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2023-11-20 21:52:04 +01:00
// Type definitions for Dexie v2.0.4
// Project: https://github.com/dfahlander/Dexie.js
// Definitions by: David Fahlander <http://github.com/dfahlander>
declare type IndexableTypePart =
string | number | Date | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | DataView | Array<Array<void>>;
declare type IndexableTypeArray = Array<IndexableTypePart>;
declare type IndexableTypeArrayReadonly = ReadonlyArray<IndexableTypePart>;
export declare type IndexableType = IndexableTypePart | IndexableTypeArrayReadonly;
declare type ThenShortcut<T,TResult> = (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>;
declare type TransactionMode = 'r' | 'r!' | 'r?' | 'rw' | 'rw!' | 'rw?';
interface ProbablyError {
name?: string;
stack?: string;
message?: string;
// Dexie is actually default exported at the end of this file.
// Still, need to keep this explicit export anyway. Needed in order for
// Typescript 2.1 to allow extension of the Dexie API.
export declare class Dexie {
constructor(databaseName: string, options?: {
addons?: Array<(db: Dexie) => void>,
autoOpen?: boolean,
indexedDB?: IDBFactory,
IDBKeyRange?: {new(): IDBKeyRange}
readonly name: string;
readonly tables: Dexie.Table<any, any>[];
readonly verno: number;
static addons: Array<(db: Dexie) => void>;
static version: number;
static semVer: string;
static currentTransaction: Dexie.Transaction;
static waitFor<T> (promise: PromiseLike<T> | T) : Dexie.Promise<T>;
static waitFor<T> (promise: PromiseLike<T> | T, timeoutMilliseconds: number) : Dexie.Promise<T>;
static getDatabaseNames(): Dexie.Promise<string[]>;
static getDatabaseNames<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<string[],R>): Dexie.Promise<R>;
static override<F> (origFunc:F, overridedFactory: (fn:any)=>any) : F;
static getByKeyPath(obj: Object, keyPath: string): any;
static setByKeyPath(obj: Object, keyPath: string, value: any): void;
static delByKeyPath(obj: Object, keyPath: string): void;
static shallowClone<T> (obj: T): T;
static deepClone<T>(obj: T): T;
static asap(fn: Function) : void;
static maxKey: Array<Array<void>> | string;
static minKey: number;
static exists(dbName: string) : Dexie.Promise<boolean>;
static delete(dbName: string): Dexie.Promise<void>;
static dependencies: {
indexedDB: IDBFactory,
IDBKeyRange: IDBKeyRange
static default: Dexie;
version(versionNumber: Number): Dexie.Version;
on: Dexie.DbEvents;
open(): Dexie.Promise<Dexie>;
table(tableName: string): Dexie.Table<any, any>;
table<T>(tableName: string): Dexie.Table<T, any>;
table<T, Key>(tableName: string): Dexie.Table<T, Key>;
transaction<U>(mode: TransactionMode, table: Dexie.Table<any, any>, scope: () => PromiseLike<U> | U): Dexie.Promise<U>;
transaction<U>(mode: TransactionMode, table: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table2: Dexie.Table<any, any>, scope: () => PromiseLike<U> | U): Dexie.Promise<U>;
transaction<U>(mode: TransactionMode, table: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table2: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table3: Dexie.Table<any, any>, scope: () => PromiseLike<U> | U): Dexie.Promise<U>;
transaction<U>(mode: TransactionMode, table: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table2: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table3: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table4: Dexie.Table<any,any>, scope: () => PromiseLike<U> | U): Dexie.Promise<U>;
transaction<U>(mode: TransactionMode, table: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table2: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table3: Dexie.Table<any, any>, table4: Dexie.Table<any,any>, table5: Dexie.Table<any,any>, scope: () => PromiseLike<U> | U): Dexie.Promise<U>;
transaction<U>(mode: TransactionMode, tables: Dexie.Table<any, any>[], scope: () => PromiseLike<U> | U): Dexie.Promise<U>;
close(): void;
delete(): Dexie.Promise<void>;
isOpen(): boolean;
hasBeenClosed(): boolean;
hasFailed(): boolean;
dynamicallyOpened(): boolean;
backendDB(): IDBDatabase;
vip<U>(scopeFunction: () => U): U;
// Make it possible to touch physical class constructors where they reside - as properties on db instance.
