/* SoundManager 2 - project home utility JS */ var IS_CHRISTMAS = (document.domain.match(/schillmania.com/i) && new Date().getMonth() == 11) || window.location.toString().match(/christmas/i); function _id(sID) { return document.getElementById(sID); } getSoundByURL = function(sURL) { return (typeof self.soundsByURL[sURL] != 'undefined'?self.soundsByURL[sURL]:null); } function init() { var o = document.getElementById('main'); var el = o.getElementsByTagName('dt'); for (var i=el.length; i--;) { if ((i+1)%2==0) { utils.addClass(el[i],'alt'); } } var el = o.getElementsByTagName('dl'); for (var i=el.length; i--;) { if ((i+1)%2==0) { utils.addClass(el[i],'alt'); } } var newCSS; if (IS_CHRISTMAS) { // overflow-x: hidden hack for homepage during christmas light season (so explosion fragments don't cause horizontal scrollbars.) var newCSS = document.body.className.split(' '); newCSS.push('has-lights'); document.body.className = newCSS.join(' '); } } function Utils() { var self = this; this.hasClass = function(o,cStr) { return (typeof(o.className)!='undefined'?new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+cStr+'(\\s|$)').test(o.className):false); } this.addClass = function(o,cStr) { if (!o || !cStr) return false; // safety net if (self.hasClass(o,cStr)) return false; o.className = (o.className?o.className+' ':'')+cStr; } this.removeClass = function(o,cStr) { if (!o || !cStr) return false; // safety net if (!self.hasClass(o,cStr)) return false; o.className = o.className.replace(new RegExp('( '+cStr+')|('+cStr+')','g'),''); } this.toggleClass = function(o,cStr) { var m = (self.hasClass(o,cStr)?self.removeClass:self.addClass); m(o,cStr); } this.getElementsByClassName = function(className,tagNames,oParent) { var doc = (oParent||document); var matches = []; var i,j; var nodes = []; if (typeof(tagNames)!='undefined' && typeof(tagNames)!='string') { for (i=tagNames.length; i--;) { if (!nodes || !nodes[tagNames[i]]) { nodes[tagNames[i]] = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagNames[i]); } } } else if (tagNames) { nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagNames); } else { nodes = doc.all||doc.getElementsByTagName('*'); } if (typeof(tagNames)!='string') { for (i=tagNames.length; i--;) { for (j=nodes[tagNames[i]].length; j--;) { if (self.hasClass(nodes[tagNames[i]][j],className)) { matches[matches.length] = nodes[tagNames[i]][j]; } } } } else { for (i=0; i'+o.innerHTML+''; _id('search-results').style.display = 'block'; _id('filter-box').style.display = 'block'; if (isClear) { _id('filter-box').style.paddingBottom = '0px'; _id('filter-box').style.display = 'none'; } else { _id('filter-box').style.paddingBottom = '0px'; if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i)) { _id('filter-box').style.paddingBottom = Math.max(0,(document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.scrollY)-utils.getOffY(_id('filter-box'))-parseInt(_id('filter-box').offsetHeight)-20)+'px'; } _id('filter-box').style.display = 'block'; // if ((!document.documentElement.scrollTop && !window.scrollY)) _id('filter-box').style.display = 'none'; } if (lastSelected) { if (lastSelected == o) { utils.toggleClass(lastSelected,'active'); } else { utils.removeClass(lastSelected,'active'); utils.addClass(o,'active'); } } else { utils.addClass(o,'active'); } lastSelected = o; if (typeof e.preventDefault !== 'undefined') { e.preventDefault(); } // cancel bubble, too? return false; } } function getLiveData() { getDynamicData(); // reinvigorate.net is a handy (and free!) stats tracking service thingy. you should check it out. var is_live = (document.domain && document.domain.match(/schillmania.com/i) && typeof re_ != 'undefined'); loadScript('http://include.reinvigorate.net/re_.js'); setTimeout(function(){ if (typeof re_ != 'undefined') re_(is_live?'f6795-v062d0xv4u':'u8v2l-jvr8058c6n'); },3000); } function getDynamicData() { // Attempt to fetch data from schillmania.com: "Get Satisfaction" topics, version updates etc. loadScript('http://www.schillmania.com/services/soundmanager2/info/?version='+soundManager.versionNumber+'&rnd='+parseInt(Math.random()*1048576)); } function loadScript(sURL,onLoad) { var loadScriptHandler = function() { var rs = this.readyState; if (rs == 'loaded' || rs == 'complete') { this.onreadystatechange = null; this.onload = null; window.setTimeout(onLoad,20); } } function scriptOnload() { this.onreadystatechange = null; this.onload = null; window.setTimeout(onLoad,20); } var oS = document.createElement('script'); oS.type = 'text/javascript'; if (onLoad) { oS.onreadystatechange = loadScriptHandler; oS.onload = scriptOnload; } oS.src = sURL; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(oS); } function doAltShortcuts() { /* var o = _id('shortcuts-list'); if (!o) { return false; } var oParents = []; var oLIs = o.getElementsByTagName('li'); var isIgnore = null; var offset = 0; for (var i=0; i usePeakData: true, // [Flash 9 only] whether or not to show peak data (left/right channel values) - nor noticable on CPU useWaveformData: false,// [Flash 9 only] show raw waveform data - WARNING: LIKELY VERY CPU-HEAVY useEQData: false, // [Flash 9 only] show EQ (frequency spectrum) data useFavIcon: false // try to apply peakData to address bar (Firefox + Opera) - performance note: appears to make Firefox 3 do some temporary, heavy disk access/swapping/garbage collection at first(?) - may be too heavy on CPU } threeSixtyPlayer.config = { playNext: false, autoPlay: false, allowMultiple: true, loadRingColor: '#ccc', playRingColor: '#000', backgroundRingColor: '#eee', circleDiameter: 256, circleRadius: 128, scaleArcWidth: 1, animDuration: 500, animTransition: Animator.tx.bouncy, showHMSTime: true, useWaveformData: true, waveformDataColor: '#0099ff', waveformDataDownsample: 2, waveformDataOutside: false, waveformDataConstrain: false, waveformDataLineRatio: 0.73, useEQData: true, eqDataColor: '#339933', eqDataDownsample: 2, eqDataOutside: true, eqDataLineRatio: 0.69, usePeakData: true, peakDataColor: '#ff33ff', peakDataOutside: true, peakDataLineRatio: 0.5, useAmplifier: true } if (navigator.platform.match(/win32/i) && navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)) { // extra-special homepage case (you should never see this), prevent out-of-view SWF load failure WITH high performance AND flashblock AND SWF in a placed element soundManager.useHighPerformance = false; } function checkBadSafari() { var _ua = navigator.userAgent; if (!document.location.href.match(/sm2-usehtml5audio/i) && !window.location.toString().match(/sm2\-ignorebadua/i) && _ua.match(/safari/i) && !_ua.match(/chrome/i) && _ua.match(/OS X 10_6_([3-7])/i)) { // Safari 4 and 5 occasionally fail to load/play HTML5 audio on Snow Leopard due to bug(s) in QuickTime X and/or other underlying frameworks. :/ Known Apple "radar" bug. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32159 var complaint = document.createElement('li'); complaint.innerHTML = 'Note: Partial HTML5 in effect. Using Flash for MP3/MP4 formats (if available) for this browser/OS due to HTML5 audio load/play failures in Safari 4 + 5 on Snow Leopard 10.6.3 - 10.6.7 (purportedly fixed in OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7 "Lion.") Issue caused by bugs in QuickTime X and/or underlying frameworks. See bugs.webkit.org #32519. (Safari on iOS, Leopard and Windows OK, however.)

