2016-11-29 01:18:17 +01:00

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<title>SoundManager 2: JavaScript Sound For The Web</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Play sound from JavaScript including MP3, MPEG-4 and HTML5-supported audio formats with SoundManager 2, a cross-browser/platform sound API. BSD licensed."/>
<meta name="keywords" content="javascript sound, html5 audio, html5 sound, javascript audio, javascript play mp3, javascript sound control, mp3, mp4, mpeg4, aac, Scott Schiller, Schill, Schillmania"/>
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<h1>A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 Audio.</h1>
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<strong><a href="#home">Home</a></strong>
<a href="#">Demos</a>
<li><a href="demo/template/">Basic Template</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/api/">API Examples</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/play-mp3-links/">Playable MP3 links</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/mp3-player-button/" class="exclude">Basic MP3 Play Button</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/page-player/">Muxtape-style UI</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/360-player/">360&deg; Player UI</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/mpc/">Drum Machine (MPC)</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/animation/">DOM/Animation Demos</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/flashblock/">FlashBlock Handling</a></li>
<a href="doc/getstarted/">Getting Started</a>
<li><a href="doc/getstarted/#how-sm2-works">How SoundManager 2 works</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/getstarted/#basic-inclusion">Including SM2 on your site</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/getstarted/#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
<a href="doc/">Documentation</a>
<li><a href="doc/#sm-config">SoundManager Properties</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/#sound-object-properties">Sound Object Properties</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/#smdefaults">Global Sound Defaults</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/#api">SoundManager Core API</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/#smsoundmethods">Sound Object (SMSound) API</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/generated/script/soundmanager2.html">Generated Documentation</a></li>
<a href="doc/download/">Download</a>
<li><a href="doc/download/#latest">Get SoundManager 2</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/download/#revision-history">Revision History</a></li>
<a href="doc/technotes/">Technical Notes</a>
<li><a href="doc/technotes/#requirements">System Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/technotes/#debug-output">Debug + Console Output</a></li>
<a href="doc/resources/">Resources</a>
<li><a href="doc/resources/#licensing">Licensing</a></li>
<li><a href="doc/resources/#related">Related Projects</a></li>
<li><a href="">SM2 support / discussion</a></li>
<li><a href="">Contact Info @</a></li>
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<img src="demo/_image/soundmanager2-speaker.png" alt="SoundManager 2 speaker logo" class="ie6sucks" />
<h2 class="special">SoundManager 2 makes it easier to play audio using JavaScript.</h2>
<p style="line-height:2em">
Using HTML5 and Flash, SoundManager 2 provides reliable cross-platform audio under a single JavaScript API.&nbsp; <a href="doc/download/" title="Download SoundManager 2" class="feature" style="font-family:helvetica;font-weight:bold;margin:0px;white-space:nowrap">Get SoundManager 2</a>
<hr />
<div class="threeup first">
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<h3>Speak and <b style="white-space:nowrap">be heard<span class="music-note icon"></span></b></h3>
<h4>More sound, <b>in more places</b></h4>
<p>Despite being one of the senses, sound has largely been missing from the web due to inconsistent technology support. SoundManager 2 bridges this gap, making it easier to use audio across a growing variety of devices and platforms, both desktop and mobile.</p>
<p><a href="#getting-started" class="cta">Getting started</a> is pretty easy, too.</p>
<p>A few live examples:</p>
<div id="sm2-support" class="demo-block">
