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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
Copyright (C) 2015-20 CERBER TECH INC., https://cerber.tech
Copyright (C) 2015-20 CERBER TECH INC., https://wpcerber.com
Licenced under the GNU GPL.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
| |
| ATTENTION! Do not change or edit this file! |
| |
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) { exit; }
function nexus_init() {
if ( nexus_is_slave() ) {
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cerber-nexus-slave.php' );
if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) {
elseif ( defined( 'WP_ADMIN' )
|| defined( 'WP_NETWORK_ADMIN' )
|| cerber_is_wp_cron() ) {
if ( nexus_is_master() ) {
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cerber-nexus-master.php' );
// Admin functions
function nexus_admin_page() {
if ( ! $role = nexus_get_role_data() ) {
$roles = array(
'slave' => array(
__( 'Enable slave mode', 'wp-cerber' ),
__( 'This website can be managed from a master website', 'wp-cerber' )
'master' => array(
__( 'Enable master mode', 'wp-cerber' ),
__( 'Configure this website as a master to manage other website', 'wp-cerber' )
echo '<div class="" style="text-align: center; padding-top: 100px; padding-right: 100px;">';
echo '<h2 style="margin-bottom: 2em;">' . __( 'To proceed, please select the mode for this website', 'wp-cerber' ) . '</h2>';
foreach ( $roles as $r => $d ) {
echo '<div style="padding-bottom: 1em;"><p><a href="' . wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array(
'cerber_admin_do' => 'nexus_set_role',
'nexus_set_role' => $r,
) ), 'control', 'cerber_nonce' ) . '" class="button button-primary cerber-button">' . $d[0] . '</a></p>';
echo '<p>' . $d[1] . '</p></div>';
echo '<p style="margin-top: 3rem">Know more: <a href="https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/" target="_blank">Managing multiple WP Cerber instances from one dashboard</a></p></div>';
if ( nexus_is_master() ) {
$tabs = array(
'nexus_sites' => array( 'bxs-world', __( 'My Websites', 'wp-cerber' ) ),
'nexus_master' => array( 'bx-cog', __( 'Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ),
else {
$tabs = array(
'nexus_slave' => array( 'bx-cog', __( 'Slave Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ),
$t = ( nexus_is_slave() ) ? __( 'Slave Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) : __( 'My Websites', 'wp-cerber' );
cerber_show_admin_page( $t, $tabs, null, function ( $tab ) {
if ( nexus_get_context() ) {
echo 'You are currently managing the slave website. <a href="' . nexus_get_back_link() . '">Switch to the master</a>.';
switch ( $tab ) {
case 'nexus_master':
cerber_show_settings_form( $tab );
} );
function nexus_site_manager() {
if ( nexus_is_master() ) {
if ( $site_id = absint( cerber_get_get( 'site_id' ) ) ) {
nexus_show_slave_form( $site_id );
else {
$token = nexus_the_token();
$no_slave = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array(
'cerber_admin_do' => 'nexus_set_role',
'nexus_set_role' => 'none',
) ), 'control', 'cerber_nonce' );
echo '<div class="crb-admin-form" style="padding-bottom: 1em; font-size: 2em;"><p style="font-weight: bold;">' . __( 'Secret Access Token', 'wp-cerber' ) . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . __( 'The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' </p>';
echo '<p class="crb-monospace" style="padding:1em; background-color: #fff; border: solid 1px #d6d6d6; word-break: break-all;">' . $token . '</p>';
$confirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . __( 'Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '\');"';
echo '<p>' . __( 'To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' <a href="' . $no_slave . '" ' . $confirm . '>' . __( 'Disable slave mode', 'wp-cerber' ) . '</a>.</p>';
echo '</div>';
cerber_show_settings_form( 'nexus-slave' );
* Return slave token if no token specified, otherwise decode and return it
* @param string $token Token to decode
* @return array|string
function nexus_the_token( $token = '' ) {
if ( ! is_super_admin() ) {
return false;
if ( $token ) {
// Decode
if ( substr( $token, 0, 3 ) != 'X01' ) {
return false;
$crc = substr( $token, 3, 32 );
$body = substr( $token, 35 );
if ( $crc != md5( $body ) ) {
return false;
$ret = @json_decode( str_rot13( urldecode( str_replace( '&', '%', $body ) ) ), true );
if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) {
return false;
if ( empty( $ret['cerber-slave'] ) || 6 > count( $ret['cerber-slave'] ) ) {
return false;
return $ret['cerber-slave'];
$role = nexus_get_role_data();
if ( ! $role || empty( $role['slave'] ) ) {
return '';
// Encode
$token = str_replace( '%', '&', urlencode( str_rot13( '' . json_encode( array(
'cerber-slave' => array(
get_bloginfo( 'name' )
return 'X01' . md5( $token ) . '' . $token;
function nexus_enable_role() {
if ( ! is_admin() || ! is_super_admin() ) {
if ( ! $role = cerber_get_get( 'nexus_set_role', 'master|slave|none' ) ) {
if ( $role == 'none' ) {
cerber_delete_set( '_nexus_mode' );
if ( nexus_is_master() && ( $role == 'master' ) ) {
