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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
* Plugin Name: WP Lightbox 2
* Plugin URI: http://yepinol.com/lightbox-2-plugin-wordpress/
* Description: This plugin used to add the lightbox (overlay) effect to the current page images on your WordPress blog.
* Version:
* Author: Pankaj Jha
* Author URI: http://onlinewebapplication.com/
* License: GNU General Public License, v2 (or newer)
* License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
/* Copyright 2011 Pankaj Jha (onlinewebapplication.com)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation using version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* jQuery Lightbox
* Version 0.5 - 11/29/2007
* @author Warren Krewenki
* This package is distributed under the BSD license.
* For full license information, see LICENSE.TXT
* Based on Lightbox 2 by Lokesh Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/)
* Originally written to make use of the Prototype framework, and Script.acalo.us, now altered to use jQuery.
/** toyNN: davidtg@comtrya.com: fixed IE7-8 incompatabilities in 1.3.* branch **/
$.fn.lightbox = function(options) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.lightbox.defaults, options);
function onClick() {
return false;
if(parseFloat($().jquery) >= 1.7){
return $(this).on("click", onClick);
return $(this).live("click", onClick); //deprecated since 1.7
function initialize() {
$(window).bind('orientationchange', resizeListener);
$(window).bind('resize', resizeListener);
// if (opts.followScroll) { $(window).bind('scroll', orientListener); }
opts.isIE8 = isIE8(); // //http://www.grayston.net/2011/internet-explorer-v8-and-opacity-issues/
opts.inprogress = false;
// if jsonData, build the imageArray from data provided in JSON format
if (opts.jsonData && opts.jsonData.length > 0) {
var parser = opts.jsonDataParser ? opts.jsonDataParser : $.fn.lightbox.parseJsonData;
opts.imageArray = [];
opts.imageArray = parser(opts.jsonData);
var outerImage = '<div id="outerImageContainer"><div id="imageContainer"><iframe id="lightboxIframe" /><img id="lightboxImage"><div id="hoverNav"><a href="javascript://" title="' + opts.strings.prevLinkTitle + '" id="prevLink"></a><a href="javascript://" id="nextLink" title="' + opts.strings.nextLinkTitle + '"></a></div><div id="loading"><a href="javascript://" id="loadingLink"><div id="jqlb_loading"></div></a></div></div></div>';
var imageData = '<div id="imageDataContainer" class="clearfix"><div id="imageData"><div id="imageDetails"><span id="caption"></span><span id="numberDisplay"></span></div><div id="bottomNav">';
if (opts.displayHelp) {
imageData += '<span id="helpDisplay">' + opts.strings.help + '</span>';
imageData += '<a href="javascript://" id="bottomNavClose" title="' + opts.strings.closeTitle + '"><img src="'+JQLBSettings['jqlb_image_for_close_lightbox']+'" id="jqlb_closelabel"/></a>';
imageData +='</div></div></div>';
var string;
if (opts.navbarOnTop) {
string = '<div id="overlay"></div><div id="lightbox">' + imageData + outerImage + '</div>';
} else {
string = '<div id="overlay"></div><div id="lightbox">' + outerImage + imageData + '</div>';
var gago=1;
$("#overlay").click(function () { end(); }).hide();
$("#lightbox").click(function () { if(gago){end();} gago=1 }).hide().children('#imageDataContainer').click(function(e) { gago=0; console.log(e) });;
$("#loadingLink").click(function () { end(); return false; });
$("#bottomNavClose").click(function () { end(); return false; });
if (!opts.imageClickClose) {
$("#lightboxImage").click(function () { return false; });
$("#hoverNav").click(function () { return false; });
//allow image to reposition & scale if orientation change or resize occurs.