<!-- "oh snap", SM2 didn't load etc. messaging -->
<div style="position:relative;*zoom:1;min-width:275px">
<div id="special-demo-left" class="sm2-inline-list">
<div class="ui360">
<a href="demo/_mp3/office_lobby.mp3" class="norewrite exclude button-exclude inline-exclude">Office lobby sound</a>
<div class="ui360" style="float:left;display:inline">
<a href="demo/_mp3/mak.mp3" title="360 demo: Angry Cow Sound" class="norewrite exclude button-exclude inline-exclude">Random</a>
<div class="ui360" style="float:left;display:inline">
<a href="" title="360 Demo: Water Drop" class="exclude button-exclude inline-exclude">Water Drop</a>
<div class="demo-more-abs" style="margin-right:1.5em">
<a href="demo/360-player/" title="360&deg; UI player demo" class="cta">360&deg; UI <span>&raquo;</span></a>
<div id="special-demo-right">
<a href="demo/_mp3/coins.mp3" title="Play &quot;Change&quot;" class="sm2_button exclude inline-exclude norewrite">coins.mp3</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="demo/christmas-lights/sound/glass0.mp3" class="sm2_button exclude inline-exclude norewrite" title="Play &quot;Glass break 1&quot;">glass0.mp3</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="demo/christmas-lights/sound/glass1.mp3" class="sm2_button exclude inline-exclude threesixty-exclude norewrite" title="Play &quot;Glass break 2&quot;">glass1.mp3</a>
<div class="demo-more-abs">
<a href="demo/mp3-player-button/" title="MP3 buttons demo" class="cta">mp3 buttons <span>&raquo;</span></a>
<div class="column">
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<h3>HTML5 + flash <b style="white-space:nowrap">hybrid<span class="package icon"></span></b></h3>
<h4>Complexity, <b>reduced</b></h4>
<p>Supporting HTML5 audio can be tedious in modern browsers, let alone legacy ones. With real-world visitors using browsers ranging from mobile Safari to IE 6 across a wide range of devices, there can be many support cases to consider.</p>
<p>SoundManager 2 gives you a single, powerful API that supports both new and old, using HTML5 audio where supported and optional Flash-based fallback where needed. Ideally when using SoundManager 2, audio "just works."</p>
<div class="icons">
<li class="desktop" title="Desktop support: Windows, Mac OS, Linux">Desktop support: Windows, Mac OS, Linux</li>
<li class="laptop" title="Laptop/tablet support: Windows, Mac OS, Linux / Blackberry Playbook, Kindle Fire + other HTML5/Flash devices">Laptop/tablet support: Windows, Mac OS, Linux / Blackberry Playbook, Kindle Fire + other HTML5/Flash devices</li>
<li class="iphone" title="iPhone support: iPhone with iOS 4.0 and newer">iPhone support: iOS 4.0 and newer</li>
<li class="ipad" title="iPad support: Version 1.0 (iOS 3.2) and newer">iPad support: Version 1.0 (iOS 3.2) and newer</li>
<li class="android" title="Android OS supporting HTML5 and/or Flash (Version 2.3 or newer)">Android OS supporting HTML5 and/or Flash (Version 2.3 or newer)</li>
The details: <a href="doc/getstarted/#intro" class="cta" style="text-align:right">how it works <span>&raquo;</span></a>
<div class="column">
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<h3 style="cursor:help" title="Gzip-compressed file size on a typical set-up is 11 KB. And was it supposed to be the &quot;Swiss Army&quot; kind? I forget.">The ginsu knife: <b style="white-space:nowrap">11 KB<span style="color:#999">*</span><span class="performance icon"></span></b></h3>
<h4>Big&nbsp;features, <b>small footprint</b></h4>
<p><em>But wait, there's more!</em></p>
<p>Performance is an important metric, too. SoundManager 2 packs a comprehensive, feature-rich API into as little as <a href="doc/getstarted/#basic-inclusion" title="SoundManager 2: Build options (down to ~11 KB in size)" style="white-space:nowrap" class="cta">11 KB</a> over the wire when optimized; that's less than 8% of the original, uncompressed file size.</p>
<p>The source code is BSD-licensed and is provided in fully-commented, non-debug and compiler-optimized "minified" versions appropriate for development and production use.</p>
<p class="sidenote">* Gzip-compressed file size on a typical set-up is 11 KB. And was it supposed to be the <i>Swiss Army</i> kind? I forget.</p>
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<h4>Playable <b>links and playlists</b></h4>
