#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: Import.pm # # Description: Import CSV and JSON database files # # Revisions: 2011-03-05 - P. Harvey Created #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Image::ExifTool::Import; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = '1.05'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(ReadCSV ReadJSON); sub ReadJSONObject($;$); my %unescapeJSON = ( 't'=>"\t", 'n'=>"\n", 'r'=>"\r" ); my $charset; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read CSV file # Inputs: 0) CSV file name or file ref, 1) database hash ref, 2) missing tag value # Returns: undef on success, or error string # Notes: There are various flavours of CSV, but here we assume that only # double quotes are escaped, and they are escaped by doubling them sub ReadCSV($$;$) { local ($_, $/); my ($file, $database, $missingValue) = @_; my ($buff, @tags, $found, $err, $raf, $openedFile); if (ref $file eq 'GLOB') { $raf = new File::RandomAccess($file); $file = 'CSV file'; } else { open CSVFILE, $file or return "Error opening CSV file '$file'"; binmode CSVFILE; $openedFile = 1; $raf = new File::RandomAccess(\*CSVFILE); } # set input record separator by first newline found in the file # (safe because first line should contain only tag names) while ($raf->Read($buff, 65536)) { $buff =~ /(\x0d\x0a|\x0d|\x0a)/ and $/ = $1, last; } $raf->Seek(0,0); while ($raf->ReadLine($buff)) { my (@vals, $v, $i, %fileInfo); my @toks = split ',', $buff; while (@toks) { ($v = shift @toks) =~ s/^ +//; # remove leading spaces if ($v =~ s/^"//) { # quoted value must end in an odd number of quotes while ($v !~ /("+)\s*$/ or not length($1) & 1) { if (@toks) { $v .= ',' . shift @toks; } else { # read another line from the file $raf->ReadLine($buff) or last; @toks = split ',', $buff; last unless @toks; $v .= shift @toks; } } $v =~ s/"\s*$//; # remove trailing quote and whitespace $v =~ s/""/"/g; # un-escape quotes } else { $v =~ s/[ \n\r]+$//;# remove trailing spaces/newlines } push @vals, $v; } if (@tags) { # save values for each tag for ($i=0; $i<@vals and $i<@tags; ++$i) { next unless length $vals[$i]; # ignore empty entries # delete tag (set value to undef) if value is same as missing tag $fileInfo{$tags[$i]} = (defined $missingValue and $vals[$i] eq $missingValue) ? undef : $vals[$i]; } # figure out the file name to use if ($fileInfo{SourceFile}) { $$database{$fileInfo{SourceFile}} = \%fileInfo; $found = 1; } } else { # the first row should be the tag names foreach (@vals) { # terminate at first blank tag name (eg. extra comma at end of line) last unless length $_; @tags or s/^\xef\xbb\xbf//; # remove UTF-8 BOM if it exists /^[-\w]+(:[-\w+]+)?#?$/ or $err = "Invalid tag name '$_'", last; push(@tags, $_); } last if $err; @tags or $err = 'No tags found', last; } } close CSVFILE if $openedFile; undef $raf; $err = 'No SourceFile column' unless $found or $err; return $err ? "$err in $file" : undef; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convert unicode code point to UTF-8 # Inputs: 0) integer Unicode character # Returns: UTF-8 bytes sub ToUTF8($) { require Image::ExifTool::Charset; return Image::ExifTool::Charset::Recompose(undef, [$_[0]], $charset); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read JSON object from file # Inputs: 0) JSON file handle, 1) optional file buffer reference # Returns: JSON object (scalar, hash ref, or array ref), or undef on EOF or # empty object or array (and sets $$buffPt to empty string on EOF) # Notes: position in buffer is significant sub ReadJSONObject($;$) { my ($fp, $buffPt) = @_; # initialize buffer if necessary my ($pos, $readMore, $rtnVal, $tok, $key, $didBOM); if ($buffPt) { $pos = pos $$buffPt; } else { my $buff = ''; $buffPt = \$buff; $pos = 0; } Tok: for (;;) { if ($pos >= length $$buffPt or $readMore) { # read another 64kB and add to unparsed data my $offset = length($$buffPt) - $pos; $$buffPt = substr($$buffPt, $pos) if $offset; ($fp and read $fp, $$buffPt, 65536, $offset) or $$buffPt = '', last; unless ($didBOM) { $$buffPt =~ s/^\xef\xbb\xbf//; # remove UTF-8 BOM if it exists $didBOM = 1; } $pos = pos($$buffPt) = 0; $readMore = 0; } unless ($tok) { # skip white space and find next character $$buffPt =~ /(\S)/g or $pos = length($$buffPt), next; $tok = $1; $pos = pos $$buffPt; } # see what type of object this is if ($tok eq '{') { # object (hash) $rtnVal = { } unless defined $rtnVal; for (;;) { # read "KEY":"VALUE" pairs unless (defined $key) { $key = ReadJSONObject($fp, $buffPt); $pos = pos $$buffPt; } # ($key may be undef for empty JSON object) if (defined $key) { # scan to delimiting ':' $$buffPt =~ /(\S)/g or $readMore = 1, next Tok; $1 eq ':' or return undef; # error if not a colon my $val = ReadJSONObject($fp, $buffPt); $pos = pos $$buffPt; return undef unless defined $val; $$rtnVal{$key} = $val; undef $key; } # scan to delimiting ',' or bounding '}' $$buffPt =~ /(\S)/g or $readMore = 1, next Tok; last if $1 eq '}'; # check for end of object $1 eq ',' or return undef; # error if not a comma } } elsif ($tok eq '[') { # array $rtnVal = [ ] unless defined $rtnVal; for (;;) { my $item = ReadJSONObject($fp, $buffPt); $pos = pos $$buffPt; # ($item may be undef for empty array) push @$rtnVal, $item if defined $item; # scan to delimiting ',' or bounding ']' $$buffPt =~ /(\S)/g or $readMore = 1, next Tok; last if $1 eq ']'; # check for end of array $1 eq ',' or return undef; # error if not a comma } } elsif ($tok eq '"') { # quoted string for (;;) { $$buffPt =~ /(\\*)"/g or $readMore = 1, next Tok; last unless length($1) & 1; # check for escaped quote } $rtnVal = substr($$buffPt, $pos, pos($$buffPt)-$pos-1); # unescape characters $rtnVal =~ s/\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/ToUTF8(hex $1)/ige; $rtnVal =~ s/\\(.)/$unescapeJSON{$1}||$1/sge; # decode base64 (binary data) values if ($rtnVal =~ /^base64:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]*={0,2}$/ and length($rtnVal) % 4 == 3) { require Image::ExifTool::XMP; $rtnVal = ${Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64(substr($rtnVal,7))}; } } elsif ($tok eq ']' or $tok eq '}' or $tok eq ',') { # return undef for empty object, array, or list item # (empty list item actually not valid JSON) pos($$buffPt) = pos($$buffPt) - 1; } else { # number, 'true', 'false', 'null' $$buffPt =~ /([\s:,\}\]])/g or $readMore = 1, next; pos($$buffPt) = pos($$buffPt) - 1; $rtnVal = $tok . substr($$buffPt, $pos, pos($$buffPt)-$pos); } last; } return $rtnVal; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read JSON file # Inputs: 0) JSON file name or file ref, 1) database hash ref, # 2) flag to delete "-" tags, 3) character set # Returns: undef on success, or error string sub ReadJSON($$;$$) { local $_; my ($file, $database, $missingValue, $chset) = @_; my ($fp, $openedFile); # initialize character set for converting "\uHHHH" chars $charset = $chset || 'UTF8'; if (ref $file eq 'GLOB') { $fp = $file; $file = 'JSON file'; } else { open JSONFILE, $file or return "Error opening JSON file '$file'"; binmode JSONFILE; $fp = \*JSONFILE; $openedFile = 1; } my $obj = ReadJSONObject($fp); close $fp if $openedFile; unless (ref $obj eq 'ARRAY') { ref $obj eq 'HASH' or return "Format error in JSON file '$file'"; $obj = [ $obj ]; } my ($info, $found); foreach $info (@$obj) { next unless ref $info eq 'HASH'; # assume a SourceFile of '*' if none specified defined $$info{SourceFile} or $$info{SourceFile} = '*'; if (defined $missingValue) { $$info{$_} eq $missingValue and $$info{$_} = undef foreach keys %$info; } $$database{$$info{SourceFile}} = $info; $found = 1; } return $found ? undef : "No valid JSON objects in '$file'"; } 1; # end __END__ =head1 NAME Image::ExifTool::Import - Import CSV and JSON database files =head1 SYNOPSIS use Image::ExifTool::Import qw(ReadCSV ReadJSON); $err = ReadCSV($csvFile, \%database); $err = ReadJSON($jsonfile, \%database); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains routines for importing tag information from CSV (Comma Separated Value) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) database files. =head1 EXPORTS Exports nothing by default, but ReadCSV and ReadJSON may be exported. =head1 METHODS =head2 ReadCSV / ReadJSON Read CSV or JSON file into a database hash. =over 4 =item Inputs: 0) CSV file name or file reference. 1) Hash reference for database object. 2) Optional string used to represent an undefined (missing) tag value. (Used for deleting tags.) 3) [ReadJSON only] Optional character set for converting Unicode escape sequences in strings. Defaults to "UTF8". See the ExifTool Charset option for a list of valid settings. =item Return Value: These functions return an error string, or undef on success and populate the database hash with entries from the CSV or JSON file. Entries are keyed based on the SourceFile column of the CSV or JSON information, and are stored as hash lookups of tag name/value for each SourceFile. =back =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2016, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut