#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: OpenEXR.pm # # Description: Read OpenEXR meta information # # Revisions: 2011/12/10 - P. Harvey Created # # References: 1) http://www.openexr.com/ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Image::ExifTool::OpenEXR; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils); $VERSION = '1.01'; # supported EXR value format types (other types are extracted as undef binary data) my %formatType = ( box2f => 'float[4]', box2i => 'int32s[4]', chlist => 1, chromaticities => 'float[8]', compression => 'int8u', double => 'double', envmap => 'int8u', float => 'float', 'int' => 'int32s', keycode => 'int32s[7]', lineOrder => 'int8u', m33f => 'float[9]', m44f => 'float[16]', rational => 'rational64s', string => 'string', # incorrect in specification! (no leading int) stringvector => 1, tiledesc => 1, timecode => 'int32u[2]', v2f => 'float[2]', v2i => 'int32s[2]', v3f => 'float[3]', v3i => 'int32s[3]', ); # OpenEXR tags %Image::ExifTool::OpenEXR::Main = ( GROUPS => { 2 => 'Image' }, NOTES => q{ Information extracted from EXR images. See L for the official specification. }, _ver => { Name => 'EXRVersion' }, _lay => { Name => 'Layout', PrintHex => 1, PrintConv => { 0 => 'Scan Lines', 0x200 => 'Tiles' }, }, adoptedNeutral => { }, altitude => { Name => 'GPSAltitude', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, PrintConv => q{ $val = int($val * 10) / 10; return ($val =~ s/^-// ? "$val m Below" : "$val m Above") . " Sea Level"; }, }, aperture => { PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)' }, channels => { }, chromaticities => { }, capDate => { Name => 'DateTimeOriginal', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)', }, comments => { }, compression => { PrintConvColumns => 2, PrintConv => { 0 => 'None', 1 => 'RLE', 2 => 'ZIPS', 3 => 'ZIP', 4 => 'PIZ', 5 => 'PXR24', 6 => 'B44', 7 => 'B44A', }, }, dataWindow => { }, displayWindow => { }, envmap => { Name => 'EnvironmentMap', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Latitude/Longitude', 1 => 'Cube', }, }, expTime => { Name => 'ExposureTime', PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)', }, focus => { Name => 'FocusDistance', PrintConv => '"$val m"', }, framesPerSecond => { }, keyCode => { }, isoSpeed => { Name => 'ISO' }, latitude => { Name => 'GPSLatitude', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, RawConv => 'require Image::ExifTool::GPS; $val', # to load Composite tags and routines PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::GPS::ToDMS($self, $val, 1, "N")', }, lineOrder => { PrintConv => { 0 => 'Increasing Y', 1 => 'Decreasing Y', 2 => 'Random Y', }, }, longitude => { Name => 'GPSLongitude', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, RawConv => 'require Image::ExifTool::GPS; $val', # to load Composite tags and routines PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::GPS::ToDMS($self, $val, 1, "E")', }, lookModTransform => { }, multiView => { }, owner => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } }, pixelAspectRatio => { }, preview => { }, renderingTransform => { }, screenWindowCenter => { }, screenWindowWidth => { }, tiles => { }, timeCode => { }, utcOffset => { Name => 'TimeZone', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, PrintConv => 'TimeZoneString($val / 60)', }, whiteLuminance => { }, worldToCamera => { }, worldToNDC => { }, wrapmodes => { Name => 'WrapModes' }, xDensity => { Name => 'XResolution' }, # also observed: # ilut ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract information from an OpenEXR file # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) DirInfo reference # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid OpenEXR file sub ProcessEXR($$) { my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_; my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF}; my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose'); my $binary = $et->Options('Binary') || $verbose; my ($buff, $buf2, $dim); # verify this is a valid RIFF file return 0 unless $raf->Read($buff, 8) == 8; return 0 unless $buff =~ /^\x76\x2f\x31\x01/s; $et->SetFileType(); SetByteOrder('II'); my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::OpenEXR::Main'); # extract information from header my $ver = unpack('x4V', $buff); $et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, '_ver', $ver & 0xff); $et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, '_lay', $ver & 0x200); # extract attributes for (;;) { $raf->Read($buff, 68) or last; last if $buff =~ /^\0/; unless ($buff =~ /^([^\0]{1,31})\0([^\0]{1,31})\0(.{4})/sg) { $et->Warn('EXR format error'); last; } my ($tag, $type, $size) = ($1, $2, unpack('V', $3)); unless ($raf->Seek(pos($buff) - length($buff), 1)) { $et->Warn('Seek error'); last; } my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tag); unless ($tagInfo) { my $name = ucfirst $tag; $name =~ tr/-_a-zA-Z0-9//dc; if (length $name <= 1) { if (length $name) { $name = "Tag$name"; } else { $name = 'Invalid'; } } $tagInfo = { Name => $name, WasAdded => 1 }; AddTagToTable($tagTablePtr, $tag, $tagInfo); $et->VPrint(0, $$et{INDENT}, "[adding $tag]\n"); } my ($val, $success); my $format = $formatType{$type}; if ($format or $binary) { $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size and $success = 1; if (not $format) { $val = \$buff; # treat as undef binary data } elsif ($format ne '1') { # handle formats which map nicely into ExifTool format codes if ($format =~ /^(\w+)\[?(\d*)/) { my ($fmt, $cnt) = ($1, $2); $cnt = $fmt eq 'string' ? $size : 1 unless $cnt; $val = ReadValue(\$buff, 0, $fmt, $cnt, $size); } # handle other format types } elsif ($type eq 'tiledesc') { if ($size >= 9) { my $x = Get32u(\$buff, 0); my $y = Get32u(\$buff, 4); my $mode = Get8u(\$buff, 8); my $lvl = { 0 => 'One Level', 1 => 'MIMAP Levels', 2 => 'RIPMAP Levels' }->{$mode & 0x0f}; $lvl or $lvl = 'Unknown Levels (' . ($mode & 0xf) . ')'; my $rnd = { 0 => 'Round Down', 1 => 'Round Up' }->{$mode >> 4}; $rnd or $rnd = 'Unknown Rounding (' . ($mode >> 4) . ')'; $val = "${x}x$y; $lvl; $rnd"; } } elsif ($type eq 'chlist') { $val = [ ]; while ($buff =~ /\G([^\0]{1,31})\0(.{16})/sg) { my ($str, $dat) = ($1, $2); my ($pix,$lin,$x,$y) = unpack('VCx3VV', $dat); $pix = { 0 => 'int8u', 1 => 'half', 2 => 'float' }->{$pix} || "unknown($pix)"; push @$val, "$str $pix" . ($lin ? ' linear' : '') . " $x $y"; } } elsif ($type eq 'stringvector') { $val = [ ]; my $pos = 0; while ($pos + 4 <= length($buff)) { my $len = Get32u(\$buff, $pos); last if $pos + 4 + $len > length($buff); push @$val, substr($buff, $pos + 4, $len); $pos += 4 + $len; } } else { $val = \$buff; # (shouldn't happen) } } else { # avoid loading binary data $val = \ "Binary data $size bytes"; $success = $raf->Seek($size, 1); } unless ($success) { $et->Warn('Truncated or corrupted EXR file'); last; } $val = '' unless defined $val; # take image dimensions from dataWindow (with displayWindow as backup) if (($tag eq 'dataWindow' or (not $dim and $tag eq 'displayWindow')) and $val =~ /^(-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+)$/) { $dim = [$3 - $1 + 1, $4 - $2 + 1]; } if ($verbose) { my $dataPt = ref $val ? $val : \$val, $et->VerboseInfo($tag, $tagInfo, Table => $tagTablePtr, Value => $val, Size => $size, Format => $type, DataPt => \$buff, Addr => $raf->Tell() - $size, ); } $et->FoundTag($tagInfo, $val); } if ($dim) { $et->FoundTag('ImageWidth', $$dim[0]); $et->FoundTag('ImageHeight', $$dim[1]); } return 1; } 1; # end __END__ =head1 NAME Image::ExifTool::OpenEXR - Read OpenEXR meta information =head1 SYNOPSIS This module is used by Image::ExifTool =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains definitions required by Image::ExifTool to extract meta information from OpenEXR images. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2016, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 REFERENCES =over 4 =item L =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut