{{ $.Site.Title }} {{ .Site.BaseURL }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_summary | truncate 4000 ""}} {{ dateFormat "Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" .Date }} hourly 1 {{ .Site.Params.feed.language | default .Site.LanguageCode }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.copyright }} {{ with .Site.Params.feed.itunes_subtitle }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_author }} episodic {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_author }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_owner_email }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_summary | truncate 4000 ""}} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_summary | truncate 4000 ""}} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_owner_name }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_owner_email }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_image }} {{ $.Site.Title }} {{ .Site.BaseURL }} {{ with .Site.Params.feed.itunes_first_sub_category -}} {{- end -}} {{- with .Site.Params.feed.itunes_second_sub_category -}} {{- end -}} {{- if isset .Site.Params.feed "explicit" -}} {{ .Site.Params.feed.explicit }} {{ .Site.Params.feed.explicit }} {{- end -}} Hugo -- gohugo.io {{- range (where ( where .Site.Pages "Type" "episode") ".Params.upcoming" "!=" true) -}} {{ if isset .Params "podcast_file" }} {{ if and (isset .Site.Params "disable_title_caps") (eq .Site.Params.disable_title_caps "true") }} {{ .Title }} {{ else }} <title>{{ title .Title }} {{ end }} {{ if and (isset .Site.Params "episode_number_style") (.Params.episode) }} {{ if eq .Site.Params.episode_number_style "parens" }} ({{ with .Site.Params.episode_number_prefix }}{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ .Params.episode }}) {{ else if eq .Site.Params.episode_number_style "brackets" }} [{{ with .Site.Params.episode_number_prefix }}{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ .Params.episode }}] {{ else if eq .Site.Params.episode_number_style "dash" }} - {{ with .Site.Params.episode_number_prefix }}{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ .Params.episode }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ .Permalink }} {{ .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML }} {{ .Site.Params.itunes_author }} {{- if isset .Params "guid" -}}{{ .Params.guid }}{{- else -}}{{ .Site.Params.media_prefix }}{{ .Params.podcast_file }}{{- end -}} {{- if isset .Params "hosts" -}} {{ $hosts := (.Params.hosts) }} {{ $len := (len $hosts) }} {{ range $index, $element := $hosts }} {{ range where (where $.Site.Pages "Type" "host" ) ".File.BaseFileName" "=" . }} {{- if eq $len 1 -}} {{ .Title }} {{- else -}} {{- if eq (add $index 1) $len }} and {{ .Title }} {{- else -}} {{- if eq $len 2 -}} {{ printf "%s " .Title }} {{- else -}} {{ printf "%s, " .Title }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{ end }} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{ .Site.Params.feed.itunes_author }} {{- end -}} {{ with .Params.episode }} {{ . }} {{ end }} {{ if and (isset .Site.Params "disable_title_caps") (eq .Site.Params.disable_title_caps "true") }} {{ .Title }} {{ else }} {{ title .Title }} {{ end }} {{"" | safeHTML}} {{ .Description | plainify }} {{ .Description | plainify }} {{ .Description | plainify }} {{ "" | safeHTML}} {{- with .Params.episode_image -}} {{- end -}} {{- with .Params.podcast_duration -}}{{ . }}{{- end -}} {{- with .Params.explicit -}} {{ if (or (eq . "yes") (eq . "true")) }}true{{ else }}false{{ end }} {{ if (or (eq . "yes") (eq . "true")) }}yes{{ else }}no{{ end }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}}