Compare commits


3 Commits

286 changed files with 106243 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

Dockerfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
FROM klakegg/hugo
CMD ["serve","-b","http://docker:1313"]
VOLUME ["/app"]

README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# CACH Radio Podcasts
## Install Theme
$ cd inc
$ git submodule update --init
## Serve
Copy _env.sample_ to _.env_
Edit _.env_ for port and host
$ docker-compose up
## Build
$ docker-compose run hugo build -b ""
Public files on _inc/public_

14 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
source .env
echo "Bulding public site: "$PUBLIC_URL
cd inc
git submodule update --init
cd ..
docker-compose build
docker-compose run hugo build -b $PUBLIC_URL

docker-compose.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
version: "2.4"
context: .
- ${HUGO_PORT}:1313
user: ${USER_GROUP}
- ./inc:/app

env.sample Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title = "Elo Vega / Rogelio López Cuenca"
date = "2022-12-05"
episode = "11"
Description ="Elo Vega y Rogelio López Cuenca son artistas visuales e investigadoras; centran su práctica artística en al análisis de los medios de comunicación masiva y la construcción de las identidades. Colaboran en proyectos artísticos - producciones audiovisuales, exposiciones, publicaciones, intervenciones en espacios públicos y en las redes - relacionados con los procesos de construcción de la historia, la memoria, los imaginarios colectivos y la monumentalización como dispositivo de control ideológico.\n\nElo Vega eta Rogelio López Cuenca artista bisualak eta ikerlariak dira; beren praktika artistikoa komunikabide masiboen azterketan eta identitateen eraikuntzan oinarritzen dute. Proiektu artistikoetan ezberdinetan parte hartzen dute - ikus-entzunezko produkzioak, erakusketak, argitalpenak, espazio publikoetako eta sareetako esku-hartzeak - , historia, oroimena, irudizko kolektiboak eta monumentalizazioa eraikitzeko prozesuekin zerikusia dutenak, kontrol ideologikorako tresna gisa."
episode_image =""
podcast_file = "radio-cach-elo-vega-rogelio-lopez-cuenca/RADIO_CACH_ELO_VEGA_ROGELIO_LOPEZ_CUENCA.mp3"
En este podcast, Elo Vega y Rogelio López Cuenca nos hablan de monumentos, mapas y memoria, desde una perspectiva pública y colectiva. Esta dimensión colectiva sirve para afianzar la idea de que la memoria, al igual que los monumentos, siempre nos hablan del presente.
+ (des)CNQSTDRS del proyecto CNQSTDRS -  Rogelio López Cuenca y Elo Vega - -
+ Sonido: Málaga, Noviembre 2022 - Luca Rullo
Podcast honetan, Elo Vega eta Rogelio López Cuencak monumentuez, mapez eta memoriaz aritu dira, ikuspegi publiko eta koletiboa abiapuntu gisa hartuz. Dimentsio kolektibo honen bidez, oroimenak eta monumentuek, orainaz hitz egiteko duten balioaren ideia sendotzeko balio digu.
+ (des)CNQSTDRS del proyecto CNQSTDRS -  Rogelio López Cuenca y Elo Vega - -
+ Soinua: Málaga, 2022ko Azaroa - Luca Rullo

View File


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
version: 2.1
- image: cibuilds/hugo:0.91.2
username: mattstratton
working_directory: ~/castanet
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Run hugo against default config"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/public --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test blue-grid"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/blue-grid --config ../test/blue-grid-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test blue-row-jumbo-false"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/blue-row-jumbo-false --config ../test/blue-row-jumbo-false-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test blue-row-jumbo-true"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/blue-row-jumbo-true --config ../test/blue-row-jumbo-true-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test blue-row-no-jumbo"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/blue-row-no-jumbo --config ../test/blue-row-no-jumbo-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test orange-grid"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/orange-grid --config ../test/orange-grid-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test orange-row"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/orange-row --config ../test/orange-row-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test orange-row-jumbo"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/orange-row-jumbo --config ../test/orange-row-jumbo-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test grey-grid"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/grey-grid --config ../test/grey-grid-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test grey-row"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/grey-row --config ../test/grey-row-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
executor: castanet-tests
- checkout
- run:
name: "Test grey-row-jumbo"
command: cd exampleSite && ls && pwd && HUGO_ENV=production hugo -v -d workspace/test/grey-row-jumbo --config ../test/grey-row-jumbo-config.toml --themesDir ../.. --theme=castanet --buildDrafts=false
- image: cibuilds/github:0.13.0
username: mattstratton
working_directory: ~/castanet
- run:
name: Avoid hosts unknown for github
command: mkdir ~/.ssh/ && echo -e "Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" > ~/.ssh/config
- run:
name: "Checkout tag"
command: git clone --branch "${CIRCLE_TAG}" --depth 1 "${CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL}"
- run:
name: "Create zip file for release"
command: |
mkdir -p release
zip -r release/castanet-${CIRCLE_TAG}.zip . -x \*.git\* \*exampleSite\* appveyor.yml \*.circleci\* \*tests\* \*bin\* \*build\* \*release\* config.codekit3 \*node_modules\* gulpfile.js netlify.toml package.json *\node_modules\* \*test\*
- run:
name: "Publish release on GitHub"
command: |
# publish-github-release:
# docker:
# - image: cibuilds/github:0.13.0
# working_directory: castanet
# steps:
# - attach_workspace:
# at: ~/castanet/workspace
# - run:
# name: "List contents"
# command: pwd && ls
# - run:
# name: "Publish release on GitHub"
# command: |
# ghr -t ${GITHUB_TOKEN} -u ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME} -r ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME} -c ${CIRCLE_SHA1} -delete ${VERSION} ~/castanet/workspace/release/
version: 2
- build
- test-blue-grid:
- build
- test-blue-row-jumbo-false:
- build
- test-blue-row-jumbo-true:
- build
- test-blue-row-no-jumbo:
- build
- test-orange-grid:
- build
- test-orange-row:
- build
- test-orange-row-jumbo:
- build
- test-grey-grid:
- build
- test-grey-row:
- build
- test-grey-row-jumbo:
- build
- create-release:
only: /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
ignore: /.*/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: "[BUG] - "
labels: bug
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g. OS X, Windows, Linux]
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Hugo version
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: "[ENHANCEMENT] - "
labels: enhancement
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name: Other issue
about: Anything that isn't a bug or a feature request
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
name-template: '$RESOLVED_VERSION'
tag-template: '$RESOLVED_VERSION'
- title: '🚀 Features'
- 'feature'
- 'enhancement'
- title: '🐛 Bug Fixes'
- 'fix'
- 'bugfix'
- 'bug'
- title: '🧰 Maintenance'
- 'chore'
- 'dependencies'
change-template: '- $TITLE @$AUTHOR (#$NUMBER)'
change-title-escapes: '\<*_&' # You can add # and @ to disable mentions, and add ` to disable code blocks.
- 'major'
- 'minor'
- 'patch'
default: patch
template: |
## Changes
### Contributors

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
name: CI
on: [pull_request]
name: Lighthouse
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
castanet-config: [blue-grid,blue-row-jumbo-false,blue-row-jumbo-true]
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- name: Setup Hugo
uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
hugo-version: '0.91.2'
- name: Use Node.js 10.x
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 10.x
- name: build
run: |
cd exampleSite
# hugo server --baseUrl="http://localhost:1313"
- name: run Lighthouse CI
run: |
npm install -g @lhci/cli@0.6.x
lhci autorun --config=./test/$CASTANET_CONFIG.js
CASTANET_CONFIG: ${{ matrix.castanet-config }}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# name: Release Drafter
# on:
# push:
# # branches to consider in the event; optional, defaults to all
# branches:
# - master
# jobs:
# update_release_draft:
# name: Draft release
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# # Drafts your next Release notes as Pull Requests are merged into "master"
# - uses: release-drafter/release-drafter@v5
# env:
# build:
# name: Publish zip file
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Build
# run: |
# zip -r castanet-${{ steps.update_release_draft.outputs.tag }}.zip . -x \*.git\* \*exampleSite\* appveyor.yml \*.circleci\* \*tests\* \*bin\* \*build\* \*release\* config.codekit3 \*node_modules\* gulpfile.js netlify.toml package.json *\node_modules\* \*test\*
# - name: Upload zip file to release
# uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2
# with:
# repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# file: castanet-${{ steps.update_release_draft.outputs.tag }}.zip
# tag: ${{ steps.update_release_draft.outputs.tag }}
# overwrite: true

inc/themes/castanet/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# released binaries

