'Edit a media item.', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media:1:POST', 'min_version' => '1', 'max_version' => '1.2', 'method' => 'POST', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/%d/edit', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) Site ID or domain', '$media_ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', ), 'request_format' => array( 'parent_id' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'title' => '(string) The file name.', 'caption' => '(string) File caption.', 'description' => '(HTML) Description of the file.', 'alt' => "(string) Alternative text for image files.", 'artist' => "(string) Audio Only. Artist metadata for the audio track.", 'album' => "(string) Audio Only. Album metadata for the audio track.", 'media' => "(object) An object file to attach to the post. To upload media, " . "the entire request should be multipart/form-data encoded. " . "Multiple media items will be displayed in a gallery. Accepts " . "jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt, pptx, docx, pps, ppsx, xls, xlsx, key. " . "Audio and Video may also be available. See allowed_file_types " . "in the options response of the site endpoint. " . "

" . "curl \
--form 'title=Image' \
--form 'media=@/path/to/file.jpg' \
-H 'Authorization: BEARER your-token' \
", 'attrs' => "(object) An Object of attributes (`title`, `description` and `caption`) " . "are supported to assign to the media uploaded via the `media` or `media_url`", 'media_url' => "(string) An URL of the image to attach to a post.", ), 'response_format' => array( 'ID' => '(int) The ID of the media item', 'date' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) The date the media was uploaded', 'post_ID' => '(int) ID of the post this media is attached to', 'author_ID' => '(int) ID of the user who uploaded the media', 'URL' => '(string) URL to the file', 'guid' => '(string) Unique identifier', 'file' => '(string) File name', 'extension' => '(string) File extension', 'mime_type' => '(string) File mime type', 'title' => '(string) File name', 'caption' => '(string) User provided caption of the file', 'description' => '(string) Description of the file', 'alt' => '(string) Alternative text for image files.', 'thumbnails' => '(object) Media item thumbnail URL options', 'height' => '(int) (Image & video only) Height of the media item', 'width' => '(int) (Image & video only) Width of the media item', 'length' => '(int) (Video & audio only) Duration of the media item, in seconds', 'exif' => '(array) (Image & audio only) Exif (meta) information about the media item', 'videopress_guid' => '(string) (Video only) VideoPress GUID of the video when uploaded on a blog with VideoPress', 'videopress_processing_done' => '(bool) (Video only) If the video is uploaded on a blog with VideoPress, this will return the status of processing on the video.', 'revision_history' => '(object) An object with `items` and `original` keys. ' . '`original` is an object with data about the original image. ' . '`items` is an array of snapshots of the previous images of this Media. ' . 'Each item has the `URL`, `file, `extension`, `date`, and `mime_type` fields.' ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.2/sites/82974409/media/446', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ), 'body' => array( 'title' => 'Updated Title' ) ) ) ); class WPCOM_JSON_API_Edit_Media_v1_2_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Media_v1_1_Endpoint { /** * Return an array of mime_type items allowed when the media file is uploaded. * * @return {Array} mime_type array */ static function get_allowed_mime_types( $default_mime_types ) { return array_unique( array_merge( $default_mime_types, array( 'application/msword', // .doc 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', // .ppt, .pps 'application/vnd.ms-excel', // .xls 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', // .pptx 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow', // .ppsx 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', // .xlsx 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', // .docx 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', // .odt 'application/pdf', // .pdf ) ) ); } /** * Update the media post grabbing the post values from * the `attrs` parameter * * @param {Number} $media_id - post media ID * @param {Object} $attrs - `attrs` parameter sent from the client in the request body * @return */ private function update_by_attrs_parameter( $media_id, $attrs ) { $insert = array(); // Attributes: Title, Caption, Description if ( isset( $attrs['title'] ) ) { $insert['post_title'] = $attrs['title']; } if ( isset( $attrs['caption'] ) ) { $insert['post_excerpt'] = $attrs['caption']; } if ( isset( $attrs['description'] ) ) { $insert['post_content'] = $attrs['description']; } if ( ! empty( $insert ) ) { $insert['ID'] = $media_id; $update_action = wp_update_post( (object) $insert ); if ( is_wp_error( $update_action ) ) { return $update_action; } } // Attributes: Alt if ( isset( $attrs['alt'] ) ) { $alt = wp_strip_all_tags( $attrs['alt'], true ); $post_update_action = update_post_meta( $media_id, WP_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_ALT, $alt ); if ( is_wp_error( $post_update_action ) ) { return $post_update_action; } } // Attributes: Artist, Album $id3_meta = array(); foreach ( array( 'artist', 'album' ) as $key ) { if ( isset( $attrs[ $key ] ) ) { $id3_meta[ $key ] = wp_strip_all_tags( $attrs[ $key ], true ); } } if ( ! empty( $id3_meta ) ) { // Before updating metadata, ensure that the item is audio $item = $this->get_media_item_v1_1( $media_id ); if ( 0 === strpos( $item->mime_type, 'audio/' ) ) { $update_action = wp_update_attachment_metadata( $media_id, $id3_meta ); if ( is_wp_error( $update_action ) ) { return $update_action; } } } return $post_update_action; } /** * Return an object to be used to store into the revision_history * * @param {Object} $media_item - media post object * @return {Object} the snapshot object */ private function get_snapshot( $media_item ) { $current_file = get_attached_file( $media_item->ID ); $file_paths = pathinfo( $current_file ); $snapshot = array( 'date' => (string) $this->format_date( $media_item->post_modified_gmt, $media_item->post_modified ), 'URL' => (string) wp_get_attachment_url( $media_item->ID ), 'file' => (string) $file_paths['basename'], 'extension' => (string) $file_paths['extension'], 'mime_type' => (string) $media_item->post_mime_type, 'size' => (int) filesize( $current_file ) ); return (object) $snapshot; } /** * Try to remove the temporal file from the given file array. * * @param {Array} $file_array - Array with data about the temporal file * @return {Boolean} `true` if the file has been removed. * `false` either the file doesn't exist or it couldn't be removed. */ private function remove_tmp_file( $file_array ) { if ( ! file_exists ( $file_array['tmp_name'] ) ) { return false; } return @unlink( $file_array['tmp_name'] ); } /** * Save the given temporal file in a local folder. * * @param {Array} $file_array * @param {Number} $media_id * @return {Array|WP_Error} An array with information about the new file saved or a WP_Error is something went wrong. */ private function save_temporary_file( $file_array, $media_id ) { $tmp_filename = $file_array['tmp_name']; if ( ! file_exists( $tmp_filename ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_input', 'No media provided in input.' ); } // add additional mime_types through of the `jetpack_supported_media_sideload_types` filter $mime_type_static_filter = array( 'WPCOM_JSON_API_Edit_Media_v1_2_Endpoint', 'get_allowed_mime_types' ); add_filter( 'jetpack_supported_media_sideload_types', $mime_type_static_filter ); if ( ! $this->is_file_supported_for_sideloading( $tmp_filename ) && ! file_is_displayable_image( $tmp_filename ) ) { @unlink( $tmp_filename ); return new WP_Error( 'invalid_input', 'Invalid file type.', 403 ); } remove_filter( 'jetpack_supported_media_sideload_types', $mime_type_static_filter ); // generate a new file name $tmp_new_filename = Jetpack_Media::generate_new_filename( $media_id, $file_array[ 'name' ] ); // start to create the parameters to move the temporal file $overrides = array( 'test_form' => false ); $time = $this->get_time_string_from_guid( $media_id ); $file_array['name'] = $tmp_new_filename; $file = wp_handle_sideload( $file_array, $overrides, $time ); $this->remove_tmp_file( $file_array ); if ( isset( $file['error'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'upload_error', $file['error'] ); } return $file; } /** * File urls use the post date to generate a folder path. * Post dates can change, so we use the original date used in the guid * url so edits can remain in the same folder. In the following function * we capture a string in the format of `YYYY/MM` from the guid. * * For example with a guid of * "http://test.