/*2.21 - Image Map, Shrink large images to fit smaller screens*/
/*2.23 - Updated jQuery calls for faster load*/
/*2.25 - Fixed PHP 5 bug*/
/*2.27 - Compatible with wordpress 3.5.1.*/
/* - Fixed navigation issue (minor release)*/
/*2.28.8 - Compatible with wordpress 3.8.*/
/* - Fixed navigation issue.*/
/* - Compatible with wordpress 3.8.1*/
/* - Fixed full screen image close issue*/
/* - Compatible with wordpress 3.9*/
/* - Fixed Responsiveness Issue */
/* - Compatible with wordpress 3.9.1*/
/* - Fixed Image Galary and other HTML issue minor fix*/
/* - Compatible with wordpress 3.9.2*/
/* - Compatible with wordpress 4.0*/
/* - Optimize: content grouping support and exclusion performance*/
/* - Compatible with wordpress 4.0.1*/
/* - Compatible with wordpress 4.1*/
/* - Fixed: Broken shortcodes with WordPress 4.1*/
function resizeListener(e) {
if (opts.resizeTimeout) {
opts.resizeTimeout = false;
opts.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { doScale(false); }, 50); //a delay to avoid duplicate event calls.
function getPageSize(){
var pgDocHeight = $(document).height();
if (opts.isIE8 && pgDocHeight > 4096) {
pgDocHeight = 4096;
var viewportHeight = $(window).height() - opts.adminBarHeight;
//$(document).width() returns width of HTML document
return new Array($(document).width(), pgDocHeight, $(window).width(), viewportHeight, $(document).height());
//code for IE8 check provided by http://kangax.github.com/cft/
function isIE8() {
var isBuggy = false;
if (document.createElement) {
var el = document.createElement("div");
if (el && el.querySelectorAll) {
el.innerHTML = "<object><param name=\"\"></object>";
isBuggy = el.querySelectorAll("param").length != 1;
el = null;
return isBuggy;
function getPageScroll() {
var xScroll = 0; var yScroll = 0;
if (self.pageYOffset) {
yScroll = self.pageYOffset;
xScroll = self.pageXOffset;
} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { // Explorer 6 Strict
yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
} else if (document.body) {// all other Explorers
yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft;
if(opts.adminBarHeight && parseInt($('#wpadminbar').css('top'), 10) === 0){
yScroll += opts.adminBarHeight;
return new Array(xScroll, yScroll);
// JQuery Call
function start(imageLink) {
$("select, embed, object").hide();
var arrayPageSize = getPageSize();
var arrayPagePos = getPageScroll();
var newTop = 0;
$("#overlay").hide().css({width: arrayPageSize[0] + 'px', height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px', opacity: opts.overlayOpacity}).fadeIn(400);
if (opts.isIE8 && arrayPageSize[1] == 4096) {
if (arrayPagePos[1] >= 1000) {
newTop = arrayPagePos[1] - 1000;
if ((arrayPageSize[4] - (arrayPagePos[1] + 3096)) < 0) {
newTop -= (arrayPagePos[1] + 3096) - arrayPageSize[4];
$("#overlay").css({ top: newTop + 'px' });
imageNum = 0;
// if data is not provided by jsonData parameter
if (!opts.jsonData) {
opts.imageArray = [];
// if image is NOT part of a set..
if (!imageLink.rel || (imageLink.rel == '')) {
// add single image to Lightbox.imageArray
var s = '';
if (imageLink.title) {
s = imageLink.title;
} else if ($(this).children(':first-child').attr('title')) {
s = $(this).children(':first-child').attr('title');
opts.imageArray.push(new Array(imageLink.href, opts.displayTitle ? s : ''));
} else {
// if image is part of a set..
