2023-11-20 20:52:04 +00:00

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Executable File

# File: TestLib.pm
# Description: Utility routines for testing ExifTool modules
# Revisions: Feb. 19/04 - P. Harvey Created
# Feb. 26/04 - P. Harvey Name temporary file ".failed" and erase
# it if the test passes
# Feb. 27/04 - P. Harvey Change print format and allow ExifTool
# object to be passed instead of tags hash ref.
# Oct. 30/04 - P. Harvey Split testCompare() into separate sub.
# May 18/05 - P. Harvey Tolerate round-off errors in floats.
# Feb. 02/08 - P. Harvey Allow different timezones in time values
# Sep. 16/08 - P. Harvey Improve timezone testing
# Jul. 14/10 - P. Harvey Added writeInfo()
# Jan. 06/12 - P. Harvey Patched MirBSD leap second "feature"
package t::TestLib;
use strict;
require 5.002;
require Exporter;
use Image::ExifTool qw(ImageInfo);
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
$VERSION = '1.21';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(check writeCheck writeInfo testCompare binaryCompare testVerbose);
my $noTimeLocal;
sub nearEnough($$);
sub nearTime($$$$);
sub formatValue($);
sub writeInfo($$;$$);
# Compare 2 binary files
# Inputs: 0) file name 1, 1) file name 2
# Returns: 1 if files are identical
sub binaryCompare($$)
my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
my $success = 1;
open(TESTFILE1, $file1) or return 0;
unless (open(TESTFILE2, $file2)) {
return 0;
my ($buf1, $buf2);
while (read(TESTFILE1, $buf1, 65536)) {
read(TESTFILE2, $buf2, 65536) or $success = 0, last;
$buf1 eq $buf2 or $success = 0, last;
read(TESTFILE2, $buf2, 65536) and $success = 0;
return $success
# Compare 2 files and return true and erase the 2nd file if they are the same
# Inputs: 0) file1, 1) file2, 2) test number, 3) flag to not erase test file
# Returns: true if files are the same
sub testCompare($$$;$)
my ($stdfile, $testfile, $testnum, $keep) = @_;
my $success = 0;
my $linenum;
my $oldSep = $/;
$/ = "\x0a"; # set input line separator
if (open(FILE1, $stdfile)) {
if (open(FILE2, $testfile)) {
$success = 1;
my ($line1, $line2);
my $linenum = 0;
for (;;) {
$line1 = <FILE1>;
last unless defined $line1;
$line2 = <FILE2>;
if (defined $line2) {
next if $line1 eq $line2;
next if nearEnough($line1, $line2);
$success = 0;
if ($success) {
# make sure there is nothing left in file2
$line2 = <FILE2>;
if ($line2) {
$success = 0;
unless ($success) {
warn "\n Test $testnum differs beginning at line $linenum:\n";
defined $line1 or $line1 = '(null)';
defined $line2 or $line2 = '(null)';
warn qq{ Test gave: "$line2"\n};
warn qq{ Should be: "$line1"\n};
$/ = $oldSep; # restore input line separator
# erase .failed file if test was successful
$success and not $keep and unlink $testfile;
return $success
# Return true if two test lines are close enough
# Inputs: 0) line1, 1) line2
# Returns: true if lines are similar enough to pass test
sub nearEnough($$)
my ($line1, $line2) = @_;
# of course, the version number will change...
return 1 if $line1 =~ /^(.*ExifTool.*)\b\d{1,2}\.\d{2}\b(.*)/s and
($line2 eq "$1$Image::ExifTool::VERSION$Image::ExifTool::RELEASE$2" or
$line2 eq "$1$Image::ExifTool::VERSION$2");
# allow different FileModifyDate, FileAccessDate, FileCreateDate/FileInodeChangeDate and FilePermissions
return 1 if $line1 =~ /(File\s?(Modif.*Date|Access\s?Date|Inode\s?Change\s?Date|Permissions))/ and
($line2 =~ /$1/ or $line2 =~ /File\s?Creat.*Date/);
# allow CurrentIPTCDigest to be zero if Digest::MD5 isn't installed
return 1 if $line1 =~ /Current IPTC Digest/ and
$line2 =~ /Current IPTC Digest: (0|#){32}/ and
not eval 'require Digest::MD5';
# analyze every token in the line, and allow rounding
# or format differences in floating point numbers
my @toks1 = split /\s+/, $line1;
my @toks2 = split /\s+/, $line2;
my $lenChanged = 0;
my $i;
for ($i=0; ; ++$i) {
return 1 if $i >= @toks1 and $i >= @toks2; # all tokens were OK
my $tok1 = $toks1[$i];
my $tok2 = $toks2[$i];
last unless defined $tok1 and defined $tok2;
next if $tok1 eq $tok2;
# can't compare any more if either line was truncated (ie. ends with '[...]' or '[snip]')
if ($tok1 =~ /\[(\.{3}|snip)\]$/ or $tok2 =~ /\[(\.{3}|snip)\]$/) {
return 1 if $tok1=~ /^[-+]?\d+\./ or $tok2=~/^[-+]?\d+\./; # check for float
return $lenChanged
if ($tok1 =~ /^(\d{2}|\d{4}):\d{2}:\d{2}/ and $tok2 =~ /^(\d{2}|\d{4}):\d{2}:\d{2}/ and
