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2023-11-20 21:52:04 +01:00
.. _tester_module:
.. index:: Testing
The ``tester`` module
Casper ships with a ``tester`` module and a ``Tester`` class providing an API for unit & functional testing purpose. By default you can access an instance of this class through the ``test`` property of any ``Casper`` class instance.
.. note::
The best way to learn how to use the Tester API and see it in action is probably to have a look at `CasperJS' own test suites <https://github.com/casperjs/casperjs/blob/master/tests/suites/>`_.
The ``Tester`` prototype
**Signature:** ``assert(Boolean condition[, String message])``
Asserts that the provided condition strictly resolves to a boolean ``true``::
casper.test.assert(true, "true's true");
casper.test.assert(!false, "truth is out");
.. seealso:: `assertNot()`_
.. index:: DOM
**Signature:** ``assertDoesntExist(String selector[, String message])``
Asserts that an element matching the provided :ref:`selector expression <selectors>` doesn't exists within the remote DOM environment::
casper.test.begin('assertDoesntExist() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start().then(function() {
this.setContent('<div class="heaven"></div>');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertExists()`_
**Signature:** ``assertEquals(mixed testValue, mixed expected[, String message])``
Asserts that two values are strictly equivalent::
casper.test.begin('assertEquals() tests', 3, function(test) {
test.assertEquals(1 + 1, 2);
test.assertEquals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
test.assertEquals({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2});
.. seealso:: `assertNotEquals()`_
.. index:: evaluate
**Signature:** ``assertEval(Function fn[, String message, Mixed arguments])``
Asserts that a :ref:`code evaluation in remote DOM <casper_evaluate>` strictly resolves to a boolean ``true``::
casper.test.begin('assertEval() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start().then(function() {
this.setContent('<div class="heaven">beer</div>');
test.assertEval(function() {
return __utils__.findOne('.heaven').textContent === 'beer';
}).run(function() {
**Signature:** ``assertEvalEquals(Function fn, mixed expected[, String message, Mixed arguments])``
Asserts that the result of a :ref:`code evaluation in remote DOM <casper_evaluate>` strictly equals to the expected value::
casper.test.begin('assertEvalEquals() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start().then(function() {
this.setContent('<div class="heaven">beer</div>');
test.assertEvalEquals(function() {
return __utils__.findOne('.heaven').textContent;
}, 'beer');
}).run(function() {
.. _tester_assertelementcount:
**Signature:** ``assertElementCount(String selector, Number count[, String message])``
Asserts that a :ref:`selector expression <selectors>` matches a given number of elements::
casper.test.begin('assertElementCount() tests', 3, function(test) {
casper.start().then(function() {
this.page.content = '<ul><li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></ul>';
test.assertElementCount('ul', 1);
test.assertElementCount('li', 3);
test.assertElementCount('address', 0);
}).run(function() {
.. index:: DOM
**Signature:** ``assertExists(String selector[, String message])``
Asserts that an element matching the provided :ref:`selector expression <selectors>` exists in remote DOM environment::
casper.test.begin('assertExists() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start().then(function() {
this.setContent('<div class="heaven">beer</div>');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertDoesntExist()`_
.. index:: falsiness
**Signature:** ``assertFalsy(Mixed subject[, String message])``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Asserts that a given subject is `falsy <http://11heavens.com/falsy-and-truthy-in-javascript>`_.
.. seealso:: `assertTruthy()`_
.. index:: Form
**Signature:** ``assertField(String|Object input, String expected[, String message, Object options])``
Asserts that a given form field has the provided value with input name or :ref:`selector expression <selectors>`::
casper.test.begin('assertField() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
this.fill('form[name="gs"]', { q: 'plop' }, false);
test.assertField('q', 'plop');
}).run(function() {
// Path usage with type 'css'
casper.test.begin('assertField() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
this.fill('form[name="gs"]', { q: 'plop' }, false);
test.assertField({type: 'css', path: '.q.foo'}, 'plop');
}).run(function() {
.. versionadded:: 1.0
This also works with any input type: ``select``, ``textarea``, etc.
.. versionadded:: 1.1
The `options` parameter allows to set the options to use with
:ref:`ClientUtils#getFieldValue() <clientutils_getfieldvalue>`.
`input` parameter introspects whether or not a `type` key is passed in with `xpath` or `css` and a property `path` specified along with it.
