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2020-05-22 03:40:23 +02:00
// Rackspace OpenCloud SDK v1.12.2
// http://www.rackspace.com/cloud/files/
// https://github.com/rackspace/php-opencloud
use \Inpsyde\BackWPupShared\File\MimeTypeExtractor;
class BackWPup_Destination_RSC extends BackWPup_Destinations {
* @return array
public function option_defaults() {
return array( 'rscusername' => '', 'rscapikey' => '', 'rsccontainer' => '', 'rscregion' => 'DFW', 'rscdir' => trailingslashit( sanitize_file_name( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) ), 'rscmaxbackups' => 15, 'rscsyncnodelete' => TRUE );
* Get Auht url by region code
* @param $region string region code
* @return string
public static function get_auth_url_by_region( $region ) {
$region = strtoupper( $region );
if ( $region === 'LON' ) {
* @param $jobid
public function edit_tab( $jobid ) {
<h3 class="title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Rack Space Cloud Keys', 'backwpup' ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><label for="rscusername"><?php esc_html_e( 'Username', 'backwpup' ); ?></label></th>
<input id="rscusername" name="rscusername" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscusername' ) );?>" class="regular-text" autocomplete="off" />
<th scope="row"><label for="rscapikey"><?php esc_html_e( 'API Key', 'backwpup' ); ?></label></th>
<input id="rscapikey" name="rscapikey" type="password" value="<?php echo esc_attr( BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscapikey' ) ) ); ?>" class="regular-text" autocomplete="off" />
<h3 class="title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Select region', 'backwpup' ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><label for="rscregion"><?php esc_html_e( 'Rackspace Cloud Files Region', 'backwpup' ); ?></label></th>
<select name="rscregion" id="rscregion" title="<?php esc_html_e( 'Rackspace Cloud Files Region', 'backwpup' ); ?>">
<option value="DFW" <?php selected( 'DFW', BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), TRUE ) ?>><?php esc_html_e( 'Dallas (DFW)', 'backwpup' ); ?></option>
<option value="ORD" <?php selected( 'ORD', BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), TRUE ) ?>><?php esc_html_e( 'Chicago (ORD)', 'backwpup' ); ?></option>
<option value="SYD" <?php selected( 'SYD', BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), TRUE ) ?>><?php esc_html_e( 'Sydney (SYD)', 'backwpup' ); ?></option>
<option value="LON" <?php selected( 'LON', BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), TRUE ) ?>><?php esc_html_e( 'London (LON)', 'backwpup' ); ?></option>
<option value="IAD" <?php selected( 'IAD', BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), TRUE ) ?>><?php esc_html_e( 'Northern Virginia (IAD)', 'backwpup' ); ?></option>
<option value="HKG" <?php selected( 'HKG', BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), TRUE ) ?>><?php esc_html_e( 'Hong Kong (HKG)', 'backwpup' ); ?></option>
<th scope="row"><label for="rsccontainerselected"><?php esc_html_e( 'Container selection', 'backwpup' ); ?></label></th>
<input id="rsccontainerselected" name="rsccontainerselected" type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_attr( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rsccontainer' ) ); ?>" />
<?php if ( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscusername' ) && BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscapikey' ) ) $this->edit_ajax( array(
'rscusername' => BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscusername' ),
'rscregion' => BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ),
'rscapikey' => BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscapikey' ) ),
'rscselected' => BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rsccontainer' )
) ); ?>
<th scope="row"><label for="idnewrsccontainer"><?php esc_html_e( 'Create a new container', 'backwpup' ); ?></label></th>
<input id="idnewrsccontainer" name="newrsccontainer" type="text" value="" class="text" />
<h3 class="title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Backup settings', 'backwpup' ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><label for="idrscdir"><?php esc_html_e( 'Folder in bucket', 'backwpup' ); ?></label></th>
<input id="idrscdir" name="rscdir" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscdir' ) ); ?>" class="regular-text" />
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e( 'File deletion', 'backwpup' ); ?></th>
if ( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'backuptype' ) === 'archive' ) {
<label for="idrscmaxbackups">
<input id="idrscmaxbackups" name="rscmaxbackups" type="number" min="0" step="1" value="<?php echo esc_attr( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscmaxbackups' ) ); ?>" class="small-text" />
