* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ define('ERR_SELECT_FAILED', 1); define('ERR_TIMEOUT', 2); define('ERR_READ_FAILED', 3); define('ERR_WRITE_FAILED', 4); $read = [\STDIN]; $write = [\STDOUT, \STDERR]; stream_set_blocking(\STDIN, 0); stream_set_blocking(\STDOUT, 0); stream_set_blocking(\STDERR, 0); $out = $err = ''; while ($read || $write) { $r = $read; $w = $write; $e = null; $n = stream_select($r, $w, $e, 5); if (false === $n) { exit(ERR_SELECT_FAILED); } elseif ($n < 1) { exit(ERR_TIMEOUT); } if (in_array(\STDOUT, $w) && '' !== $out) { $written = fwrite(\STDOUT, (string) $out, 32768); if (false === $written) { exit(ERR_WRITE_FAILED); } $out = (string) substr($out, $written); } if (null === $read && '' === $out) { $write = array_diff($write, [\STDOUT]); } if (in_array(\STDERR, $w) && '' !== $err) { $written = fwrite(\STDERR, (string) $err, 32768); if (false === $written) { exit(ERR_WRITE_FAILED); } $err = (string) substr($err, $written); } if (null === $read && '' === $err) { $write = array_diff($write, [\STDERR]); } if ($r) { $str = fread(\STDIN, 32768); if (false !== $str) { $out .= $str; $err .= $str; } if (false === $str || feof(\STDIN)) { $read = null; if (!feof(\STDIN)) { exit(ERR_READ_FAILED); } } } }