not eval { require Time::Local })
unless ($noTimeLocal) {
warn "Ignored time difference(s) because Time::Local is not installed\n";
$noTimeLocal = 1;
next; # ignore times if Time::Local not available
# account for different timezones
} elsif ($tok1 =~ /^(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(Z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})$/i) {
my $time = $1; # remove timezone
# timezone may be wrong if writing date/time value in a different timezone
next if $tok2 =~ /^(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(Z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})$/i and $time eq $1;
# date/time may be wrong to if converting GMT value to local time
last unless $i and $toks1[$i-1] =~ /^\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/ and
$toks2[$i-1] =~ /^\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/;
$tok1 = $toks1[$i-1] . ' ' . $tok1; # add date to give date/time value
$tok2 = $toks2[$i-1] . ' ' . $tok2;
last unless nearTime($tok1, $tok2, $line1, $line2);
# date may be different if timezone shifted into next day
} elsif ($tok1 =~ /^\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/ and $tok2 =~ /^\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/ and
defined $toks1[$i+1] and defined $toks2[$i+1] and
$toks1[$i+1] =~ /^(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(Z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})$/i and
$toks2[$i+1] =~ /^(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(Z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})$/i)
$tok1 .= ' ' . $toks1[$i]; # add time to give date/time value
$tok2 .= ' ' . $toks2[$i];
last unless nearTime($tok1, $tok2, $line1, $line2);
# handle floating point numbers filtered by ExifTool test 29
} elsif ($tok1 =~ s/(\.#)#*(e[-+]\#+)?/$1/g or $tok2 =~ s/(\.#)#*(e[-+]\#+)?/$1/g) {
$tok2 =~ s/(\.#)#*(e[-+]\#+)?/$1/g;
last if $tok1 ne $tok2;
} else {
# check to see if both tokens are floating point numbers (with decimal points!)
if ($tok1 =~ s/([^\d.]+)$//) { # remove trailing units
my $a = $1;
last unless $tok2 =~ s/\Q$a\E$//;
if ($tok1 =~ s/^(\d+:\d+:)//) { # remove leading HH:MM:
my $a = $1;
last unless $tok2 =~ s/^\Q$a//;
if ($tok1 =~ s/^'//) { # remove leading quote
last unless $tok2 =~ s/^'//;
last unless Image::ExifTool::IsFloat($tok1) and
Image::ExifTool::IsFloat($tok2) and
$tok1 =~ /\./ and $tok2 =~ /\./;
last if $tok1 == 0 or $tok2 == 0;
# numbers are bad if not the same to 5 significant figures
if (abs(($tok1-$tok2)/($tok1+$tok2)) > 1e-5) {
# (but allow last digit to be different due to round-off errors)
my ($int1, $int2);
($int1 = $tok1) =~ tr/0-9//dc;
($int2 = $tok2) =~ tr/0-9//dc;
my $dlen = length($int1) - length($int2);
if ($dlen > 0) {
$int2 .= '0' x $dlen;
} elsif ($dlen < 0) {
$int1 .= '0' x (-$dlen);
last if abs($int1-$int2) > 1.00001;
# set flag if length changed
$lenChanged = 1 if length($tok1) ne length($tok2);
return 0;
# Check two time strings to see if they are the same
# Inputs: 0) time1, 1) time2, 2) line1, 3) line2
# Returns: true on success
sub nearTime($$$$)
my ($tok1, $tok2, $line1, $line2) = @_;
my $t1 = Image::ExifTool::GetUnixTime($tok1, 'local') or return 0;
my $t2 = Image::ExifTool::GetUnixTime($tok2, 'local') or return 0;
my $td = $t2 - $t1;
if ($td) {
# patch for the MirBSD leap-second unconformity
# (120 leap seconds should cover us until _well_ into the future)
return 0 unless $^O eq 'mirbsd' and $td < 0 and $td > -120;
warn "\n Ignoring $td second error due to MirBSD leap-second \"feature\":\n";
warn qq{ Test gave: "$line2"\n};
warn qq{ Should be: "$line1"\n};
return 1;
# Format value for printing
# Inputs: 0) value
# Returns: string for printing
sub formatValue($)
local $_;
my $val = shift;
my ($str, @a);
if (ref $val eq 'SCALAR') {
if ($$val =~ /^Binary data/) {
$str = "($$val)";
} else {
$str = '(Binary data ' . length($$val) . ' bytes)';
} elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach (@$val) {
push @a, formatValue($_);
$str = '[' . join(',', @a) . ']';
} elsif (ref $val eq 'HASH') {
my $key;
foreach $key (sort keys %$val) {
push @a, $key . '=' . formatValue($$val{$key});
$str = '{' . join(',', @a) . '}';
} elsif (defined $val) {
# make sure there are no linefeeds in output
($str = $val) =~ tr/\x0a\x0d/;/;
# translate unknown characters
# $str =~ tr/\x01-\x1f\x80-\xff/\./;
$str =~ tr/\x01-\x1f\x7f/./;