// For example, checking if (x instanceof db.Table). Can't do (x instanceof Dexie.Table because it's just a virtual interface)
Table : new()=>Dexie.Table<any,any>;
WhereClause: new()=>Dexie.WhereClause<any,any>;
Version: new()=>Dexie.Version;
Transaction: new()=>Dexie.Transaction;
Collection: new()=>Dexie.Collection<any,any>;
export declare module Dexie {
interface Promise<T> {
// From Promise<T> in lib.es2015.d.ts and lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts but with return type Dexie.Promise<T>:
then(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => T | PromiseLike<T>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => T | PromiseLike<T>) | undefined | null): Dexie.Promise<T>;
then<TResult>(onfulfilled: ((value: T) => T | PromiseLike<T>) | undefined | null, onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>): Dexie.Promise<T | TResult>;
then<TResult>(onfulfilled: (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): Dexie.Promise<TResult>;
then<TResult1, TResult2>(onfulfilled: (value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>, onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>): Dexie.Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>;
catch(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => T | PromiseLike<T>) | undefined | null): Dexie.Promise<T>;
catch<TResult>(onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>): Dexie.Promise<T | TResult>;
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "Promise";
// Extended methods provided by Dexie.Promise:
* Catch errors where error => error.name === errorName. Other errors will remain uncaught.
* @param errorName Name of the type of error to catch such as 'RangeError', 'TypeError', 'DatabaseClosedError', etc.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch<TResult>(errorName: string, onrejected: (reason: Error) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>): Dexie.Promise<T | TResult>;
* Catch errors where error => error.name === errorName. Other errors will remain uncaught.
* @param errorName Name of the type of error to catch such as 'RangeError', 'TypeError', 'DatabaseClosedError', etc.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch(errorName: string, onrejected: (reason: Error) => T | PromiseLike<T>): Dexie.Promise<T>;
* Catch errors where error => error instanceof errorConstructor. Other errors will remain uncaught.
* @param errorConstructor Type of error to catch such as RangeError, TypeError, etc.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch<TResult,TError>(errorConstructor: {new():TError}, onrejected: (reason: TError) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>): Dexie.Promise<T | TResult>;
* Catch errors where error => error instanceof errorConstructor. Other errors will remain uncaught.
* @param errorConstructor Type of error to catch such as RangeError, TypeError, etc.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch<TError>(errorConstructor: {new():TError}, onrejected: (reason: TError) => T | PromiseLike<T>): Dexie.Promise<T>;
* Attaches a callback to be executed when promise is settled no matter if it was rejected
* or resolved.
* @param onFinally The callback to execute when promise is settled.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
finally(onFinally: () => void): Dexie.Promise<T>;
* Apply a timeout limit for the promise. If timeout is reached before promise is settled,
* the returned promise will reject with an Error object where name='TimeoutError'.
* @param milliseconds Number of milliseconds for the timeout.
* @returns A Promise that will resolve or reject identically to current Promise, but if timeout is reached,
* it will reject with TimeoutError.
timeout(milliseconds: number): Dexie.Promise<T>;
interface DexiePromiseConstructor {
// From lib.es6.d.ts:
all<TAll>(values: Iterable<TAll | PromiseLike<TAll>>): Dexie.Promise<TAll[]>;
race<T>(values: Iterable<T | PromiseLike<T>>): Dexie.Promise<T>;
readonly prototype: Dexie.Promise<any>;