Try HTML5 anyway? (some MP3 playback may intermittently fail.)'; _id('html5-audio-notes').appendChild(complaint); } } soundManager.onready(function() { _id('sm2-support').style.display = 'none'; _id('sm2-support-warning').style.display = 'none'; if (soundManager.didFlashBlock) { soundManager.createSound({ id: 'success', url: 'demo/_mp3/mouseover.mp3' }).play(); } doChristmasLights(); // hat tip: Flash Detect library (BSD, (C) 2007) by Carl "DocYes" S. Yestrau - http://featureblend.com/javascript-flash-detection-library.html / http://featureblend.com/license.txt var _hasFlash; var hasPlugin = false, n = navigator, nP = n.plugins, obj, type, types, AX = window.ActiveXObject; if (nP && nP.length) { type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; types = n.mimeTypes; if (types && types[type] && types[type].enabledPlugin && types[type].enabledPlugin.description) { hasPlugin = true; } } else if (typeof AX !== 'undefined') { try { obj = new AX('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); } catch(e) { // oh well } hasPlugin = (!!obj); } _hasFlash = hasPlugin; // if using HTML5, show some additional format support info // written while watching The Big Lebowski for the Nth time. Donny, you're out of your element! var s = soundManager; if (s.useHTML5Audio && s.hasHTML5) { var liID = 'html5-support-li'; var oldLI = document.getElementById(liID); if (oldLI) { oldLI.parentNode.removeChild(oldLI); } var li = document.createElement('li'); li.id = liID; li.className = 'html5support'; var items = []; var needsFlash = false; for (item in s.audioFormats) { if (s.audioFormats.hasOwnProperty(item)) { needsFlash = (soundManager.filePattern.test('.' + item)); items.push('' + (s.html5[item] ? '<' : '') + item + (s.html5[item] ? '>' : '') + ''); } } li.innerHTML = [ 'This browser\'s <HTML5> vs. Flash support (best guess):

