#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: MPEG.pm # # Description: Read MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 meta information # # Revisions: 05/11/2006 - P. Harvey Created # # References: 1) http://www.mp3-tech.org/ # 2) http://www.getid3.org/ # 3) http://dvd.sourceforge.net/dvdinfo/dvdmpeg.html # 4) http://ffmpeg.org/ # 5) http://sourceforge.net/projects/mediainfo/ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Image::ExifTool::MPEG; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils); $VERSION = '1.15'; %Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Audio = ( GROUPS => { 2 => 'Audio' }, 'Bit11-12' => { Name => 'MPEGAudioVersion', RawConv => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} = $val', PrintConv => { 0 => 2.5, 2 => 2, 3 => 1, }, }, 'Bit13-14' => { Name => 'AudioLayer', RawConv => '$self->{MPEG_Layer} = $val', PrintConv => { 1 => 3, 2 => 2, 3 => 1, }, }, # Bit 15 indicates CRC protection 'Bit16-19' => [ { Name => 'AudioBitrate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} == 3 and $self->{MPEG_Layer} == 3', Notes => 'version 1, layer 1', PrintConvColumns => 3, ValueConv => { 0 => 'free', 1 => 32000, 2 => 64000, 3 => 96000, 4 => 128000, 5 => 160000, 6 => 192000, 7 => 224000, 8 => 256000, 9 => 288000, 10 => 320000, 11 => 352000, 12 => 384000, 13 => 416000, 14 => 448000, }, PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, { Name => 'AudioBitrate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} == 3 and $self->{MPEG_Layer} == 2', Notes => 'version 1, layer 2', PrintConvColumns => 3, ValueConv => { 0 => 'free', 1 => 32000, 2 => 48000, 3 => 56000, 4 => 64000, 5 => 80000, 6 => 96000, 7 => 112000, 8 => 128000, 9 => 160000, 10 => 192000, 11 => 224000, 12 => 256000, 13 => 320000, 14 => 384000, }, PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, { Name => 'AudioBitrate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} == 3 and $self->{MPEG_Layer} == 1', Notes => 'version 1, layer 3', PrintConvColumns => 3, ValueConv => { 0 => 'free', 1 => 32000, 2 => 40000, 3 => 48000, 4 => 56000, 5 => 64000, 6 => 80000, 7 => 96000, 8 => 112000, 9 => 128000, 10 => 160000, 11 => 192000, 12 => 224000, 13 => 256000, 14 => 320000, }, PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, { Name => 'AudioBitrate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} != 3 and $self->{MPEG_Layer} == 3', Notes => 'version 2 or 2.5, layer 1', PrintConvColumns => 3, ValueConv => { 0 => 'free', 1 => 32000, 2 => 48000, 3 => 56000, 4 => 64000, 5 => 80000, 6 => 96000, 7 => 112000, 8 => 128000, 9 => 144000, 10 => 160000, 11 => 176000, 12 => 192000, 13 => 224000, 14 => 256000, }, PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, { Name => 'AudioBitrate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} != 3 and $self->{MPEG_Layer}', Notes => 'version 2 or 2.5, layer 2 or 3', PrintConvColumns => 3, ValueConv => { 0 => 'free', 1 => 8000, 2 => 16000, 3 => 24000, 4 => 32000, 5 => 40000, 6 => 48000, 7 => 56000, 8 => 64000, 9 => 80000, 10 => 96000, 11 => 112000, 12 => 128000, 13 => 144000, 14 => 160000, }, PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, ], 'Bit20-21' => [ { Name => 'SampleRate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} == 3', Notes => 'version 1', PrintConv => { 0 => 44100, 1 => 48000, 2 => 32000, }, }, { Name => 'SampleRate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} == 2', Notes => 'version 2', PrintConv => { 0 => 22050, 1 => 24000, 2 => 16000, }, }, { Name => 'SampleRate', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Vers} == 0', Notes => 'version 2.5', PrintConv => { 0 => 11025, 1 => 12000, 2 => 8000, }, }, ], # Bit 22 - padding flag # Bit 23 - private bit 'Bit24-25' => { Name => 'ChannelMode', RawConv => '$self->{MPEG_Mode} = $val', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Stereo', 1 => 'Joint Stereo', 2 => 'Dual Channel', 3 => 'Single Channel', }, }, 'Bit26' => { Name => 'MSStereo', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Layer} == 1', Notes => 'layer 3', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On' }, }, 'Bit27' => { Name => 'IntensityStereo', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Layer} == 1', Notes => 'layer 3', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On' }, }, 'Bit26-27' => { Name => 'ModeExtension', Condition => '$self->{MPEG_Layer} > 