msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SoundMap Theme\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-21 08:45+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-21 08:47+0100\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Audiolab\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;gettext;gettext_noop;_e\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Basque\n" "X-Poedit-Country: SPAIN\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" #: ../404.php:17 msgid "This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?" msgstr "Hau ez da sobera goxoa, ezta?" #: ../404.php:21 msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching, or one of the links below, can help." msgstr "Itxura batean, ezin dugu topatu bilaka zabiltzana. Beharbada bilaketa bat egitea lagungarriago izango zaizu." #: ../404.php:28 msgid "Most Used Categories" msgstr "Gehien erabilitako atalak" #: ../404.php:36 #, php-format msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s" msgstr "Saia zaitez hileroko artxiboetan bilatzen. %1$s" #: ../archive.php:32 #, php-format msgid "Daily Archives: %s" msgstr "Eguneroko artxiboak: %s" #: ../archive.php:34 #, php-format msgid "Monthly Archives: %s" msgstr "Hileroko artxiboak: %s" #: ../archive.php:36 #, php-format msgid "Yearly Archives: %s" msgstr "Urteroko artxiboak: %s" #: ../archive.php:38 msgid "Blog Archives" msgstr "Artxiboak" #: ../archive.php:65 #: ../author.php:74 #: ../category.php:50 msgid "Nothing Found" msgstr "Ez da ezer topatu" #: ../archive.php:69 #: ../author.php:78 msgid "Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post." msgstr "Barkatu, baina ez dugu ezer topatu eskatu duzun artxiboan. Beharbada bilaketa bat egiteak lagunduko dizu." #: ../author.php:28 #, php-format msgid "Author Archives: %s" msgstr "%s egilearen artxiboak" #: ../author.php:49 #, php-format msgid "About %s" msgstr " %s-i buruz" #: ../category.php:40 #, php-format msgid "Category Archives: %s" msgstr "%s ataleko artxiboa" #: ../category.php:54 msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords." msgstr "Sentitzen dugu, baina ez dugu zure bilaketari dagokion inolako sarrerarik topatu. Mesedez, saia zaitez berriz beste hitzak erabiliz." #: ../comments.php:17 msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments." msgstr "Esta entrada está protegida con contraseña. Introduce la contraseña para poder ver los comentarios." #: ../comments.php:40 #: ../comments.php:60 msgid "Comment navigation" msgstr "Navegación de comentarios" #: ../comments.php:41 #: ../comments.php:61 msgid "← Older Comments" msgstr "← Antiguos Comentarios" #: ../comments.php:42 #: ../comments.php:62 #, fuzzy msgid "Newer Comments →" msgstr "Hurrengoa →" #: ../comments.php:72 msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "" #: ../content-image.php:16 msgid "Image" msgstr "Irudia" #: ../content-image.php:21 #: ../content-image.php:64 #: ../content-link.php:22 #: ../content-status.php:21 #: ../content.php:30 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Erantzuna" #: ../content-image.php:27 #: ../content-link.php:33 #: ../content-status.php:34 #: ../content.php:41 msgid "Continue reading " msgstr "Jarraitu irakurtzen " #: ../content-image.php:28 #: ../content-link.php:34 #: ../content-status.php:35 #: ../content.php:42 msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Orrialdeak:" #: ../content-image.php:34 #, php-format msgid " by %6$s" msgstr " by %6$s" #: ../content-image.php:47 #: ../content-image.php:56 #: ../content.php:51 #: ../content.php:61 msgid ", " msgstr "," #: ../content-image.php:51 #: ../content.php:55 #, php-format msgid "Posted in %2$s" msgstr "Non argitaratua %2$s" #: ../content-image.php:59 #: ../content.php:67 #, php-format msgid "Tagged %2$s" msgstr "Etiketatua %2$s" #: ../content-image.php:64 msgid "1 Reply" msgstr "Erantzun 1 " #: ../content-image.php:64 msgid "% Replies" msgstr "% erantzun" #: ../content-image.php:68 #: ../content-link.php:44 #: ../content-single.php:63 #: ../content-status.php:45 #: ../content.php:80 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editatu" #: ../content-link.php:17 msgid "Link" msgstr "Lotura" #: ../content-link.php:42 #: ../content-status.php:43 #: ../content.php:77 msgid "Leave a reply" msgstr "Utzi erantzun bat" #: ../content-link.php:42 #: ../content-status.php:43 #: ../content.php:77 msgid "1 Reply" msgstr "Erantzun 1 " #: ../content-link.php:42 #: ../content-status.php:43 #: ../content.php:77 msgid "% Replies" msgstr "% erantzun" #: ../content-single.php:35 #, php-format msgid "

Author: %1$s
Date: %2$s

" msgstr "

Egilea: %1$s
Data: %2$s

" #: ../content-single.php:49 #: ../content-single.php:53 msgid " | " msgstr " | " #: ../content-single.php:54 #, php-format msgid "Categories: %1$s
Tags: %2$s
" msgstr "Atalak: %1$s
Etiketak: %2$s
" #: ../content-status.php:16 msgid "Status" msgstr "Egoera" #: ../content.php:16 msgid "Featured" msgstr "Ageri da" #: ../footer-box.php:6 msgid "Upload recording" msgstr "Gehitu grabaketa" #: ../footer-box.php:10 #: ../footer-single.php:26 msgid "A project of: " msgstr "Sustatzailea:" #: ../footer-box.php:12 msgid "With the support: " msgstr "Laguntzaileak:" #: ../footer-box.php:18 msgid "Made with the SoundMap Plugin" msgstr "SoundMap Plugin" #: ../footer-box.php:20 #: ../footer-single.php:33 #: ../footer-single.php:34 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../footer-box.php:20 #: ../footer-single.php:33 #: ../footer-single.php:34 #, php-format msgid "Proudly powered by %s" msgstr "%s-en oinarritua" #: ../footer-single.php:28 msgid "Colaborators: " msgstr "" #: ../functions.php:53 msgid "Primary Menu" msgstr "Oinarrizko menua" #: ../functions.php:127 msgid "Main Sidebar" msgstr "Alboko barra nagusia" #: ../functions.php:136 msgid "Secondary Sidebar" msgstr "Bigarren alboko barra" #: ../functions.php:138 msgid "An optional widget area for your site" msgstr "zure gunerako aukerazko widget lekua" #: ../functions.php:146 msgid "Footer Area " msgstr "Oinaren lekua" #: ../functions.php:148 #: ../functions.php:158 msgid "An optional widget area for your site footer" msgstr "zure gunerako oinarentzako aukerazko widget lekua" #: ../functions.php:156 msgid "Footer Area Three" msgstr "Oinaren lekua hiru" #: ../functions.php:211 #, php-format msgid "%s Theme Options" msgstr "%s Theme-aren aukerak" #: ../functions.php:242 #: ../functions.php:243 msgid "Theme Options" msgstr "Theme-aren aukerak" #: ../functions.php:273 msgid "Your blogroll" msgstr "" #: ../functions.php:274 msgid "Extended Links" msgstr "" #: ../functions.php:288 #: ../functions.php:331 msgid "All Links" msgstr "Lotura" #: ../functions.php:291 msgid "Links" msgstr "Lotura" #: ../functions.php:328 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Izenburua:" #: ../functions.php:329 msgid "Select Link Category" msgstr "" #: ../functions.php:342 msgid "Show Link Image" msgstr "" #: ../functions.php:344 msgid "Show Link Name" msgstr "" #: ../functions.php:346 msgid "Show Link Description" msgstr "" #: ../functions.php:348 msgid "Show Link Rating" msgstr "" #: ../header-search.php:25 #: ../header-single.php:25 #: ../header.php:25 #: ../index.php:25 msgid "SoundMap" msgstr "Soinuen Mapa" #: ../image.php:18 msgid "Image navigation" msgstr "irudien nabigazioa" #: ../image.php:19 msgid "← Previous" msgstr "← Aurrekoa" #: ../image.php:20 msgid "Next →" msgstr "Hurrengoa →" #: ../image.php:30 #, php-format msgid "Published %2$s at %4$s × %5$s in %7$s" msgstr "Argitaratua %2$s at %4$s × %5$s en %7$s" #: ../search.php:41 #: ../search_o.php:34 #, php-format msgid "Search Results for: %s" msgstr "Bilaketaren emaitza: %s" #: ../searchform.php:11 msgid "Search" msgstr "Bilatu" #: ../single.php:18 msgid "Post navigation" msgstr "Post nabigazioa" #: ../single.php:19 msgid " Previous" msgstr " Aurrekoa" #: ../single.php:20 msgid "Next " msgstr "Hurrengoa " #: ../tag.php:40 #, php-format msgid "Tag Archives: %s" msgstr "%s etiketadun artxiboak" #~ msgid "Author" #~ msgstr "Egilea" #~ msgid "Date" #~ msgstr "Data" #~ msgid "Tags" #~ msgstr "Orrialdeak:" #~ msgid "Categories" #~ msgstr "Gehien erabilitako atalak" #~ msgid "" #~ "Some themes provide customization options that are grouped together on a " #~ "Theme Options screen. If you change themes, options may change or " #~ "disappear, as they are theme-specific. Your current theme, Twenty Eleven, " #~ "provides the following Theme Options:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Theme batzuk zure webgunea pertsonalizatzeko aukerak eskaintzen dituzte. " #~ "Hortarako baliabideak Theme bakoitzan Aukeren atalean ikusiko dituzu. " #~ "Theme-a aldatzerakoan aukera hauetako batzuk desagertu edo aldatu " #~ "daitezke, Theme bakoitzak bait ditu bereak. Zuk orain instalatuta duzun " #~ "themeak, SoundMap izenekoak, honako aukerak eskaintzen ditu:" #~ msgid "" #~ "Color Scheme: You can choose a color palette of \"Light" #~ "\" (light background with dark text) or \"Dark\" (dark background with " #~ "light text) for your site." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kolore eskema: Kolore paleta desberdinak aukera " #~ "ditzazkezu zure webgunerako, adibidez \"Light\" (fondo argia hizki " #~ "ilunekin) edo \"Dark\" (fondo iluna hizki argiekin)." #~ msgid "" #~ "Link Color: You can choose the color used for text links " #~ "on your site. You can enter the HTML color or hex code, or you can choose " #~ "visually by clicking the \"Select a Color\" button to pick from a color " #~ "wheel." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Loturen kolorea: Aukeratutako lotura testua edo testu " #~ "hyperlinkeatua azpimarratzeko kolore desberdinak erabili ditzazkezu. " #~ "Kolorea HTML kode bidez edo hex kode bidez alda dezakezu, edo ikusiz alda " #~ "dezakezu \"Select a Color\" botoian klik egin eta gustuko duzun kolorea " #~ "aukeratuz." #~ msgid "" #~ "Default Layout: You can choose if you want your " #~ "site’s default layout to have a sidebar on the left, the right, or " #~ "not at all." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Defektuzko diseinu plangintza : Zure webguneaaren " #~ "diseinua defektuzkoa izan dadin aukera dezakezu, edo alde batean, ezker " #~ "edo eskuinaldean barra eduki dezan aukera dezakezu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Remember to click \"Save Changes\" to save any changes you have made to " #~ "the theme options." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gogoratu \"Save Changes\"botoian klik egitea, Theme-aren aukeretan " #~ "egindako aldaketak gordetzeko." #~ msgid "For more information:" #~ msgstr "Informazio gehiago:" #~ msgid "" #~ "Documentation on Theme Options" #~ msgstr "" #~ " Theme-aren aukerei buruzko dokumentazioa" #~ msgid "" #~ "Support " #~ "Forums" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Laguntzarako " #~ "foroak" #~ msgid "Light" #~ msgstr "Argia" #~ msgid "Dark" #~ msgstr "Iluna" #~ msgid "Content on left" #~ msgstr "Edukiak ezkerretara" #~ msgid "Content on right" #~ msgstr "Edukiak eskuinetara" #~ msgid "One-column, no sidebar" #~ msgstr "Zutabe bakarra,alboko barrarik gabe" #~ msgid "Color Scheme" #~ msgstr "Kolore eskema" #~ msgid "Link Color" #~ msgstr "Loturen kolorea" #~ msgid "Default color: %s" #~ msgstr "Defektuzko kolorea: %s" #~ msgid "0 comments →" #~ msgstr "0 iruzkin →" #~ msgid "1 comment →" #~ msgstr "iruzkin → 1" #~ msgid "% comments →" #~ msgstr "% iruzkin →" #~ msgid "Number of posts to show:" #~ msgstr "Erakusteko post kopurua:"