/*eslint strict:0*/ /*global CasperError, console*/ /** * Create a mosaic image from all headline photos on BBC homepage */ var casper = require("casper").create(); var nbLinks = 0; var currentLink = 1; var images = []; var buildPage, next; // helper to hide some element from remote DOM casper.hide = function(selector) { this.evaluate(function(selector) { document.querySelector(selector).style.display = "none"; }, selector); }; casper.start("http://www.bbc.co.uk/", function() { nbLinks = this.evaluate(function() { return __utils__.findAll('#promo2_carousel_items_items li').length; }); this.echo(nbLinks + " items founds"); // hide navigation arrows this.hide(".nav_left"); this.hide(".nav_right"); this.mouse.move("#promo2_carousel"); }); casper.waitUntilVisible(".autoplay.nav_pause", function() { this.echo("Moving over pause button"); this.mouse.move(".autoplay.nav_pause"); this.click(".autoplay.nav_pause"); this.echo("Clicked on pause button"); this.waitUntilVisible(".autoplay.nav_play", function() { this.echo("Carousel has been paused"); // hide play button this.hide(".autoplay"); }); }); // Capture carrousel area next = function() { var image; image = "bbcshot" + currentLink + ".png"; images.push(image); this.echo("Processing image " + currentLink); this.captureSelector(image, '.carousel_viewport'); if (currentLink < nbLinks) { this.click(".carousel_itemList_li[rel='" + currentLink + "']"); this.wait(1000, function() { this.then(next); currentLink++; }); } else { this.then(buildPage); } }; // Building resulting page and image buildPage = function() { var fs, pageHtml; this.echo("Build result page"); fs = require("fs"); this.viewport(624, 400); pageHtml = ""; images.forEach(function(image) { pageHtml += "
"; }); pageHtml += ""; fs.write("result.html", pageHtml, 'w'); this.thenOpen("file://" + fs.workingDirectory + "/result.html", function() { this.echo("Resulting image saved to result.png"); this.capture("result.png"); }); }; casper.then(next); casper.run();