ( $section_config['fields'] as $field => $config ) { if ( isset( $config['pro'] ) && ! lab_lab() ) { continue; } $config['setting'] = $field; $config['group'] = $screen_id; if ( ! isset( $config['class'] ) ) { $config['class'] = ''; } if ( ! isset( $config['type'] ) ) { $config['type'] = 'text'; } if ( $config['type'] == 'hidden' ) { $config['class'] .= ' crb-display-none'; } // Enabling/disabling conditional inputs $enabled = true; if ( isset( $config['enabler'][0] ) ) { $enab_val = crb_get_settings( $config['enabler'][0] ); if ( isset( $config['enabler'][1] ) ) { if ( $enab_val != $config['enabler'][1] ) { $enabled = false; } } else { if ( empty( $enab_val ) ) { $enabled = false; } } } if ( ! $enabled ) { $config['class'] .= ' crb-disable-this'; } add_settings_field( $field, crb_array_get( $config, 'title', '' ), 'cerber_field_show', $option, $section_id, $config ); } } } function cerber_get_setting_id( $tab = null ) { $id = ( ! $tab ) ? cerber_get_get( 'tab', CRB_SANITIZE_ID ) : $tab; if ( ! $id ) { $id = cerber_get_wp_option_id(); } if ( ! $id ) { $id = crb_admin_get_page(); } // Exceptions: some tab names (or page id) doesn't match WP setting names // tab => settings id $map = array( 'scan_settings' => 'scanner', // define('CERBER_OPT_S','cerber-scanner'); 'scan_schedule' => 'schedule', // define('CERBER_OPT_E','cerber-schedule'); 'scan_policy' => 'policies', 'ti_settings' => 'traffic', 'captcha' => 'recaptcha', 'cerber-recaptcha' => 'antispam', 'global_policies' => 'users', 'cerber-shield' => 'user_shield', 'cerber-nexus' => 'nexus-slave', 'nexus_slave' => 'nexus-slave', ); crb_addon_settings_mapper( $map ); if ( isset( $map[ $id ] ) ) { return $map[ $id ]; } return $id; } /** * Works when updating WP options * * @return bool|string */ function cerber_get_wp_option_id( $option_page = null ) { if ( ! $option_page ) { $option_page = crb_array_get( $_POST, 'option_page' ); } if ( $option_page && ( 0 === strpos( $option_page, 'cerberus-' ) ) ) { return substr( $option_page, 9 ); // 8 = length of 'cerberus-' } return false; } /* * Display a settings form on an admin page * */ function cerber_show_settings_form( $group = null ) { $action = ''; if ( is_multisite() ) { $action = ''; // Settings API doesn't work in multisite. Post data will be handled in the cerber_ms_update() } else { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { //$action = cerber_admin_link(); } else { $action = 'options.php'; // Standard way } } ?>
' . $hint . '
'; if ( $echo ) { echo $echo; } return $html; } /* Sanitizing users input for Main Settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT, function ($new, $old, $option) { $ret = cerber_set_boot_mode( $new['boot-mode'], $old['boot-mode'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $ret->get_error_message() ); cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Plugin initialization mode has not been changed', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $new['boot-mode'] = $old['boot-mode']; } $new['attempts'] = absint( $new['attempts'] ); $new['period'] = absint( $new['period'] ); $new['lockout'] = absint( $new['lockout'] ); $new['agperiod'] = absint( $new['agperiod'] ); $new['aglocks'] = absint( $new['aglocks'] ); $new['aglast'] = absint( $new['aglast'] ); if ( cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { $new['loginpath'] = urlencode( str_replace( '/', '', $new['loginpath'] ) ); $new['loginpath'] = sanitize_text_field( $new['loginpath'] ); if ( $new['loginpath'] ) { if ( $new['loginpath'] == 'wp-admin' || preg_match( '/[#|\.\!\?