<p>These demos use unordered lists with MP3 links that play in-place; the UI is easily customized via CSS.</p>
<ul class="graphic">
<li><a href="demo/_mp3/rain.mp3" class="exclude">Rain</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/_mp3/walking.mp3" class="exclude">Walking</a></li>
<!-- files from the web (note that ID3 information will *not* load from remote domains without permission, Flash restriction) -->
<li><a href="" title="Rain on car roof (AAC)" class="exclude">Rain On Car Roof <span class="sidenote">(AAC)</span></a></li>
<div class="demo-more" style="text-align:right;white-space:normal">
<a href="demo/play-mp3-links/" title="&quot;Play MP3 Links&quot; demo" class="cta">play MP3 links <span>&raquo;</span></a>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<p>A richer playlist theme with optional time, seekable progress bar and a VU meter where supported:</p>
<ul id="inline-playlist" class="playlist">
<li><a href=" - Armstrong.mp3" class="button-exclude inline-exclude threesixty-exclude">Armstrong Beat</a></li>
<li><a href=" - Untitled Groove.mp3" class="button-exclude inline-exclude threesixty-exclude">Untitled Groove</a></li>
<li><a href="" title="48 kbps MPEG4 High-Efficiency AAC test sound: BC Quail" class="button-exclude inline-exclude threesixty-exclude">BC Quail <span class="sidenote">(HE-AAC)</span></a></li>
<li><a href=";%20Goblins%20Reconstructed.ogg" title="Ghosts + Goblins Reconstructed: OGG sound format, requires HTML5 Audio() support to play" class="muxtape-html5 button-exclude inline-exclude threesixty-exclude">Ghosts+Goblins Reconstructed <span class="sidenote">(OGG)</span></a></li>
<li><a href="" title="WAV sound format, requires HTML5 Audio() support to play" class="muxtape-html5 button-exclude inline-exclude threesixty-exclude">A corked beer bottle <span class="sidenote">(WAV)</span></a></li>
<div class="demo-more">
<a href="demo/page-player/" title="Muxtape-style UI demo" class="cta">muxtape-style UI <span>&raquo;</span></a>
<div class="column">
<div class="column-wrapper">
<h4>Data <b>visualization features</b></h4>
<p>The 360&deg; player UI demo uses &lt;canvas&gt; and includes options for waveform and spectrum analysis data via Flash 9, adding beautiful visual feedback to the interface.</p>
<p style="font-size:92%;text-align:left;color:#666;white-space:normal"><em>Seven Or Eight Days</em> courtesy of <a href="" title="Adrian Glynn, Vancouver, Canadian singer/songwriter" class="cta">Adrian Glynn</a>, from&nbsp;the album <em>Bruise</em>. For more, see the <a href="" title="Adrian Glynn: &quot;Seven Or Eight Days&quot; video" rel="nofollow" class="cta">music video</a>.</p>
<div id="inline-demos">
<h4 id="inline-demo-header">Inline demos using SoundManager 2</h4>
<div id="sm2-visualization" class="sm2-inline-list">
<div class="ui360 ui360-vis">
<a href="" class="exclude button-exclude inline-exclude" style="position:absolute;color:#333">Adrian Glynn - Seven Or Eight Days</a>
<div class="demo-more" style="width:256px;margin:0.5em auto 0px auto;clear:both">
<a href="demo/360-player/canvas-visualization.html" title="360&deg; UI: JavaScript + Canvas Visualization" class="cta">360&deg; + spectrum UI <span>&raquo;</span></a>
<div class="column">
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<h4>Advanced <b>prototypes</b></h4>
<p>The Cassette Tape UI is a skinnable player based on the TDK MA-R90 cassette tape, a classic design from 1982.</p>
<a href="demo/cassette-tape/" title="Cassette Tape UI (Prototype Demo)"><img src="demo/_image/cassette-tape-ui-screenshot.jpg" alt="Cassette Tape UI Prototype Screenshot" style="max-width:506px;min-width:100%;width:100%;border-radius:12px" /></a>
<p style="margin:0.5em 0px 0px 0px;padding:0px;font-size:92%;text-align:left;color:#666;margin-bottom:0.5em;white-space:normal">Remember Type IV, Metal &amp; Chromium/CrO2? <a href="" title="Cassette Tape TV ads from Japan, 1979-1989 (YouTube)" class="cta">Those were the days</a>.</p>
<p>The "Wheels Of Steel" started as a simple CSS prototype, and evolved to replicate most of the UI and functionality of a traditional DJ set-up. Pitch bending, scratch and EQ effects are present where supported.</p>