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
# Changelog
## [1.19.0]( (2022-08-10)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Update Hugo to version 0.91.2 [\#389]( ([stmcallister](
## [1.18.0]( (2022-08-10)
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - Issue deploying with Cloudflare pages [\#388](
## [1.17.2]( (2022-07-06)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fixes Instagram icon [\#385]( ([AVGP](
## [1.17.1]( (2022-02-22)
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - Upper case problems in title attributes in XML RSS feed [\#337](
- Error when no menu items are set in config file [\#165](
## [1.17.0]( (2022-02-22)
**Merged pull requests:**
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.0 to 1.14.8 [\#372]( ([dependabot[bot]](
## [1.16.0]( (2022-02-22)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] - Social links/parameters should support the full URL [\#350](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - Update config.toml and sample site to add trailing / for the URLs [\#361](
## [1.15.0]( (2021-04-15)
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - Add trailing / whenever referring to a directory [\#360](
- \[BUG\] - Episode icon isn't centered [\#357](
- \[BUG\] - Row layout uses a different media player than episode pages [\#320](
## [1.14.5]( (2021-04-07)
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - Can you change the link to the podcast rss to say "RSS Feed" instead of "Podcast"? [\#355](
- \[BUG\] - Host images are huge and inconsistently sized when the browser is small or mobile [\#353](
- \[BUG\] - Episode Layouts are wrong on home page [\#351](
- \[BUG\] - When site theme is blue, rolling over the social icons doesn't highlight them [\#349](
## [1.14.4]( (2021-03-01)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Add absURL to menus [\#343]( ([mattstratton](
## [1.14.3]( (2021-02-18)
## [1.14.2]( (2021-02-18)
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - Remove blog from jumbotron when not in use [\#338](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update version of ini package [\#336]( ([mattstratton](
## [1.14.1]( (2021-01-04)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fixing RSS feed publishing bug [\#335]( ([chrisreddington](
## [1.14.0]( (2021-01-02)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] - Replace Google Play Music with Google Podcasts [\#328](
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] - Add support for preferred pronouns for guest and host [\#274](
- Feed improvements [\#247](
- Add Spotify subscribe button information to file [\#226](
- Allow for customization of titles in feed [\#168](
- Add episode numbers as an option [\#67](
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] Add support for blog posts [\#19](
- Add episode numbers/prefix in RSS and Relevant Titles/Links \[Attempt \#2\] [\#322]( ([chrisreddington](
- Initial implementation for pronouns [\#312]( ([chrisreddington](
- Create skeleton of blog feature [\#310]( ([mattstratton](
- Add Functionality: Show next upcoming episode [\#309]( ([chrisreddington](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - \<itunes:explicit\> tag should be true/false not yes/no [\#326](
- Update explicit tags for proper Apple/Google format [\#327]( ([chrisreddington](
**Closed issues:**
- Add lighthouse checks to build for perf testing [\#318](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Test with matrix build [\#321]( ([mattstratton](
## [1.13.0]( (2020-12-01)
## [1.12.1]( (2020-12-01)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] - Add link to podcast rss feed to HEAD [\#299](
## [1.12.0]( (2020-11-30)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] - Add taxonomies for Tags, Series and Categories [\#306](
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] Add episode tags support. [\#245](
- Add Category, Tag and Series taxonomies to theme [\#307]( ([chrisreddington](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Test of GH actions [\#305]( ([mattstratton](
## [1.11.2]( (2020-11-24)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Upcoming episodes should be sorted from soonest to furthest away [\#302]( ([chrisreddington](
## [1.11.1]( (2020-11-24)
## [1.11.0]( (2020-11-23)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add list of sites using theme to the README [\#270](
- show future episodes [\#257](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[Bug\] Navbar nests links and results in 404 error [\#269](
## [1.10.0]( (2020-09-14)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] Add itunes:subtitle tag [\#246](
- Add itunes:subtitle tag [\#290]( ([darinpope](
## [1.9.0]( (2020-08-22)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Improve favicon implementation [\#234](
- Improve favicon implementation [\#288]( ([darinpope](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[BUG\] - misleading `themesdir` inside exampleSite -\> config.toml [\#286](
## [1.8.1]( (2020-08-16)
## [1.8.0]( (2020-08-16)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- og:type should be article if an episode [\#285]( ([darinpope](
**Fixed bugs:**
- update Open Graph date format [\#284]( ([darinpope](
- add missing quotes [\#283]( ([darinpope](
## [1.7.3]( (2020-08-04)
**Fixed bugs:**
- add trailing slashes [\#282]( ([darinpope](
## [1.7.2]( (2020-07-26)
**Fixed bugs:**
- remove extraneous copy [\#281]( ([darinpope](
## [1.7.1]( (2020-07-17)
## [1.7.0]( (2020-07-17)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- change iTunes to Apple Podcasts [\#279]( ([darinpope](
## [1.6.0]( (2020-06-25)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- \[ENHANCEMENT\] Proposed fix to make row pagination count a param instead of hardcoded 5 [\#277](
## [1.5.1]( (2020-05-21)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fix bug in episode template with transcripts [\#276]( ([mattstratton](
## [1.5.0]( (2020-05-19)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add support for transcriptions [\#225](
## [1.4.1]( (2020-04-23)
## [1.4.0]( (2020-04-23)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Change from "aka" field to "guest\_group" field for multi-guest [\#159](
- Deal with multiple iterations of the same guest on the guest page [\#137](
## [1.3.3]( (2020-04-13)
## [1.3.2]( (2020-04-06)
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[Bug\] /host/ page not displaying each host's main content [\#266](
## [1.3.1]( (2020-04-05)
## [1.3.0]( (2020-04-05)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add twitch option under social [\#256](
- Sort hosts in partial based on...something [\#255](
- Provide ability for some hosts to be excluded from the Host page [\#251](
**Fixed bugs:**
- LinkedIn does not show on individual guest pages [\#253](
- feed does not generate itunes titles [\#244](
## [1.2.3]( (2020-04-04)
## [1.2.2]( (2020-04-04)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Row layout has issues if the most recent episode has a video [\#258](
- gulp task doesn't compile orange and blue files [\#254](
## [1.2.1]( (2020-03-07)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Host and Guest archetypes are missing Title field [\#248](
## [1.2.0]( (2020-02-04)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Guest bios do not display with hugo 0.62 and higher [\#240](
## [1.1.24]( (2019-12-01)
## [1.1.23]( (2019-11-29)
## [1.1.22]( (2019-11-25)
## [1.1.21]( (2019-11-25)
## [1.1.20]( (2019-11-23)
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[Bug\] Trying to Switch Page Layouts [\#233](
## [1.1.19]( (2019-11-18)
## [1.1.18]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.17]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.16]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.15]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.14]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.13]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.12]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.11]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.10]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.9]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.8]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.7]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.6]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.5]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.4]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.3]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.2]( (2019-11-16)
## [1.1.1]( (2019-11-16)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Drop down menu not working on iPhone [\#228](
## [1.1.0]( (2019-11-11)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Migrate from codekit to gulp [\#105](
**Fixed bugs:**
- TOC in is messed up [\#223](
## [1.0.2]( (2019-11-03)
## [1.0.1]( (2019-11-02)
## [1.0.0]( (2019-11-02)
**Fixed bugs:**
- Theme does not work on Hugo 0.58 [\#219](
## [0.14.1]( (2019-04-17)
## [0.14.0]( (2019-03-07)
## [0.13.0]( (2018-11-17)
## [0.12.0]( (2018-11-17)
## [0.11.0]( (2018-11-17)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Feed should pull language code from config file [\#177](
## [0.10.0]( (2018-08-03)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Create solution for favicon [\#6](
- Rename feed\_copyright config var to copyright [\#193]( ([rajeshduggal](
## [0.9.1]( (2018-03-08)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add show notes to rss feed [\#175](
- Create archetype for page/default [\#173](
- Add cover art to RSS feed [\#171](
- Add episode author tag to feed based on hosts [\#169](
- Improve build process to include all themes [\#104](
## [0.9.0]( (2018-03-07)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Create contributing document [\#162](
- Move configuration instructions from README to a separate doc [\#161](
- Add Code of Conduct [\#160](
- Host display should be a partial [\#158](
- Update documentation to include new host pages [\#156](
- \[Bug\] Installation step should describe required Menu.Main config.toml setting [\#152](
- \[Bug\] itunes\_image missing vital details about itunes min requirements [\#151](
- Upgrade to font-awesome 5 [\#138](
- \[Enhancement\] Can disqus comments be made optional? [\#136](
- titles should overlay images in grid layout [\#135](
- make episode images clickable from front page [\#134](
- add host support to episode page [\#28](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Sidebar doesn't show if `enable\_jumbo` doesn't exist [\#167](
- Grid spills to second page without filling bottom row [\#164](
- \[Bug\] iTunes/android/Soundcloud subscribe image icons broken [\#155](
- \[Bug\] stitcher not sticher. Typo in config.toml variable [\#154](
- Support more than one aka with guest [\#140](
- Subscribe buttons wrap on small viewports in jumbo [\#131](
- RSS buttons in jumbotron are screwy [\#97](
**Closed issues:**
- Enhanced Host Support [\#142](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update host code to be a partial [\#166]( ([mattstratton](
## [0.8.0]( (2017-06-13)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add a bunch more sample guests [\#125](
- Guest page should show links to all shows with all versions of a guest [\#117](
- Customize placement of "Read More" [\#116](
- Add proper use of CDATA to episode feed [\#23](
## [0.7.0]( (2017-06-10)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Create a page listing all guests [\#121](
- Episode titles should be set to capitalized [\#114](
- Add support for sponsors [\#113](
- \[Enhancement\]: Collection of external links in sidebar [\#110](
- Menu should sort by identifier, not name [\#100](
- Truncate iTunes summary based on characters in feed generation [\#93](
- Prettify the guest page [\#122]( ([mattstratton](
- Prettify the grid page [\#118]( ([mattstratton](
- add soundcloud and pocketcasts subscription options in sidebar [\#109]( ([rpodcast](
- Add direct download link for audio file [\#103]( ([rpodcast](
- add gitlab to social parameters [\#102]( ([rpodcast](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fix formatting on guest page [\#120](
- "Read More" shows up on main hero even if not truncated [\#115](
- Paginator needs to be constrained [\#96](
## [0.6.0]( (2017-05-19)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- add video support [\#26](
- Add support for stitcher [\#7](
- Add theme release script [\#85]( ([mattstratton](
- partial calls require .html suffix [\#84]( ([adymitruk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Sharing and pagination buttons are mis-aligned on some episode pages [\#87](
- Host images on about template need to be passed through absURL [\#83](
- Remove extra LESS files [\#82](
- Main nav spans entire viewport [\#61](
## [v0.5.1]( (2017-05-18)
## [v.0.5.0]( (2017-05-18)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Make episode images optional on episode pages [\#80](
- Provide option to use jumbotron on row layout [\#78](
- Make episode image optional [\#76](
- Add grey theme [\#74](
- Add links to previews of various themes/colors to README [\#73](
- Add additional host fields [\#71](
- Add additional guest fields [\#70](
## [v0.4.0]( (2017-05-03)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add support for banner-style images to episode page [\#60](
- Add sidebar option to show hosts [\#46](
- Add grid option [\#43](
- Change guests to be pages instead of data files [\#42](
- add post data to episode page [\#29](
- Create episode archetype [\#5](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Link in footer blends in with background [\#68](
- Theme causes issues with hosting on hugo-themes repository [\#66](
- Make all assets use absURL or relURL [\#64](
- Fix 404's in exampleSite [\#63](
- Wrap theme version in quotes in theme.toml [\#62](
- \[Bug\] Site title and hamburger menu overlap in mobile view [\#58](
- Subscribe buttons aren't buttons [\#52](
- add podcast\_length parameter to rss feed [\#15](
- orange background is off center on small devices [\#9](
## [v0.3.0]( (2017-04-26)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Change to bootstrap 4 [\#41](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Footer contains hardcoded link to Arrested DevOps privacy policy [\#50](
- Footer is offscreen on small viewports [\#47](
## [v0.2.6]( (2017-04-21)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add a blank override css file for customizations [\#33](
## [v0.2.5]( (2017-02-11)
## [v0.2.4]( (2017-02-11)
## [v0.2.3]( (2017-02-11)
## [v.0.2.2]( (2017-02-11)
## [v.0.2.1]( (2017-02-11)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- refactor to the block/base layout [\#35](
- add support for other color schemes [\#27](
## [v.0.2.0]( (2016-10-06)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- add google analytics support [\#21](
- add disqus support [\#20](
**Fixed bugs:**
- fix meta tag for published time [\#31](
- sharing buttons don't work [\#25](
- remove reference to hugocast logo [\#24](
- change to use BaseURL [\#22](
## [v.0.1.4]( (2016-09-25)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- add sample social image [\#17](
- Add guest support [\#16](
## [v.0.1.3]( (2016-09-25)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Create template for episodes [\#11](
- Add "media\_override" to frontmatter option [\#4](
- Add podcast media prefix to config file [\#3](
- Create example site [\#1](
## [v.0.1.2]( (2016-09-25)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Create about page template [\#12](
**Fixed bugs:**
- move default image into theme static image directory [\#13](
## [v.0.1.1]( (2016-09-25)
## [v0.1.0]( (2016-09-25)
## [v0.1]( (2016-09-25)
\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*

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# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at