if ( nexus_is_slave() && ( $role == 'slave' ) ) {
$data = array();
switch ( $role ) {
case 'slave':
$all_ascii = ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~';
$num = rand( 20, 50 );
$data['nx_pass'] = substr( str_shuffle( $all_ascii ), 0, $num );
$data['nx_echo'] = substr( str_shuffle( $all_ascii ), 0, $num );
$num = rand( 8, 10 );
$data['x_field'] = substr( str_shuffle( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ), 0, $num );
$data['x_num'] = rand( 1, $num - 2 ); // see loop in nexus_get_fields()
case 'master':
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cerber-nexus-master.php' );
if ( ! nexus_create_db( $role ) ) {
cerber_admin_notice( 'Unable to create master DB tables' );
$data['ip'] = cerber_get_remote_ip();
$data['time'] = time();
$data['user'] = get_current_user_id();
cerber_update_set( '_nexus_mode', array(
$role => $data
) );
nexus_get_role_data( true );
//cerber_admin_message( sprintf( __( 'This website is set as %s.', 'wp-cerber' ), $role ) );
$msg = array();
if ( nexus_is_master() ) {
$msg[] = __( 'This website is set as master.', 'wp-cerber' );
$msg[] = __( 'Add slave websites by using access tokens.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' <a href="https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/" target="_blank">Read more</a>.';
else {
$msg[] = __( 'This website is set as slave.', 'wp-cerber' );
$msg[] = __( 'Install the access token on the master website.', 'wp-cerber' );
cerber_admin_message( $msg );
// Common functions
function nexus_is_valid_request() {
static $ret;
if ( isset( $ret ) ) {
return $ret;
if ( ! empty( $_COOKIE )
|| crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD' ) != 'POST'
|| count( $_POST ) < 2
|| ! nexus_is_slave() ) {
$ret = false;
return false;
if ( $ip = crb_get_settings( 'slave_ips' ) ) {
if ( $ip != cerber_get_remote_ip() ) {
$ret = false;
return false;
else {
if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed( null, CRB_CNTX_NEXUS ) || lab_is_blocked() ) {
$ret = false;
return false;
$field_names = nexus_get_fields();
$xn = array_shift( $field_names );
if ( ( ! $auth = cerber_get_post( $field_names[ $xn ] ) )
|| ( ! $payload = cerber_get_post( $field_names[0] ) )
|| ( array_diff_key( array_keys( $_POST ), $field_names ) ) ) {
$ret = false;
return false;
nexus_diag_log( 'Check for valid master request...' );
// It seems this is a request from the master
// Check master credentials and payload checksum
$role = nexus_get_role_data();
//$payload = stripslashes( $payload );
if ( hash_equals( $auth, hash( 'sha512', $role['slave']['nx_pass'] . sha1( $payload ) ) ) ) {
nexus_diag_log( 'Master credentials are valid' );
$ret = true;
else {
cerber_log( 300 );
nexus_diag_log( 'ERROR: invalid master credentials or payload checksum mismatch' );
$ret = false;
return $ret;
function nexus_get_context() {
static $slave, $slave_id;
if ( ! is_admin()
|| ! nexus_is_master() ) {
return false;
if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_get_current_user' ) // No information about a user is available
|| ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
return false;
$id = null;
if ( ! $id = absint( cerber_get_cookie( 'cerber_nexus_id', 0 ) ) ) {
return false;
if ( $id === $slave_id && isset( $slave ) ) {
return $slave;
$slave_id = $id;
if ( ! $slave = nexus_get_slave_data( $slave_id ) ) {
$slave_id = null;
$slave = false;
return $slave;
function nexus_get_role_data( $flush = false ) {
static $data;
if ( $flush || null === $data ) {
$data = cerber_get_set( '_nexus_mode' );
return $data;
function nexus_is_master() {
$role = nexus_get_role_data();
if ( ! empty( $role['master'] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
function nexus_is_slave() {
$role = nexus_get_role_data();
if ( ! empty( $role['slave'] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
function nexus_diag_log( $msg ) {
if ( ( nexus_is_slave() && crb_get_settings( 'slave_diag' ) )
|| ( nexus_is_master() && crb_get_settings( 'master_diag' ) ) ) {
$m = 'NONE';
if ( nexus_is_slave() ) {
$m = 'Slave';
elseif ( nexus_is_master() ) {
$m = 'Master';
cerber_diag_log( cerber_db_get_errors(), 'NXS ' . $m );
if ( is_array( $msg ) ) {
foreach ( $msg as $k => $v ) {
if ( is_array( $v ) ) {
$v = print_r( $v, 1 );
cerber_diag_log( ' | ' . $k . ' = ' . $v, 'NXS ' . $m );
else {
cerber_diag_log( $msg, 'NXS ' . $m );
function nexus_get_fields( $slave = null ) {
if ( nexus_is_slave() ) {
$role = nexus_get_role_data();
$xf = $role['slave']['x_field'];
$xn = $role['slave']['x_num'];
elseif ( nexus_is_master() ) {
if ( ! $slave ) {
$slave = nexus_get_context();
$xf = $slave->x_field;
$xn = $slave->x_num;
else {
return false;
if ( ! $xn || ! $xf ) {
return false;
// Generate a set of field names
$ret = array( $xn, $xf );
$chars = str_split( $xf );
for ( $i = count( $chars ) - 2; $i > 0; $i -- ) {
$tmp = $chars;
$tmp[ $i ] = '_';
$ret[] = implode( '', $tmp );
for ( $i = strlen( $xf ) - 2; $i > 0; $i -- ) {
$tmp = $xf;
while ( $tmp == $xf ) {
$tmp = str_shuffle( $xf );
$ret[] = $tmp;
return $ret;