$("a").each(function () {
if (this.href && (this.rel == imageLink.rel)) {
var title = '';
var caption = '';
var captionText = '';
var jqThis = $(this);
if (this.title) {
title = this.title;
} else if (jqThis.children('img:first-child').attr('title')) {
title = jqThis.children('img:first-child').attr('title'); //grab the title from the image if the link lacks one
if (jqThis.parent().next('.gallery-caption').html()) {
var jq = jqThis.parent().next('.gallery-caption');
caption = jq.html();
captionText = jq.text();
} else if (jqThis.next('.wp-caption-text').html()) {
caption = jqThis.next('.wp-caption-text').html();
captionText = jqThis.next('.wp-caption-text').text();
title = $.trim(title);
captionText = $.trim(captionText);
if (title.toLowerCase() == captionText.toLowerCase()) {
title = caption; //to keep linked captions
caption = ''; //but not duplicate the text
var s = '';
if (title != '') {
s = '<span id="titleText">' + title + '</span>';
if (caption != '') {
if (title != ''){
s += '<br />';
s += '<span id="captionText">' + caption +'</span>';
opts.imageArray.push(new Array(this.href, opts.displayTitle ? s : ''));
if (opts.imageArray.length > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < opts.imageArray.length; i++) {
for (j = opts.imageArray.length - 1; j > i; j--) {
if (opts.imageArray[i][0] == opts.imageArray[j][0]) {
opts.imageArray.splice(j, 1);
while (opts.imageArray[imageNum][0] != imageLink.href) { imageNum++; }
// calculate top and left offset for the lightbox
setLightBoxPos(10, arrayPagePos[0]).show();
setLightBoxPos(arrayPagePos[1], arrayPagePos[0]).show();
function setLightBoxPos(newTop, newLeft) {
if (opts.resizeSpeed > 0) {
$('#lightbox').animate({ top: newTop }, 250, 'linear');
return $('#lightbox').animate({ left: newLeft }, 250, 'linear');
return $('#lightbox').css({ top: newTop + 'px', left: newLeft + 'px' });
function changeImage(imageNum) {
if (opts.inprogress == false) {
opts.inprogress = true;
opts.activeImage = imageNum;
// hide elements during transition
function doChangeImage() {
opts.imgPreloader = new Image();
opts.imgPreloader.onload = function () {
$('#lightboxImage').attr('src', opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage][0]);
doScale(); // once image is preloaded, resize image container
opts.imgPreloader.src = opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage][0];
function doScale() {
if (!opts.imgPreloader) {
var newWidth = opts.imgPreloader.width;
var newHeight = opts.imgPreloader.height;
var seted_widt_max=parseInt(JQLBSettings['jqlb_maximum_width']);
var seted_height_max=parseInt(JQLBSettings['jqlb_maximum_height']);
var arrayPageSize = getPageSize();
var noScrollWidth = (arrayPageSize[2] < arrayPageSize[0]) ? arrayPageSize[0] : arrayPageSize[2]; //if viewport is smaller than page, use page width.
$("#overlay").css({ width: noScrollWidth + 'px', height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px' });
var maxHeight = (arrayPageSize[3]) - ($("#imageDataContainer").height() + (2 * opts.borderSize));
var maxWidth = (arrayPageSize[2]) - (2*opts.borderSize);
if (opts.fitToScreen){
var displayWidth = maxWidth-opts.marginSize;
if(seted_widt_max<maxWidth && seted_widt_max>0)
displayWidth = seted_widt_max-opts.marginSize;
var displayHeight = maxHeight-opts.marginSize;
if(seted_height_max<maxHeight && seted_height_max>0)
displayHeight = seted_height_max-opts.marginSize;
var ratio = 1;
if (newHeight > displayHeight) {
ratio = displayHeight / newHeight; //ex. 600/1024 = 0.58
newWidth = newWidth * ratio;
newHeight = newHeight * ratio;
ratio = 1;
if (newWidth > displayWidth) {
ratio = displayWidth / newWidth; //ex. 800/1280 == 0.62
newWidth = Math.round(newWidth * ratio);
newHeight = Math.round(newHeight * ratio);
var arrayPageScroll = getPageScroll();
var centerY = arrayPageScroll[1] + (maxHeight * 0.5);
var newTop =(maxHeight-newHeight) * 0.5;
var newTop = centerY - newHeight * 0.5;
var newLeft = arrayPageScroll[0];
resizeImageContainer(newWidth, newHeight, newTop, newLeft);
/*2.28.4 - Compatible with wordpress 3.6.*/
function resizeImageContainer(imgWidth, imgHeight, lightboxTop, lightboxLeft) {
opts.widthCurrent = $("#outerImageContainer").outerWidth();
if(parseInt(JQLBSettings['jqlb_maximum_width']) && parseInt(JQLBSettings['jqlb_maximum_width'])>0){
opts.heightCurrent = $("#outerImageContainer").outerHeight();
if(parseInt(JQLBSettings['jqlb_maximum_height']) && parseInt(JQLBSettings['jqlb_maximum_height'])>0){
var widthNew = Math.max(350, imgWidth + (opts.borderSize * 2));
var heightNew = (imgHeight + (opts.borderSize * 2));
// scalars based on change from old to new
opts.xScale = (widthNew / opts.widthCurrent) * 100;
opts.yScale = (heightNew / opts.heightCurrent) * 100;
setLightBoxPos(lightboxTop, lightboxLeft);
updateDetails(); //toyNN: moved updateDetails() here, seems to work fine.