&nbsp;<?php esc_html_e( 'Number of files to keep in folder.', 'backwpup' ); ?>
<p><?php _e( '<strong>Warning</strong>: Files belonging to this job are now tracked. Old backup archives which are untracked will not be automatically deleted.', 'backwpup' ) ?></p>
<?php } else { ?>
<label for="idrscsyncnodelete">
<input class="checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox" <?php checked( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscsyncnodelete' ), true ); ?> name="rscsyncnodelete" id="idrscsyncnodelete" />
&nbsp;<?php esc_html_e( 'Do not delete files while syncing to destination!', 'backwpup' ); ?>
<?php } ?>
* @param $id
public function edit_form_post_save( $id ) {
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rscusername', sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscusername' ] ) );
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rscapikey', sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscapikey' ] ) );
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rsccontainer', isset( $_POST[ 'rsccontainer' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rsccontainer' ] ) : '' );
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rscregion', ! empty( $_POST[ 'rscregion' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscregion' ] ) : 'DFW' );
$_POST[ 'rscdir' ] = trailingslashit( str_replace( '//', '/', str_replace( '\\', '/', trim( sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscdir' ] ) ) ) ) );
if ( substr( $_POST[ 'rscdir' ], 0, 1 ) === '/' )
$_POST[ 'rscdir' ] = substr( $_POST[ 'rscdir' ], 1 );
if ( $_POST[ 'rscdir' ] === '/' )
$_POST[ 'rscdir' ] = '';
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rscdir', $_POST[ 'rscdir' ] );
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rscmaxbackups', ! empty( $_POST[ 'rscmaxbackups' ] ) ? absint( $_POST[ 'rscmaxbackups' ] ) : 0 );
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rscsyncnodelete', ! empty( $_POST[ 'rscsyncnodelete' ] ) );
if ( ! empty( $_POST[ 'rscusername' ] ) && ! empty( $_POST[ 'rscapikey' ] ) && ! empty( $_POST[ 'newrsccontainer' ] ) ) {
try {
$conn = new OpenCloud\Rackspace(
self::get_auth_url_by_region( $_POST[ 'rscregion' ] ),
'username' => $_POST[ 'rscusername' ],
'apiKey' => $_POST[ 'rscapikey' ]
'ssl.certificate_authority' => BackWPup::get_plugin_data('cacert')
$ostore = $conn->objectStoreService( 'cloudFiles', sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscregion' ] ), 'publicURL' );
$ostore->createContainer( $_POST[ 'newrsccontainer' ] );
BackWPup_Option::update( $id, 'rsccontainer', sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'newrsccontainer' ] ) );
BackWPup_Admin::message( sprintf( __( 'Rackspace Cloud container "%s" created.', 'backwpup' ), esc_html( sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'newrsccontainer' ] ) ) ) );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
BackWPup_Admin::message( sprintf( __( 'Rackspace Cloud API: %s', 'backwpup' ), $e->getMessage() ), TRUE );
* @param $jobdest
* @param $backupfile
public function file_delete( $jobdest, $backupfile ) {
$files = get_site_transient( 'backwpup_'. strtolower( $jobdest ) );
list( $jobid, $dest ) = explode( '_', $jobdest );
if ( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscusername' ) && BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscapikey' ) && BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rsccontainer' ) ) {
try {
$conn = new OpenCloud\Rackspace(
self::get_auth_url_by_region( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ) ),
'username' => BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscusername' ),
'apiKey' => BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscapikey' ) )
'ssl.certificate_authority' => BackWPup::get_plugin_data('cacert')
$ostore = $conn->objectStoreService( 'cloudFiles' , BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), 'publicURL');
$container = $ostore->getContainer( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rsccontainer' ) );
$fileobject = $container->getObject( $backupfile );
//update file list
foreach ( $files as $key => $file ) {
if ( is_array( $file ) && $file[ 'file' ] == $backupfile )
unset( $files[ $key ] );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
BackWPup_Admin::message( 'RSC: ' . $e->getMessage(), TRUE );
set_site_transient( 'backwpup_'. strtolower( $jobdest ), $files, YEAR_IN_SECONDS );
* @param $jobid
* @param $get_file
* @param $local_file_path
public function file_download( $jobid, $get_file, $local_file_path = null ) {
try {
$conn = new OpenCloud\Rackspace(
self::get_auth_url_by_region( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ) ),
