/** * Christmas Light Smashfest * * Adapted from XLSF 2007 as originally used on http://schillmania.com/?theme=2007&christmas=1 * Requires YUI3 library - http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ */ (function() { var YUI_SEED_URL = 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.8.0/build/yui/yui-min.js'; function initChristmasLights() { YUI().use('anim', function(Y) { function XLSF(oTarget) { var writeDebug = soundManager._wD; writeDebug('XLSF()'); var IS_MOON_COMPUTER = false; var isIE = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i); var isTouchDevice = navigator.userAgent.match(/ipad|ipod|iphone|android/i); var self = this; var xlsf = self; var useAngle = window.location.href.match(/angle/i); var useFollow = window.location.toString().match(/follow/i); var classBase = 'xlsf-light' + (useAngle ? ' xlsf-angled' : ''); var animDuration = 1; var lastMouseX = 0; var lastMouseY = 0; var mmhTimer = null; var activeLights = []; var testDiv = document.createElement('div'); var offset = 0; var transforms = { ie: (typeof testDiv.style['-ms-transform'] !== 'undefined' ? '-ms-transform' : null), moz: (typeof testDiv.style.MozTransform !== 'undefined' ? 'MozTransform' : null), opera: (typeof testDiv.style['OTransform'] !== 'undefined' ? 'OTransform' : null), webkit: (typeof testDiv.style.webkitTransform !== 'undefined' ? 'webkitTransform' : null), prop: null } transforms.prop = (transforms.moz || transforms.webkit || transforms.ie || transforms.opera); this.oFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.oExplosionTarget = document.getElementById('explosion-box'); if (!this.oExplosionTarget) { this.oExplosionTarget = document.createElement('div'); this.oExplosionTarget.id = 'explosion-box'; document.body.appendChild(this.oExplosionTarget); } this.oTarget = (oTarget ? oTarget : document.documentElement); this.oExplosionBox = document.createElement('div'); this.oExplosionBox.className = 'xlsf-fragment-box'; this.oExplosionFrag = document.createElement('div'); this.oExplosionFrag.className = 'xlsf-fragment'; this.lights = []; this.lightClasses = { pico: 32, tiny: 50, small: 64, medium: 72, large: 96 } this.lightClass = (window.XLSF_LIGHT_CLASS || 'tiny'); // kind of light to show (32px to 96px square) if (window.location.href.match(/size=/i)) { this.lightClass = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf('size=') + 5); if (this.lightClass.indexOf('#') !== -1) { this.lightClass = this.lightClass.substr(0, this.lightClass.indexOf('#')); } } this.lightXY = this.lightClasses[this.lightClass]; // shortcut to w/h function rnd(n) { return parseInt(Math.random() * n); } function plusMinus(n) { return (parseInt(rnd(2), 10) === 1 ? n * -1 : n); } this.lightGroups = { left: [], top: [], right: [], bottom: [] } this.lightSmashCounter = 0; this.lightIndex = 0; this.lightInterval = 500; this.timer = null; this.bgBaseX = 0; this.bgBaseY = 0; this.soundIDs = 0; this.soundPan = { panValue: 75, left: 0, mid: 481, right: 962 } this.initSounds = function() { if (!soundManager.supported()) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { soundManager.createSound({ id: 'smash' + i, url: (window.XLSF_URL_BASE || '') + 'sound/glass' + i + '.mp3', autoLoad: true, multiShot: true, volume: 25 }); } self.initSounds = function() {} // safety net } this.appendLights = function() { writeDebug('xlsf.appendLights()'); self.oTarget.appendChild(self.oFrag); // self.oFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); } function ExplosionFragment(nType, sClass, x, y, vX, vY) { var self = this; this.o = xlsf.oExplosionFrag.cloneNode(true); this.nType = nType; this.sClass = sClass; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = 50; this.h = 50; this.bgBaseX = 0; this.bgBaseY = this.h * this.nType; this.vX = vX * (1.5 + Math.random()); this.vY = vY * (1.5 + Math.random()); this.oA = null; this.oA2 = null; this.burstPhase = 1; // starting background offset point this.burstPhases = 4; // 1+offset (ignore large size) this.animDuration = 1; // how long the animations run for this.o.style.backgroundPosition = ((this.w * -this.burstPhase) + 'px ' + (this.h * -nType) + 'px'); // boundary checks if (self.sClass == 'left') { this.vX = Math.abs(this.vX); } else if (self.sClass == 'right') { this.vX = Math.abs(this.vX) * -1; } this.burstTween = function() { // determine frame to show based on animation's progress vs. its total time (and don't allow overflow, in the event animation runs long.) var phase = 1 + (Math.floor(Math.min(self.animDuration, (this.get('elapsedTime') / 1000)) * self.burstPhases)); if (phase != self.burstPhase) { self.burstPhase = phase; self.o.style.backgroundPosition = ((self.w * -self.burstPhase) + 'px ' + (self.h * -nType) + 'px'); } } this.burst = function() { self.oA = new Y.Anim({ node: Y.one(self.o), to: { marginLeft: (self.vX * (5 + Math.random() * 10)), marginTop: (self.vY * (5 + Math.random() * 10)) }, duration: animDuration, easing: Y.Easing.easeOutStrong }); self.oA.on('tween', self.burstTween); self.oA.on('end', self.hide); self.oA.run(); } this.hide = function() { if (!isIE) self.o.style.opacity = 0; } this.reset = function() { self.o.style.left = '0px'; self.o.style.top = '0px'; self.o.style.marginLeft = '0px'; self.o.style.marginTop = '0px'; if (!isIE) self.o.style.opacity = 1; } this.animate = function() { self.reset(); self.burst(); } } function Explosion(nType, sClass, x, y) { var oParent = this; var self = this; this.o = null; this.nType = nType; this.sClass = sClass; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.boxVX = 0; this.boxVY = 0; this.o = xlsf.oExplosionBox.cloneNode(true); this.o.style.left = x + 'px'; this.o.style.top = y + 'px'; // this.oFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.fragments = []; var mX = x; var mY = y; var type = typeMap[nType + sClass]; var scale = 5 + Math.random() * 10; var shift = 2; this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, -rnd(scale), -rnd(scale))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, plusMinus(rnd(shift)), -rnd(scale))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, rnd(scale), -rnd(scale))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, -rnd(scale), plusMinus(rnd(shift)))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, plusMinus(rnd(shift)), plusMinus(rnd(shift)))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, rnd(scale), plusMinus(rnd(shift)))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, rnd(scale), -rnd(scale))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, rnd(scale), plusMinus(rnd(shift)))); this.fragments.push(new ExplosionFragment(type, sClass, mX, mY, rnd(scale), rnd(scale))); this.init = function() { for (var i = self.fragments.length; i--;) { self.o.appendChild(self.fragments[i].o); } if (!IS_MOON_COMPUTER) { // faster rendering, particles get cropped xlsf.oExplosionTarget.appendChild(self.o); } else { // slower rendering, can overlay body xlsf.oExplosionTarget.appendChild(self.o); } } this.reset = function() { // clean-up // self.o.parentNode.removeChild(self.o); self.o.style.display = 'none'; self.o.style.marginLeft = '0px'; self.o.style.marginTop = '0px'; self.o.style.left = self.x + 'px'; self.o.style.top = self.y + 'px'; if (!isIE) self.o.style.opacity = 1; for (var i = self.fragments.length; i--;) { self.fragments[i].reset(); } } this.trigger = function(boxVX, boxVY) { self.o.style.display = 'block'; self.boxVX = boxVX; self.boxVY = boxVY; // boundary checks if (self.sClass == 'right') { self.boxVX = Math.abs(self.boxVX) * -1; } else if (self.sClass == 'left') { self.boxVX = Math.abs(self.boxVX); } for (var i = self.fragments.length; i--;) { self.fragments[i].animate(); } if (!isIE && (IS_MOON_COMPUTER)) { var oAExplode = new Y.Anim({ node: Y.one(o), to: { marginLeft: 100 * self.boxVX, marginTop: 150 * self.boxVY, opacity: 0.01 }, duration: animDuration, easing: Y.Easing.easeInStrong }); } else { // even IE 7 sucks w/alpha-transparent PNG + CSS opacity. Boourns. var oAExplode = new Y.Anim({ node: Y.one(self.o), to: { marginLeft: 100 * self.boxVX, marginTop: 150 * self.boxVY }, duration: animDuration, easing: Y.Easing.easeInStrong }); } oAExplode.on('end', self.reset); oAExplode.run(); // setTimeout(self.reset,animDuration*1000*1.5); } this.init(); } function