**Signature:** ``assertFieldName(String inputName, String expected[, String message, Object options])``
.. versionadded:: 1.1-beta3
Asserts that a given form field has the provided value::
casper.test.begin('assertFieldName() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
this.fill('form[name="gs"]', { q: 'plop' }, false);
test.assertFieldName('q', 'plop', 'did not plop', {formSelector: 'plopper'});
}).run(function() {
**Signature:** ``assertFieldCSS(String cssSelector, String expected, String message)``
.. versionadded:: 1.1
Asserts that a given form field has the provided value given a CSS selector::
casper.test.begin('assertFieldCSS() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
this.fill('form[name="gs"]', { q: 'plop' }, false);
test.assertFieldCSS('q', 'plop', 'did not plop', 'input.plop');
}).run(function() {
**Signature:** ``assertFieldXPath(String xpathSelector, String expected, String message)``
.. versionadded:: 1.1
Asserts that a given form field has the provided value given a XPath selector::
casper.test.begin('assertFieldXPath() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
this.fill('form[name="gs"]', { q: 'plop' }, false);
test.assertFieldXPath('q', 'plop', 'did not plop', '/html/body/form[0]/input[1]');
}).run(function() {
.. index:: HTTP, HTTP Status Code
**Signature:** ``assertHttpStatus(Number status[, String message])``
Asserts that current `HTTP status code <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html>`_ is the same as the one passed as argument::
casper.test.begin('casperjs.org is up and running', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://casperjs.org/', function() {
}).run(function() {
**Signature:** ``assertMatch(mixed subject, RegExp pattern[, String message])``
Asserts that a provided string matches a provided javascript ``RegExp`` pattern::
casper.test.assertMatch('Chuck Norris', /^chuck/i, 'Chuck Norris\' first name is Chuck');
.. seealso::
- `assertUrlMatch()`_
- `assertTitleMatch()`_
**Signature:** ``assertNot(mixed subject[, String message])``
Asserts that the passed subject resolves to some `falsy value <http://11heavens.com/falsy-and-truthy-in-javascript>`_::
casper.test.assertNot(false, "Universe is still operational");
.. seealso:: `assert()`_
**Signature:** ``assertNotEquals(mixed testValue, mixed expected[, String message])``
.. versionadded:: 0.6.7
Asserts that two values are **not** strictly equals::
casper.test.assertNotEquals(true, "true");
.. seealso:: `assertEquals()`_
**Signature:** ``assertNotVisible(String selector[, String message])``
Asserts that the element matching the provided :ref:`selector expression <selectors>` is not visible::
casper.test.begin('assertNotVisible() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start().then(function() {
this.setContent('<div class="foo" style="display:none>boo</div>');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso::
- `assertVisible()`_
- `assertAllVisible()`_
.. index:: error
**Signature:** ``assertRaises(Function fn, Array args[, String message])``
Asserts that the provided function called with the given parameters raises a javascript ``Error``::
casper.test.assertRaises(function(throwIt) {
if (throwIt) {
throw new Error('thrown');
}, [true], 'Error has been raised.');
casper.test.assertRaises(function(throwIt) {
if (throwIt) {
throw new Error('thrown');
}, [false], 'Error has been raised.'); // fails
**Signature:** ``assertSelectorDoesntHaveText(String selector, String text[, String message])``
Asserts that given text does not exist in all the elements matching the provided :ref:`selector expression <selectors>`::
casper.test.begin('assertSelectorDoesntHaveText() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://google.com/', function() {
test.assertSelectorDoesntHaveText('title', 'Yahoo!');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertSelectorHasText()`_
.. index:: selector, DOM
**Signature:** ``assertSelectorHasText(String selector, String text[, String message])``
Asserts that given text exists in elements matching the provided :ref:`selector expression <selectors>`::
casper.test.begin('assertSelectorHasText() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://google.com/', function() {
test.assertSelectorHasText('title', 'Google');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertSelectorDoesntHaveText()`_
.. index:: HTTP
**Signature:** ``assertResourceExists(Function testFx[, String message])``
The ``testFx`` function is executed against all loaded assets and the test passes when at least one resource matches::
casper.test.begin('assertResourceExists() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
test.assertResourceExists(function(resource) {
return resource.url.match('logo3w.png');
}).run(function() {
casper.test.begin('assertResourceExists() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
}).run(function() {
.. hint::
Check the documentation for :ref:`Casper.resourceExists() <casper_resourceexists>`.
