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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
* A language object is made of two terms in 'language' and 'term_language' taxonomies
* manipulating only one object per language instead of two terms should make things easier
* Properties:
* term_id => id of term in 'language' taxonomy
* name => language name. Ex: English
* slug => language code used in url. Ex: en
* term_group => order of the language when displayed in a list of languages
* term_taxonomy_id => term taxonomy id in 'language' taxonomy
* taxonomy => 'language'
* description => language locale for backward compatibility
* parent => 0 / not used
* count => number of posts and pages in that language
* tl_term_id => id of the term in 'term_language' taxonomy
* tl_term_taxonomy_id => term taxonomy id in 'term_language' taxonomy
* tl_count => number of terms in that language ( not used by Polylang )
* locale => WordPress language locale. Ex: en_US
* is_rtl => 1 if the language is rtl
* w3c => W3C locale
* flag_code => code of the flag
* flag_url => url of the flag
* flag => html img of the flag
* custom_flag_url => url of the custom flag if exists, internal use only, moves to flag_url on frontend
* custom_flag => html img of the custom flag if exists, internal use only, moves to flag on frontend
* home_url => home url in this language
* search_url => home url to use in search forms
* host => host of this language
* mo_id => id of the post storing strings translations
* page_on_front => id of the page on front in this language ( set from pll_languages_list filter )
* page_for_posts => id of the page for posts in this language ( set from pll_languages_list filter )
* @since 1.2
class PLL_Language {
public $term_id, $name, $slug, $term_group, $term_taxonomy_id, $taxonomy, $description, $parent, $count;
public $tl_term_id, $tl_term_taxonomy_id, $tl_count;
public $locale, $is_rtl;
public $w3c, $facebook;
public $flag_url, $flag;
public $home_url, $search_url;
public $host, $mo_id;
public $page_on_front, $page_for_posts;
* Constructor: builds a language object given its two corresponding terms in language and term_language taxonomies
* @since 1.2
* @param object|array $language 'language' term or language object properties stored as an array
* @param object $term_language Corresponding 'term_language' term
public function __construct( $language, $term_language = null ) {
// Build the object from all properties stored as an array
if ( empty( $term_language ) ) {
foreach ( $language as $prop => $value ) {
$this->$prop = $value;
// Build the object from taxonomies
else {
foreach ( $language as $prop => $value ) {
$this->$prop = in_array( $prop, array( 'term_id', 'term_taxonomy_id', 'count' ) ) ? (int) $language->$prop : $language->$prop;
$this->tl_term_id = (int) $term_language->term_id;
$this->tl_term_taxonomy_id = (int) $term_language->term_taxonomy_id;
$this->tl_count = (int) $term_language->count;
// The description field can contain any property
// Backward compatibility for is_rtl
$description = maybe_unserialize( $language->description );
foreach ( $description as $prop => $value ) {
'rtl' == $prop ? $this->is_rtl = $value : $this->$prop = $value;
$this->description = &$this->locale; // Backward compatibility with Polylang < 1.2
$this->mo_id = PLL_MO::get_id( $this );
$languages = include PLL_SETTINGS_INC . '/languages.php';
$this->w3c = isset( $languages[ $this->locale ]['w3c'] ) ? $languages[ $this->locale ]['w3c'] : str_replace( '_', '-', $this->locale );
if ( isset( $languages[ $this->locale ]['facebook'] ) ) {
$this->facebook = $languages[ $this->locale ]['facebook'];
* Get the flag informations
* 'url' => Flag url
* 'src' => Optional, src attribute value if different of the url, for example if base64 encoded
* 'width' => Optional, flag width in pixels
* 'height' => Optional, flag height in pixels
* @since 2.6
* @param string $code Flag code.
* @return array Flag informations.
public static function get_flag_informations( $code ) {
$flag = array( 'url' => '' );
// Polylang builtin flags
if ( ! empty( $code ) && file_exists( POLYLANG_DIR . ( $file = '/flags/' . $code . '.png' ) ) ) {
$flag['url'] = $_url = plugins_url( $file, POLYLANG_FILE );
* Filter flag informations
* 'url' => Flag url
* 'src' => Optional, src attribute value if different of the url, for example if base64 encoded
* 'width' => Optional, flag width in pixels
* 'height' => Optional, flag height in pixels
* @since 2.4
* @param array $flag Information about the flag
* @param string $code Flag code
$flag = apply_filters( 'pll_flag', $flag, $code );
if ( empty( $flag['src'] ) ) {
// If using predefined flags and base64 encoded flags are preferred
if ( isset( $_url ) && $flag['url'] === $_url && ( ! defined( 'PLL_ENCODED_FLAGS' ) || PLL_ENCODED_FLAGS ) ) {
list( $flag['width'], $flag['height'] ) = getimagesize( POLYLANG_DIR . $file );
$file_contents = file_get_contents( POLYLANG_DIR . $file ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents
$flag['src'] = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode( $file_contents ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.obfuscation_base64_encode
} else {
$flag['src'] = esc_url( set_url_scheme( $flag['url'], 'relative' ) );
$flag['url'] = esc_url_raw( $flag['url'] );
return $flag;
* Sets flag_url and flag properties
* @since 1.2
public function set_flag() {
$flags = array( 'flag' => self::get_flag_informations( $this->flag_code ) );
// Custom flags ?