$('#imageDataContainer').animate({ width: widthNew }, opts.resizeSpeed, 'linear');
$('#outerImageContainer').animate({ width: widthNew }, opts.resizeSpeed, 'linear', function () {
$('#outerImageContainer').animate({ height: heightNew }, opts.resizeSpeed, 'linear', function () {
function showImage() {
//assumes updateDetails have been called earlier!
if (opts.resizeSpeed > 0) {
} else {
opts.inprogress = false;
function preloadNeighborImages() {
if (opts.loopImages && opts.imageArray.length > 1) {
preloadNextImage = new Image();
preloadNextImage.src = opts.imageArray[(opts.activeImage == (opts.imageArray.length - 1)) ? 0 : opts.activeImage + 1][0]
preloadPrevImage = new Image();
preloadPrevImage.src = opts.imageArray[(opts.activeImage == 0) ? (opts.imageArray.length - 1) : opts.activeImage - 1][0]
} else {
if ((opts.imageArray.length - 1) > opts.activeImage) {
preloadNextImage = new Image();
preloadNextImage.src = opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage + 1][0];
if (opts.activeImage > 0) {
preloadPrevImage = new Image();
preloadPrevImage.src = opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage - 1][0];
function updateDetails() {
if (opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage][1]) {
var nav_html = '';
var prev = '';
var pos = (opts.imageArray.length > 1) ? opts.strings.image + (opts.activeImage + 1) + opts.strings.of + opts.imageArray.length : '';
var link = (opts.displayDownloadLink) ? '<a href="' + opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage][0] + '" id="downloadLink" download="'+opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage][0].replace(/^.*\/|\.[^.]*$/g, '')+'.'+opts.imageArray[opts.activeImage][0].split('.').pop()+'" target="'+opts.linkTarget+'">' + opts.strings.download + '</a>' : '';
var next = '';
if (opts.imageArray.length > 1 && !opts.disableNavbarLinks) { // display previous / next text links
if ((opts.activeImage) > 0 || opts.loopImages) {
prev = '<a title="' + opts.strings.prevLinkTitle + '" href="#" id="prevLinkText">' + opts.strings.prevLinkText + "</a>";
if (((opts.activeImage + 1) < opts.imageArray.length) || opts.loopImages) {
next += '<a title="' + opts.strings.nextLinkTitle + '" href="#" id="nextLinkText">' + opts.strings.nextLinkText + "</a>";
nav_html = prev + nav_html + pos + link + next;
if (nav_html != '' && JQLBSettings['jqlb_show_text_for_image']=='1') {
function updateNav() {
if (opts.imageArray.length > 1) {
// if loopImages is true, always show next and prev image buttons
if (opts.loopImages) {
$('#prevLink,#prevLinkText').show().click(function () {
changeImage((opts.activeImage == 0) ? (opts.imageArray.length - 1) : opts.activeImage - 1); return false;
$('#nextLink,#nextLinkText').show().click(function () {
changeImage((opts.activeImage == (opts.imageArray.length - 1)) ? 0 : opts.activeImage + 1); return false;
} else {
// if not first image in set, display prev image button
if (opts.activeImage != 0) {
$('#prevLink,#prevLinkText').show().click(function () {
changeImage(opts.activeImage - 1); return false;
// if not last image in set, display next image button
if (opts.activeImage != (opts.imageArray.length - 1)) {
$('#nextLink,#nextLinkText').show().click(function () {
changeImage(opts.activeImage + 1); return false;