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/test.png" the resulting string * would be: "2016/10" * * @param $media_id * * @return string */ private function get_time_string_from_guid( $media_id ) { $time = date( "Y/m", strtotime( current_time( 'mysql' ) ) ); if ( $media = get_post( $media_id ) ) { $pattern = '/\/(\d{4}\/\d{2})\//'; preg_match( $pattern, $media->guid, $matches ); if ( count( $matches ) > 1 ) { $time = $matches[1]; } } return $time; } /** * Get the image from a remote url and then save it locally. * * @param {Number} $media_id - media post ID * @param {String} $url - image URL to save locally * @return {Array|WP_Error} An array with information about the new file saved or a WP_Error is something went wrong. */ private function build_file_array_from_url( $media_id, $url ) { if ( ! $url ) { return null; } // if we didn't get a URL, let's bail $parsed = wp_parse_url( $url ); if ( empty( $parsed ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_url', 'No media provided in url.' ); } // save the remote image into a tmp file $tmp = download_url( wpcom_get_private_file( $url ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $tmp ) ) { return $tmp; } return array( 'name' => basename( $url ), 'tmp_name' => $tmp ); } /** * Add a new item into revision_history array. * * @param {Object} $media_item - media post * @param {file} $file - file recentrly added * @param {Boolean} $has_original_media - condition is the original media has been already added * @return {Boolean} `true` if the item has been added. Otherwise `false`. */ private function register_revision( $media_item, $file, $has_original_media ) { if ( is_wp_error( $file ) || ! $has_original_media ) { return false; } add_post_meta( $media_item->ID, Jetpack_Media::$WP_REVISION_HISTORY, $this->get_snapshot( $media_item ) ); } function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0, $media_id = 0 ) { $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } $media_item = get_post( $media_id ); if ( ! $media_item || is_wp_error( $media_item ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'unknown_media', 'Unknown Media', 404 ); } if ( is_wp_error( $media_item ) ) { return $media_item; } if ( ! current_user_can( 'upload_files', $media_id ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'unauthorized', 'User cannot view media', 403 ); } $input = $this->input( true ); // Images. $media_file = isset( $input['media'] ) ? (array) $input['media'] : null; $media_url = isset( $input['media_url'] ) ? $input['media_url'] : null; $media_attrs = isset( $input['attrs'] ) ? (array) $input['attrs'] : null; if ( isset( $media_url ) || $media_file ) { $user_can_upload_files = current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) || $this->api->is_authorized_with_upload_token(); if ( ! $user_can_upload_files ) { return new WP_Error( 'unauthorized', 'User cannot upload media.', 403 ); } $has_original_media = Jetpack_Media::get_original_media( $media_id ); if ( ! $has_original_media ) { // The first time that the media is updated // the original media is stored into the revision_history $snapshot = $this->get_snapshot( $media_item ); add_post_meta( $media_id, Jetpack_Media::$WP_ORIGINAL_MEDIA, $snapshot, true ); } // save the temporal file locally $temporal_file = $media_file ? $media_file : $this->build_file_array_from_url( $media_id, $media_url ); if ( is_wp_error( $temporal_file ) ) { return $temporal_file; } $uploaded_file = $this->save_temporary_file( $temporal_file, $media_id ); if ( is_wp_error( $uploaded_file ) ) { return $uploaded_file; } // revision_history control $this->register_revision( $media_item, $uploaded_file, $has_original_media ); $uploaded_path = $uploaded_file['file']; $udpated_mime_type = $uploaded_file['type']; $was_updated = update_attached_file( $media_id, $uploaded_path ); if ( $was_updated ) { $new_metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $media_id, $uploaded_path ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $media_id, $new_metadata ); // check maximum amount of revision_history Jetpack_Media::limit_revision_history( $media_id, REVISION_HISTORY_MAXIMUM_AMOUNT ); wp_update_post( (object) array( 'ID' => $media_id, 'post_mime_type' => $udpated_mime_type ) ); } unset( $input['media'] ); unset( $input['media_url'] ); unset( $input['attrs'] ); } // update media through of `attrs` value it it's defined if ( ( $media_file || isset( $media_url ) ) && $media_attrs ) { $was_updated = $this->update_by_attrs_parameter( $media_id, $media_attrs ); if ( is_wp_error( $was_updated ) ) { return $was_updated; } } // call parent method $response = parent::callback( $path, $blog_id, $media_id ); // expose `revision_history` object $response->revision_history = (object) array( 'items' => (array) Jetpack_Media::get_revision_history( $media_id ), 'original' => (object) Jetpack_Media::get_original_media( $media_id ) ); return $response; } }