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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
function check_func($func) {
if (empty($disabled)) {
} else {
return (function_exists($func) && is_callable($func) &&
foreach ( $needed_functions as $func ) {
if ( !check_func( $func ) ) {
if ( count($intersect) ) {
$error_message[]="Next functions are disabled by server configurations, but needed for correct theme working: <i>".implode(', ',$intersect)."</i>.<br /> To enable these functions remove them from disable_functions parameter of [PHP] section in php.ini.";
if ( version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0') < 0 ) {
$error_message[]="This theme requires PHP version at least 5.2. Your PHP version is ".phpversion().". Contact with your server administrator to update PHP version.";
if ( version_compare($wp_version, '3.3.1') < 0 ) {
$error_message[]="This theme requires WordPress version at least 3.3.1. Your WordPress version is ".$wp_version.". You can upload latest WordPress version from <a href= 'http://wordpress.org/download/' target='_blank'>http://wordpress.org/download/</a>";
$files=array('/inc/library.php','/inc/administrator.php', '/inc/settings.php');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!include_once( get_template_directory() . $file )) {
if ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . $file ) ) {
$error_message[]="PHP hasn't access to file ".$file.". Check the file permissions and try again please.";
} else {
$error_message[]="File ".$file." doesn't exists. Try to upload the theme again.";
if ( isset($error_message) ) {
$stylesheet = get_option( 'theme_switched' );
switch_theme( $stylesheet, $stylesheet );
$message="<h2>The theme wasn't activated by following reasons:</h2><ul><li>".implode("</li><li>",$error_message)."</li></ul>"."Your theme was switched back to ".$stylesheet.".";
wp_redirect(admin_url( 'admin.php?page=general' ));