array(), 'dropboxroot' => 'sandbox', 'dropboxmaxbackups' => 15, 'dropboxsyncnodelete' => true, 'dropboxdir' => '/' . trailingslashit( sanitize_file_name( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) ), ); } /** * Edit Tab * * @throws BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API_Exception If the destionation instance cannot be created. * * @param int $jobid The job id. * * @return void */ public function edit_tab( $jobid ) { if ( ! empty( $_GET['deleteauth'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore // Disable token on dropbox. try { $dropbox = $this->get_dropbox ($jobid ); $dropbox->authTokenRevoke(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { echo '

' . sprintf( /* translators: the $1 is the error message */ esc_html__( 'Dropbox API: %s', 'backwpup' ), esc_html( $e->getMessage() ) ) . '

'; } BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxtoken', array() ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxroot', 'sandbox' ); } $dropbox = new BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API( 'dropbox' ); $dropbox_auth_url = $dropbox->oAuthAuthorize(); $dropbox = new BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API( 'sandbox' ); $sandbox_auth_url = $dropbox->oAuthAuthorize(); $dropboxtoken = BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'dropboxtoken' ); ?>




Warning: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted.', 'backwpup' ) ?>

oAuthToken( $_POST['sandbox_code'] ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxtoken', $dropboxtoken ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxroot', 'sandbox' ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { BackWPup_Admin::message( 'DROPBOX: ' . $e->getMessage(), true ); } } if ( ! empty( $_POST['dropbbox_code'] ) ) { try { $dropbox = new BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API( 'dropbox' ); $dropboxtoken = $dropbox->oAuthToken( $_POST['dropbbox_code'] ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxtoken', $dropboxtoken ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxroot', 'dropbox' ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { BackWPup_Admin::message( 'DROPBOX: ' . $e->getMessage(), true ); } } BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxsyncnodelete', ! empty( $_POST['dropboxsyncnodelete'] ) ); BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxmaxbackups', ! empty( $_POST['dropboxmaxbackups'] ) ? absint( $_POST['dropboxmaxbackups'] ) : 0 ); $_POST['dropboxdir'] = trailingslashit( str_replace( '//', '/', str_replace( '\\', '/', trim( sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dropboxdir'] ) ) ) ) ); if ( $_POST['dropboxdir'] === '/' ) { $_POST['dropboxdir'] = ''; } BackWPup_Option::update( $jobid, 'dropboxdir', $_POST['dropboxdir'] ); } /** * Delete File * * @param string $jobdest The destionation for this job. * @param string $backupfile The file to delete. */ public function file_delete( $jobdest, $backupfile ) { $files = get_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . strtolower( $jobdest ) ); list( $jobid, $dest ) = explode( '_', $jobdest ); try { $dropbox = $this->get_dropbox( $jobid ); $dropbox->filesDelete( array( 'path' => $backupfile ) ); //update file list foreach ( $files as $key => $file ) { if ( is_array( $file ) && $file['file'] == $backupfile ) { unset( $files[ $key ] ); } } unset( $dropbox ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { BackWPup_Admin::message( 'DROPBOX: ' . $e->getMessage(), true ); } set_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . strtolower( $jobdest ), $files, YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function file_get_list( $jobdest ) { $list = (array) get_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . strtolower( $jobdest ) ); $list = array_filter( $list ); return $list; } /** * File Update List * * Update the list of files in the transient. * * @param BackWPup_Job|int $job Either the job object or job ID * @param bool $delete Whether to delete old backups. */ public function file_update_list( $job, $delete = false ) { if ( $job instanceof BackWPup_Job ) { $job_object = $job; $jobid = $job->job['jobid']; } else { $job_object = null; $jobid = $job; } $backupfilelist = array(); $filecounter = 0; $files = array(); $dropbox = $this->get_dropbox( $jobid ); $filesList = $dropbox->listFolder( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'dropboxdir' ) ); foreach ( $filesList as $data ) { if ( $data['.tag'] == 'file' && $this->is_backup_owned_by_job( $data['name'], $jobid ) == true ) { $file = $data['name']; if ( $this->is_backup_archive( $file ) ) { $backupfilelist[ strtotime( $data['server_modified'] ) ] = $file; } $files[ $filecounter ]['folder'] = dirname( $data['path_display'] ); $files[ $filecounter ]['file'] = $data['path_display']; $files[ $filecounter ]['filename'] = $data['name']; $files[ $filecounter ]['downloadurl'] = network_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=backwpupbackups&action=downloaddropbox&file=' . $data['path_display'] . '&local_file=' . $data['name'] . '&jobid=' . $jobid ); $files[ $filecounter ]['filesize'] = $data['size']; $files[ $filecounter ]['time'] = strtotime( $data['server_modified'] ) + ( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 ); $filecounter++; } } if ( $delete && $job_object && BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'dropboxmaxbackups' ) > 0 ) { //Delete old backups if ( count( $backupfilelist ) > $job_object->job['dropboxmaxbackups'] ) { ksort( $backupfilelist ); $numdeltefiles = 0; while ( $file = array_shift( $backupfilelist ) ) { if ( count( $backupfilelist ) < $job_object->job['dropboxmaxbackups'] ) { break; } $response = $dropbox->filesDelete( array( 'path' => $job_object->job['dropboxdir'] . $file ) ); //delete files on Cloud foreach ( $files as $key => $filedata ) { if ( $filedata['file'] == '/' . $job_object->job['dropboxdir'] . $file ) { unset( $files[ $key ] ); } } $numdeltefiles++; } if ( $numdeltefiles > 0 ) { $job_object->log( sprintf( _n( 'One file deleted from Dropbox', '%d files deleted on Dropbox', $numdeltefiles, 'backwpup' ), $numdeltefiles ), E_USER_NOTICE ); } } } set_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . $jobid . '_dropbox', $files, YEAR_IN_SECONDS ); } /** * @param $job_object * * @return bool */ public function job_run_archive( BackWPup_Job $job_object ) { $job_object->substeps_todo = 2 + $job_object->backup_filesize; if ( $job_object->steps_data[ $job_object->step_working ]['SAVE_STEP_TRY'] != $job_object->steps_data[ $job_object->step_working ]['STEP_TRY'] ) { $job_object->log( sprintf( __( '%d. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …', 'backwpup' ), $job_object->steps_data[ $job_object->step_working ]['STEP_TRY'] ) ); } try { $dropbox = $this->get_dropbox( $job_object ); //get account info if ( $job_object->steps_data[ $job_object->step_working ]['SAVE_STEP_TRY'] != $job_object->steps_data[ $job_object->step_working ]['STEP_TRY'] ) { $info = $dropbox->usersGetCurrentAccount(); if ( ! empty( $info['account_id'] ) ) { if ( $job_object->is_debug() ) { $user = $info['name']['display_name'] . ' (' . $info['email'] . ')'; } else { $user = $info['name']['display_name']; } $job_object->log( sprintf( __( 'Authenticated with Dropbox of user: %s', 'backwpup' ), $user ) ); //Quota if ( $job_object->is_debug() ) { $quota = $dropbox->usersGetSpaceUsage(); $dropboxfreespase = $quota['allocation']['allocated'] - $quota['used']; $job_object->log( sprintf( __( '%s available on your Dropbox', 'backwpup' ), size_format( $dropboxfreespase, 2 ) ) ); } } else { $job_object->log( __( 'Not Authenticated with Dropbox!', 'backwpup' ), E_USER_ERROR ); return false; } $job_object->log( __( 'Uploading to Dropbox …', 'backwpup' ) ); } // put the file if ( $job_object->substeps_done < $job_object->backup_filesize ) { //only if upload not complete $response = $dropbox->upload( $job_object->backup_folder . $job_object->backup_file, $job_object->job['dropboxdir'] . $job_object->backup_file ); if ( $response['size'] == $job_object->backup_filesize ) { if ( ! empty( $job_object->job['jobid'] ) ) { BackWPup_Option::update( $job_object->job['jobid'], 'lastbackupdownloadurl', network_admin_url( 'admin.php' ) . '?page=backwpupbackups&action=downloaddropbox&file=' . ltrim( $response['path_display'], '/' ) . '&jobid=' . $job_object->job['jobid'] ); } $job_object->substeps_done = 1 + $job_object->backup_filesize; $job_object->log( sprintf( __( 'Backup transferred to %s', 'backwpup' ), $response['path_display'] ), E_USER_NOTICE ); } else { if ( $response['size'] != $job_object->backup_filesize ) { $job_object->log( __( 'Uploaded file size and local file size don\'t match.', 'backwpup' ), E_USER_ERROR ); } else { $job_object->log( sprintf( __( 'Error transfering backup to %s.', 'backwpup' ) . ' ' . $response['error'], __( 'Dropbox', 'backwpup' ) ), E_USER_ERROR ); } return false; } } $this->file_update_list( $job_object, true ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $job_object->log( sprintf( __( 'Dropbox API: %s', 'backwpup' ), $e->getMessage() ), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), E_USER_ERROR ); return false; } $job_object->substeps_done++; return true; } /** * @param $job_settings * * @return bool */ public function can_run( array $job_settings ) { if ( empty( $job_settings['dropboxtoken'] ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get Dropbox * * Gets the Dropbox API instance. * * @parent BackWPup_Job|int $job Either the job object or job ID * * @return BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_Api */ protected function get_dropbox( $job ) { if ( ! $this->dropbox ) { if ( $job instanceof BackWPup_Job ) { $this->dropbox = new BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API( $job->job['dropboxroot'], $job ); $this->dropbox->setOAuthTokens( $job->job['dropboxtoken'] ); } else { $this->dropbox = new BackWPup_Destination_Dropbox_API( BackWPup_Option::get( $job, 'dropboxroot' ) ); $this->dropbox->setOAuthTokens( BackWPup_Option::get( $job, 'dropboxtoken' ) ); } } return $this->dropbox; } }