'username' => BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscusername' ),
'apiKey' => BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscapikey' ) )
'ssl.certificate_authority' => BackWPup::get_plugin_data('cacert')
$ostore = $conn->objectStoreService( 'cloudFiles' , BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rscregion' ), 'publicURL');
$container = $ostore->getContainer( BackWPup_Option::get( $jobid, 'rsccontainer' ) );
$backupfile = $container->getObject( $get_file );
if ( $level = ob_get_level() ) {
for ( $i = 0; $i < $level; $i ++ ) {
@set_time_limit( 300 );
header( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' );
header( 'Content-Type: ' . MimeTypeExtractor::fromFilePath( $get_file ) );
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename( $get_file ) . '"' );
header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' );
header( 'Content-Length: ' . $backupfile->getContentLength() );
echo $backupfile->getContent();
catch ( Exception $e ) {
die( $e->getMessage() );
* @inheritdoc
public function file_get_list( $jobdest ) {
$list = (array) get_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . strtolower( $jobdest ) );
$list = array_filter( $list );
return $list;
* @param $job_object BAckWPup_Job
* @return bool
public function job_run_archive( BackWPup_Job $job_object ) {
$job_object->substeps_todo = 2 + $job_object->backup_filesize;
$job_object->substeps_done = 0;
$job_object->log( sprintf( __( '%d. Trying to send backup file to Rackspace cloud &hellip;', 'backwpup' ), $job_object->steps_data[ $job_object->step_working ][ 'STEP_TRY' ] ), E_USER_NOTICE );
try {
$conn = new OpenCloud\Rackspace(
self::get_auth_url_by_region( $job_object->job[ 'rscregion' ] ),
'username' => $job_object->job[ 'rscusername' ],
'apiKey' => BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( $job_object->job[ 'rscapikey' ] )
'ssl.certificate_authority' => BackWPup::get_plugin_data('cacert')
//connect to cloud files
$ostore = $conn->objectStoreService( 'cloudFiles' , $job_object->job[ 'rscregion' ], 'publicURL' );
$container = $ostore->getContainer( $job_object->job[ 'rsccontainer' ] );
$job_object->log( sprintf(__( 'Connected to Rackspace cloud files container %s', 'backwpup' ), $job_object->job[ 'rsccontainer' ] ) );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$job_object->log( E_USER_ERROR, sprintf( __( 'Rackspace Cloud API: %s', 'backwpup' ), $e->getMessage() ), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine() );
return FALSE;
try {
//Transfer Backup to Rackspace Cloud
$job_object->substeps_done = 0;
$job_object->log( __( 'Upload to Rackspace cloud started &hellip;', 'backwpup' ), E_USER_NOTICE );
if ( $handle = fopen( $job_object->backup_folder . $job_object->backup_file, 'rb' ) ) {
$uploded = $container->uploadObject( $job_object->job[ 'rscdir' ] . $job_object->backup_file, $handle );
fclose( $handle );
} else {
$job_object->log( __( 'Can not open source file for transfer.', 'backwpup' ), E_USER_ERROR );
return FALSE;
// $transfer = $container->setupObjectTransfer( array(
// 'name' => $job_object->job[ 'rscdir' ] . $job_object->backup_file,
// 'path' => $job_object->backup_folder . $job_object->backup_file,
// 'concurrency' => 1,
// 'partSize' => 4 * 1024 * 1024
// ) );
// $uploded = $transfer->upload();
if ( $uploded ) {
$job_object->log( __( 'Backup File transferred to RSC://', 'backwpup' ) . $job_object->job[ 'rsccontainer' ] . '/' . $job_object->job[ 'rscdir' ] . $job_object->backup_file, E_USER_NOTICE );
$job_object->substeps_done = 1 + $job_object->backup_filesize;
if ( ! empty( $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ] ) ) {
BackWPup_Option::update( $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ], 'lastbackupdownloadurl', network_admin_url( 'admin.php' ) . '?page=backwpupbackups&action=downloadrsc&file=' . $job_object->job[ 'rscdir' ] . $job_object->backup_file . '&jobid=' . $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ] );
} else {
$job_object->log( __( 'Cannot transfer backup to Rackspace cloud.', 'backwpup' ), E_USER_ERROR );
return FALSE;
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$job_object->log( E_USER_ERROR, sprintf( __( 'Rackspace Cloud API: %s', 'backwpup' ), $e->getMessage() ), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine() );
return FALSE;
try {
$backupfilelist = array();
$filecounter = 0;
$files = array();
$objlist = $container->objectList( array( 'prefix' => $job_object->job[ 'rscdir' ] ) );
while ( $object = $objlist->next() ) {
$file = basename( $object->getName() );
if ( $job_object->job[ 'rscdir' ] . $file == $object->getName() ) { //only in the folder and not in complete bucket
if ( $this->is_backup_archive( $file ) && $this->is_backup_owned_by_job( $file, $job_object->job['jobid'] ) == true )