$directories = array(
get_stylesheet_directory() . '/polylang',
get_template_directory() . '/polylang',
foreach ( $directories as $dir ) {
if ( file_exists( $file = "{$dir}/{$this->locale}.png" ) || file_exists( $file = "{$dir}/{$this->locale}.jpg" ) || file_exists( $file = "{$dir}/{$this->locale}.svg" ) ) {
$flags['custom_flag']['url'] = content_url( '/' . str_replace( WP_CONTENT_DIR, '', $file ) );
* Filter the custom flag informations
* 'url' => Flag url
* 'src' => Optional, src attribute value if different of the url, for example if base64 encoded
* 'width' => Optional, flag width in pixels
* 'height' => Optional, flag height in pixels
* @since 2.4
* @param array $flag Information about the custom flag
* @param string $code Flag code
$flags['custom_flag'] = apply_filters( 'pll_custom_flag', empty( $flags['custom_flag'] ) ? null : $flags['custom_flag'], $this->flag_code );
if ( ! empty( $flags['custom_flag']['url'] ) ) {
if ( empty( $flags['custom_flag']['src'] ) ) {
$flags['custom_flag']['src'] = esc_url( set_url_scheme( $flags['custom_flag']['url'], 'relative' ) );
$flags['custom_flag']['url'] = esc_url_raw( $flags['custom_flag']['url'] );
} else {
unset( $flags['custom_flag'] );
* Filter the flag title attribute
* Defaults to the language name
* @since 0.7
* @param string $title the flag title attribute
* @param string $slug the language code
* @param string $locale the language locale
$title = apply_filters( 'pll_flag_title', $this->name, $this->slug, $this->locale );
foreach ( $flags as $key => $flag ) {
$this->{$key . '_url'} = empty( $flag['url'] ) ? '' : $flag['url'];
* Filter the html markup of a flag
* @since 1.0.2
* @param string $flag html markup of the flag or empty string
* @param string $slug language code
$this->{$key} = apply_filters(
self::get_flag_html( $flag, $title, $this->name ),
* Get HTML code for flag
* @since 2.7
* @param array $flag flag properties: src, width and height
* @param string $title optional title attribute
* @param string $alt optional alt attribute
public static function get_flag_html( $flag, $title = '', $alt = '' ) {
return empty( $flag['src'] ) ? '' : sprintf(
'<img src="%s"%s%s%s%s />',
empty( $title ) ? '' : sprintf( ' title="%s"', esc_attr( $title ) ),
empty( $alt ) ? '' : sprintf( ' alt="%s"', esc_attr( $alt ) ),
empty( $flag['width'] ) ? '' : sprintf( ' width="%s"', (int) $flag['width'] ),
empty( $flag['height'] ) ? '' : sprintf( ' height="%s"', (int) $flag['height'] )
* Replace flag by custom flag
* Takes care of url scheme
* @since 1.7
public function set_custom_flag() {
// Overwrite with custom flags on frontend only
if ( ! empty( $this->custom_flag ) ) {
$this->flag = $this->custom_flag;
$this->flag_url = $this->custom_flag_url;
unset( $this->custom_flag, $this->custom_flag_url ); // hide this
// Set url scheme, also for default flags
$this->flag_url = set_url_scheme( $this->flag_url );
* Updates post and term count
* @since 1.2
public function update_count() {
wp_update_term_count( $this->term_taxonomy_id, 'language' ); // posts count
wp_update_term_count( $this->tl_term_taxonomy_id, 'term_language' ); // terms count
* Set home_url and search_url properties
* @since 1.3
* @param string $search_url
* @param string $home_url
public function set_home_url( $search_url, $home_url ) {
$this->search_url = $search_url;
$this->home_url = $home_url;
* Set home_url scheme
* this can't be cached across pages
* @since 1.6.4
public function set_home_url_scheme() {
$this->home_url = set_url_scheme( $this->home_url );
$this->search_url = set_url_scheme( $this->search_url );
* Returns the language locale
* Converts WP locales to W3C valid locales for display
* @since 1.8
* @param string $filter either 'display' or 'raw', defaults to raw
* @return string
public function get_locale( $filter = 'raw' ) {
return 'display' === $filter ? $this->w3c : $this->locale;