if(JQLBSettings ['jqlb_keyboard_navigation']=='1'){
function end() {
$('select, object, embed').show();
function keyboardAction(e) {
var o = e.data.opts;
var keycode = e.keyCode;
var escapeKey = 27;
var key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
if ((key == 'x') || (key == 'o') || (key == 'c') || (keycode == escapeKey)) { // close lightbox
} else if ((key == 'p') || (keycode == 37)) { // display previous image
if (o.loopImages) {
changeImage((o.activeImage == 0) ? (o.imageArray.length - 1) : o.activeImage - 1);
else if (o.activeImage != 0) {
changeImage(o.activeImage - 1);
} else if ((key == 'n') || (keycode == 39)) { // display next image
if (opts.loopImages) {
changeImage((o.activeImage == (o.imageArray.length - 1)) ? 0 : o.activeImage + 1);
else if (o.activeImage != (o.imageArray.length - 1)) {
changeImage(o.activeImage + 1);
return false;
function enableKeyboardNav() {
$(document).bind('keydown', {opts: opts}, keyboardAction);
function disableKeyboardNav() {
$.fn.lightbox.parseJsonData = function(data) {
var imageArray = [];
$.each(data, function () {
imageArray.push(new Array(this.url, this.title));
return imageArray;
$.fn.lightbox.defaults = {
overlayOpacity: (JQLBSettings['jqlb_overlay_opacity']/100),
borderSize: (JQLBSettings['jqlb_border_width']),
imageArray: new Array,
activeImage: null,
inprogress: false, //this is an internal state variable. don't touch.
widthCurrent: 250,
heightCurrent: 250,
xScale: 1,
yScale: 1,
displayTitle: true,
disableNavbarLinks: true,
loopImages: true,
imageClickClose: true,
jsonData: null,
jsonDataParser: null,
followScroll: false,
isIE8: false //toyNN:internal value only
var haveConf = (typeof JQLBSettings == 'object');
if(haveConf && JQLBSettings.resizeSpeed) {
JQLBSettings.resizeSpeed = parseInt(JQLBSettings.resizeSpeed);
if(haveConf && JQLBSettings.marginSize){
JQLBSettings.marginSize = parseInt(JQLBSettings.marginSize);
var default_strings = {
help: ' Browse images with your keyboard: Arrows or P(revious)/N(ext) and X/C/ESC for close.',
prevLinkTitle: JQLBSettings ['jqlb_previous_image_title'],
nextLinkTitle: JQLBSettings ['jqlb_next_image_title'],
prevLinkText: '&laquo; Previous',
nextLinkText: 'Next &raquo;',
closeTitle: JQLBSettings ['jqlb_close_image_title'],
image: 'Image ',
of: ' of ',
download: 'Download'
adminBarHeight: $('#wpadminbar').height() || 0,
linkTarget: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.linkTarget.length) ? JQLBSettings.linkTarget : '_self',
displayHelp: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.help.length) ? true : false,
marginSize: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.marginSize) ? JQLBSettings.marginSize : 0,
fitToScreen: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.fitToScreen == '1') ? true : false,
resizeSpeed: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.resizeSpeed >= 0) ? JQLBSettings.resizeSpeed : 400,
displayDownloadLink: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.displayDownloadLink == '0') ? false : true,
navbarOnTop: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.navbarOnTop == '0') ? false : true,
//followScroll: (haveConf && JQLBSettings.followScroll == '0') ? false : true,
strings: (haveConf && typeof JQLBSettings.help == 'string') ? JQLBSettings : default_strings