/*eslint strict:0*/ /*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/ var failed = []; var start = null; var links = [ "http://google.com/'", "http://akei.com/'", "http://lemonde.fr/'", "http://liberation.fr/'", "http://cdiscount.fr/" ]; var casper = require("casper").create({ onStepTimeout: function() { failed.push(this.requestUrl); this.test.fail(this.requestUrl + " loads in less than " + timeout + "ms."); } }); casper.on("load.finished", function() { this.echo(this.requestUrl + " loaded in " + (new Date() - start) + "ms", "PARAMETER"); }); var timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0); casper.options.stepTimeout = timeout > 0 ? timeout : 1000; casper.echo("Testing with timeout=" + casper.options.stepTimeout + "ms, please be patient."); casper.start(); casper.each(links, function(casper, link) { this.then(function() { this.test.comment("Loading " + link); start = new Date(); this.open(link); }); this.then(function() { var message = this.requestUrl + " loads in less than " + timeout + "ms."; if (failed.indexOf(this.requestUrl) === -1) { this.test.pass(message); } }); }); casper.run(function() { this.test.renderResults(true); });