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# Contributing to castanet
The technical details on how to set up your local development environment for making changes to the `castanet` [Hugo]( theme for podcasts.
# Table of contents
<!-- TOC depthFrom:2 -->
- [Set up your environment](#set-up-your-environment)
- [Git remote setup](#git-remote-setup)
- [Installing dependencies](#installing-dependencies)
- [Install Node.js and npm](#install-nodejs-and-npm)
- [Install gulp](#install-gulp)
- [Install node modules](#install-node-modules)
- [How can I help?](#how-can-i-help)
- [Making changes](#making-changes)
- [Testing changes](#testing-changes)
- [Create a commit](#create-a-commit)
- [Branching and Pull Requests](#branching-and-pull-requests)
- [Design Principles](#design-principles)
- [Frameworks](#frameworks)
- [Blocks](#blocks)
- [CSS and SCSS](#css-and-scss)
- [`site.scss`](#sitescss)
- [`color-variables.scss`](#color-variablesscss)
- [`custom.scss`](#customscss)
- [Javascript](#javascript)
- [Local build and testing](#local-build-and-testing)
- [Build new javascript and stylesheets](#build-new-javascript-and-stylesheets)
- [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration)
- [Issues](#issues)
- [GitHub Labels](#github-labels)
- [Pull Requests](#pull-requests)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Releasing](#releasing)
- [Creating a new color theme](#creating-a-new-color-theme)
- [Developer Certification of Origin (DCO)](#developer-certification-of-origin-dco)
- [DCO Sign-Off Methods](#dco-sign-off-methods)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Set up your environment
* `make` (note - this is not needed yet)
* `gulp` v4.0.0+
* `nodejs` and `npm`
* [hugo v0.69.2+](
Clone `castanet` from source into your working directory of choice:
$ mkdir -p ~/src/
$ cd $_
$ git clone .
Working with a Hugo theme outside of a content-based repo has a few challenges. The `castanet` repo contains a directory called `exampleSite`, which is what is used for testing theme development. The `config.toml` for the `exampleSite` contains the following value:
themesdir = "../.."
This tells Hugo where to look for its theme directories. This requires Hugo 0.18 or later.
You will need to run your watch command from the `exampleSite` directory; use something like this:
hugo server -w --baseUrl="http://localhost:1313"
### Git remote setup
Change our remote to be named `upstream`:
$ git remote rename origin upstream
Add your fork as `origin`:
$ git remote add fork
### Installing dependencies
#### Install Node.js and npm
#### Install gulp
`npm install --global gulp`
#### Install node modules
`npm install`
## How can I help?
Sort the existing GitHub issues for the tag of `help-wanted`. These are issues that we need help with! If you are going to tackle one, please comment on the issue so folks know you are on it.
## Making changes
### Testing changes
There are no automated tests, but it is recommended that you test manually by testing both `row` and `grid` configurations in the `config.toml` inside `exampleSite`.
### Create a commit
Commit messages should be well formatted.
Start your commit message with a title in the imperative, i.e., "Updates function foo" vs "Updated function foo". Capitalize it.
The title must be followed with a newline, then a more detailed description.
Please reference any GitHub issues on the last line of the commit message (e.g. `See #123`, `Closes #123`, `Fixes #123`).
An example:
Add parameter for new social network to guests
I created a new parameter for the fancy new social network that
everyone is using now.
Fixes #284
### Branching and Pull Requests
(inspired by [Katrina Owen](kytrinyx)'s [excellent blog post](
Assuming that the `you/castanet` repo is at `origin`, and `mattstratton/castanet` is at `upstream`, here's how to create a pull request:
$ git checkout -b make-thing-awesome
$ git commit -a myfile.go
$ git commit -s -m "Make thing more awesome"
$ git push origin make-thing-awesome
Don't forget to keep up to date with `upstream`:
$ git fetch upstream
$ git reset --hard upstream/master
## Design Principles
### Frameworks
We use [Boostrap v4]( as our basic framework.
### Blocks
All page templates should make use of the `layouts/_default/baseof.html` file. This file contains all wrappers for the content. Anything within the `{{- block "main" . }} {{- end -}}` section is what will be displayed on a sub-template. Include a `{{ define "main" }}` block in your template to include what should be rendered.
### CSS and SCSS
All CSS must be generated with SCSS. The SCSS files are located in `static/scss`.
#### `site.scss`
This is the file that imports all the other SCSS files, including Bootstrap, font-awesome, jssocials, and the jquery oembed. It also imports our custom variables and any other customizations.
#### `color-variables.scss`
Note that this refers to files like `blue-variables.scss` or `orange-variables.scss`. There is no actual file named `color-variables.scss`
Use this to set any SCSS variables, or to over-ride any variables used by Bootstrap. You need one for each color theme created.
#### `custom.scss`
This is the only place you should declare custom SCSS or CSS code.
### Javascript
All Javascript files are combined using CodeKit. The source Javascript files can be located either in `bower-components` or `static/js`. They are comibined and minified into `static/castanet-min.js`.
## Local build and testing
### Build new javascript and stylesheets
Inside the theme directory, run `npm install`.
Run `gulp dev` to build the compiled stylesheets and Javascript files
## Continuous Integration
The `castanet` repo has hooks into CircleCI and Netlify. The CircleCI builds the site according the various configurations (row vs grid and with all the color schemes). If you're curious, you can check out the CircleCI configuration in [.circleci/config.yml](
We use the Deploy Previews feature of Netlify. The config for this is at [netlify.toml](
All changes are built by Netlify to once merged to master.
### Issues
All changes should be driven by issues (this is because our changelog generator is issue-driven). So before you implement a bugfix or an enhancement, you should make sure an issue has been created and properly tagged. These are the issue labels that really matter:
**Bug:** Something is broken in the theme and needs fixing. These issues should be set with a label of `bug`, and will be tagged with `ready` when they are ready to be worked on.
**Enhancement:** Adding new functionality to the theme. These issues should be set with a label of `enhancement`, and will be tagged with `ready` when they are ready to be worked on.
Only repository contributors can add tags to issues; if you do not have permission to tag an issue, please prepend the title with `[BUG]` or `[ENHANCEMENT]` as appropriate.
If you use the issue templates when opening your issues, the proper titles and tags should be added for you!
### GitHub Labels
These are the labels we use, and what they mean:
- `bug`: Something is broken in the theme and needs fixing.
- `enhancement`: Add new functionality to the site/theme.
- `do-not-merge`: Only used by pull requests; means that this PR is a work in progress and not ready for merging.
- `duplicate`: This issue is handled by another issue. When marking an issue "duplicate", please link to the tracked issue.
- `help wanted`: This is a label for issues where the main contributors are actively seeking outside help.
- `needs-review`: Only used by pull requests; indicates that a review is required prior to merging.
- `ready`: This issue can/should be worked on. Issues not marked as "ready" means they haven't been prioritized.
- `no-changelog`: This issue/PR should be excluded from the changelog.
- `question`: Issues that are for discussion, not an actual bug or enhancement.
### Pull Requests
Please submit your proposed changes as a Pull Request against this repository. If the PR will resolve an issue, please add `Fixes #123` to the PR. We also will label issues as `bug` or `enhancement` for proper CHANGELOG generation. For more details, see [Linking a pull request to an issue using a keyword](
## Documentation
If you add a new feature, please do the following:
1. Update the README to reflect how this field/feature is used (to assist with adding rows to our tables, we recommend the excellent [Tables Generator]( tool).
2. If possible, add this feature to the `exampleSite`, for testing and display purposes.
## Releasing
See [utils/README]( for instructions.
## Creating a new color theme
Adding a color theme is quite simple - you will need to generate two new files for the theme:
- `static/scss/<MYCOLOR>_variables.scss`
- `static/scss/<MYCOLOR.scss`
The `<MYCOLOR>_variables.scss` file contains the Sass variables uses to build the stylesheet. `<MYCOLOR>` should refer to the name of the style as you will set it in the `config.toml`.
## Developer Certification of Origin (DCO)
Licensing is very important to open source projects. It helps ensure the software continues to be available under the terms that the author desired.
This project uses [the MIT license](
The license tells you what rights you have that are provided by the copyright holder. It is important that the contributor fully understands what rights they are licensing and agrees to them. Sometimes the copyright holder isn't the contributor, such as when the contributor is doing work on behalf of a company.
To make a good faith effort to ensure these criteria are met, we requires the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) process to be followed.
The DCO is an attestation attached to every contribution made by every developer. In the commit message of the contribution, the developer simply adds a Signed-off-by statement and thereby agrees to the DCO, which you can find below or at <>.
Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
have the right to submit it under the open source license
indicated in the file; or
(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the
best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open
source license and I have the right under that license to
submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole
or in part by me, under the same open source license (unless
I am permitted to submit under a different license), as
Indicated in the file; or
(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
are public and that a record of the contribution (including
all personal information I submit with it, including my
sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed
consistent with this project or the open source license(s)
### DCO Sign-Off Methods
The DCO requires a sign-off message in the following format appear on each commit in the pull request:
Signed-off-by: George Bluth <>
The DCO text can either be manually added to your commit body, or you can add either **-s** or **--signoff** to your usual git commit commands. If you forget to add the sign-off you can also amend a previous commit with the sign-off by running **git commit --amend -s**. If you've pushed your changes to Github already you'll need to force push your branch after this with **git push -f**.

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MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Matt Stratton
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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[![GitHub release](](
[![Github All Releases](](
If you would like to receive emails when new versions of this theme are released, [subscribe to the announcement email list](
# Castanet
Castanet is a a Hugo theme for sites that are primarily podcasts. It is heavily influenced by [ado-hugo](// by [Matt Stratton](//
An example site can be found at
![Castanet screenshot](
## Installation
Download the latest version (zip file, not source code) from the [Releases]( page.
For more information read the official [setup guide](// of Hugo.
## Getting started
After installing Castanet successfully it requires a just a few more steps to get your site running.
See []( for all configuration file settings as well as instructions on episodes, guests, hosts, and sponsors
## Contributing to castanet
If you would like to help make improvements or fixes to this theme, please see []( for detailed instructions.
## Sites using the Castanet theme
This is a completely non-comprehensive list of podcasts that use this theme. Want to add your site? Submit a pull request against the README file!
- [Arrested DevOps](
- [Page It to the Limit](
- [Quiche-Anon](
- [Community Pulse](
- [The Linux Lemming](
## Sites inspired by / building upon the Castanet theme
- [Cloud with Chris](

