services = $this->privates = []; $this->methodMap = [ 'Bar\\Foo' => 'getFooService', 'Foo\\Foo' => 'getFoo2Service', ]; $this->aliases = []; } public function compile(): void { throw new LogicException('You cannot compile a dumped container that was already compiled.'); } public function isCompiled(): bool { return true; } public function getRemovedIds(): array { return [ 'Psr\\Container\\ContainerInterface' => true, 'Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerInterface' => true, ]; } /** * Gets the public 'Bar\Foo' shared service. * * @return \Bar\Foo */ protected function getFooService() { return $this->services['Bar\\Foo'] = new \Bar\Foo(); } /** * Gets the public 'Foo\Foo' shared service. * * @return \Foo\Foo */ protected function getFoo2Service() { return $this->services['Foo\\Foo'] = new \Foo\Foo(); } }