Light(sSizeClass, sClass, nType, x, y, row, col) { var self = this; this.o = document.createElement('div'); this.sClass = sClass; this.sSizeClass = sSizeClass; this.nType = (nType || 0); this.useY = (sClass == 'left' || sClass == 'right'); this.state = null; this.broken = 0; this.w = xlsf.lightClasses[sSizeClass]; this.h = xlsf.lightClasses[sSizeClass]; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.row = row; this.col = col; this.bg = (window.XLSF_URL_BASE || '') + 'image/bulbs-' + this.w + 'x' + this.h + '-' + this.sClass + '.png'; this.o.style.width = this.w + 'px'; this.o.style.height = this.h + 'px'; this.o.style.background = 'url(' + this.bg + ') no-repeat 0px 0px'; this.bgBaseX = (self.useY ? -self.w * this.nType : 0); this.bgBaseY = (!self.useY ? -self.h * this.nType : 0); this.glassType = parseInt(Math.random() * 6); // this.bonusSounds = ['griffin-laugh','bblaff','bblaff2']; // this.bonusSound = null; this.oExplosion = null; this.soundID = 'smash' + this.glassType; var panValue = xlsf.soundPan.panValue; // eg. +/- 80% this.pan = parseInt(this.x <= xlsf.soundPan.mid ? -panValue + ((this.x / xlsf.soundPan.mid) * panValue) : (this.x - xlsf.soundPan.mid) / (xlsf.soundPan.right - xlsf.soundPan.mid) * panValue); this.setBGPos = function(x, y) { self.o.style.backgroundPosition = ((self.bgBaseX + x) + 'px ' + (self.bgBaseY + y) + 'px'); } this.setLight = function(bOn) { if (self.broken || self.state == bOn) return false; if (!self.w || !self.h) self.getDimensions(); self.state = bOn; if (self.useY) { self.setBGPos(0, -this.h * (bOn ? 0 : 1)); } else { self.setBGPos(-this.w * (bOn ? 0 : 1), 0); } } this.getDimensions = function() { self.w = self.o.offsetWidth; self.h = self.o.offsetHeight; self.bgBaseX = (self.useY ? -self.w * self.nType : 0); self.bgBaseY = (!self.useY ? -self.h * self.nType : 0); } this.on = function() { self.setLight(1); } this.off = function() { self.setLight(0); } this.flickr = function() { self.setLight(Math.random() >= 0.5 ? 1 : 0); } this.toggle = function() { self.setLight(!self.state ? 1 : 0); } this.explode = function(e) { self.oExplosion.trigger(0, 1); // boooom! } this.smash = function(e) { if (self.broken) return false; self.broken = true; if (soundManager && soundManager.supported()) { soundManager.play(self.soundID, { pan: self.pan }); // soundManager.sounds[self.soundID].play({pan:self.pan}); // if (self.bonusSound != null) window.setTimeout(self.smashBonus,1000); } self.explode(e); var rndFrame = 2; // +parseInt(Math.random()*3); if (self.useY) { self.setBGPos(0, self.h * -rndFrame); } else { self.setBGPos(self.w * -rndFrame, 0); } if (!useFollow && !useAngle && transforms.prop) { self.o.style[transforms.prop] = 'rotate(' + Math.random() * plusMinus(20) + 'deg)'; } xlsf.lightSmashCounter++; for (var i = activeLights.length; i--;) { // find this in the active array, and take it out if (activeLights[i] === self) { activeLights.splice(i, 1); break; } } // xlsf.doNukeCheck(); // window.setTimeout(self.reset,3000); // respawn } this.smashBonus = function() { // soundManager.play(self.bonusSounds[self.bonusSound],urlBase+'sound/'+self.bonusSounds[self.bonusSound]+'.mp3'); } this.reset = function() { if (!self.broken) return false; self.broken = false; self.state = null; xlsf.lightSmashCounter--; // self.oExplosion.reset(); // may not be necessary self.flickr(); } this.init = function() { self.o.className = classBase + ' ' + this.sizeClass + ' ' + this.sClass; self.o.style.left = self.x + 'px'; self.o.style.top = self.y + 'px'; self.o.style.width = self.w + 'px'; self.o.style.height = self.h + 'px'; self.flickr(); xlsf.oFrag.appendChild(self.o); self.oExplosion = new Explosion(self.nType, self.sClass, self.x, self.y); } this.init(); } // Light() this.createLight = function(sClass, nType, x, y, row, col) { var oLight = new Light(self.lightClass, sClass, nType, x, y, row, col); activeLights.push(oLight); self.lightGroups[sClass].push(oLight); self.lights.push(oLight); return oLight; } this.rotateLights = function() { self.lights[self.lightIndex == self.lights.length ? self.lights.length - 