1', Notes => 'layer 1 or 2', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Bands 4-31', 1 => 'Bands 8-31', 2 => 'Bands 12-31', 3 => 'Bands 16-31', }, }, 'Bit28' => { Name => 'CopyrightFlag', PrintConv => { 0 => 'False', 1 => 'True', }, }, 'Bit29' => { Name => 'OriginalMedia', PrintConv => { 0 => 'False', 1 => 'True', }, }, 'Bit30-31' => { Name => 'Emphasis', PrintConv => { 0 => 'None', 1 => '50/15 ms', 2 => 'reserved', 3 => 'CCIT J.17', }, }, ); %Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Video = ( GROUPS => { 2 => 'Video' }, 'Bit00-11' => 'ImageWidth', 'Bit12-23' => 'ImageHeight', 'Bit24-27' => { Name => 'AspectRatio', ValueConv => { 1 => 1, 2 => 0.6735, 3 => 0.7031, 4 => 0.7615, 5 => 0.8055, 6 => 0.8437, 7 => 0.8935, 8 => 0.9157, 9 => 0.9815, 10 => 1.0255, 11 => 1.0695, 12 => 1.0950, 13 => 1.1575, 14 => 1.2015, }, PrintConv => { 1 => '1:1', 0.6735 => '0.6735', 0.7031 => '16:9, 625 line, PAL', 0.7615 => '0.7615', 0.8055 => '0.8055', 0.8437 => '16:9, 525 line, NTSC', 0.8935 => '0.8935', 0.9157 => '4:3, 625 line, PAL, CCIR601', 0.9815 => '0.9815', 1.0255 => '1.0255', 1.0695 => '1.0695', 1.0950 => '4:3, 525 line, NTSC, CCIR601', 1.1575 => '1.1575', 1.2015 => '1.2015', }, }, 'Bit28-31' => { Name => 'FrameRate', ValueConv => { 1 => 23.976, 2 => 24, 3 => 25, 4 => 29.97, 5 => 30, 6 => 50, 7 => 59.94, 8 => 60, }, PrintConv => '"$val fps"', }, 'Bit32-49' => { Name => 'VideoBitrate', ValueConv => '$val eq 0x3ffff ? "Variable" : $val * 400', PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, # these tags not very interesting #'Bit50' => 'MarkerBit', #'Bit51-60' => 'VBVBufferSize', #'Bit61' => 'ConstrainedParamFlag', #'Bit62' => 'IntraQuantMatrixFlag', ); %Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Xing = ( GROUPS => { 2 => 'Audio' }, VARS => { NO_ID => 1 }, NOTES => 'These tags are extracted from the Xing/Info frame.', 1 => { Name => 'VBRFrames' }, 2 => { Name => 'VBRBytes' }, 3 => { Name => 'VBRScale' }, 4 => { Name => 'Encoder' }, 5 => { Name => 'LameVBRQuality' }, 6 => { Name => 'LameQuality' }, 7 => { # (for documentation only) Name => 'LameHeader', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Lame' }, }, ); # Lame header tags (ref 5) %Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Lame = ( PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData, GROUPS => { 2 => 'Audio' }, NOTES => 'Tags extracted from Lame 3.90 or later header.', 9 => { Name => 'LameMethod', Mask => 0x0f, PrintConv => { 1 => 'CBR', 2 => 'ABR', 3 => 'VBR (old/rh)', 4 => 'VBR (new/mtrh)', 5 => 'VBR (old/rh)', 6 => 'VBR', 8 => 'CBR (2-pass)', 9 => 'ABR (2-pass)', }, }, 10 => { Name => 'LameLowPassFilter', ValueConv => '$val * 100', PrintConv => '($val / 1000) . " kHz"', }, # 19 - EncodingFlags 20 => { Name => 'LameBitrate', ValueConv => '$val * 1000', PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, 24 => { Name => 'LameStereoMode', Mask => 0x1c, ValueConv => '$val >> 2', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Mono', 1 => 'Stereo', 2 => 'Dual Channels', 3 => 'Joint Stereo', 4 => 'Forced Joint Stereo', 6 => 'Auto', 7 => 'Intensity Stereo', }, }, ); # composite tags %Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Composite = ( Duration => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Require => { 0 => 'FileSize', }, Desire => { 1 => 'ID3Size', 2 => 'MPEG:AudioBitrate', 3 => 'MPEG:VideoBitrate', 4 => 'MPEG:VBRFrames', 5 => 'MPEG:SampleRate', 6 => 'MPEG:MPEGAudioVersion', }, Priority => -1, # (don't want to replace any other Duration tag) ValueConv => q{ if ($val[4] and defined $val[5] and defined $val[6]) { # calculate from number of VBR audio frames my $mfs = $prt[5] / ($val[6] == 3 ? 144 : 72); # calculate using VBR length return 8 * $val[4] / $mfs; } # calculate duration as file size divided by total bitrate # (note: this is only approximate!) return undef unless $val[2] or $val[3]; return undef if $val[2] and not $val[2] =~ /^\d+$/; return undef if $val[3] and not $val[3] =~ /^\d+$/; return (8 * ($val[0] - ($val[1]||0))) / (($val[2]||0) + ($val[3]||0)); }, PrintConv => 'ConvertDuration($val) . " (approx)"', }, AudioBitrate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Notes => 'calculated for variable-bitrate MPEG audio', Require => { 0 => 'MPEG:MPEGAudioVersion', 1 => 'MPEG:SampleRate', 2 => 'MPEG:VBRBytes', 3 => 'MPEG:VBRFrames', }, ValueConv => q{ return undef unless $val[3]; my $mfs = $prt[1] / ($val[0] == 3 ? 