<p style="margin:0px 0px 0.5em 0px;padding:0px;text-align:center" class="bonus-demo"><a href="" title="The Wheels Of Steel: Online turntable / browser-based DJ prototype" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;background:#fff"><img src="demo/_image/wheelsofsteel-full-ui.jpg" alt=" Online turntable demo (screenshot)" style="display:block;width:100%;min-width:100%;max-width:315px;margin-left:-4px;border:none" /></a></p>
<p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font-size:92%;text-align:left;color:#666;margin-bottom:0.5em;white-space:normal">The <a href="" title="The Wheels Of Steel: Online turntable / browser-based DJ prototype" class="cta">Wheels Of Steel</a>, a browser-based DJ turntable prototype. For the tech details, read <a href="" title="The making of 'The Wheels Of Steel': An Ode To Turntables (in HTML)" class="cta">An Ode To Turntables (in HTML.)</a></p>
<div id="how-to" class="twoup">
<div class="column">
<div id="getting-started" class="column-wrapper">
<h3>Getting <b>started</b></h3>
<h4>Basic SoundManager 2 set-up</h4>
<p>Including the script, configuring the <code>url</code> and registering an <code>onready()</code> callback:</p>
<pre class="block"><code>&lt;script src="soundmanager2.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
<span><span>// where to find flash audio SWFs, as needed</span></span>
url: '<span>/path/to/swf-files/</span>',
onready: function() {
<span><span>// SM2 is ready to play audio!</span></span>
<p>Upon execution of soundmanager2.js, SM2 will determine what Flash SWF to load (if any) based on the path defined in <code>soundManager.url</code>.</p>
<p>After successful initialization, <code>soundManager.onready()</code> will fire and sounds can be played.</p>
<p>By default, SM2 uses a Flash 8-based SWF build. Some <a href="#flash9-features" title="SoundManager 2: Flash 9 API-based features" class="cta">additional features</a> are available when using the Flash 9-based build.</p>
<p>For a live example, see the <a href="demo/template/" class="cta">basic template demo</a>.</p>
<div class="column">
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<h3>Playing <b>audio</b></h3>
<h4>Basic playback control</h4>
<p>Once <code>soundManager.onready()</code> has fired, sounds can be loaded and played.</p>
<h4>Creating and playing a sound object</h4>
<pre class="block"><code><span><span>// create "mySound"...</span></span>
id: '<span>mySound</span>',
url: '<span>/path/to/an.mp3</span>'
<span><span>// ...and play it</span></span>'<span>mySound</span>');
<p>Additional options and events can be specified when loading and playing sounds. For more examples of playback features, see <a href="demo/api/" class="cta">API Demos</a>.</p>
<div class="twoup">
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<div class="column-wrapper">
<h4>Additional <b>demos</b></h4>
Examples using multi-track playback, progress and combinations of sound and animation:
<ul class="bonus-demos">
<p class="smaller"><strong>SURVIVOR remake</strong></p>
<a href="" style="display:inline-block" title="SURVIVOR (1982 Commodore 64 game remake)"><img src="demo/_image/survivor-screenshot.png" alt="SURVIVOR (C64 game remake) demo screenshot" style="display:block;width:100%;max-width:200px" /></a>
<p class="smaller"><strong>MPC (Drum Machine)</strong></p>
<a href="demo/mpc/" style="display:inline-block" title="MPC (sampler/drum machine) demo"><img src="demo/_image/mpc-screenshot.png" alt="MPC (drum machine) demo screenshot" style="display:block;width:100%;max-width:200px" /></a>
<p class="smaller"><strong>Christmas Lights</strong></p>
<a href="demo/christmas-lights/" style="display:inline-block" title="Smashable Christmas Lights demo"><img src="demo/_image/christmas-lights.jpg" alt="Smash Christmas Lights demo" style="display:block;width:100%;max-width:200px;border-radius:7px" /></a>
<h4 style="clear:left;padding-top:1em">"Audio sprites" (sound segments / samples) demo</h4>
<p>With sound playback options like <code>from</code> and <code>to</code>, you can play portions of a larger, single-file "sprite" of many sounds.</p>
<p class="bonus-demo clear">
<a href="demo/api/#fitter-happier" title="&quot;Fitter, Happier&quot; sound sample demo"><img src="demo/_image/fitter-happier-waveform.jpg" alt="&quot;Fitter, Happier&quot; waveform screenshot" style="width:100%;max-width:562px" /></a>
For more live examples, see the <a href="demo/api/" title="SoundManager 2 API demos" class="cta">API Demos</a>.