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# Reference for castanet
# Table of contents
<!-- TOC depthFrom:2 updateOnSave:false-->
- [The config file](#the-config-file)
- [Top-level items](#top-level-items)
- [General Parameters](#general-parameters)
- [Feed Parameters](#feed-parameters)
- [Favicon parameters](#favicon-parameters)
- [Social Parameters](#social-parameters)
- [Giscus Parameters](#giscus-parameters)
- [Host/Author Parameters](#hostauthor-parameters)
- [Host Social Parameters](#host-social-parameters)
- [Link Parameters](#link-parameters)
- [A note about `BaseURL`](#a-note-about-baseurl)
- [Pagination setting with grid layout](#pagination-setting-with-grid-layout)
- [Permalinks](#permalinks)
- [Taxonomies](#taxonomies)
- [Menus](#menus)
- [Podlove Subscribe Button](#podlove-subscribe-button)
- [Blogs](#blogs)
- [Episodes](#episodes)
- [Upcoming Episodes](#upcoming-episodes)
- [Guests](#guests)
- [Guest Pages](#guest-pages)
- [Hosts](#hosts)
- [Host Pages](#host-pages)
- [Sponsors](#sponsors)
## The config file
You will need to add a handful of configuration items to your `config.toml` file. You can take a look at the [example site]( to see them in action. They are described below:
### Top-level items
- `googleAnalytics` - the Google Analytics tracking ID. We use the async method. Example: `"UA-123-45"`
- `paginate` - The number of episodes to show per-page on the homepage (note, this also controls pagination for Guest and Host list pages). If this is not set, the default is 10.
### General Parameters
These should be set under the `[params]` section:
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `mainSections` | Yes | Sets the page type for what shows up on the homepage. This must be set. | "episode"
| `site_theme` | No | The color scheme for the overall site. Currently the options are `orange` (default), `grey`, and `blue`. | "blue" |
| `episode_number_style` | No | The format used for episode numbers in the episode's RSS feed. The choices are either parens, dash or brackets. If not set, the episode title in the RSS feed will just default to the title of the episode, without any episode number included. | "brackets" |
| `episode_number_prefix` | No | A prefix used in the episode's RSS feed before the episode number. For example, if episode_number_prefix was set to CWC for episode 1, then the output might be Title of the Episode - CWC1. | "CWC" |
| `site_layout` | No | The layout for the home page. The options are `row` (default) or `grid`. | "grid" |
| `enable_jumbo` | No | When using the `row` layout, will set a jumbotron at the top instead of the sidebar. | "true" |
| `disable_title_caps` | No | When generating the RSS XML file do not convert the episode title to Title Case (using Title Case is the default) | "false" |
| `show_next_upcoming` | No | If there are episodes with the upcoming frontmatter set to true, then it will display the next episode on homepage. This halves the screen real estate of the latest episode section, which will then be displayed side by side. | "true" |
| `truncate` | No | The number of characters to truncate the summary on the row layout. This can be overridden per-episode as well. The default value (if not set) is 600 characters. | "700" |
| `custom_css` | No | Array of custom CSS files for over-riding theme settings or adding your own classes. These files should be put into your `static` directory (not the `static` directory of the theme). | ["custom.css", "other_custom.css"] |
| `about_logo` | No | The logo (250px x 250px) you would like to appear on your About page. If not set, this will default to your Apple Podcasts image. This path should be relative to your main URL, for example, a file put in your `static` directory. This path should not start with a `/`. | "img/my_logo.png" |
| `favicon` | No | The favicon file you would like to use for your site. If not set, this will default to the file `icons/favicon.ico`. This file should be put into your static directory (not the `static` directory of the theme). | "icon/favicon_x32.png" |
| `copyright_notice` | Yes | Your copyright information for the footer of the page. Can contain Markdown. | `"Copyright 2016 [Matt Stratton]("` |
| `itunes_subscribe` | No | The URL of your podcast in the Apple Podcasts store. | "" |
| `android_subscribe` | No | The URL for your podcast for Android users. You can generate this URL at [Subscribe on Android]( | "" |
| `google_play_subscribe` | No | The URL to your podcast in Google Podcasts | "" |
| `stitcher_subscribe` | No | The URL to your podcast on Stitcher. | "" |
| `soundcloud_subscribe` | No | The URL to your podcast's feed on Soundcloud | "" |
| `pocketcasts_subscribe` | No | The URL to your podcast's feed on Pocketcasts | "" |
| `spotify_subscribe` | No | The URL to your podcast's page on Spotify | "" |
| `youtube_subscribe` | No | The URL to subscribe your podcast's channel on Spotify | "" |
| `mailchimp_subscribe` | No | The URL for your MailChimp signup form. This can be acquired from creating a "Super Slim" Embedded form on MailChimp. Do NOT include the entire form HTML; you just need the path for the `form action`. | "//" |
| `rss_subscribe` | No | Optional parameter to over-ride the RSS feed URL, in case you use something like Feedburner. You likely do NOT need to set this parameter unless you have a very good reason to do so. | "" |
| `description` | Yes | Description of your show. Can use Markdown. | `"The HugoCast is the best podcast you've ever seen. You will learn everything you ever needed to know about [podcasting]( from the most inspiring experts to ever show up on the whole internet."` |
| `media_prefix` | Yes | The URL to pre-pend to your podcast files. Must end in a slash. | "" |
| `disqusShortname` | No | The shortname for use in Disqus comments. Example: `"arresteddevops"`. Note: The Disqus comments will not appear if you are running on `localhost`. | "arresteddevops" |
### Feed Parameters
These should be set under `[params.feed]`
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `copyright` | Yes | The copyright information for your feed. Do not use Markdown. | "Copyright 2017 Matt Stratton" |
| `itunes_subtitle` | No | No Markdown or HTML. | "The best podcast ever" |
| `itunes_author` | Yes | The author name for your show. No Markdown or HTML. | "Matt Stratton" |
| `itunes_summary` | Yes | Limited to 4000 characters or less, plain text, no HTML. | "The HugoCast is the best podcast you've ever seen. You will learn everything you ever needed to know about podcasting from the most inspiring experts to ever show up on the whole internet." |
| `itunes_owner_name` | Yes | The name associated with the owner of the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Will not be displayed publicly on Apple Podcasts. | "Matt Stratton" |
| `itunes_owner_email` | Yes | The e-mail address that will be used to contact the owner of the podcast for communication specifically about their podcast on Apple Podcasts. It will not be publicly displayed on Apple Podcasts. | "" |
| `itunes_image` | Yes | Fully qualified path to your podcast's artwork for Apple Podcasts. Must conform to the [Apple Podcasts image requirements](, and be a JPG or PNG with a minimum of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum of 3000 x 3000 pixesls | "" |
| `itunes_top_category` | Yes | The main category for your podcast in Apple Podcasts | "Technology" |
| `itunes_first_sub_category` | No | The first sub-category for your podcast in Apple Podcasts | "Software How-To" |
| `itunes_second_sub_category` | No | The second sub-category for your podcast in Apple Podcasts. Do not set this if you didn't set the first one. | "Tech News" |
| `explicit` | No | Whether or not the podcast itself contains explicit content (can also be set on a per-episode basis, see below). Default value from the archetype is "no". Valid values are "yes", "no", or "clean" | "yes" |
### Favicon parameters
These are the favicon parameters for your overall site. They should be set under `[params.realfavicongenerator]`
Refer to for more details.
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `mask_icon_color` | No | Mac OS X El Capitan Safari | "#5bbad5" |
| `msapplication_tilecolor` | No | Windows 8 and 10 | "#2b5797" |
| `theme_color` | No | | "#ffffff" |
### Social Parameters
These are the social network parameters for your overall site. They should be set under `[]` and all of them allow either the short form (e.g. just your twitter handle) where the theme will construct the URL or the full URL beginning with https://
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `github` | No | GitHub username only. | "mattstratton" |
| `gitlab` | No | GitLab username only. | "mattstratton" |
| `facebook` | No | Name of the Facebook page (not the URL). | "Arresteddevops" |
| `facebook_admin` | No | This needs to be one or more page admins to get domain insights. | ["500557137","1234"] |
| `twitter` | No | Twitter name without the `@` sign. | "arresteddevops" |
| `twitter_domain` | Yes | This domain shows in twitter cards as "View on `twitter_domain`". | "" |
| `googleplus` | No | Google Plus page name, without the `+`. | "ArrestedDevOps" |
| `pinterest` | No | Pinterest username. | "nozzleio" |
| `instagram` | No | Instagram username. | "nozzleio" |
| `youtube` | No | Name of the YouTube channel. | "arresteddevops" |
| `linkedin` | No | LinkedIn profile name. This is the part that comes after the `` in your profile URL. | "mattstratton" |
| `twitch` | No | Twitch channel/profile for your site. This is the part that comes after `` | "mattstratton" |
### Giscus Parameters
As an alternative to Disqus for comments, you can leverage GitHub discussions, right below the episodes, thanks to [Giscus]( Giscus is driven by parameters under the `[params.giscus]` section.
Follow the instructions at []( to set it up and get the value of the parameters.
### Host/Author Parameters
We use the "authors" from the configuration to list hosts in the jumbotron or sidebar. All hosts should have an entry in here. These settings should be set under `[params.authors]` and then `[params.authors.USERNAME]` for each host, for example:
name = "Matt Stratton"
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `name` | Yes | The full name of the author/host. | "Matt Stratton" |
| `Pronouns` | no | The preferred pronoun of the author/host. | "She/Her", "He/him", "They/Them" |
| `thumbnail` | Yes | The image for the user. This can either be a fully qualifed URL, or relative to the baseURL. | "" or "img/hosts/matt.png" |
| `bio` | Yes | The author/host bio. Supports Markdown. | "Matt Stratton is a solutions architect at Chef, where he demonstrates how Chefs automation platform provides speed and flexibility to clients infrastructure. He is devoted to concepts like Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code, and his license plate actually says “DevOps”. He lives in Chicago and has an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who, Firefly, and Game of Thrones. And whiskey." |
#### Host Social Parameters
TODO: Remove these parameters from exampleSite, but also add one for the the shortname of the host for linking to host page (optional)
You also will set the social parameters (all are optional) under `[]` and all of them allow either the short form (e.g. just your twitter handle) where the theme will construct the URL or the full URL beginning with https://
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `github` | No | GitHub username only. | "mattstratton" |
| `facebook` | No | Name of the user's Facebook page (not the URL). | "matt.stratton" |
| `twitter` | No | Twitter name without the `@` sign. | "mattstratton |
| `pinterest` | No | Pinterest username. | "nozzleio" |