144 : 72); return $mfs * $val[2] / $val[3]; }, PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)', }, ); # add our composite tags Image::ExifTool::AddCompositeTags('Image::ExifTool::MPEG'); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process information in an MPEG audio or video frame header # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) tag table ref, 2-N) list of 32-bit data words sub ProcessFrameHeader($$@) { my ($et, $tagTablePtr, @data) = @_; my $tag; foreach $tag (sort keys %$tagTablePtr) { next unless $tag =~ /^Bit(\d{2})-?(\d{2})?/; my ($b1, $b2) = ($1, $2 || $1); my $index = int($b1 / 32); my $word = $data[$index]; my $mask = 0; foreach (0 .. ($b2 - $b1)) { $mask += (1 << $_); } my $val = ($word >> (31 + 32*$index - $b2)) & $mask; $et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, $tag, $val); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read MPEG audio frame header # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) Reference to audio data # 2) flag set if we are trying to recognized MP3 file only # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if no audio header was found sub ParseMPEGAudio($$;$) { my ($et, $buffPt, $mp3) = @_; my ($word, $pos); my $ext = $$et{FILE_EXT} || ''; for (;;) { # find frame sync return 0 unless $$buffPt =~ m{(\xff.{3})}sg; $word = unpack('N', $1); # get audio frame header word unless (($word & 0xffe00000) == 0xffe00000) { pos($$buffPt) = pos($$buffPt) - 2; # next possible location for frame sync next; } # validate header as much as possible if (($word & 0x180000) == 0x080000 or # 01 is a reserved version ID ($word & 0x060000) == 0x000000 or # 00 is a reserved layer description ($word & 0x00f000) == 0x000000 or # 0000 is the "free" bitrate index ($word & 0x00f000) == 0x00f000 or # 1111 is a bad bitrate index ($word & 0x000c00) == 0x000c00 or # 11 is a reserved sampling frequency ($word & 0x000003) == 0x000002 or # 10 is a reserved emphasis (($mp3 and ($word & 0x060000) != 0x020000))) # must be layer 3 for MP3 { # give up easily unless this really should be an MP3 file return 0 unless $ext eq 'MP3'; pos($$buffPt) = pos($$buffPt) - 1; next; } $pos = pos($$buffPt); last; } # set file type if not done already $et->SetFileType(); my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Audio'); ProcessFrameHeader($et, $tagTablePtr, $word); # extract the VBR information (ref MP3::Info) my ($v, $m) = ($$et{MPEG_Vers}, $$et{MPEG_Mode}); while (defined $v and defined $m) { my $len = length $$buffPt; $pos += $v == 3 ? ($m == 3 ? 17 : 32) : ($m == 3 ? 9 : 17); last if $pos + 8 > $len; my $buff = substr($$buffPt, $pos, 8); last unless $buff =~ /^(Xing|Info)/; my $xingTable = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Xing'); my $vbrScale; my $flags = unpack('x4N', $buff); my $isVBR = ($buff !~ /^Info/); # Info frame is not VBR (ref 5) $pos += 8; if ($flags & 0x01) { # VBRFrames last if $pos + 4 > $len; $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 1, unpack("x${pos}N", $$buffPt)) if $isVBR; $pos += 4; } if ($flags & 0x02) { # VBRBytes last if $pos + 4 > $len; $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 2, unpack("x${pos}N", $$buffPt)) if $isVBR; $pos += 4; } if ($flags & 0x04) { # VBR_TOC last if $pos + 100 > $len; # (ignore toc for now) $pos += 100; } if ($flags & 0x08) { # VBRScale last if $pos + 4 > $len; $vbrScale = unpack("x${pos}N", $$buffPt); $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 3, $vbrScale) if $isVBR; $pos += 4; } # process Lame header (ref 5) if ($flags & 0x10) { # Lame last if $pos + 348 > $len; } elsif ($pos + 4 <= $len) { my $lib = substr($$buffPt, $pos, 4); unless ($lib eq 'LAME' or $lib eq 'GOGO') { # attempt to identify other encoders my $n; if (index($$buffPt, 'RCA mp3PRO Encoder') >= 0) { $lib = 'RCA mp3PRO'; } elsif (($n = index($$buffPt, 'THOMSON mp3PRO Encoder')) >= 0) { $lib = 'Thomson mp3PRO'; $n += 22; $lib .