# PHP-Exiftool [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/alchemy-fr/PHPExiftool.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/alchemy-fr/PHPExiftool) This project is a fork of [phpexiftool/phpexiftool](https://github.com/phpexiftool/phpexiftool). PHP Exiftool is an Object Oriented driver for Phil Harvey's Exiftool (see http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/). Exiftool is a powerful library and command line utility for reading, writing and editing meta information written in Perl. PHPExiftool provides an intuitive object oriented interface to read and write metadata. You will find some example below. This driver is not suitable for production, it is still under heavy development. ## Installation The recommended way to install PHP-Exiftool is [through composer](http://getcomposer.org). ```JSON { "require": { "alchemy/phpexiftool": "^0.5.0" } } ``` ## Usage ### Exiftool Reader A simple example : how to read metadata from a file: ```php files(__FILE__)->first(); foreach ($metadataBag as $metadata) { if (ValueInterface::TYPE_BINARY === $metadata->getValue()->getType()) { echo sprintf("\t--> Field %s has binary data" . PHP_EOL, $metadata->getTag()); } else { echo sprintf("\t--> Field %s has value(s) %s" . PHP_EOL, $metadata->getTag(), $metadata->getValue()->asString()); } } ``` An example with directory inspection : ```php use Monolog\Logger; use PHPExiftool\Reader; use PHPExiftool\Driver\Value\ValueInterface; $logger = new Logger('exiftool'); $reader = Reader::create($logger); $reader ->in(array('documents', '/Picture')) ->extensions(array('doc', 'jpg', 'cr2', 'dng')) ->exclude(array('test', 'tmp')) ->followSymLinks(); foreach ($reader as $data) { echo "found file " . $data->getFile() . PHP_EOL; foreach ($data as $metadata) { if (ValueInterface::TYPE_BINARY === $metadata->getValue()->getType()) { echo sprintf("\t--> Field %s has binary data" . PHP_EOL, $metadata->getTag()); } else { echo sprintf("\t--> Field %s has value(s) %s" . PHP_EOL, $metadata->getTag(), $metadata->getValue()->asString()); } } } ``` ### Exiftool Writer ```php add(new Metadata(new ObjectName(), new Mono('Pretty cool subject'))); $writer->write('image.jpg', $bag); ``` ## License Project licensed under the MIT License