new <T>(executor: (resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void): Dexie.Promise<T>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>, T4 | PromiseLike <T4>, T5 | PromiseLike<T5>, T6 | PromiseLike<T6>, T7 | PromiseLike<T7>, T8 | PromiseLike<T8>, T9 | PromiseLike<T9>, T10 | PromiseLike<T10>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>, T4 | PromiseLike <T4>, T5 | PromiseLike<T5>, T6 | PromiseLike<T6>, T7 | PromiseLike<T7>, T8 | PromiseLike<T8>, T9 | PromiseLike<T9>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>, T4 | PromiseLike <T4>, T5 | PromiseLike<T5>, T6 | PromiseLike<T6>, T7 | PromiseLike<T7>, T8 | PromiseLike<T8>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>, T4 | PromiseLike <T4>, T5 | PromiseLike<T5>, T6 | PromiseLike<T6>, T7 | PromiseLike<T7>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>, T4 | PromiseLike <T4>, T5 | PromiseLike<T5>, T6 | PromiseLike<T6>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>, T4 | PromiseLike <T4>, T5 | PromiseLike<T5>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]>;
all<T1, T2, T3, T4>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>, T4 | PromiseLike <T4>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3, T4]>;
all<T1, T2, T3>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>, T3 | PromiseLike<T3>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2, T3]>;
all<T1, T2>(values: [T1 | PromiseLike<T1>, T2 | PromiseLike<T2>]): Dexie.Promise<[T1, T2]>;
all<T>(values: (T | PromiseLike<T>)[]): Dexie.Promise<T[]>;
reject(reason: any): Dexie.Promise<never>;
reject<T>(reason: any): Dexie.Promise<T>;
resolve<T>(value: T | PromiseLike<T>): Dexie.Promise<T>;
resolve(): Dexie.Promise<void>;
var Promise: DexiePromiseConstructor;
interface Version {
stores(schema: { [key: string]: string | null }): Version;
upgrade(fn: (trans: Transaction) => void): Version;
interface Transaction {
active: boolean;
db: Dexie;
mode: string;
idbtrans: IDBTransaction;
tables: { [type: string]: Table<any, any> };
storeNames: Array<string>;
on: TransactionEvents;
abort(): void;
table(tableName: string): Table<any, any>;
table<T>(tableName: string): Table<T, any>;
table<T, Key>(tableName: string): Table<T, Key>;
interface DexieEvent {
subscribers: Function[];
fire(...args:any[]): any;
subscribe(fn: (...args:any[]) => any): void;
unsubscribe(fn: (...args:any[]) => any): void;
interface DexieErrorEvent {
subscribe(fn: (error: any) => any): void;
unsubscribe(fn: (error: any) => any): void;
fire(error: any): any;
interface DexieVersionChangeEvent {
subscribe(fn: (event: IDBVersionChangeEvent) => any): void;
unsubscribe(fn: (event: IDBVersionChangeEvent) => any): void;
fire(event: IDBVersionChangeEvent): any;
interface DexieOnReadyEvent {
subscribe(fn: () => any, bSticky: boolean): void;
unsubscribe(fn: () => any): void;
fire(): any;
interface DexieEventSet {
(eventName: string): DexieEvent; // To be able to unsubscribe.
addEventType (
eventName: string,
chainFunction?: (f1:Function,f2:Function)=>Function,
defaultFunction?: Function):Dexie.DexieEvent;
addEventType (
events: {[eventName:string]: ('asap' | [(f1:Function,f2:Function)=>Function, Function])})
: Dexie.DexieEvent;
interface DbEvents extends DexieEventSet {
(eventName: 'ready', subscriber: () => any, bSticky?: boolean): void;
(eventName: 'populate', subscriber: () => any): void;
(eventName: 'blocked', subscriber: () => any): void;
(eventName: 'versionchange', subscriber: (event: IDBVersionChangeEvent) => any): void;
ready: Dexie.DexieOnReadyEvent;
populate: Dexie.DexieEvent;
blocked: Dexie.DexieEvent;
versionchange: Dexie.DexieVersionChangeEvent;
interface CreatingHookContext<T,Key> {
onsuccess?: (primKey: Key) => void;
onerror?: (err: any) => void;
interface UpdatingHookContext<T,Key> {
onsuccess?: (updatedObj: T) => void;
onerror?: (err: any) => void;
interface DeletingHookContext<T,Key> {
onsuccess?: () => void;
onerror?: (err: any) => void;
interface TableHooks<T,Key> extends DexieEventSet {
(eventName: 'creating', subscriber: (this: CreatingHookContext<T,Key>, primKey:Key, obj:T, transaction:Transaction) => any): void;
(eventName: 'reading', subscriber: (obj:T) => T | any): void;
(eventName: 'updating', subscriber: (this: UpdatingHookContext<T,Key>, modifications:Object, primKey:Key, obj:T, transaction:Transaction) => any): void;
(eventName: 'deleting', subscriber: (this: DeletingHookContext<T,Key>, primKey:Key, obj:T, transaction:Transaction) => any): void;
creating: DexieEvent;
reading: DexieEvent;
updating: DexieEvent;
deleting: DexieEvent;
interface TransactionEvents extends DexieEventSet {
(eventName: 'complete', subscriber: () => any): void;
(eventName: 'abort', subscriber: () => any): void;
(eventName: 'error', subscriber: (error:any) => any): void;
complete: DexieEvent;
abort: DexieEvent;
error: DexieEvent;
interface Table<T, Key> {
name: string;
schema: TableSchema;
hook: TableHooks<T, Key>;
get(key: Key): Promise<T | undefined>;
get<R>(key: Key, thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<T | undefined,R>): Promise<R>;
get(equalityCriterias: {[key:string]:IndexableType}): Promise<T | undefined>;
get<R>(equalityCriterias: {[key:string]:IndexableType}, thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<T | undefined, R>): Promise<R>;
where(index: string | string[]): WhereClause<T, Key>;
where(equalityCriterias: {[key:string]:IndexableType}): Collection<T, Key>;
filter(fn: (obj: T) => boolean): Collection<T, Key>;
count(): Promise<number>;
count<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<number, R>): Promise<R>;
offset(n: number): Collection<T, Key>;
limit(n: number): Collection<T, Key>;
each(callback: (obj: T, cursor: {key: IndexableType, primaryKey: Key}) => any): Promise<void>;
toArray(): Promise<Array<T>>;
toArray<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<T[], R>): Promise<R>;
toCollection(): Collection<T, Key>;
orderBy(index: string | string[]): Collection<T, Key>;
reverse(): Collection<T, Key>;
mapToClass(constructor: Function): Function;
add(item: T, key?: Key): Promise<Key>;
update(key: Key, changes: { [keyPath: string]: any }): Promise<number>;
put(item: T, key?: Key): Promise<Key>;
delete(key: Key): Promise<void>;
clear(): Promise<void>;
bulkAdd(items: T[], keys?: IndexableTypeArrayReadonly): Promise<Key>;
bulkPut(items: T[], keys?: IndexableTypeArrayReadonly): Promise<Key>;
bulkDelete(keys: IndexableTypeArrayReadonly) : Promise<void>;
interface WhereClause<T, Key> {
above(key: IndexableType): Collection<T, Key>;
aboveOrEqual(key: IndexableType): Collection<T, Key>;
anyOf(keys: IndexableTypeArrayReadonly): Collection<T, Key>;
anyOf(...keys: IndexableTypeArray): Collection<T, Key>;
anyOfIgnoreCase(keys: string[]): Collection<T, Key>;
anyOfIgnoreCase(...keys: string[]): Collection<T, Key>;
below(key: IndexableType): Collection<T, Key>;
belowOrEqual(key: IndexableType): Collection<T, Key>;
between(lower: IndexableType, upper: IndexableType, includeLower?: boolean, includeUpper?: boolean): Collection<T, Key>;
equals(key: IndexableType): Collection<T, Key>;
equalsIgnoreCase(key: string): Collection<T, Key>;
inAnyRange(ranges: Array<IndexableTypeArrayReadonly>): Collection<T, Key>;
startsWith(key: string): Collection<T, Key>;
startsWithAnyOf(prefixes: string[]): Collection<T, Key>;
startsWithAnyOf(...prefixes: string[]): Collection<T, Key>;
startsWithIgnoreCase(key: string): Collection<T, Key>;
startsWithAnyOfIgnoreCase(prefixes: string[]): Collection<T, Key>;
startsWithAnyOfIgnoreCase(...prefixes: string[]): Collection<T, Key>;
noneOf(keys: Array<IndexableType>): Collection<T, Key>;
notEqual(key: IndexableType): Collection<T, Key>;
interface Collection<T, Key> {
and(filter: (x: T) => boolean): Collection<T, Key>;
clone(props?: Object): Collection<T, Key>;
count(): Promise<number>;
count<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<number, R>): Promise<R>;
distinct(): Collection<T, Key>;
each(callback: (obj: T, cursor: {key: IndexableType, primaryKey: Key}) => any): Promise<void>;
eachKey(callback: (key: IndexableType, cursor: {key: IndexableType, primaryKey: Key}) => any): Promise<void>;
eachPrimaryKey(callback: (key: Key, cursor: {key: IndexableType, primaryKey: Key}) => any): Promise<void>;
eachUniqueKey(callback: (key: IndexableType, cursor: {key: IndexableType, primaryKey: Key}) => any): Promise<void>;
filter(filter: (x: T) => boolean): Collection<T, Key>;
first(): Promise<T | undefined>;
first<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<T | undefined, R>): Promise<R>;
keys(): Promise<IndexableTypeArray>;
keys<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<IndexableTypeArray, R>): Promise<R>;
primaryKeys(): Promise<Key[]>;
primaryKeys<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<Key[], R>): Promise<R>;
last(): Promise<T | undefined>;
last<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<T | undefined, R>): Promise<R>;
limit(n: number): Collection<T, Key>;
offset(n: number): Collection<T, Key>;
or(indexOrPrimayKey: string): WhereClause<T, Key>;
raw(): Collection<T, Key>;
reverse(): Collection<T, Key>;
sortBy(keyPath: string): Promise<T[]>;
sortBy<R>(keyPath: string, thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<T[], R>) : Promise<R>;