**Signature:** ``assertTextExists(String expected[, String message])``
Asserts that body **plain text content** contains the given string::
casper.test.begin('assertTextExists() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
test.assertTextExists('google', 'page body contains "google"');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertTextDoesntExist()`_
**Signature:** ``assertTextDoesntExist(String unexpected[, String message])``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Asserts that body **plain text content** doesn't contain the given string::
casper.test.begin('assertTextDoesntExist() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
test.assertTextDoesntExist('bing', 'page body does not contain "bing"');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertTextExists()`_
**Signature:** ``assertTitle(String expected[, String message])``
Asserts that title of the remote page equals to the expected one::
casper.test.begin('assertTitle() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
test.assertTitle('Google', 'google.fr has the correct title');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertTitleMatch()`_
**Signature:** ``assertTitleMatch(RegExp pattern[, String message])``
Asserts that title of the remote page matches the provided RegExp pattern::
casper.test.begin('assertTitleMatch() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
test.assertTitleMatch(/Google/, 'google.fr has a quite predictable title');
}).run(function() {
.. seealso:: `assertTitle()`_
.. index:: truthiness
**Signature:** ``assertTruthy(Mixed subject[, String message])``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Asserts that a given subject is `truthy <http://11heavens.com/falsy-and-truthy-in-javascript>`_.
.. seealso:: `assertFalsy()`_
.. index:: Type
**Signature:** ``assertType(mixed input, String type[, String message])``
Asserts that the provided input is of the given type::
casper.test.begin('assertType() tests', 1, function suite(test) {
test.assertType(42, "number", "Okay, 42 is a number");
test.assertType([1, 2, 3], "array", "We can test for arrays too!");
.. note:: Type names are always expressed in lower case.
.. index:: InstanceOf
**Signature:** ``assertInstanceOf(mixed input, Function constructor[, String message])``
.. versionadded:: 1.1
Asserts that the provided input is of the given constructor::
function Cow() {
this.moo = function moo() {
return 'moo!';
casper.test.begin('assertInstanceOf() tests', 2, function suite(test) {
var daisy = new Cow();
test.assertInstanceOf(daisy, Cow, "Ok, daisy is a cow.");
test.assertInstanceOf(["moo", "boo"], Array, "We can test for arrays too!");
.. index:: URL
**Signature:** ``assertUrlMatch(Regexp pattern[, String message])``
Asserts that the current page url matches the provided RegExp pattern::
casper.test.begin('assertUrlMatch() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
test.assertUrlMatch(/^http:\/\//, 'google.fr is served in http://');
}).run(function() {
.. index:: DOM
**Signature:** ``assertVisible(String selector[, String message])``
Asserts that at least one element matching the provided :ref:`selector expression <selectors>` is visible::
casper.test.begin('assertVisible() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
}).run(function() {
.. seealso::
- `assertAllVisible()`_
- `assertNotVisible()`_
.. index:: DOM
**Signature:** ``assertAllVisible(String selector[, String message])``
Asserts that all elements matching the provided :ref:`selector expression <selectors>` are visible::
casper.test.begin('assertAllVisible() tests', 1, function(test) {
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
}).run(function() {
.. seealso::
- `assertVisible()`_
- `assertNotVisible()`_
.. _tester_begin:
.. index:: Test suite, planned tests, Asynchronicity, Termination
- ``begin(String description, Number planned, Function suite)``
- ``begin(String description, Function suite)``
- ``begin(String description, Number planned, Object config)``
- ``begin(String description, Object config)``
.. versionadded:: 1.1
Starts a suite of ``<planned>`` tests (if defined). The ``suite`` callback will get the current ``Tester`` instance as its first argument::
function Cow() {
this.mowed = false;
this.moo = function moo() {
this.mowed = true; // mootable state: don't do that
return 'moo!';
// unit style synchronous test case
casper.test.begin('Cow can moo', 2, function suite(test) {
var cow = new Cow();
test.assertEquals(cow.moo(), 'moo!');
.. note::
The ``planned`` argument is especially useful in case a given test script is abruptly interrupted leaving you with no obvious way to know it and an erroneously successful status.
A more asynchronous example::
casper.test.begin('Casperjs.org is navigable', 2, function suite(test) {
casper.start('http://casperjs.org/', function() {
casper.then(function() {
casper.run(function() {
.. important::
`done()`_ **must** be called in order to terminate the suite. This is specially important when doing asynchronous tests so ensure it's called when everything has actually been performed.
.. seealso:: `done()`_
.. _tester_begin_configuration:
``Tester#begin()`` also accepts a test configuration object, so you can add ``setUp()`` and ``tearDown()`` methods::
// cow-test.js
casper.test.begin('Cow can moo', 2, {
setUp: function(test) {
this.cow = new Cow();
tearDown: function(test) {
test: function(test) {
test.assertEquals(this.cow.moo(), 'moo!');
.. index:: Colors
**Signature:** ``colorize(String message, String style)``
Render a colorized output. Basically a proxy method for ``Casper.Colorizer#colorize()``.
**Signature:** ``comment(String message)``
Writes a comment-style formatted message to stdout::
casper.test.comment("Hi, I'm a comment");
.. _tester_done:
.. index:: Test suite, Asynchronicity, Termination, done()
**Signature:** ``done()``
.. versionchanged:: 1.1 ``planned`` parameter is deprecated
Flag a test suite started with `begin()`_ as processed::
casper.test.begin('my test suite', 2, function(test) {
More asynchronously::
casper.test.begin('Casperjs.org is navigable', 2, function suite(test) {
casper.start('http://casperjs.org/', function() {
casper.then(function() {
casper.run(function() {
.. seealso:: `begin()`_
**Signature:** ``error(String message)``
Writes an error-style formatted message to stdout::
casper.test.error("Hi, I'm an error");
.. index:: Test failure
**Signature:** ``fail(String message [, Object option])``
Adds a failed test entry to the stack::
casper.test.fail("Georges W. Bush");
casper.test.fail("Here goes a really long and expressive message", {name:'shortfacts'});
.. seealso:: `pass()`_
**Signature:** ``formatMessage(String message, String style)``
Formats a message to highlight some parts of it. Only used internally by the tester.
**Signature:** ``getFailures()``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. deprecated:: 1.1
Retrieves failures for current test suite::
casper.test.assertEquals(true, false);
That will give something like this:
.. code-block:: text
$ casperjs test test-getFailures.js
Test file: test-getFailures.js
FAIL Subject equals the expected value
# type: assertEquals
# subject: true
# expected: false
"length": 1,
"cases": [
"success": false,
"type": "assertEquals",
"standard": "Subject equals the expected value",
"file": "test-getFailures.js",
"values": {
"subject": true,
"expected": false
FAIL 1 tests executed, 0 passed, 1 failed.
Details for the 1 failed test:
In c.js:0
assertEquals: Subject equals the expected value
.. note::
In CasperJS 1.1, you can recorded test failures by listening to the tester ``fail`` event::
var failures = [];
casper.test.on("fail", function(failure) {
**Signature:** ``getPasses()``
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. deprecated:: 1.1
Retrieves a report for successful test cases in the current test suite::
casper.test.assertEquals(true, true);
That will give something like this::
$ casperjs test test-getPasses.js
Test file: test-getPasses.js
PASS Subject equals the expected value
"length": 1,
"cases": [
"success": true,
"type": "assertEquals",
"standard": "Subject equals the expected value",
"file": "test-getPasses.js",
"values": {
"subject": true,
"expected": true
PASS 1 tests executed, 1 passed, 0 failed.
.. note::
In CasperJS 1.1, you can recorded test successes by listening to the tester ``success`` event::
var successes = [];
casper.test.on("success", function(success) {
**Signature:** ``info(String message)``
Writes an info-style formatted message to stdout::
casper.test.info("Hi, I'm an informative message.");
.. index:: Test success
**Signature:** ``pass(String message)``
Adds a successful test entry to the stack::
casper.test.pass("Barrack Obama");
.. seealso:: `fail()`_
**Signature:** ``renderResults(Boolean exit, Number status, String save)``
Render test results, save results in an XUnit formatted file, and optionally exits phantomjs::
casper.test.renderResults(true, 0, 'test-results.xml');
.. note::
This method is not to be called when using the ``casperjs test`` command (see documentation for :doc:`testing <../testing>`), where it's done automatically for you.
**Signature:** ``setUp([Function fn])``
Defines a function which will be executed before every test defined using `begin()`_::
casper.test.setUp(function() {
casper.start().userAgent('Mosaic 0.1');
To perform asynchronous operations, use the ``done`` argument::
casper.test.setUp(function(done) {
casper.start('http://foo').then(function() {
// ...
.. warning::
Don't specify the ``done`` argument if you don't intend to use the method asynchronously.
.. seealso:: `tearDown()`_
**Signature:** ``skip(Number nb, String message)``
Skips a given number of planned tests::
casper.test.begin('Skip tests', 4, function(test) {
test.assert(true, 'First test executed');
test.assert(true, 'Second test executed');
test.skip(2, 'Two tests skipped');
**Signature:** ``tearDown([Function fn])``
Defines a function which will be executed after every test defined using `begin()`_::
casper.test.tearDown(function() {
casper.echo('See ya');
To perform asynchronous operations, use the ``done`` argument::
casper.test.tearDown(function(done) {
casper.start('http://foo/goodbye').then(function() {
// ...
.. warning::
Don't specify the ``done`` argument if you don't intend to use the method asynchronously.
.. seealso:: `setUp()`_