$backupfilelist[ strtotime( $object->getLastModified() ) ] = $object;
$files[ $filecounter ][ 'folder' ] = "RSC://" . $job_object->job[ 'rsccontainer' ] . "/" . dirname( $object->getName() ) . "/";
$files[ $filecounter ][ 'file' ] = $object->getName();
$files[ $filecounter ][ 'filename' ] = basename( $object->getName() );
$files[ $filecounter ][ 'downloadurl' ] = network_admin_url( 'admin.php' ) . '?page=backwpupbackups&action=downloadrsc&file=' . $object->getName() . '&jobid=' . $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ];
$files[ $filecounter ][ 'filesize' ] = $object->getContentLength();
$files[ $filecounter ][ 'time' ] = strtotime( $object->getLastModified() );
$filecounter ++;
if ( ! empty( $job_object->job[ 'rscmaxbackups' ] ) && $job_object->job[ 'rscmaxbackups' ] > 0 ) { //Delete old backups
if ( count( $backupfilelist ) > $job_object->job[ 'rscmaxbackups' ] ) {
ksort( $backupfilelist );
$numdeltefiles = 0;
while ( $file = array_shift( $backupfilelist ) ) {
if ( count( $backupfilelist ) < $job_object->job[ 'rscmaxbackups' ] )
foreach ( $files as $key => $filedata ) {
if ( $filedata[ 'file' ] == $file->getName() )
unset( $files[ $key ] );
$numdeltefiles ++;
if ( $numdeltefiles > 0 )
$job_object->log( sprintf( _n( 'One file deleted on Rackspace cloud container.', '%d files deleted on Rackspace cloud container.', $numdeltefiles, 'backwpup' ), $numdeltefiles ), E_USER_NOTICE );
set_site_transient( 'backwpup_' . $job_object->job[ 'jobid' ] . '_rsc', $files, YEAR_IN_SECONDS );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$job_object->log( E_USER_ERROR, sprintf( __( 'Rackspace Cloud API: %s', 'backwpup' ), $e->getMessage() ), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine() );
return FALSE;
$job_object->substeps_done ++;
return TRUE;
* @param $job_settings array
* @return bool
public function can_run( array $job_settings ) {
if ( empty( $job_settings[ 'rscusername'] ) )
return FALSE;
if ( empty( $job_settings[ 'rscapikey'] ) )
return FALSE;
if ( empty( $job_settings[ 'rsccontainer'] ) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
public function edit_inline_js() {
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
function rscgetcontainer() {
var data = {
action: 'backwpup_dest_rsc',
rscusername: $('#rscusername').val(),
rscapikey: $('#rscapikey').val(),
rscregion: $('#rscregion').val(),
rscselected: $('#rsccontainerselected').val(),
_ajax_nonce: $('#backwpupajaxnonce').val()
$.post(ajaxurl, data, function (response) {
$('#rscregion').change(function () {
$('#rscusername').backwpupDelayKeyup(function () {
$('#rscapikey').backwpupDelayKeyup(function () {
* @param array $args
public function edit_ajax( $args = array() ) {
$error = '';
$ajax = FALSE;
if ( isset($_POST[ 'rscusername' ]) || isset($_POST[ 'rscapikey' ]) ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'backwpup_jobs_edit' ) )
wp_die( -1 );
check_ajax_referer( 'backwpup_ajax_nonce' );
$args[ 'rscusername' ] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscusername' ] );
$args[ 'rscapikey' ] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscapikey' ] );
$args[ 'rscselected' ] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscselected' ] );
$args[ 'rscregion' ] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'rscregion' ] );
$ajax = TRUE;
echo '<span id="rsccontainererror" class="bwu-message-error">';
$container_list = array();
if ( ! empty( $args[ 'rscusername' ] ) && ! empty( $args[ 'rscapikey' ] ) && ! empty( $args[ 'rscregion' ] ) ) {
try {
$conn = new OpenCloud\Rackspace(
self::get_auth_url_by_region( $args[ 'rscregion' ] ),
'username' => $args[ 'rscusername' ],
'apiKey' => BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt( $args[ 'rscapikey' ] ),
'ssl.certificate_authority' => BackWPup::get_plugin_data('cacert')
$ostore = $conn->objectStoreService( 'cloudFiles' , $args[ 'rscregion' ], 'publicURL' );
$containerlist = $ostore->listContainers();
while( $container = $containerlist->next() ) {
$container_list[] = $container->name;
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
if ( empty( $args[ 'rscusername' ] ) )
_e( 'Missing username!', 'backwpup' );
elseif ( empty( $args[ 'rscapikey' ] ) )
_e( 'Missing API Key!', 'backwpup' );
elseif ( ! empty( $error ) )
echo esc_html( $error );
elseif ( empty( $container_list ) )
_e( "A container could not be found!", 'backwpup' );
echo '</span>';
if ( ! empty( $container_list ) ) {
echo '<select name="rsccontainer" id="rsccontainer">';
foreach( $container_list as $container_name )
echo "<option " . selected( strtolower( $args[ 'rscselected' ] ), strtolower( $container_name ), FALSE ) . ">" . $container_name . "</option>";
echo '</select>';
if ( $ajax )