1 : self.lightIndex].off(); self.lightIndex++; if (self.lightIndex == self.lights.length) { self.lightIndex = 0; } self.lights[self.lightIndex].on(); } this.randomLights = function() { self.lights[parseInt(Math.random() * self.lights.length)].toggle(); } this.destroyLights = function() { // reset counter self.lightSmashCounter = 0; self.startSequence(Math.random() > 0.75 ? self.destroyLight : self.destroyRandom, 33); } this.destroyRandom = function() { for (var i = 2; i--;) { if (activeLights.length) { activeLights[parseInt(Math.random() * activeLights.length)].smash(); } } } this.destroyLight = function() { var groupSize = 2; // # to smash at a time if (self.lightSmashCounter < self.lights.length) { var limit = Math.min(self.lightSmashCounter + groupSize, self.lights.length); var reverseLimit = Math.max(0, self.lights.length - self.lightSmashCounter - groupSize); for (var i = self.lightSmashCounter; i < limit; i++) { if (self.lights[self.lightSmashCounter]) { self.lights[self.lightSmashCounter].smash(); } self.lights[self.lights.length - self.lightSmashCounter].smash(); } } else { self.stopSequence(); } } this.uberSmash = function() { // make everything explode - including your CPU. self.stopSequence(); var ebCN = Y.D.getElementsByClassName; /* window.setTimeout(function(){self.smashGroup(self.lightGroups.left)},500); window.setTimeout(function(){self.smashGroup(self.lightGroups.right)},2000); window.setTimeout(function(){self.smashGroup(self.lightGroups.bottom)},4000); window.setTimeout(function(){self.smashGroup(self.lightGroups.top)},6000); */ window.setTimeout(function() { self.smashGroup(self.lightGroups.bottom) }, 500); window.setTimeout(function() { self.smashGroup(self.lightGroups.top) }, 3500); } this.smashGroup = function(oGroup) { for (var i = oGroup.length; i--;) { oGroup[i].smash(); } } this.startSequence = function(fSequence, nInterval) { if (self.timer) self.stopSequence(); self.timer = window.setInterval(fSequence, (typeof nInterval != 'undefined' ? nInterval : self.lightInterval)); } this.stopSequence = function() { if (self.timer) { window.clearInterval(self.timer); self.timer = null; } } var typeMaps = { 'tiny': { '0bottom': 0, '0top': 3, '1bottom': 1, '1top': 2, '2bottom': 2, '2top': 1, '3bottom': 3, '3top': 0 }, 'other': { '0bottom': 3, '0top': 3, '1bottom': 2, '1top': 2, '2bottom': 1, '2top': 1, '3bottom': 0, '3top': 0 } } var typeMap = typeMaps[(this.lightClass === 'tiny' ? 'tiny' : 'other')]; var i = 0; /* for (i=0; i<6; i++) { this.createLight('left',parseInt(Math.random()*4),-2,50+i*(self.lightXY*0.7)); this.createLight('right',parseInt(Math.random()*4),962,50+i*(self.lightXY*0.7)); } for (i=0; i<27; i++) { this.createLight('top',parseInt(Math.random()*4),20+i*(self.lightXY*0.7),23); this.createLight('bottom',parseInt(Math.random()*4),20+i*(self.lightXY*0.7),253); } */ var j = 0; if (window.innerWidth || window.innerHeight) { var screenX = window.innerWidth; // -(!isIE?24:2); var screenY = window.innerHeight; } else { var screenX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || document.body.scrollWidth); // -(!isIE?8:0); var screenY = (document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight || document.body.scrollHeight); } // hack for SM2 homepage if (document.body && document.body.className && document.body.className.match(/home/i)) { _id('lights').style.display = 'block'; // start lights to the right of

// offset = parseInt(document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].offsetWidth)+16; var jMax = Math.floor((screenX - offset - 16) / self.lightXY); var iMax = Math.floor((screenY - offset - 16) / self.lightXY); for (j = 0; j < jMax; j++) { this.createLight('top', j % 3, offset + j * self.lightXY, 0); // this.createLight('bottom',j%3,offset+j*self.lightXY,screenY-offset-offset+1); } if (typeof isFun != 'undefined') { for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { this.createLight('left', i % 3, 0, offset + i * self.lightXY); // this.createLight('right',i%3,screenX-offset-offset,offset+i*self.lightXY); } } } else { var jMax = Math.floor((screenX) / self.lightXY); var iMax = Math.floor((screenY - 12) / self.lightXY); for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { for (j = 0; j < jMax; j++) { this.createLight((i + 1) % 2 == 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top', i % 4, j * self.lightXY, i * self.lightXY, j, i); } } } /* var bsCounter = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { // plant a few random seeds.. er, sounds. self.lights[parseInt(Math.random()*self.lights.length)].bonusSound = bsCounter++; if (bsCounter>2) bsCounter = 0; // hack - loop through sounds } */ this.appendLights(); function followMouseMove(e) { if (!self.lights.length) { return false; } var x = lastMouseX; var y = lastMouseY; var x2 = null; var y2 = null; var angle = 0; var light = null; for (var i = self.lights.length; i--;) { light = self.lights[i]; if (light && !light.broken) { x2 = light.x; y2 = light.y; angle = Math.atan2((y - y2), (x - x2)) * (180 / Math.PI); if (light.col % 2 === 0) { angle += (270 * 180 / Math.PI); } if (transforms.prop) { light.o.style[transforms.prop] = 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)'; } } } mmhTimer = null; } function mouseOrTouchMove(e) { // coordinate -> row/col check, smashy smash var x, y, lightIndex; if (e.targetTouches) { if (e.targetTouches.length === 1) { x = e.targetTouches[0].clientX - offset; y = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; } } else { x = e.clientX - offset; y = e.clientY; } if (x < 0) { // ignore off-screen values. return; } lightCol = Math.floor((x / (self.lightClasses[self.lightClass] * jMax) * jMax)), lightRow = Math.floor((y / (self.lightClasses[self.lightClass] * iMax) * iMax)) lightIndex = (jMax * lightRow) + lightCol; if (self.lights[lightIndex]) { self.lights[lightIndex].smash(); } if (useFollow) { lastMouseX = x; lastMouseY = y; if (!mmhTimer) { mmhTimer = window.setTimeout(followMouseMove, 33); // try to be nice and throttle this call, which may be expensive } } } if (isTouchDevice) { document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { // ignore pinch-to-zoom, links and so forth. if (e.touches && e.touches.length === 1 && e.target && e.target.nodeName !== 'A') { document.addEventListener('touchmove', mouseOrTouchMove, false); document.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { document.removeEventListener('touchMove', mouseOrTouchMove); }); mouseOrTouchMove(e); // initial touch might be a smashy one, too e.preventDefault(); return false; } }, false); } else { // generic event handler if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseOrTouchMove, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent('onmousemove', mouseOrTouchMove); } } this.startSequence(self.randomLights); } // --- XLSF2007() var xlsf = null; function smashInit() { var loading = document.getElementById('loading'); xlsf = new XLSF(document.getElementById('lights')); window.xlsf = xlsf; // expose to global xlsf.initSounds(); if (loading) { loading.style.display = 'none'; } } window.smashInit = smashInit; // start in either case soundManager.onready(smashInit); soundManager.ontimeout(smashInit); }); } (function() { // script loader helper for YUI library // http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.4.1/build/yui/yui-min.js function loadScript(sURL, onLoad) { try { var loadScriptHandler = function() { var rs = this.readyState; if (rs == 'loaded' || rs == 'complete') { this.onreadystatechange = null; this.onload = null; if (onLoad) { window.setTimeout(onLoad, 20); } } } function scriptOnload() { this.onreadystatechange = null; this.onload = null; window.setTimeout(onLoad, 20); } var oS = document.createElement('script'); oS.type = 'text/javascript'; oS.setAttribute('async', true); if (onLoad) { oS.onreadystatechange = loadScriptHandler; oS.onload = scriptOnload; } oS.src = sURL; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(oS); } catch (e) { // oh well } } if (typeof window.YUI === 'undefined') { loadScript(YUI_SEED_URL, function() { initChristmasLights(); }); } }()); soundManager.setup({ url: '../../swf/', preferFlash: true, flashVersion: 9, useHighPerformance: true, wmode: 'transparent', debugMode: false }); }());