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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
* A class to display a language switcher on frontend
* @since 1.2
class PLL_Switcher {
* Returns options available for the language switcher - menu or widget
* either strings to display the options or default values
* @since 0.7
* @param string $type optional either 'menu' or 'widget', defaults to 'widget'
* @param string $key optional either 'string' or 'default', defaults to 'string'
* @return array list of switcher options strings or default values
public static function get_switcher_options( $type = 'widget', $key = 'string' ) {
$options = array(
'dropdown' => array( 'string' => __( 'Displays as a dropdown', 'polylang' ), 'default' => 0 ),
'show_names' => array( 'string' => __( 'Displays language names', 'polylang' ), 'default' => 1 ),
'show_flags' => array( 'string' => __( 'Displays flags', 'polylang' ), 'default' => 0 ),
'force_home' => array( 'string' => __( 'Forces link to front page', 'polylang' ), 'default' => 0 ),
'hide_current' => array( 'string' => __( 'Hides the current language', 'polylang' ), 'default' => 0 ),
'hide_if_no_translation' => array( 'string' => __( 'Hides languages with no translation', 'polylang' ), 'default' => 0 ),
return wp_list_pluck( $options, $key );
* Get the language elements for use in a walker
* @see list of parameters accepted in $args documented for PLL_Switcher::the_languages
* @since 1.2
* @param object $links instance of PLL_Frontend_Links
* @param array $args
* @return array
protected function get_elements( $links, $args ) {
$first = true;
$out = array();
foreach ( $links->model->get_languages_list( array( 'hide_empty' => $args['hide_if_empty'] ) ) as $language ) {
$id = (int) $language->term_id;
$order = (int) $language->term_group;
$slug = $language->slug;
$locale = $language->get_locale( 'display' );
$classes = array( 'lang-item', 'lang-item-' . $id, 'lang-item-' . esc_attr( $slug ) );
$url = null; // Avoids potential notice
if ( $current_lang = $links->curlang->slug == $slug ) {
if ( $args['hide_current'] && ! ( $args['dropdown'] && ! $args['raw'] ) ) {
continue; // Hide current language except for dropdown
} else {
$classes[] = 'current-lang';
if ( null !== $args['post_id'] && ( $tr_id = $links->model->post->get( $args['post_id'], $language ) ) && $links->model->post->current_user_can_read( $tr_id ) ) {
$url = get_permalink( $tr_id );
} elseif ( null === $args['post_id'] ) {
$url = $links->get_translation_url( $language );
if ( $no_translation = empty( $url ) ) {
$classes[] = 'no-translation';
* Filter the link in the language switcher
* @since 0.7
* @param string $url the link
* @param string $slug language code
* @param string $locale language locale
$url = apply_filters( 'pll_the_language_link', $url, $slug, $language->locale );
// Hide if no translation exists
if ( empty( $url ) && $args['hide_if_no_translation'] ) {
$url = empty( $url ) || $args['force_home'] ? $links->get_home_url( $language ) : $url; // If the page is not translated, link to the home page
$name = $args['show_names'] || ! $args['show_flags'] || $args['raw'] ? ( 'slug' == $args['display_names_as'] ? $slug : $language->name ) : '';
$flag = $args['raw'] && ! $args['show_flags'] ? $language->flag_url : ( $args['show_flags'] ? $language->flag : '' );
if ( $first ) {
$classes[] = 'lang-item-first';
$first = false;
$out[ $slug ] = compact( 'id', 'order', 'slug', 'locale', 'name', 'url', 'flag', 'current_lang', 'no_translation', 'classes' );
return $out;
* Displays a language switcher
* or returns the raw elements to build a custom language switcher
* List of parameters accepted in $args:
* dropdown => the list is displayed as dropdown if set, defaults to 0
* echo => echoes the list if set to 1, defaults to 1
* hide_if_empty => hides languages with no posts ( or pages ) if set to 1, defaults to 1
* show_flags => displays flags if set to 1, defaults to 0
* show_names => show language names if set to 1, defaults to 1
* display_names_as => whether to display the language name or its slug, valid options are 'slug' and 'name', defaults to name
* force_home => will always link to home in translated language if set to 1, defaults to 0
* hide_if_no_translation => hide the link if there is no translation if set to 1, defaults to 0
* hide_current => hide the current language if set to 1, defaults to 0
* post_id => returns links to translations of post defined by post_id if set, defaults not set
* raw => return a raw array instead of html markup if set to 1, defaults to 0
* item_spacing => whether to preserve or discard whitespace between list items, valid options are 'preserve' and 'discard', defaults to preserve
* @since 0.1
* @param object $links instance of PLL_Frontend_Links
* @param array $args
* @return string|array either the html markup of the switcher or the raw elements to build a custom language switcher
public function the_languages( $links, $args = '' ) {
$defaults = array(
'dropdown' => 0, // display as list and not as dropdown
'echo' => 1, // echoes the list
'hide_if_empty' => 1, // hides languages with no posts ( or pages )
'menu' => 0, // not for nav menu ( this argument is deprecated since v1.1.1 )
'show_flags' => 0, // don't show flags
'show_names' => 1, // show language names
'display_names_as' => 'name', // valid options are slug and name
'force_home' => 0, // tries to find a translation
'hide_if_no_translation' => 0, // don't hide the link if there is no translation
'hide_current' => 0, // don't hide current language
'post_id' => null, // if not null, link to translations of post defined by post_id
'raw' => 0, // set this to true to build your own custom language switcher
'item_spacing' => 'preserve', // 'preserve' or 'discard' whitespace between list items
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
* Filter the arguments of the 'pll_the_languages' template tag
* @since 1.5
* @param array $args
$args = apply_filters( 'pll_the_languages_args', $args );
// Prevents showing empty options in dropdown
if ( $args['dropdown'] ) {
$args['show_names'] = 1;
$elements = $this->get_elements( $links, $args );
if ( $args['raw'] ) {
return $elements;
if ( $args['dropdown'] ) {
$args['name'] = 'lang_choice_' . $args['dropdown'];
$walker = new PLL_Walker_Dropdown();
$args['selected'] = $links->curlang->slug;
else {
$walker = new PLL_Walker_List();
* Filter the whole html markup returned by the 'pll_the_languages' template tag
* @since 0.8
* @param string $html html returned/outputted by the template tag
* @param array $args arguments passed to the template tag
$out = apply_filters( 'pll_the_languages', $walker->walk( $elements, -1, $args ), $args );
// Javascript to switch the language when using a dropdown list
if ( $args['dropdown'] ) {
$urls = array();
foreach ( $links->model->get_languages_list() as $language ) {
$url = $links->get_translation_url( $language );
$urls[ $language->slug ] = $args['force_home'] || empty( $url ) ? $links->get_home_url( $language ) : $url;
// Accept only few valid characters for the urls_x variable name ( as the widget id includes '-' which is invalid )
$out .= sprintf(
'<script type="text/javascript">
var %1$s = %2$s;
document.getElementById( "%3$s" ).onchange = function() {
location.href = %1$s[this.value];
'urls_' . preg_replace( '#[^a-zA-Z0-9]#', '', $args['dropdown'] ),
wp_json_encode( $urls ),
esc_js( $args['name'] )
if ( $args['echo'] ) {
echo $out; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput
return $out;