# remove NULL chars
$str =~ s/\x00//g;
} else {
$str = '';
return $str;
# Compare extracted information against a standard output file
# Inputs: 0) [optional] ExifTool object reference
# 1) tag hash reference, 2) test name, 3) test number
# 4) test number for comparison file (if different than this test)
# 5) top group number to test (2 by default)
# Returns: 1 if check passed
sub check($$$;$$$)
my $exifTool = shift if ref $_[0] ne 'HASH';
my ($info, $testname, $testnum, $stdnum, $topGroup) = @_;
return 0 unless $info;
$stdnum = $testnum unless defined $stdnum;
my $testfile = "t/${testname}_$testnum.failed";
my $stdfile = "t/${testname}_$stdnum.out";
open(FILE, ">$testfile") or return 0;
# use one type of linefeed so this test works across platforms
my $oldSep = $\;
$\ = "\x0a"; # set output line separator
# get a list of found tags
my @tags;
if ($exifTool) {
# sort tags by group to make it a bit prettier
@tags = $exifTool->GetTagList($info, 'Group0');
} else {
@tags = sort keys %$info;
# Write information to file (with filename "TESTNAME_#.failed")
foreach (@tags) {
my $val = formatValue($$info{$_});
# (no "\n" needed since we set the output line separator above)
if ($exifTool) {
my @groups = $exifTool->GetGroup($_);
my $groups = join ', ', @groups[0..($topGroup||2)];
my $tagID = $exifTool->GetTagID($_);
my $desc = $exifTool->GetDescription($_);
print FILE "[$groups] $tagID - $desc: $val";
} else {
print FILE "$_: $val";
$\ = $oldSep; # restore output line separator
# Compare the output file to the output from the standard test (TESTNAME_#.out)
return testCompare($stdfile, $testfile, $testnum);
# Test writing feature by writing specified information to JPEG file
# Inputs: 0) list reference to lists of SetNewValue arguments
# 1) test name, 2) test number, 3) optional source file name,
# 4) true to only check tags which were written (or list ref for tags to check)
# 5) flag set if nothing is expected to change in the output file
# Returns: 1 if check passed
sub writeCheck($$$;$$$)
my ($writeInfo, $testname, $testnum, $srcfile, $onlyWritten, $same) = @_;
$srcfile or $srcfile = "t/images/$testname.jpg";
my ($ext) = ($srcfile =~ /\.(.+?)$/);
my $testfile = "t/${testname}_${testnum}_failed.$ext";
my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
my @tags;
if (ref $onlyWritten eq 'ARRAY') {
@tags = @$onlyWritten;
undef $onlyWritten;
foreach (@$writeInfo) {
push @tags, $$_[0] if $onlyWritten;
unlink $testfile;
my $ok = writeInfo($exifTool, $srcfile, $testfile, $same);
my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($testfile,{Duplicates=>1,Unknown=>1},@tags);
my $rtnVal = check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum);
return 0 unless $ok and $rtnVal;
unlink $testfile;
return 1;
# Call Image::ExifTool::WriteInfo with error checking
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) src file, 2) dst file, 3) true if nothing should change
# Return: true on success
sub writeInfo($$;$$)
my ($exifTool, $src, $dst, $same) = @_;
# erase temporary file created by WriteInfo() if no destination file is given
# (may be left over from previous crashed tests)
unlink "${src}_exiftool_tmp" if not defined $dst and not ref $src;
my $result = $exifTool->WriteInfo($src, $dst);
my $err = '';
$err .= " Error: WriteInfo() returned $result\n" if $result != ($same ? 2 : 1);
my $info = $exifTool->GetInfo('Warning', 'Error');
foreach (sort keys %$info) {
my $tag = Image::ExifTool::GetTagName($_);
$err .= " $tag: $$info{$_}\n";
return 1 unless $err;
warn "\n$err";
return 0;
# Test verbose output
# Inputs: 0) test name, 1) test number, 2) Input file, 3) verbose level
# Returns: true if test passed
sub testVerbose($$$$)
my ($testname, $testnum, $infile, $verbose) = @_;
my $testfile = "t/${testname}_$testnum";
# capture verbose output by redirecting STDOUT
return 0 unless open(TMPFILE,">$testfile.tmp");
ImageInfo($infile, { Verbose => $verbose, TextOut => \*TMPFILE });
# re-write output file to change newlines to be same as standard test file
# (if I was a Perl guru, maybe I would know a better way to do this)
my $oldSep = $\;
$\ = "\x0a"; # set output line separator
while (<TMPFILE>) {
chomp; # remove existing newline
print TESTFILE $_; # re-write line using \x0a for newlines
$\ = $oldSep; # restore output line separator
return testCompare("$testfile.out","$testfile.failed",$testnum);
1; #end