', items.join(''), '
', '', (soundManager.html5.mp3 || soundManager.html5.mp4 ? (_hasFlash && soundManager.preferFlash ? '(Preferring flash for MP3/MP4; try preferFlash=false for 100% HTML5 mode)' : (soundManager.html5Only ? '(SM2 is running in 100% HTML5 mode.)' : '  (Some flash required; allowing HTML5 to play MP3/MP4, as supported.)' + '

')) : '(Flash is required for this browser to play MP3/MP4.)'), '' ].join(''); _id('html5-audio-notes').appendChild(li); _id('without-html5').style.display = 'inline'; } else { _id('without-html5').style.display = 'none'; } checkBadSafari(); // check inline player / HTML 5 bits var items = utils.getElementsByClassName('muxtape-html5', 'a', _id('inline-playlist')); for (var i = 0, j = items.length; i < j; i++) { if (!soundManager.canPlayLink(items[i])) { items[i].className += ' not-supported'; items[i].title += '. \n\nNOTE: '+(soundManager.useHTML5Audio?'Format apparently not supported by this browser.':'SoundManager 2\'s HTML5 feature is not currently enabled. (Try turning it on, see +html5 link.)'); } } }); soundManager.ontimeout(function() { // failed to load if (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie 6/i)) { // we don't care. return false; } var o = _id('sm2-support'); var o2 = _id('sm2-support-warning'); var smLoadFailWarning = '

Oh snap!

' + (soundManager.hasHTML5 ? 'The flash portion of ' : '') + 'SoundManager 2 was unable to start. ' + (soundManager.useHTML5Audio ? (soundManager.hasHTML5 ? '

Some HTML5 audio support is present, but flash is needed for MP3/MP4 support on this page.' : '

No HTML5 support was found, so flash is required.') : '' ) + '

All links to audio will degrade gracefully.

If you have a flash blocker, try allowing the SWF to run - it may be visible below.

' + (soundManager.useAltURL ? 'Viewing offline? You may need to change a Flash security setting.' : 'Other possible causes: Missing .SWF, or no Flash?') + ' Not to worry, as guided help is provided.


'; var hatesFlash = (navigator.userAgent.match(/(ipad|iphone|ipod)/i)); if (soundManager.html5.mp3 && soundManager.html5.mp4) { // flash portion was blocked, but support exists. We'll "downgrade" to HTML5-only. soundManager._wD('Special homepage case: Flash appears to blocked, HTML5 support for MP3/MP4 exists; trying HTML5-only mode...'); soundManager.useHTML5Audio = true; soundManager.preferFlash = false; setTimeout(function() { soundManager.reboot(); soundManager.onready(function() { // for when things start up in HTML5-only mode... o.innerHTML = '

Support note

SoundManager 2 tried to start using HTML5 + Flash, but rebooted in HTML5-only mode as flash was blocked. Visualization demo features will not be shown in this mode. To enable flash, whitelist the blocked movie and reload this page.


Running offline? Flash may be blocked due to security restrictions; see troubleshooting for more.':'')+'

'; o.style.marginBottom = '1.5em'; o.style.display = 'block'; }); }, 1); return false; } o.innerHTML = smLoadFailWarning; o2.innerHTML = '

SoundManager 2 could not start. See below for details.

'; if (hatesFlash || soundManager.getMoviePercent()) { // movie loaded at least somewhat, so don't show flashblock things _id('flashblocker').style.display = 'none'; if (hatesFlash) { // none of that here. _id('flash-offline').style.display = 'none'; } } o.style.marginBottom = '1.5em'; o.style.display = 'block'; o2.style.display = 'inline-block'; }); } // side note: If it's not december but you want to smash things, try #christmas=1 in the homepage URL. // --------- /home JS ------------ function startStuff() { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i)) { document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].className = 'isSafari'; } doVersion(); ie6Sucks(); fixLinks(); getLiveData(); doAltShortcuts(); } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", startStuff, false); } else { window.onload = startStuff; }