= ' ' . substr($$buffPt, $n, 6) if length($$buffPt) - $n >= 6; } elsif (index($$buffPt, 'MPGE') >= 0) { $lib = 'Gogo (<3.0)'; } else { last; } $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 4, $lib); last; } } my $lameLen = $len - $pos; last if $lameLen < 9; my $enc = substr($$buffPt, $pos, 9); if ($enc ge 'LAME3.90') { $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 4, $enc); if ($vbrScale <= 100) { $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 5, int((100 - $vbrScale) / 10)); $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 6, (100 - $vbrScale) % 10); } my %dirInfo = ( DataPt => $buffPt, DirStart => $pos, DirLen => length($$buffPt) - $pos, ); my $subTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Lame'); $et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $subTablePtr); } else { $et->HandleTag($xingTable, 4, substr($$buffPt, $pos, 20)); } last; # (didn't want to loop anyway) } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read MPEG video frame header # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) Reference to video data # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if no video header was found sub ProcessMPEGVideo($$) { my ($et, $buffPt) = @_; return 0 unless length $$buffPt >= 4; my ($w1, $w2) = unpack('N2', $$buffPt); # validate as much as possible if (($w1 & 0x000000f0) == 0x00000000 or # 0000 is a forbidden aspect ratio ($w1 & 0x000000f0) == 0x000000f0 or # 1111 is a reserved aspect ratio ($w1 & 0x0000000f) == 0 or # frame rate must be 1-8 ($w1 & 0x0000000f) > 8) { return 0; } # set file type if not done already $et->SetFileType('MPEG') unless $$et{VALUE}{FileType}; my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::MPEG::Video'); ProcessFrameHeader($et, $tagTablePtr, $w1, $w2); return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read MPEG audio and video frame headers # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) Reference to audio/video data # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if no video header was found # To Do: Properly parse MPEG streams: # 0xb7 - sequence end # 0xb9 - end code # 0xba - pack start code # 0xbb - system header # 0xbc - program map <-- should parse this # 0xbd - private stream 1 --> for VOB, this contains sub-streams: # 0x20-0x3f - pictures # 0x80-0x87 - audio (AC3,DTS,SDDS) # 0xa0-0xa7 - audio (LPCM) # 0xbe - padding # 0xbf - private stream 2 # 0xc0-0xdf - audio stream # 0xe0-0xef - video stream sub ParseMPEGAudioVideo($$) { my ($et, $buffPt) = @_; my (%found, $didHdr); my $rtnVal = 0; my %proc = ( audio => \&ParseMPEGAudio, video => \&ProcessMPEGVideo ); delete $$et{AudioBitrate}; delete $$et{VideoBitrate}; while ($$buffPt =~ /\0\0\x01(\xb3|\xc0)/g) { my $type = $1 eq "\xb3" ? 'video' : 'audio'; unless ($didHdr) { # make sure we didn't miss an audio frame sync before this (eg. MP3 file) # (the last byte of the 4-byte MP3 audio frame header word may be zero, # but the 2nd last must be non-zero, so we need only check to pos-3) my $buff = substr($$buffPt, 0, pos($$buffPt) - 3); $found{audio} = 1 if ParseMPEGAudio($et, \$buff); $didHdr = 1; } next if $found{$type}; my $len = length($$buffPt) - pos($$buffPt); last if $len < 4; $len > 256 and $len = 256; my $dat = substr($$buffPt, pos($$buffPt), $len); # process MPEG audio or video if (&{$proc{$type}}($et, \$dat)) { $rtnVal = 1; $found{$type} = 1; # done if we found audio and video last if scalar(keys %found) == 2; } } return $rtnVal; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read information from an MPEG file # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) Directory information reference # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid MPEG file sub ProcessMPEG($$) { my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_; my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF}; my $buff; $raf->Read($buff, 4) == 4 or return 0; return 0 unless $buff =~ /^\0\0\x01[\xb0-\xbf]/; $et->SetFileType(); $raf->Seek(0,0); $raf->Read($buff, 65536*4) or return 0; return ParseMPEGAudioVideo($et, \$buff); } 1; # end __END__ =head1 NAME Image::ExifTool::MPEG - Read MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 meta information =head1 SYNOPSIS This module is used by Image::ExifTool =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains definitions required by Image::ExifTool to read MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 audio/video files. =head1 NOTES Since ISO charges money for the official MPEG specification, this module is based on unofficial sources which may be incomplete, inaccurate or outdated. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2016, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 REFERENCES =over 4 =item L =item L =item L =item L =item L =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =cut