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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
Copyright (C) 2015-20 CERBER TECH INC., https://cerber.tech
Copyright (C) 2015-20 CERBER TECH INC., https://wpcerber.com
Licenced under the GNU GPL.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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| ATTENTION! Do not change or edit this file! |
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// If this file is called directly, abort executing.
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {
function cerber_push_the_news( $version ) {
$news['3.0'] =
'<h3>Welcome a new version with reCAPTCHA and WordPress filters</h3>
<li>Now you can use Google reCAPTCHA to protect WordPress registration form from spam registrations. Also reCAPTCHA available for lost password and login forms. <a href="https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/">How to setup reCAPTCHA</a>.</li>
<li>The registration process, WordPress registration form, XML-RPC, WP REST API are controlled by <a href="http://wpcerber.com/using-ip-access-lists-to-protect-wordpress/">IP Access Lists</a>.</li>
<li>Registration is impossible if a particular IP address is locked out.</li>
<li>Registration with a prohibited username is impossible.</li>
<li><a href="https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-hooks/">A set of filters and actions</a>. They are useful if you want to customize some aspects of the plugin as you want.</li>
<li>A new action <strong>Get WHOIS info</strong> that obtains detailed WHOIS information about given IP address. You can use it in vary <a href="http://jetflow.io">jetFlow.io automation scenarios</a>. For instance, you can monitor countries from what your users are logged in on the website or you <a href="https://wpcerber.com/notifications-on-wordpress-user-logs-in/">monitor user logins with notifications</a>.</li>
<li>A new trigger <strong>IP locked out</strong> that starts automation scenario after a suspicious IP address has been locked out by the WP Cerber plugin.</li>
$news['4.0'] =
'<h3>Welcome a new version with extended Access Lists and reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce</h3>
<li>reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce forms. <a href="https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/">How to set up reCAPTCHA</a>.</li>
<li>IP Access Lists has got support for IP networks in three forms: ability to restrict access with IPv4 ranges, IPv4 CIDR notation and IPv4 subnets: A,B,C has been added. Read more: <a href="https://wpcerber.com/using-ip-access-lists-to-protect-wordpress/">Access Lists for WordPress</a>.</li>
<li>Cerber can automatically detect an IP network of an intruder and suggest you to block the entire network right from the Activity screen.</li>
<!-- <li>reCAPTCHA will not be shown and processed for IP addresses from the White IP Access List.</li> -->
<p><a href="https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-4-0/" target="_blank">Read a full list of changes and improvements</a></p>
$news['4.3'] =
'<h3>What\'s new in version 4.3</h3>
<li>Do you want to keep eye on specific activity on your website? I have good news for you! Track them like a PRO. Use powerful subscriptions to get email notifications according to filters for events you have set. Filter out activities that you are interested to monitor and then click Subscribe. <a href="https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/">Read more</a></li>
<li>Search and/or filter activity by IP address, username (login), specific event and a user. You can use any combination of them. </li>
<li>Now you can export activity from your WordPress website to a CSV file. You can export all activities or a set of filtered activities only as it described above. When you will import the CSV file in your spreadsheet editor, don\'t forget to select UTF-8 charset.</li>
<li>You can use multiple email addresses for notifications (Main Settings -> Notifications -> Email Address). Use a comma to specify several addresses.</li>
$news['8.5'][] = 'A new Data Shield module for advanced protection of user data and vital settings in the website database. Available in the PRO version.';
$news['8.5'][] = 'Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce significantly improved.';
$news['8.5'][] = 'Bug fixed: Custom login URL doesn\'t work after updating WordPress to 5.2.3.';
$news['8.5'][] = 'Bug fixed: User Policies tabs are not switchable if a user role was declared with a hyphen instead of the underscore.';
$news['8.5'][] = 'Bug fixed: A PHP warning while adding a network to the Black IP Access List from the Activity tab.';
$news['8.5'][] = 'Bug fixed: An anti-spam false positive: some WordPress DB updates can\'t be completed.';
$news['8.5.3'][] = 'The malware scanner and integrity checker window has got a new filter that enables you to filter out and navigate to specific issues quickly.';
$news['8.5.3'][] = 'New in Cerber.Hub: new columns and filters have been added to the list of slave websites. The new columns display server IP addresses, hostnames, and countries where servers are located.';
$news['8.5.3'][] = 'Bug fixed: depending on the number of items in the access lists, the IP address can be erroneously marked as whitelisted or blacklisted.';
$news['8.5.3'][] = 'Bug fixed in Cerber.Hub: if a WordPress plugin is installed on several slave websites and the plugin needs to be updated on some of the slave websites, the plugin is shown as needs to be updated on all the slave websites.';
$news['8.6'][] = 'An integration with the Cloudflare cloud-based firewall. Its implemented as a special WP Cerber add-on.';
$news['8.6'][] = 'The malware scanner has got improvements to the monitoring of new and modified files feature. Now it can be set to Disable, Executable files, or All files.';
$news['8.6'][] = 'Additional search fields for the Activity log. They enable you to find a specific request by its Request ID (RID) or/and to search for a string in the request URL.';
$news['8.6'][] = 'The minimum supported PHP version is 5.6.';
$news['8.6.3'][] = 'New: Ability to load IP access list\'s entries in the CSV format (bulk load).';
$news['8.6.3'][] = 'Update: A new malware scanner setting allows you to permit the scanner to change permissions of folders and files when required.';
$news['8.6.3'][] = 'Fixed: The access list IPv4 wildcard *.*.*.* doesn\'t work (has no effect).';
$news['8.6.3'][] = 'Fixed: If the anti-spam query whitelist contains more than one entry, they do not work as expected.';
if ( ! empty( $news[ $version ] ) ) {
//$text = '<h3>What\'s new in WP Cerber '.$version.'</h3>';
$text = '<h3>Highlights from WP Cerber Security '.$version.'</h3>';
$text .= '<ul><li>'.implode('</li><li>', $news[ $version ]).'</li></ul>';
$text .= ' <p style="margin-top: 18px; font-weight: bold;"><a href="https://wpcerber.com/?plugin_version='.$version.'" target="_blank">Read more on wpcerber.com</a></p>';
$text .= ' <p style="margin-top: 18px; font-weight: bold;"><a href="'.cerber_admin_link('change-log').'">See the whole history in the changelog</a></p>';
$text .= ' <p style="margin-top: 24px;"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-email-alt"></span> &nbsp; <a href="https://wpcerber.com/subscribe-newsletter/">Subscribe to Cerber\'s newsletter</a></p>
<p><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-twitter"></span> &nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/wpcerber">Follow Cerber on Twitter</a></p>
<p><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-facebook"></span> &nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/wpcerber/">Follow Cerber on Facebook</a></p>
cerber_admin_info( $text );
function cerber_admin_info($msg, $type = 'normal'){
//global $crb_assets_url;
$crb_assets_url = cerber_plugin_dir_url() . 'assets/';
'<table><tr><td><img style="float:left; margin-left:-10px;" src="'.$crb_assets_url.'icon-128x128.png"></td>'.
'<p style="text-align:right;">
<input type="button" class="button button-primary cerber-dismiss" value=" &nbsp; '.__('Awesome!','wp-cerber').' &nbsp; "/></p></td></tr></table>');