<div class="column">
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<h4>As heard on <b><span class="scratched-out">TV</span> the internets</b></h4>
<p>A few nifty places SoundManager 2 has been seen in use on the Wild World Web:</p>
<div class="inthewild active">
<ul class="inthewild">
<a id="soundcloud" href="" title="Soundcloud / The Cloud Player"><span>SoundCloud / The Cloud Player</span></a>
<a id="lastfm" href="" title=""><span></span></a>
<a id="pitchfork" href="" title="Pitchfork"><span>Pitchfork</span></a>
<a id="opera" href="" title="Opera Software ASA (Media Player component)"><span>Opera Software ASA</span></a>
<a id="eight-tracks" href="" title="8tracks"><span>8tracks</span></a>
<a id="discogs" href="" title="Discogs"><span>Discogs</span></a>
<a id="hypem" href="" title="The Hype Machine"><span>The Hype Machine</span></a>
<a id="nyancat" href="" title="NON-STOP NYAN CAT!"><span>NON-STOP NYAN CAT!</span></a>
<a id="turntable-dot-fm" href="" title=""><span></span></a>
<a id="audiogalaxy" href="" title="Audiogalaxy"><span>Audiogalaxy</span></a>
<a id="freesound" href="" title=""><span></span></a>
<a id="baroque-me" href="" title="Alexander Chen's &quot;;"><span></span></a>
<h4 style="padding-top:1em">Articles and presentations</h4>
<p>Some other words, pictures and video on the subject of HTML5 and web audio:</p>
<ul class="standard">
<li>Video, 02/2012: <a href="" title="Scott Schiller: Web Audio: HTML5 + Flash (in a tree)" class="cta">Web Audio: HTML5 + Flash (in a tree)</a> (<a href="" title="&quot;Web Audio: HTML5 + Flash (in a tree)&quot; presentation slides" class="cta">slides</a>.) Updated HTML5 content, demos and <a href="" title="SURVIVOR: Remaking a Commodore 64 game in HTML" class="cta">SURVIVOR</a> C64 game demo.</li>
<li>Video presentation: <a href="" title="Scott Schiller: &quot;Adding Sound To HTML&quot;" class="cta">Adding Sound To HTML</a> (<a href="" title="&quot;Adding Sound To HTML&quot; presentation slides" class="cta">slides</a>) (12/2011)</li>
<li>Video: <a href="" title="Yahoo!/YUI Blog, video presentation: Scott Schiller on the State of HTML5 Audio" class="cta">Probably, Maybe, No: The State of HTML5 Audio</a> + turntable demo (05/2011)</li>
<li> article, <a href="" title="Probably, Maybe, No: The State Of HTML5 Audio (" class="cta">The State Of HTML5 Audio</a> (12/2010)</li>
<h4 style="padding-top:1em">Credits and thank-yous</h4>
<ul class="standard">
<li>Icons: Desktop / mobile / iOS device iconography via <a href="" class="cta"></a> (<a href="" title="Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported" class="cta">CC</a>). Tile background: "<a href="" class="cta">Tiny Grid</a>". Homepage header typeface: <a href="" class="cta">Chunk (Five)</a> by Meredith Mandel (<a href=";id=OFL&amp;_sc=1" title="SIL Open Font License (OFL)" class="cta">OFL</a>).</li>
<li>Music: <em>Seven Or Eight Days</em> courtesy of <a href="" title="Adrian Glynn, Vancouver-based Singer/Songwriter" class="cta">Adrian Glynn</a>. <em>Graffiti Sex</em> courtesy of <a href="" title="The Fugitives, multi-instrumentalists from Vancouver" class="cta">The Fugitives</a>, from the album <em>In Streetlight Communion</em>. <em>I Tried</em> and <em>People Asking</em> courtesy of <a href="" title="The Lightyear Mixtape from SonReal, Vancouver-based hip-hop artist" class="cta">SonReal</a>.</li>
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<h3>Download <b>the code</b></h3>