| `instagram` | No | Instagram username. | "nozzleio" |
| `youtube` | No | Name of the user's YouTube profile. | mattstratton |
| `twitch` | No | Name of the user's Twitch profile. | mattstratton |
| `linkedin` | No | LinkedIn profile name. This is the part that comes after the `` in your profile URL. | "mattstratton" |
| `homepage` | No | The user's website, including the `http` at the beginning. | "" |
### Link Parameters
To generate the list of links in the sidebar, you will set them in the `config.toml` similar to this:
name = "Arrested DevOps"
url = ""
name = "Food Fight Show"
url = ""
name = "Software Defined Talk"
url = ""
The identifier for the link simply needs to be unique; it's not used anywhere else.
### A note about `BaseURL`
This theme is fairly dependent upon a proper `BaseURL` being set in the `config.toml`. This has to do with how the feed is generated as well as some of the social metadata (these things cannot be relative URL's). I'm fully aware that this can cause issues with some build systems, and I'm trying to work on a good solution for this. This must end in a slash. Example: ``
### Pagination setting with grid layout
If you are using the grid layout, you need to ensure that your pagination is set to a multiple of 3. For example, in your config file:
paginate = "9"
### Permalinks
I recommend the following permalink settings, although the theme will work just fine without them:
page = "/:filename/"
about = "/:filename/"
episode = "/:filename/"
### Taxonomies
If you want to use the Categories, Series, or Tags features, you will need to set the appropriate taxonomies. Example:
category = "categories"
series = "series"
tag = "tags"
### Menus
Castanet supports menus with up to one submenu per menu item. The menu name must be "Main", and the menus are sorted based upon their identifier. At this time, you must have at least one menu item, or the theme will error out.
name = "About"
identifier = "about"
url = "about"
name = "Contact"
identifier = "contact"
url = "contact"
name = "Hosts"
identifier = "hosts"
url = "host"
name = "Guests"
identifier = "guests"
url = "guest"
name = "Resources"
identifier = "resources"
url = "#!"
name = "Books"
identifier = "books"
url = "books"
parent = "resources"
name = "Podcasts"
identifier = "podcasts"
url = "books"
parent = "resources"
### Podlove Subscribe Button
[Podlove Subscribe Button]( is a universal and easy-to-use button, to subscribe to podcasts with player clients or website players.
To customize your button please add the following section to your `config.toml`, which covers all features which are provided by the generator on [](
subscribe_title = "" # fallback: site title from above
subscribe_subtitle = "" # fallback: ""
subscribe_description = "" # fallback: ""
subscribe_cover = "img/logo.jpg" # fallback: ""
subscribe_color = "#585e6c" # fallback: ""
subscribe_size = "medium" # options: small, medium, big
subscribe_format = "rectangle" # options: rectangle, square, cover
subscribe_style = "filled" # options: filled, outline, frameless
subscribe_language = "de" # options: nl (dutch), en (english), eo (esperanto), de (german), fi (finnish), fr (french), ja (french)
subscribe_feed_type = "audio" # options: audio, video
subscribe_feed_format = "mp3" # options: mp3, aac, ogg, opus
## Blogs
Every blogs requires a page in the `content/blog` on your site. The command `hugo new blog/` should populate it properly.
A blog file takes the following structure:
Description = "Another blog post!"
Date = 2020-11-12T13:33:18-06:00
PublishDate = 2020-11-12T13:33:18-06:00 # this is the datetime for the when the epsiode was published. This will default to Date if it is not set. Example is "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
title = "My second blog"
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
blog_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
Author = "Chris Reddington"
categories = ["DevOps", "Release"]
tags = ["Ring Deployment", "Phased Rollout"]
series = ["The Nirvana of DevOps"]
#aliases = ["/##"]
YOLO keytar scenester, williamsburg etsy mlkshk neutra hexagon photo booth church-key messenger bag. Lyft small batch enamel pin, bicycle rights la croix migas chartreuse ramps microdosing authentic pickled gochujang kombucha. Wolf vaporware stumptown, glossier vinyl everyday carry organic. Subway tile af tumblr listicle photo booth meh trust fund tote bag. Post-ironic gentrify direct trade blue bottle, fingerstache master cleanse butcher. Succulents ethical leggings hexagon vexillologist migas you probably haven't heard of them keytar sustainable church-key viral salvia hell of kinfolk. Lumbersexual taiyaki la croix literally man bun, truffaut mustache godard edison bulb artisan keytar jianbing air plant swag polaroid.
Actually vinyl fingerstache kickstarter +1 roof party, XOXO swag tousled cold-pressed authentic affogato selvage taiyaki schlitz. Stumptown tumeric lumbersexual, pok pok pabst butcher helvetica coloring book keytar williamsburg. Fam cloud bread meditation, post-ironic waistcoat narwhal chicharrones live-edge authentic try-hard cornhole bespoke kickstarter echo park portland. Cold-pressed lo-fi cornhole kinfolk. Sustainable scenester seitan, vape fanny pack put a bird on it succulents. 90's dreamcatcher messenger bag flannel +1 taxidermy occupy single-origin coffee four dollar toast master cleanse VHS. Small batch williamsburg tumeric meggings fanny pack pok pok paleo cardigan.
Leggings photo booth beard tumeric heirloom 90's flexitarian locavore unicorn, salvia humblebrag biodiesel lomo. Bushwick chillwave distillery kombucha tbh cray roof party tacos. Wayfarers fingerstache irony, celiac schlitz microdosing austin keytar echo park. Flannel drinking vinegar austin sustainable banjo bicycle rights keytar subway tile intelligentsia williamsburg humblebrag vinyl. Prism keffiyeh mlkshk, venmo glossier distillery +1 raw denim edison bulb pinterest crucifix. Freegan iceland chartreuse leggings hella single-origin coffee tilde. Swag neutra chia before they sold out.
Cred tilde flannel shaman helvetica cronut bitters mlkshk. Selvage lyft chartreuse shaman man braid gastropub tattooed post-ironic organic freegan austin forage. Enamel pin unicorn +1 schlitz lomo man bun wayfarers. Readymade bespoke polaroid iceland sriracha schlitz tousled flannel. Raw denim enamel pin fanny pack sustainable, butcher deep v thundercats try-hard forage woke fam keffiyeh. Cronut kitsch cray shoreditch pabst paleo normcore DIY bespoke cardigan pug. Crucifix bitters knausgaard neutra, viral distillery selvage banh mi activated charcoal cray.
Tofu taiyaki sriracha unicorn try-hard cornhole cloud bread keytar wayfarers kinfolk pour-over art party small batch. Tousled DIY coloring book wolf, small batch master cleanse austin letterpress af. Humblebrag pop-up vaporware, readymade organic woke af la croix succulents. Yr hoodie mlkshk woke whatever portland cornhole, brunch raw denim shaman YOLO prism bicycle rights. Helvetica la croix fingerstache chambray tumblr ramps blog waistcoat 8-bit. Dreamcatcher stumptown distillery mixtape sriracha blog la croix. Pabst copper mug street art, kinfolk letterpress chambray swag occupy shoreditch echo park migas post-ironic.
Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| Description | Yes | The description of the blog, which is used on summary pages as well as the feed. Markdown is allowed, but only links. | Another blog post! |
| Date | Yes | The release date of the blog. The hugo new blog will pre-populate this, but you may want to adjust it. | 2020-11-12T13:33:18-06:00 |
| PublishDate | No | The datetime used by hugo when the blog should be published. This is only required if you want to set the blog post to be released on a different date from when it was written. | 2020-11-12T13:33:18-06:00 |
| title | Yes | The title of the blog. | "My second blog" |
| images | No | The social sharing image used by Facebook, Twitter, etc. The archetype will populate this with a default sharing image. This image needs to be relative to your baseURL | "img/episode/default-social.jpg" |
| blog_image | Yes | The square thumbnail to represent the blog. A default image is provided, and the archetype will pre-populate it. This image needs to be relative to your baseURL. | "img/episode/default.jpg" |
| Author | Yes | The text representation of the Author of the post. | "Chris Reddington" |
| categories[] | No | If you are using taxonomies, this is the array of categories for the blog. | ["DevOps", "Release"] |
| series[] | No | If you are using taxonomies, this is the array of series for the blog. | ["The Nirvana of DevOps"] |
| tags[] | No | If you are using taxonomies, this is the array of tags for the | ["Ring Deployment", "Phased Rollout"] |
| aliases | No | Other aliases for this blog. | ["/##"] |
## Episodes
Every episode requires a page in the `content/episode` on your site. The command `hugo new episode/` should populate it properly.
An episode file takes the following structure:
Description = "Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding."
aliases = ["/12"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-09-25T04:10:01-05:00"
episode = "12"
episode_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
episode_banner = "img/episode/default-banner.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["jsmith"]
sponsors = ["bluthcompany"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = "123456789"
title = "Back to School"
youtube = ""
truncate = ""
upcoming = false
Graphical user interface influencer value proposition startup hackathon iPad analytics gen-z entrepreneur release traction product management long tail. Buzz business-to-consumer android learning curve innovator seed money iteration buyer startup. Holy grail graphical user interface responsive web design lean startup bandwidth strategy release innovator low hanging fruit non-disclosure agreement. Strategy handshake iPhone interaction design early adopters. Low hanging fruit crowdfunding vesting period. Low hanging fruit social proof series A financing product management founders bootstrapping ecosystem buyer supply chain hackathon direct mailing churn rate client. Scrum project direct mailing ecosystem monetization innovator. Partner network gen-z conversion pivot iPhone infographic growth hacking business plan facebook alpha marketing beta technology. Focus crowdsource venture strategy user experience. Lean startup disruptive user experience stealth interaction design monetization client long tail virality seed round direct mailing hypotheses technology burn rate.
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `Description` | Yes | The description of the episode, which is used on summary pages as well as the feed. Markdown is allowed, but only links. | "Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot." |
| `aliases` | No | Other aliases for this episode. You may wish to create an alias to the episode number, etc. | ["/12"] |
| `hosts` | No | The hosts of the episode, based upon the base filename | "[mstratton, thess]" |
| `date` | Yes | The release date of the episode. The `hugo new` episode will pre-populate this, but you may want to adjust it. | "2016-09-25T04:10:01-05:00" |
| `episode` | No | The episode number. This is used in the Apple Podcasts tags of the feed. | "12" |
| `episode_image` | Yes | The square thumbnail to represent the episode. A default image is provided, and the archetype will pre-populate it. This image needs to be relative to your baseURL. | "img/episode/default.jpg" |
| `episode_banner` | No | The banner to represent the episode. This image needs to be relative to your baseURL. This image will be display at the top of the episode page, as well as the top of the home page for the most recent episode. Recommend that it is at least 1024 pixels wide. | "img/episode/default-banner.jpg" |
