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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
=== Check Email ===
Contributors: mrwiblog
Donate link: http://www.stillbreathing.co.uk/donate/
Tags: check, test, email, smtp, pop, send, delivery
Requires at least: 2.7
Tested up to: 5.3.2
Stable tag: 0.5.7
Check email allows you to test if your WordPress installation is sending emails correctly by sending a test email to an address of your choice. Allows overriding of email headers and carbon copying to another address.
== Description ==
Don't know if your WordPress installation is sending emails? Use this simple plugin to find out. It will send a simple test email to an email address of your choice, and to help troubleshoot any problems you can also override the custom headers wth your own values.
The link to access the tool is in the "Tools" menu.
== Installation ==
Install the plugin from the plugin repository and activate.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I use it? =
The link to access the tool is in the "Tools" menu.
= Why did you write this plugin? =
Someone using one of my other plugins had trouble with emails not being sent. I knocked this together to help him (and anyone else).
== Changelog ==
0.5.7 Added support for the wp_mail_from filter
0.5.6 Tested with WordPress 5.1.1
0.5.5 Fixed typo (sorry sorry sorry)
0.5.4 Added FAQ about the location of the tool in the WordPress admin area
0.5.3 Fixed deprecation error messages. Tested with 4.7.2.
0.5.2 Fixed un-encoded output related to XSS bug
0.5.1 Properly fixed XSS vulnerability (apologies)
0.5 Fixed XSS vulnerability found by Antonis Manaras
0.4 Added more information from php.ini, fixed incorrect textdomains
0.3 Moved the page to the Tools menu
0.2 Now displays SMTP server name
0.1.3 Fixed version number
0.1.2 Fixed bug in Plugin Register caused by latest version of WordPress
0.1.1 Fixed typo in plugin name
0.1 Initial version