2023-11-20 20:52:04 +00:00

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Executable File

.. _utils_module:
.. index:: Utilities, Helpers
The ``utils`` module
This module provides simple helper functions, some of them being very specific to CasperJS though.
Functions reference
Usage is pretty much straightforward::
var utils = require('utils');
utils.dump({plop: 42});
**Signature:** ``betterTypeOf(input)``
Provides a better ``typeof`` operator equivalent, eg. able to retrieve the ``Array`` type.
.. versionadded:: 1.1
**Signature:** ``betterInstanceOf(input, constructor)``
Provides a better ``instanceof`` operator equivalent, is able to retrieve the ``Array`` instance or to deal with inheritance.
.. index:: dump, Serialization, Debugging, JSON
.. _utils_dump:
**Signature:** ``dump(value)``
Dumps a JSON_ representation of passed argument to the standard output. Useful for :ref:`debugging your scripts <debugging_dump>`.
**Signature:** ``fileExt(file)``
Retrieves the extension of passed filename.
**Signature:** ``fillBlanks(text, pad)``
Fills a string with trailing spaces to match ``pad`` length.
.. index:: String formatting
**Signature:** ``format(f)``
Formats a string against passed args. ``sprintf`` equivalent.
.. note::
This is a port of nodejs ``util.format()``.
**Signature:** ``getPropertyPath(Object obj, String path)``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Retrieves the value of an Object foreign property using a dot-separated path string::
var account = {
username: 'chuck',
skills: {
kick: {
roundhouse: true
utils.getPropertyPath(account, 'skills.kick.roundhouse'); // true
.. warning::
This function doesn't handle object key names containing a dot.
.. index:: inheritance
**Signature:** ``inherits(ctor, superCtor)``
Makes a constructor inheriting from another. Useful for subclassing and :doc:`extending <../extending>`.
.. note::
This is a port of nodejs ``util.inherits()``.
**Signature:** ``isArray(value)``
Checks if passed argument is an instance of ``Array``.
**Signature:** ``isCasperObject(value)``
Checks if passed argument is an instance of ``Casper``.
**Signature:** ``isClipRect(value)``
Checks if passed argument is a ``cliprect`` object.
.. index:: falsiness
**Signature:** ``isFalsy(subject)``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Returns subject `falsiness <http://11heavens.com/falsy-and-truthy-in-javascript>`_.
**Signature:** ``isFunction(value)``
Checks if passed argument is a function.
**Signature:** ``isJsFile(file)``
Checks if passed filename is a Javascript one (by checking if it has a ``.js`` or ``.coffee`` file extension).
**Signature:** ``isNull(value)``
Checks if passed argument is a ``null``.
**Signature:** ``isNumber(value)``
Checks if passed argument is an instance of ``Number``.
**Signature:** ``isObject(value)``
Checks if passed argument is an object.
**Signature:** ``isString(value)``
Checks if passed argument is an instance of ``String``.
.. index:: truthiness
**Signature:** ``isTruthy(subject)``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Returns subject `truthiness <http://11heavens.com/falsy-and-truthy-in-javascript>`_.
**Signature:** ``isType(what, type)``
Checks if passed argument has its type matching the ``type`` argument.
**Signature:** ``isUndefined(value)``
Checks if passed argument is ``undefined``.
**Signature:** ``isWebPage(what)``
Checks if passed argument is an instance of native PhantomJS' ``WebPage`` object.
**Signature:** ``mergeObjects(origin, add[, Object opts])``
Merges two objects recursively.
Add ``opts.keepReferences`` if cloning of internal objects is not needed.
.. index:: DOM
**Signature:** ``node(name, attributes)``
Creates an (HT\|X)ML element, having optional ``attributes`` added.
.. index:: JSON
**Signature:** ``serialize(value)``
Serializes a value using JSON_ format. Will serialize functions as strings. Useful for :doc:`debugging <../debugging>` and comparing objects.
**Signature:** ``unique(array)``
Retrieves unique values from within a given ``Array``.
.. _JSON: http://json.org/