| `explicit` | Yes | Whether or not the episode contains explicit content. Default value from the archetype is "no". Valid values are "yes", "no", "true" or "false". | "yes" |
| `guests` | No | If your episode has guests, populate the `guests[]` array with a comma-separated list of their names. If there is only one guest, no comma is needed. | ["jdoe", "msmith", "gbluth"] or ["jsmith]" |
| `sponsors` | No | If your episode has sponsors, populate the `sponsors[]` array with a comma-separates list of their identifiers. If there is only one sponsor, no comma is needed. | ["bluthcompany", "sitwell"] or ["suddenvalley"] |
| `images` | No | The social sharing image used by Facebook, Twitter, etc. The archetype will populate this with a default sharing image. This image needs to be relative to your baseURL | ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"] |
| `podcast_duration` | Yes | The duration of the podcast, up to the amount of seconds. | "1:08:22" or "59:32" |
| `podcast_file` | Yes | The filename of your episode, relative to the `media_prefix` of your config.toml. | `"arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"` |
| `podcast_bytes` | No | The length of the podcast file in bytes. This is optional, but Apple Podcasts and many other podcast players prefer this to be set. | "23907533" |
| `Title` | Yes | The title of the episode. | "Back to School" |
| `subtitle` | No | The subtitle of the episode. Only used in the RSS feed in the `itunes:subtitle` tag. If this value is empty/nil, the value from Description will be used. Truncated at 243 characters. | "Back to School" |
| `youtube` | No | The ID of the YouTube video (not the full URL). This will display the video on the episode page, and if you are using the row layout, it will display for the latest episode. | "8ClZXJsgpHY" |
| `truncate` | No | The number of characters to truncate the summary on the row layout.. The default value (if not set) is 600 characters. | "700" |
| `guid` | No | A fixed, globally unique identifier for the episode which should never change. If one is not specified the URL of the `podcast_file` will be used instead. | "aae20190418" |
| `transcript` | No | The path to the transcript file. The file can have Markdown or be in HTML. It must be relative to the root of your site (this is a file path, not a URL). It is recommended to put them in your `static` directory so that Hugo doesn't try to process them. | "/static/transcripts/chatops.txt" |
| `upcoming` | No | Boolean value if the episode should be considered "upcoming" and not published. Values include `true` or `false`. If set to `true`, the episode will not show up in episode lists (including guest and host pages) and will not be part of the feed. Upcoming episodes will be listed on the "Upcoming" page if created. | true |
| `categories[]` | No | If you are using taxonomies, this is the array of categories for the epsiode. | ["Virtual Reality"] |
| `series[]` | No | If you are using taxonomies, this is the array of series for the epsiode. | ["Modern Tech Trends"] |
| `tags[]` | No | If you are using taxonomies, this is the array of tags for the epsiode. | ["VR", "Technology"] |
### Upcoming Episodes
If you would like to display upcoming episodes, you need to do a couple things. First, you will need to create a page where the upcoming episodes will be listed. You can check out `exampleSite` for an example, but basically, you want to create `content/upcoming/`.
Any episodes that have `upcoming` in their frontmatter set to `true` will be listed here, but not listed on any other pages (feed, home page, guest pages, etc). Additionally, episodes that are marked as "upcoming" will not display a YouTube video or audio player, even if those parameters are set.
Note: you will need to set `buildFuture = true` in your `config.toml` to allow Hugo to build upcoming episodes that are dated in the future.
## Guests
If you don't have guests on your episodes, feel free to ignore this section.
### Guest Pages
Every guest on your show needs a corresponding page in the `content/guest` directory of your site. Generally speaking, you should be able to name these however you like, but I have only tested it with the format ``, i.e., for "John Doe" the file would be ``.
A guest file takes the following structure:
Title = "John Doe"
Pronouns = "They/Them"
Twitter = "johndoe"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "johndoe"
Linkedin = "johndoe"
GitHub = "johndoe"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/jdoe.jpg"
Twitch = "johndoe"
YouTube = "johndoe"
Aka = ["jsmith", "jsmith2"]
Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas.
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `Title` | Yes | The full name of the guest. This is what is displayed on the episode page, etc. | "Jane Smith" |
| `Pronouns` | no | The preferred pronoun of the author/host. | "She/Her", "He/him", "They/Them" |
| `Thumbnail` | No | The image for the guest. This image must be 500 px x 500 px. You can either enter a value relative to your `BaseURL`, or a fully qualified URL. If you want to use the default, set this to `""`. Optional. If left blank, or not existent, a default image will be provided. You can replace this default image by putting a new 500 px x 500 px PNG image at `/static/img/guest/default-guest.png` in your site (not in the theme!). Please ensure that this path does NOT start with `/` | "img/guest/jane-smith.png" |
| `Website` | No | The guest's website. Be use to includ http(s) at the beginning. | "" |
| `GitHub` | No | Guest's GitHub username. | "mattstratton" |
| `Facebook` | No | Guest's Facebook username. Do not use the full URL. | "matt.stratton" |
| `Twitter` | No | Guest's Twitter username, without the `@`. | "mattstratton" |
| `LinkedIn` | No | LinkedIn profile name. This is the part that comes after the `` in your profile URL. | "mattstratton" |
| `Pinterest` | No | Pinterest profile name. | "mattstratton" |
| `Instagram` | No | Instagram profile name. | "mattstratton" |
| `YouTube` | No | YouTube profile/channel name | "mattstratton" |
| `Twitch` | No | Twitch profile/channel name | "mattstratton" |
| `Aka` | No | **DEPRECATED - use `guest_group` instead.** The name(s) of another guest file which is an alternate identity for this guest (for example, if the bio changes, name changes, etc). This should be set in both directions (i.e., the `Aka` field should be set on `` and `` pointing to each other). | Aka = ["jsmith", "jsmith2"] |
| `guest_group` | No | Set to an identifier to mark guests as being different versions of the same person. Only the most recent file in a guest group will appear on the Guests page. Additionally, all members of a guest group will display the same "other episodes" on guest pages. | "mattstratton" |
## Hosts
Host information comes from host pages. You can use the shortcode TODO: add shortcode
### Host Pages
Every host needs a corresponding page in the `content/host` directory of your site. Generally speaking, you should be able to name these however you like, but I have only tested it with the format ``, i.e., for "John Doe" the file would be ``.
A host file takes the following structure:
Title = "John Doe"
Twitter = "johndoe"
Website = ""
Type = "host"
Facebook = "johndoe"
Linkedin = "johndoe"
GitHub = "johndoe"
Thumbnail = "img/host/johndoe.png"
Pinterest = "johndoe"
Instagram = "johndoe"
YouTube = "johndoe"
Twitch = "johndoe"
Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas.
| Field Name | Required | Description | Example |
| `Title` | Yes | The full name of the guest. This is what is displayed on the episode page, etc. | "Jane Smith" |
| `Thumbnail` | No | The image for the guest. This image must be 500 px x 500 px. You can either enter a value relative to your `BaseURL`, or a fully qualified URL. If you want to use the default, set this to `""`. Optional. If left blank, or not existent, a default image will be provided. You can replace this default image by putting a new 500 px x 500 px PNG image at `/static/img/guest/default-guest.png` in your site (not in the theme!). Please ensure that this path does NOT start with `/` | "img/guest/jane-smith.png" |
| `Website` | No | The guest's website. Be use to includ http(s) at the beginning. | "" |
| `GitHub` | No | Guest's GitHub username. | "mattstratton" |
| `Facebook` | No | Guest's Facebook username. Do not use the full URL. | "matt.stratton" |
| `Twitter` | No | Guest's Twitter username, without the `@`. | "mattstratton" |
| `LinkedIn` | No | LinkedIn profile name. This is the part that comes after the `` in your profile URL. | "mattstratton" |
| `Pinterest` | No | Pinterest profile name. | "mattstratton" |
| `Instagram` | No | Instagram profile name. | "mattstratton" |
| `YouTube` | No | YouTube profile/channel name | "mattstratton" |
| `Twitch` | No | Twitch profile/channel name | "mattstratton" |
| `Hide` | No | Optional flag to hide this host from the Hosts page. Must be set to "true" if you want the host to not show up. Case-sensitive. | "true" |
## Sponsors
If your podcast doesn't have sponsors, feel free to disregard this section.
Sponsors are made up of two portions - a data file that describes the sponsor, and the banner image for the sponsor. The sponsor data files are stored in `data/sponsors`, and each file needs to be named after the identifier for the sponsor. There are three fields for each sponsor, and they are all required. An example sponsorfile would look like this:
name: bluthcompany
url: ""
ad: "img/sponsors/bluthcompany.jpg"
The ad can either be a fully qualified URL (such as ``) or a path relative to your `static` directory.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title = "about us"
description = "about this site"
Date = {{ .Date }}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Description = ""
Date = {{ .Date }}
PublishDate = {{ .Date }} # this is the datetime for the when the epsiode was published. This will default to Date if it is not set. Example is "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
title = ""
#blog_banner = ""
blog_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
#Author = ""
#aliases = ["/##"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Date = {{ .Date }}
title = ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Description = ""
Date = {{ .Date }}
PublishDate = {{ .Date }} # this is the datetime for the when the epsiode was published. This will default to Date if it is not set. Example is "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
podcast_file = "###.mp3" # the name of the podcast file, after the media prefix.
podcast_duration = ""
#podcast_bytes = "" # the length of the episode in bytes
episode_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
#episode_banner = ""
#guests = [] # The names of your guests, based on the filename without extension.
#sponsors = []
#episode = ""
title = ""
#subtitle = ""
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
#hosts = [] # The names of your hosts, based on the filename without extension.
#aliases = ["/##"]
#youtube = ""
explicit = "no" # values are "yes" or "no"
#media_override # if you want to use a specific URL for the audio file
#truncate = ""
#upcoming = true # set to true if you want this to be listed as upcoming, etc, etc
#categories = []
#series = []
#tags = []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Date = {{ .Date }}
title = ""
Pronouns = ""
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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
date = "2016-09-25T02:11:48-05:00"
description = "about this site"
title = "about"
## I love my podcast
You should love it too

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Description = "This is a blog post!"
Date = 2020-11-01T13:27:00-06:00
PublishDate = 2020-11-01T13:27:00-06:00 # this is the datetime for the when the epsiode was published. This will default to Date if it is not set. Example is "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
title = "My First Blog"
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
Author = "mstratton"
blog_banner = "img/episode/default-banner.jpg"
blog_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
categories = ["DevOps", "Deployment"]
tags = ["Version Control", "Git"]
series = ["The Nirvana of DevOps"]
#aliases = ["/##"]
YOLO keytar scenester, williamsburg etsy mlkshk neutra hexagon photo booth church-key messenger bag. Lyft small batch enamel pin, bicycle rights la croix migas chartreuse ramps microdosing authentic pickled gochujang kombucha. Wolf vaporware stumptown, glossier vinyl everyday carry organic. Subway tile af tumblr listicle photo booth meh trust fund tote bag. Post-ironic gentrify direct trade blue bottle, fingerstache master cleanse butcher. Succulents ethical leggings hexagon vexillologist migas you probably haven't heard of them keytar sustainable church-key viral salvia hell of kinfolk. Lumbersexual taiyaki la croix literally man bun, truffaut mustache godard edison bulb artisan keytar jianbing air plant swag polaroid.
Actually vinyl fingerstache kickstarter +1 roof party, XOXO swag tousled cold-pressed authentic affogato selvage taiyaki schlitz. Stumptown tumeric lumbersexual, pok pok pabst butcher helvetica coloring book keytar williamsburg. Fam cloud bread meditation, post-ironic waistcoat narwhal chicharrones live-edge authentic try-hard cornhole bespoke kickstarter echo park portland. Cold-pressed lo-fi cornhole kinfolk. Sustainable scenester seitan, vape fanny pack put a bird on it succulents. 90's dreamcatcher messenger bag flannel +1 taxidermy occupy single-origin coffee four dollar toast master cleanse VHS. Small batch williamsburg tumeric meggings fanny pack pok pok paleo cardigan.
Leggings photo booth beard tumeric heirloom 90's flexitarian locavore unicorn, salvia humblebrag biodiesel lomo. Bushwick chillwave distillery kombucha tbh cray roof party tacos. Wayfarers fingerstache irony, celiac schlitz microdosing austin keytar echo park. Flannel drinking vinegar austin sustainable banjo bicycle rights keytar subway tile intelligentsia williamsburg humblebrag vinyl. Prism keffiyeh mlkshk, venmo glossier distillery +1 raw denim edison bulb pinterest crucifix. Freegan iceland chartreuse leggings hella single-origin coffee tilde. Swag neutra chia before they sold out.
Cred tilde flannel shaman helvetica cronut bitters mlkshk. Selvage lyft chartreuse shaman man braid gastropub tattooed post-ironic organic freegan austin forage. Enamel pin unicorn +1 schlitz lomo man bun wayfarers. Readymade bespoke polaroid iceland sriracha schlitz tousled flannel. Raw denim enamel pin fanny pack sustainable, butcher deep v thundercats try-hard forage woke fam keffiyeh. Cronut kitsch cray shoreditch pabst paleo normcore DIY bespoke cardigan pug. Crucifix bitters knausgaard neutra, viral distillery selvage banh mi activated charcoal cray.
Tofu taiyaki sriracha unicorn try-hard cornhole cloud bread keytar wayfarers kinfolk pour-over art party small batch. Tousled DIY coloring book wolf, small batch master cleanse austin letterpress af. Humblebrag pop-up vaporware, readymade organic woke af la croix succulents. Yr hoodie mlkshk woke whatever portland cornhole, brunch raw denim shaman YOLO prism bicycle rights. Helvetica la croix fingerstache chambray tumblr ramps blog waistcoat 8-bit. Dreamcatcher stumptown distillery mixtape sriracha blog la croix. Pabst copper mug street art, kinfolk letterpress chambray swag occupy shoreditch echo park migas post-ironic.
Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Description = "Another blog post!"
Date = 2020-12-01T13:33:18-06:00
PublishDate = 2020-12-01T13:33:18-06:00 # this is the datetime for the when the epsiode was published. This will default to Date if it is not set. Example is "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
title = "My fourth blog"
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
blog_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
#Author = ""
#categories = []
#tags = []
#series = []
#aliases = ["/##"]
YOLO keytar scenester, williamsburg etsy mlkshk neutra hexagon photo booth church-key messenger bag. Lyft small batch enamel pin, bicycle rights la croix migas chartreuse ramps microdosing authentic pickled gochujang kombucha. Wolf vaporware stumptown, glossier vinyl everyday carry organic. Subway tile af tumblr listicle photo booth meh trust fund tote bag. Post-ironic gentrify direct trade blue bottle, fingerstache master cleanse butcher. Succulents ethical leggings hexagon vexillologist migas you probably haven't heard of them keytar sustainable church-key viral salvia hell of kinfolk. Lumbersexual taiyaki la croix literally man bun, truffaut mustache godard edison bulb artisan keytar jianbing air plant swag polaroid.
Actually vinyl fingerstache kickstarter +1 roof party, XOXO swag tousled cold-pressed authentic affogato selvage taiyaki schlitz. Stumptown tumeric lumbersexual, pok pok pabst butcher helvetica coloring book keytar williamsburg. Fam cloud bread meditation, post-ironic waistcoat narwhal chicharrones live-edge authentic try-hard cornhole bespoke kickstarter echo park portland. Cold-pressed lo-fi cornhole kinfolk. Sustainable scenester seitan, vape fanny pack put a bird on it succulents. 90's dreamcatcher messenger bag flannel +1 taxidermy occupy single-origin coffee four dollar toast master cleanse VHS. Small batch williamsburg tumeric meggings fanny pack pok pok paleo cardigan.
Leggings photo booth beard tumeric heirloom 90's flexitarian locavore unicorn, salvia humblebrag biodiesel lomo. Bushwick chillwave distillery kombucha tbh cray roof party tacos. Wayfarers fingerstache irony, celiac schlitz microdosing austin keytar echo park. Flannel drinking vinegar austin sustainable banjo bicycle rights keytar subway tile intelligentsia williamsburg humblebrag vinyl. Prism keffiyeh mlkshk, venmo glossier distillery +1 raw denim edison bulb pinterest crucifix. Freegan iceland chartreuse leggings hella single-origin coffee tilde. Swag neutra chia before they sold out.
Cred tilde flannel shaman helvetica cronut bitters mlkshk. Selvage lyft chartreuse shaman man braid gastropub tattooed post-ironic organic freegan austin forage. Enamel pin unicorn +1 schlitz lomo man bun wayfarers. Readymade bespoke polaroid iceland sriracha schlitz tousled flannel. Raw denim enamel pin fanny pack sustainable, butcher deep v thundercats try-hard forage woke fam keffiyeh. Cronut kitsch cray shoreditch pabst paleo normcore DIY bespoke cardigan pug. Crucifix bitters knausgaard neutra, viral distillery selvage banh mi activated charcoal cray.
Tofu taiyaki sriracha unicorn try-hard cornhole cloud bread keytar wayfarers kinfolk pour-over art party small batch. Tousled DIY coloring book wolf, small batch master cleanse austin letterpress af. Humblebrag pop-up vaporware, readymade organic woke af la croix succulents. Yr hoodie mlkshk woke whatever portland cornhole, brunch raw denim shaman YOLO prism bicycle rights. Helvetica la croix fingerstache chambray tumblr ramps blog waistcoat 8-bit. Dreamcatcher stumptown distillery mixtape sriracha blog la croix. Pabst copper mug street art, kinfolk letterpress chambray swag occupy shoreditch echo park migas post-ironic.
Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Description = "Another blog post!"
Date = 2020-11-12T13:33:18-06:00
PublishDate = 2020-11-12T13:33:18-06:00 # this is the datetime for the when the epsiode was published. This will default to Date if it is not set. Example is "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
title = "My second blog"
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
blog_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
Author = "bkromhout"
categories = ["DevOps", "Release"]
tags = ["Ring Deployment", "Phased Rollout"]
series = ["The Nirvana of DevOps"]
#aliases = ["/##"]
YOLO keytar scenester, williamsburg etsy mlkshk neutra hexagon photo booth church-key messenger bag. Lyft small batch enamel pin, bicycle rights la croix migas chartreuse ramps microdosing authentic pickled gochujang kombucha. Wolf vaporware stumptown, glossier vinyl everyday carry organic. Subway tile af tumblr listicle photo booth meh trust fund tote bag. Post-ironic gentrify direct trade blue bottle, fingerstache master cleanse butcher. Succulents ethical leggings hexagon vexillologist migas you probably haven't heard of them keytar sustainable church-key viral salvia hell of kinfolk. Lumbersexual taiyaki la croix literally man bun, truffaut mustache godard edison bulb artisan keytar jianbing air plant swag polaroid.
Actually vinyl fingerstache kickstarter +1 roof party, XOXO swag tousled cold-pressed authentic affogato selvage taiyaki schlitz. Stumptown tumeric lumbersexual, pok pok pabst butcher helvetica coloring book keytar williamsburg. Fam cloud bread meditation, post-ironic waistcoat narwhal chicharrones live-edge authentic try-hard cornhole bespoke kickstarter echo park portland. Cold-pressed lo-fi cornhole kinfolk. Sustainable scenester seitan, vape fanny pack put a bird on it succulents. 90's dreamcatcher messenger bag flannel +1 taxidermy occupy single-origin coffee four dollar toast master cleanse VHS. Small batch williamsburg tumeric meggings fanny pack pok pok paleo cardigan.
Leggings photo booth beard tumeric heirloom 90's flexitarian locavore unicorn, salvia humblebrag biodiesel lomo. Bushwick chillwave distillery kombucha tbh cray roof party tacos. Wayfarers fingerstache irony, celiac schlitz microdosing austin keytar echo park. Flannel drinking vinegar austin sustainable banjo bicycle rights keytar subway tile intelligentsia williamsburg humblebrag vinyl. Prism keffiyeh mlkshk, venmo glossier distillery +1 raw denim edison bulb pinterest crucifix. Freegan iceland chartreuse leggings hella single-origin coffee tilde. Swag neutra chia before they sold out.
Cred tilde flannel shaman helvetica cronut bitters mlkshk. Selvage lyft chartreuse shaman man braid gastropub tattooed post-ironic organic freegan austin forage. Enamel pin unicorn +1 schlitz lomo man bun wayfarers. Readymade bespoke polaroid iceland sriracha schlitz tousled flannel. Raw denim enamel pin fanny pack sustainable, butcher deep v thundercats try-hard forage woke fam keffiyeh. Cronut kitsch cray shoreditch pabst paleo normcore DIY bespoke cardigan pug. Crucifix bitters knausgaard neutra, viral distillery selvage banh mi activated charcoal cray.
Tofu taiyaki sriracha unicorn try-hard cornhole cloud bread keytar wayfarers kinfolk pour-over art party small batch. Tousled DIY coloring book wolf, small batch master cleanse austin letterpress af. Humblebrag pop-up vaporware, readymade organic woke af la croix succulents. Yr hoodie mlkshk woke whatever portland cornhole, brunch raw denim shaman YOLO prism bicycle rights. Helvetica la croix fingerstache chambray tumblr ramps blog waistcoat 8-bit. Dreamcatcher stumptown distillery mixtape sriracha blog la croix. Pabst copper mug street art, kinfolk letterpress chambray swag occupy shoreditch echo park migas post-ironic.
Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Description = "Another blog post!"
Date = 2020-11-21T13:33:18-06:00
PublishDate = 2020-11-21T13:33:18-06:00 # this is the datetime for the when the epsiode was published. This will default to Date if it is not set. Example is "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
title = "My third blog"
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
blog_image = "img/episode/default.jpg"
Author = ""
categories = []
tags = []
series = []
#aliases = ["/##"]
YOLO keytar scenester, williamsburg etsy mlkshk neutra hexagon photo booth church-key messenger bag. Lyft small batch enamel pin, bicycle rights la croix migas chartreuse ramps microdosing authentic pickled gochujang kombucha. Wolf vaporware stumptown, glossier vinyl everyday carry organic. Subway tile af tumblr listicle photo booth meh trust fund tote bag. Post-ironic gentrify direct trade blue bottle, fingerstache master cleanse butcher. Succulents ethical leggings hexagon vexillologist migas you probably haven't heard of them keytar sustainable church-key viral salvia hell of kinfolk. Lumbersexual taiyaki la croix literally man bun, truffaut mustache godard edison bulb artisan keytar jianbing air plant swag polaroid.
