# Before "make install", this script should be runnable with "make test". # After "make install" it should work as "perl t/PNG.t". BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..5\n"; $Image::ExifTool::noConfig = 1; } END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;} # test 1: Load the module(s) use Image::ExifTool 'ImageInfo'; use Image::ExifTool::PNG; $loaded = 1; print "ok 1\n"; use t::TestLib; my $testname = 'PNG'; my $testnum = 1; # test 2: Extract information from PNG.png { ++$testnum; my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo('t/images/PNG.png'); print 'not ' unless check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum); print "ok $testnum\n"; } # test 3: Write a bunch of new information to a PNG in memory { ++$testnum; my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile('t/images/IPTC.jpg'); $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile('t/images/XMP.jpg'); $exifTool->SetNewValue('PNG:Comment'); # and delete a tag $exifTool->SetNewValue('PixelsPerUnitX', 1234); my $image; my $rtnVal = $exifTool->WriteInfo('t/images/PNG.png', \$image); # must ignore FileSize because size is variable (depends on Zlib availability) my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo(\$image, '-filesize'); my $testfile = "t/${testname}_${testnum}_failed.png"; if (check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum)) { unlink $testfile; # erase results of any bad test } else { # save the bad image open(TESTFILE,">$testfile"); binmode(TESTFILE); print TESTFILE $image; close(TESTFILE); print 'not '; } print "ok $testnum\n"; } # test 4: Test group delete, alternate languages and special characters { ++$testnum; my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; $exifTool->Options(Charset => 'Latin'); $exifTool->SetNewValue('PNG:*'); $exifTool->SetNewValue('XMP:*'); $exifTool->SetNewValue('PNG:Comment-fr', "Commentaire fran\xe7aise"); $exifTool->SetNewValue('PNG:Copyright', "\xa9 2010 Phil Harvey"); $exifTool->SetNewValue('XMP:Description-bar' => "A Br\xfcn is a Gst\xf6"); my $testfile = "t/${testname}_${testnum}_failed.png"; unlink $testfile; my $rtnVal = $exifTool->WriteInfo('t/images/PNG.png', $testfile); $exifTool->Options(Charset => 'UTF8'); my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($testfile, 'PNG:*', 'XMP:*'); if (check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum)) { unlink $testfile; # erase results of any bad test } else { print 'not '; } print "ok $testnum\n"; } # test 5: Try moving XMP from after IDAT to before { ++$testnum; my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; # start with a clean image $exifTool->SetNewValue('all'); my $image; $exifTool->WriteInfo('t/images/PNG.png', \$image); # add new XMP (should go after IDAT) $exifTool->SetNewValue(); $exifTool->SetNewValue('XMP:Subject' => 'test'); $exifTool->WriteInfo(\$image); # delete all XMP then copy back again (should move to before IDAT) $exifTool->SetNewValue(); my $txtfile = "t/${testname}_${testnum}.failed"; open PNG_TEST_5, ">$txtfile" or warn "Error opening $txtfile\n"; $exifTool->Options(Verbose => 2); $exifTool->Options(TextOut => \*PNG_TEST_5); $exifTool->SetNewValue('xmp:all'); $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile(\$image, 'all:allWriteInfo(\$image); close PNG_TEST_5; if (testCompare('t/PNG_5.out', $txtfile, $testnum)) { unlink $txtfile; } else { print 'not '; } print "ok $testnum\n"; } # end