\:\s]/', $new['loginpath'] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' You may not set this value for Custom login URL. Please specify another one.' ); $new['loginpath'] = $old['loginpath']; } elseif ( $new['loginpath'] != $old['loginpath'] ) { $href = cerber_get_home_url() . '/' . $new['loginpath'] . '/'; $url = urldecode( $href ); $msg = array(); $msg_e = array(); $msg[] = __( 'Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $url . ''; $msg_e[] = __( 'Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $url; $msg[] = __( 'If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.', 'wp-cerber' ); $msg_e[] = __( 'If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.', 'wp-cerber' ); cerber_admin_notice( $msg ); cerber_send_email( 'newlurl', $msg_e ); } } } else { $new['loginpath'] = ''; $new['loginnowp'] = 0; } $new['ciduration'] = absint( $new['ciduration'] ); $new['cilimit'] = absint( $new['cilimit'] ); $new['cilimit'] = $new['cilimit'] == 0 ? '' : $new['cilimit']; $new['ciperiod'] = absint( $new['ciperiod'] ); $new['ciperiod'] = $new['ciperiod'] == 0 ? '' : $new['ciperiod']; if ( ! $new['cilimit'] ) { $new['ciperiod'] = ''; } if ( ! $new['ciperiod'] ) { $new['cilimit'] = ''; } $new['keeplog'] = absint( $new['keeplog'] ); if ( $new['keeplog'] == 0 ) { $new['keeplog'] = 1; } if ( $new['cookiepref'] != $old['cookiepref'] ) { crb_update_cookie_dependent(); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for User tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_U, function ($new, $old, $option) { $new['prohibited'] = cerber_text2array($new['prohibited'], ',', 'strtolower'); $new['emlist'] = cerber_text2array($new['emlist'], ',', 'strtolower'); $new['authonlymsg'] = strip_tags( $new['authonlymsg'] ); return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for anti-spam tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_A, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { $new['botswhite'] = cerber_text2array( $new['botswhite'], "\n" ); if ( empty( $new['botsany'] ) && empty( $new['botscomm'] ) && empty( $new['botsreg'] ) ) { update_site_option( 'cerber-antibot', '' ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for reCAPTCHA tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_C, function ($new, $old, $option) { global $wp_cerber; // Check ability to make external HTTP requests if ($wp_cerber && !empty($new['sitekey']) && !empty($new['secretkey'])) { if (!$goo = $wp_cerber->reCaptchaRequest('1')) { $labels = cerber_get_labels( 'activity' ); cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $labels[42] ); cerber_log( 42 ); } } $new['recaptcha-period'] = absint( $new['recaptcha-period'] ); $new['recaptcha-number'] = absint( $new['recaptcha-number'] ); $new['recaptcha-within'] = absint( $new['recaptcha-within'] ); return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Notifications tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_N, function ($new, $old, $option) { $emails = cerber_text2array( $new['email'], ',' ); $new['email'] = array(); foreach ( $emails as $item ) { if ( is_email( $item ) ) { $new['email'][] = $item; } else { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR: please enter a valid email address.' ) ); } } $emails = cerber_text2array( $new['email-report'], ',' ); $new['email-report'] = array(); foreach ( $emails as $item ) { if ( is_email( $item ) ) { $new['email-report'][] = $item; } else { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR: please enter a valid email address.' ) ); } } $new['emailrate'] = absint( $new['emailrate'] ); // set 'default' value for the device setting if a new token has been entered if ( $new['pbtoken'] != $old['pbtoken'] ) { $list = cerber_pb_get_devices($new['pbtoken']); if (is_array($list) && !empty($list)) $new['pbdevice'] = 'all'; else $new['pbdevice'] = ''; } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Hardening tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_H, function ($new, $old, $option) { $new['restwhite'] = cerber_text2array( $new['restwhite'], "\n", function ( $v ) { $v = preg_replace( '/[^a-z_\-\d\/]/i', '', $v ); return trim( $v, '/' ); } ); /*if ( empty( $new['adminphp'] ) ) { $new['adminphp'] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $old['adminphp'] ) ) { $old['adminphp'] = ''; }*/ //if ( $new['adminphp'] != $old['adminphp'] ) { $result = cerber_htaccess_sync( 'main', $new ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $new['adminphp'] = $old['adminphp']; cerber_admin_notice( $result->get_error_message() ); } //} /*if ( ! isset( $old['phpnoupl'] ) ) { $old['phpnoupl'] = ''; }*/ //if ( $new['phpnoupl'] != $old['phpnoupl'] ) { $result = cerber_htaccess_sync( 'media', $new ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $new['phpnoupl'] = $old['phpnoupl']; cerber_admin_notice( $result->get_error_message() ); } //} return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Traffic Inspector tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_T, function ($new, $old, $option) { $new['tiwhite'] = cerber_text2array( $new['tiwhite'], "\n" ); foreach ( $new['tiwhite'] as $item ) { if ( strrpos( $item, '?' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'You may not specify the query string with a question mark: ' . htmlspecialchars( $item ) ); } if ( strrpos( $item, '://' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'You may not specify the full URL: ' . htmlspecialchars( $item ) ); } } $new['timask'] = cerber_text2array( $new['timask'], "," ); if ( $new['tithreshold'] ) { $new['tithreshold'] = absint( $new['tithreshold'] ); } $new['tikeeprec'] = absint( $new['tikeeprec'] ); if ( $new['tikeeprec'] == 0 ) { $new['tikeeprec'] = 1; cerber_admin_notice( 'You may not set Keep records for to 0 days. To completely disable logging set Logging mode to Logging disabled.' ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_US, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { if ( ! empty( $new['ds_4acc'] ) ) { CRB_DS::enable_shadowing( 1 ); } else { CRB_DS::disable_shadowing( 1 ); } if ( ! empty( $new['ds_4roles'] ) ) { CRB_DS::enable_shadowing( 2 ); } else { CRB_DS::disable_shadowing( 2 ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_OS, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { if ( ! empty( $new['ds_4opts'] ) ) { CRB_DS::enable_shadowing( 3 ); } else { CRB_DS::disable_shadowing( 3 ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Security Scanner settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_S, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { $new['scan_exclude'] = cerber_normal_dirs( $new['scan_exclude'] ); $new['scan_cpt'] = cerber_text2array( $new['scan_cpt'], "\n" ); $new['scan_uext'] = cerber_text2array( $new['scan_uext'], ",", function ( $ext ) { $ext = strtolower( trim( $ext, '. *' ) ); if ( $ext == 'php' || $ext == 'js' || $ext == 'css' || $ext == 'txt' ) { $ext = ''; } return $ext; } ); return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Scanner Schedule settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_E, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { $new['scan_aquick'] = absint( $new['scan_aquick'] ); $new['scan_afull-enabled'] = ( empty( $new['scan_afull-enabled'] ) ) ? 0 : 1; $sec = cerber_sec_from_time( $new['scan_afull'] ); if ( ! $sec || ! ( $sec >= 0 && $sec <= 86400 ) ) { $new['scan_afull'] = '01:00'; } $emails = cerber_text2array( $new['email-scan'], ',' ); $new['email-scan'] = array(); foreach ( $emails as $item ) { if ( is_email( $item ) ) { $new['email-scan'][] = $item; } else { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR: please enter a valid email address.' ) ); } } if ( lab_lab() ) { if ( cerber_cloud_sync( $new ) ) { cerber_admin_message( __( 'The schedule has been updated', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } else { cerber_admin_message( __( 'Unable to update the schedule', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_P, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { $new['scan_delexdir'] = cerber_normal_dirs($new['scan_delexdir']); $new['scan_delexext'] = cerber_text2array( $new['scan_delexext'], ",", function ( $ext ) { $ext = strtolower( trim( $ext, '. *' ) ); return $ext; } ); return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /** * Let's sanitize and normalize them all * @since 4.1 * */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option', 'cerber_o_o_sanitizer', 10, 3 ); function cerber_o_o_sanitizer( $value, $option, $old_value ) { if ( in_array( $option, cerber_get_setting_list() ) ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { array_walk_recursive( $value, function ( &$element, $key ) { if ( ! is_array( $element ) ) { $element = sanitize_text_field( (string) $element ); } } ); } else { $value = sanitize_text_field( (string) $value ); } $value = cerber_normalize( $value, $option ); } return $value; } function cerber_normal_dirs( $list = array() ) { if ( ! is_array( $list ) ) { $list = cerber_text2array( $list, "\n" ); } $ready = array(); foreach ( $list as $item ) { $item = rtrim( cerber_normal_path( $item ), '/\\' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! @is_dir( $item ) ) { $dir = cerber_get_abspath() . ltrim( $item, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); if ( ! @is_dir( $dir ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Directory does not exist: ' . htmlspecialchars( $item ) ); continue; } $item = $dir; } $ready[] = $item; } return $ready; } /* * Save settings on the multisite WP. * Process POST Form for settings screens. * Because Settings API doesn't work in multisite mode! * */ function cerber_ms_update() { if ( ! cerber_is_http_post() || ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) || $_POST['action'] != 'update' ) { return; } if ( ! $wp_id = cerber_get_wp_option_id() ) { // 7.9.7 return; } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } // See wp_nonce_field() in the settings_fields() function check_admin_referer($_POST['option_page'].'-options'); $opt_name = 'cerber-' . $wp_id; $old = (array) get_site_option( $opt_name ); $new = $_POST[ $opt_name ]; $new = apply_filters( 'pre_update_option_' . $opt_name, $new, $old, $opt_name ); $new = cerber_normalize( $new, $opt_name ); // @since 8.5.1 cerber_update_site_option( $opt_name, $new ); } /** * A an intermediate level for update_site_option() for Cerber's settings. * Goal: have a more granular control over processing settings. * * @since * * @param string $option_name * @param $value * * @return bool */ function cerber_update_site_option( $option_name, $value ) { $result = update_site_option( $option_name, $value ); cerber_settings_update(); crb_purge_settings_cache(); return $result; } /** * Updates Cerber's settings in a new way * * @since 8.6 * */ function cerber_settings_update() { if ( ! cerber_is_http_post() || ! $group = crb_get_post_fields( CRB_SETTINGS_GROUP ) ) { return; } // We do not process some specific cases - not a real settings form if ( defined( 'CRB_NX_SLAVE' ) && $group == CRB_NX_SLAVE ) { return; } if ( ! $remote = nexus_is_valid_request() ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } // See wp_nonce_field() in the settings_fields() function check_admin_referer( $_POST['option_page'] . '-options' ); } $sections = cerber_settings_config( array( 'screen_id' => $group )); $fields = array(); foreach ( $sections as $sec ) { if ( $fls = crb_array_get( $sec, 'fields' ) ) { $fields = array_merge( $fields, array_keys( $fls ) ); } } $fields = array_fill_keys( $fields, '' ); $post_fields = crb_get_post_fields( 'cerber-' . $group, array() ); crb_trim_deep( $post_fields ); $post_fields = stripslashes_deep( $post_fields ); crb_sanitize_deep( $post_fields ); // removes all tags $new_settings = array_merge( $fields, $post_fields ); if ( ( ! $old_settings = get_site_option( CERBER_CONFIG ) ) || ! is_array( $old_settings ) ) { $old_settings = array(); } $settings = array_merge( $old_settings, $new_settings ); if ( serialize( $settings ) !== serialize( $old_settings ) ) { $result = update_site_option( CERBER_CONFIG, $settings ); $equal = false; } else { $result = false; $equal = true; } crb_event_handler( 'update_settings', array( 'group' => $group, 'new_values' => $new_settings, 'equal' => $equal, 'result' => $result, 'remote' => $remote ) ); } /** * Escaping attributes (values) for forms * * @param array|string $value * * @return array|string */ function crb_attr_escape( $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { array_walk_recursive( $value, function ( &$element ) { $element = crb_escape( $element ); } ); } else { $value = crb_escape( $value ); } return $value; } /** * Helper * * @param string $val * * @return string Escaped string */ function crb_escape( $val ) { if ( ! $val || is_numeric( $val ) ) { return $val; } // the same way as in esc_attr(); return _wp_specialchars( $val, ENT_QUOTES ); }