toArray(): Promise<Array<T>>;
toArray<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<T[], R>) : Promise<R>;
uniqueKeys(): Promise<IndexableTypeArray>;
uniqueKeys<R>(thenShortcut: ThenShortcut<IndexableTypeArray, R>): Promise<R>;
until(filter: (value: T) => boolean, includeStopEntry?: boolean): Collection<T, Key>;
// Mutating methods
delete(): Promise<number>;
modify(changeCallback: (obj: T, ctx:{value: T}) => void): Promise<number>;
modify(changes: { [keyPath: string]: any } ): Promise<number>;
interface TableSchema {
name: string;
primKey: IndexSpec;
indexes: IndexSpec[];
mappedClass: Function;
interface IndexSpec {
name: string;
keyPath: string | Array<string>;
unique: boolean;
multi: boolean;
auto: boolean;
compound: boolean;
src: string;
// Make it possible to touch physical classes as they are
var TableSchema: new()=>TableSchema,
IndexSpec: new()=>IndexSpec,
Events: any; // Too complex to define correctly right now.
// errnames - handy spellcheck in switch (error.name) {} cases.
var errnames: {
// Error names generated by indexedDB:
Unknown: 'UnknownError';
Constraint: 'ConstraintError';
Data: 'DataError';
TransactionInactive: 'TransactionInactiveError';
ReadOnly: 'ReadOnlyError';
Version: 'VersionError';
NotFound: 'NotFoundError';
InvalidState: 'InvalidStateError';
InvalidAccess: 'InvalidAccessError';
Abort: 'AbortError';
Timeout: 'TimeoutError';
QuotaExceeded: 'QuotaExceededError';
Syntax: 'SyntaxError';
DataClone: 'DataCloneError';
// Dexie-specific error names:
Modify: 'ModifyError';
OpenFailed: 'OpenFailedError';
VersionChange: 'VersionChangeError';
Schema: 'SchemaError';
Upgrade: 'UpgradeError';
InvalidTable: 'InvalidTableError';
MissingAPI: 'MissingAPIError';
NoSuchDatabase: 'NoSuchDatabaseError';
InvalidArgument: 'InvalidArgumentError';
SubTransaction: 'Error';
Unsupported: 'UnsupportedError';
Internal: 'InternalError';
DatabaseClosed: 'DatabaseClosedError';
class DexieError extends Error {
name: string;
message: string;
stack: string;
inner: any;
constructor (name?:string, message?:string);
toString(): string;
class ModifyError extends DexieError{
constructor (msg?:string, failures?: any[], successCount?: number, failedKeys?: IndexableTypeArrayReadonly);
failures: Array<any>;
failedKeys: IndexableTypeArrayReadonly;
successCount: number;
class BulkError extends DexieError{
constructor (msg?:string, failures?: any[]);
failures: Array<any>;
class OpenFailedError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object);constructor (inner: Object);}
class VersionChangeError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class SchemaError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class UpgradeError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class InvalidTableError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class MissingAPIError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class NoSuchDatabaseError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class InvalidArgumentError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class SubTransactionError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class UnsupportedError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class InternalError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class DatabaseClosedError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class UnknownError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class ConstraintError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class DataError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class TransactionInactiveError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class ReadOnlyError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class VersionError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class NotFoundError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class InvalidStateError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class InvalidAccessError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class AbortError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class TimeoutError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class QuotaExceededError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class SyntaxError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
class DataCloneError extends DexieError {constructor (msg?: string, inner?: Object); constructor (inner: Object);}
export default Dexie;