#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: kml.fmt # # Description: Example ExifTool print format file for generating a # Google Earth KML file from a collection of geotagged images # # Usage: exiftool -p kml.fmt FILE [...] > out.kml # # Requires: ExifTool version 8.10 or later # # Revisions: 2010/02/05 - P. Harvey created # 2013/02/05 - PH Fixed camera icon to work with new Google Earth # # Notes: 1) All input files must contain GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude. # 2) For Google Earth to be able to find the images, the input # images must be specified using relative paths, and "out.kml" # must stay in the same directory as where the command was run. # 3) Google Earth is picky about the case of the image file extension, # and may not be able to display the image if an upper-case # extension is used. # 4) The -fileOrder option may be used to control the order of the # generated placemarks. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[HEAD] #[HEAD] #[HEAD] #[HEAD] My Photos #[HEAD] 1 #[HEAD] #[HEAD] #[HEAD] Waypoints #[HEAD] 0 #[BODY] #[BODY]
#[BODY] #[BODY] $filename #[BODY] #Photo #[BODY] #[BODY] clampedToGround #[BODY] $gpslongitude#,$gpslatitude#,0 #[BODY] #[BODY]