<a href="doc/download/" class="feature">Get SoundManager 2</a>
<div class="threeup">
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<div class="column-wrapper">
<h3>Technical <b>overview</b></h3>
<h4>HTML5 audio + optional Flash fallback</h4>
<ul id="html5-audio-notes" class="standard">
<li>100% Flash-free audio on iPad, iPhone (iOS4) and other HTML5-enabled devices + browsers</li>
<li>Invisible Flash SWF provides HTML5 fallback as needed</li>
<li>API is consistent whether using HTML5 or Flash</li>
<li>See <a href="doc/#soundmanager-usehtml5audio" title="soundManager.useHTML5Audio HTML5 Audio() support feature documentation" class="cta">useHTML5Audio</a> for implementation details</li>
<div class="column">
<div class="column-wrapper"> <!-- spaced-out -->
<h3>API <b>specifics</b></h3>
<h4>Basic API features (HTML5, Flash 8*)</h4>
<ul class="standard">
<li>Load, stop, play, pause, mute, seek, pan*, volume control from JavaScript</li>
<li>Events: <code>onload()</code>, <code>whileloading()</code>, <code>whileplaying()</code>, <code>onfinish()</code> and more</li>
<li>ID3V1 + ID3V2 tag support for MP3s (title, artist, genre etc.)*</li>
<br />
<h4 id="flash9-features">Additional Flash 9-based API features</h4>
<ul class="standard">
<li>RTMP / Flash Media Server streaming support (experimental) - see <a href="doc/#smsound-serverurl" title="SMSound.serverURL parameter" class="cta">serverURL</a></li>
<li>MPEG-4 (AAC, HE-AAC, H.264) audio support</li>
<li>"MultiShot" play (layered/chorusing effects)</li>
<li>Waveform/frequency spectrum data</li>
<li>Peak (L/R channel volume) data</li>
<li>Audio buffering state/event handling</li>
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<h3>Everything <b>else</b></h3>
<h4>Documentation, tools and demos</h4>
<ul class="standard">
<li>Extensive <a href="doc/" title="SoundManager 2 documentation" class="cta">API Documentation</a> with examples and notes</li>
<li>Built-in <a href="doc/technotes/#debug-output" title="SoundManager 2 console.log()-style debug output" class="cta">debugging</a> and <a href="doc/getstarted/#troubleshooting" title="SoundManager 2 troubleshooting tool" class="cta">troubleshooting tools</a></li>
<li>Community-based <a href="" title="discussion/support for SoundManager 2 on Get Satisfaction" class="cta">discussion/support</a></li>
<li id="licensing"><a href="license.txt" title="SoundManager 2 BSD license" class="cta norewrite">BSD licensed</a></li>
<br />
<h4 class="home-shopping-network">Not only do you get the ginsu knife...</h4>
<p style="font-size:92%">Even more demos and examples using the SoundManager 2 API...</p>
<ul class="standard">
<li><a href="demo/play-mp3-links/" title="Links to MP3 files that play inline" class="cta">Playable MP3 links</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/mpc/" title="MPC sampler/drum machine demo" class="cta">MPC sampler/drum machine</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/animation-1/" title="Bouncing ball animation with sound effects" class="cta">Basic animation + sound</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/christmas-lights/" title="Smashable christmas lights demo (animation and sound)" class="cta">Smashable christmas lights</a></li>
<li><a href="demo/api/" title="See the code, click the button, watch it run: Live API demos using test sounds" class="cta">Live API + code examples</a></li>
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