HOW TO CONTRIBUTE ================= We appreciate contributions in forms of: * issues * help answering questions in [issues]( and on [stackoverflow]( * fixing bugs via pull-requests * developing addons or other [derived work]( * promoting Dexie.js * sharing ideas Contribute while developing your own app ======================================== Here is a little cheat-sheet for how to symlink your app's `node_modules/dexie` to a place where you can edit the source, version control your changes and create pull requests back to Dexie. Assuming you've already ran `npm install dexie --save` for the app your are developing. 1. Fork Dexie.js from the web gui on github 2. Clone your fork locally by launching a shell/command window and cd to a neutral place (like `~repos/`, `c:\repos` or whatever) 3. Run the following commands: ``` git clone dexie cd dexie npm install npm run build npm link ``` 3. cd to your app directory and write: ``` npm link dexie ``` Your app's `node_modules/dexie/` is now sym-linked to the Dexie.js clone on your hard drive so any change you do there will propagate to your app. Build dexie.js using `npm run build` or `npm run watch`. The latter will react on any source file change and rebuild the dist files. That's it. Now you're up and running to test and commit changes to files under dexie/src/* or dexie/test/* and the changes will instantly affect the app you are developing. Pull requests are more than welcome. Some advices are: * Run npm test before making a pull request. * If you find an issue, a unit test that reproduces it is lovely ;). If you don't know where to put it, put it in `test/tests-misc.js`. We use qunit. Just look at existing tests in `tests-misc.js` to see how they should be written. Tests are transpiled in the build script so you can use ES6 if you like. Build ----- ``` npm install npm run build ``` Test ---- ``` npm test ``` Watch ----- ``` npm run watch ```