links = [] casper = require("casper").create() getLinks = -> links = document.querySelectorAll("h3.r a") links, (e) -> try (/url\?q=(.*)&sa=U/).exec(e.getAttribute("href"))[1] catch e e.getAttribute "href" casper.start "", -> # search for 'casperjs' from google form @fill "form[action=\"/search\"]", q: "casperjs", true casper.then -> # aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search links = @evaluate(getLinks) # now search for 'phantomjs' by fillin the form again @fill "form[action=\"/search\"]", q: "phantomjs", true casper.then -> # aggregate results for the 'phantomjs' search links = links.concat(@evaluate(getLinks)) -> # echo results in some pretty fashion @echo links.length + " links found:" @echo " - " + links.join("\n - ") @exit()