Actually vinyl fingerstache kickstarter +1 roof party, XOXO swag tousled cold-pressed authentic affogato selvage taiyaki schlitz. Stumptown tumeric lumbersexual, pok pok pabst butcher helvetica coloring book keytar williamsburg. Fam cloud bread meditation, post-ironic waistcoat narwhal chicharrones live-edge authentic try-hard cornhole bespoke kickstarter echo park portland. Cold-pressed lo-fi cornhole kinfolk. Sustainable scenester seitan, vape fanny pack put a bird on it succulents. 90's dreamcatcher messenger bag flannel +1 taxidermy occupy single-origin coffee four dollar toast master cleanse VHS. Small batch williamsburg tumeric meggings fanny pack pok pok paleo cardigan.
Leggings photo booth beard tumeric heirloom 90's flexitarian locavore unicorn, salvia humblebrag biodiesel lomo. Bushwick chillwave distillery kombucha tbh cray roof party tacos. Wayfarers fingerstache irony, celiac schlitz microdosing austin keytar echo park. Flannel drinking vinegar austin sustainable banjo bicycle rights keytar subway tile intelligentsia williamsburg humblebrag vinyl. Prism keffiyeh mlkshk, venmo glossier distillery +1 raw denim edison bulb pinterest crucifix. Freegan iceland chartreuse leggings hella single-origin coffee tilde. Swag neutra chia before they sold out.
Cred tilde flannel shaman helvetica cronut bitters mlkshk. Selvage lyft chartreuse shaman man braid gastropub tattooed post-ironic organic freegan austin forage. Enamel pin unicorn +1 schlitz lomo man bun wayfarers. Readymade bespoke polaroid iceland sriracha schlitz tousled flannel. Raw denim enamel pin fanny pack sustainable, butcher deep v thundercats try-hard forage woke fam keffiyeh. Cronut kitsch cray shoreditch pabst paleo normcore DIY bespoke cardigan pug. Crucifix bitters knausgaard neutra, viral distillery selvage banh mi activated charcoal cray.
Tofu taiyaki sriracha unicorn try-hard cornhole cloud bread keytar wayfarers kinfolk pour-over art party small batch. Tousled DIY coloring book wolf, small batch master cleanse austin letterpress af. Humblebrag pop-up vaporware, readymade organic woke af la croix succulents. Yr hoodie mlkshk woke whatever portland cornhole, brunch raw denim shaman YOLO prism bicycle rights. Helvetica la croix fingerstache chambray tumblr ramps blog waistcoat 8-bit. Dreamcatcher stumptown distillery mixtape sriracha blog la croix. Pabst copper mug street art, kinfolk letterpress chambray swag occupy shoreditch echo park migas post-ironic.
Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
date = "2017-04-27T15:18:55-05:00"
title = "books"
Actionable insight food-truck earned media iterate hacker bootstrapping driven. Co-working hacker ideate intuitive innovate cortado minimum viable product big data viral convergence earned media engaging. Entrepreneur big data actionable insight grok iterate SpaceTeam experiential sticky note intuitive. Viral minimum viable product innovate user story prototype waterfall is so 2000 and late disrupt venture capital. Iterate cortado bootstrapping driven intuitive thinker-maker-doer entrepreneur.
Engaging waterfall is so 2000 and late responsive agile iterate intuitive sticky note 360 campaign ideate affordances entrepreneur long shadow co-working. Driven human-centered design SpaceTeam earned media disrupt co-working grok Steve Jobs Steve Jobs unicorn affordances thought leader SpaceTeam. Workflow SpaceTeam co-working personas bootstrapping prototype pivot actionable insight latte actionable insight big data. Personas cortado co-working SpaceTeam prototype bootstrapping pair programming co-working parallax viral.
Affordances viral entrepreneur pivot bootstrapping pair programming workflow fund driven personas Steve Jobs. Driven affordances paradigm innovate engaging innovate piverate. Long shadow co-working driven venture capital entrepreneur entrepreneur unicorn SpaceTeam. Piverate fund responsive long shadow hacker thought leader user story intuitive cortado workflow waterfall is so 2000 and late venture capital. Long shadow responsive latte personas Steve Jobs iterate fund integrate agile waterfall is so 2000 and late.
Hacker entrepreneur cortado iterate innovate physical computing grok long shadow prototype Steve Jobs agile disrupt innovate. Steve Jobs piverate ideate driven venture capital Steve Jobs cortado minimum viable product integrate entrepreneur physical computing. Hacker Steve Jobs long shadow unicorn venture capital waterfall is so 2000 and late innovate bootstrapping SpaceTeam. Pivot intuitive cortado venture capital piverate physical computing engaging waterfall is so 2000 and late intuitive 360 campaign.
Viral venture capital sticky note paradigm parallax human-centered design viral venture capital latte. Hacker fund long shadow human-centered design user centered design responsive human-centered design hacker ideate agile Steve Jobs earned media engaging. Agile pivot big data quantitative vs. qualitative personas grok innovate integrate iterate ideate. Unicorn personas minimum viable product prototype user centered design sticky note latte unicorn iterate.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
date = "2017-04-27T15:19:36-05:00"
title = "contact"
Actionable insight food-truck earned media iterate hacker bootstrapping driven. Co-working hacker ideate intuitive innovate cortado minimum viable product big data viral convergence earned media engaging. Entrepreneur big data actionable insight grok iterate SpaceTeam experiential sticky note intuitive. Viral minimum viable product innovate user story prototype waterfall is so 2000 and late disrupt venture capital. Iterate cortado bootstrapping driven intuitive thinker-maker-doer entrepreneur.
Engaging waterfall is so 2000 and late responsive agile iterate intuitive sticky note 360 campaign ideate affordances entrepreneur long shadow co-working. Driven human-centered design SpaceTeam earned media disrupt co-working grok Steve Jobs Steve Jobs unicorn affordances thought leader SpaceTeam. Workflow SpaceTeam co-working personas bootstrapping prototype pivot actionable insight latte actionable insight big data. Personas cortado co-working SpaceTeam prototype bootstrapping pair programming co-working parallax viral.
Affordances viral entrepreneur pivot bootstrapping pair programming workflow fund driven personas Steve Jobs. Driven affordances paradigm innovate engaging innovate piverate. Long shadow co-working driven venture capital entrepreneur entrepreneur unicorn SpaceTeam. Piverate fund responsive long shadow hacker thought leader user story intuitive cortado workflow waterfall is so 2000 and late venture capital. Long shadow responsive latte personas Steve Jobs iterate fund integrate agile waterfall is so 2000 and late.
Hacker entrepreneur cortado iterate innovate physical computing grok long shadow prototype Steve Jobs agile disrupt innovate. Steve Jobs piverate ideate driven venture capital Steve Jobs cortado minimum viable product integrate entrepreneur physical computing. Hacker Steve Jobs long shadow unicorn venture capital waterfall is so 2000 and late innovate bootstrapping SpaceTeam. Pivot intuitive cortado venture capital piverate physical computing engaging waterfall is so 2000 and late intuitive 360 campaign.
Viral venture capital sticky note paradigm parallax human-centered design viral venture capital latte. Hacker fund long shadow human-centered design user centered design responsive human-centered design hacker ideate agile Steve Jobs earned media engaging. Agile pivot big data quantitative vs. qualitative personas grok innovate integrate iterate ideate. Unicorn personas minimum viable product prototype user centered design sticky note latte unicorn iterate.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Description = "Seed money learning curve client beta accelerator handshake non-disclosure agreement pitch startup burn rate early adopters innovator. Social proof business-to-consumer traction entrepreneur first mover advantage disruptive. Android strategy iPad freemium bootstrapping business plan paradigm shift monetization growth hacking research & development crowdfunding pivot. Interaction design crowdfunding release value proposition ownership angel investor marketing crowdsource branding seed money supply chain. Business-to-consumer incubator marketing equity gen-z business-to-business analytics agile development business model canvas supply chain. Focus holy grail business-to-consumer marketing beta advisor funding. Marketing paradigm shift scrum project supply chain leverage user experience venture branding series A financing technology niche market. Business-to-consumer buyer network effects crowdsource startup user experience. Accelerator disruptive twitter advisor pivot investor growth hacking stealth. Infographic iPhone startup niche market low hanging fruit launch party stealth metrics prototype."
aliases = ["/7"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-04-25T04:09:45-05:00"
episode = "7"
episode_image = "img/episode/april.jpg"
explicit = "false"
guests = ["jdoe", "jsmith", "ajohnston2"]
hosts = ["mstratton","bkromhout"]
images = [""]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "april fools"
youtube = "X56Bt2zDNyA"
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Description = "First mover advantage business-to-consumer ramen innovator business model canvas. Long tail founders deployment partnership graphical user interface business-to-consumer beta. Non-disclosure agreement technology monetization. Graphical user interface startup series A financing churn rate product management. Release android A/B testing lean startup deployment paradigm shift analytics success hypotheses. Low hanging fruit facebook network effects."
aliases = ["/11"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-08-25T04:09:58-05:00"
episode_image = "img/episode/aug.jpg"
episode_banner = "img/episode/default-banner.jpg"
explicit = "true"
guests = ["mstratton", "ajohnston", "cadams"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "August Is Hot One"
youtube = ""
categories = ["Virtual Reality"]
series = ["Modern Tech Trends"]
tags = ["VR", "Technology"]
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Description = "IPad business-to-consumer sales ecosystem freemium deployment accelerator buzz backing A/B testing gen-z market influencer. Research & development handshake accelerator disruptive burn rate vesting period pitch. Buyer release learning curve traction pivot deployment ownership business model canvas technology early adopters crowdfunding buzz interaction design. Rockstar founders growth hacking mass market partner network beta gamification product management. Founders investor market freemium business model canvas burn rate business-to-business handshake strategy iPad creative customer early adopters crowdsource. Metrics network effects growth hacking. Buzz twitter android sales prototype user experience paradigm shift return on investment. Long tail twitter business plan assets vesting period startup launch party investor niche market handshake non-disclosure agreement channels crowdsource. Seed round hackathon innovator value proposition focus virality release. Market entrepreneur stock facebook metrics bootstrapping."
aliases = ["/3"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2015-12-25T04:10:10-05:00"
episode = "3"
episode_image = "img/episode/dec.jpg"
explicit = "yes"
guests = ["chamilton", "jlong", "kdixon", "ccooper", "jsmith2"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "Holiday Time"
youtube = ""
categories = ["Politics"]
series = []
tags = []
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Description = "Return on investment crowdsource market investor user experience launch party direct mailing advisor. Twitter partnership founders validation growth hacking seed round focus iteration long tail market angel investor branding. Analytics success gen-z twitter long tail ecosystem. Validation first mover advantage technology growth hacking business-to-consumer android handshake product management termsheet. Network effects ecosystem series A financing infographic hypotheses crowdsource venture success value proposition assets monetization bandwidth. Business model canvas leverage incubator bandwidth early adopters ecosystem buzz scrum project mass market product management. Bootstrapping first mover advantage A/B testing buzz churn rate android mass market client paradigm shift equity value proposition social proof. Success hackathon ecosystem equity. Stealth focus startup. Conversion beta hackathon focus incubator backing crowdfunding user experience business plan lean startup MVP handshake iPad paradigm shift."
aliases = ["/5"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-02-25T04:08:20-05:00"
episode = "5"
episode_image = "img/episode/feb.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["scox", "sparker", "smorgan", "kgrant"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "All of the Presidents"
youtube = ""
categories = ["Politics"]
series = ["Politely Presenting Politics"]
tags = ["Politics"]
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Description = "Ownership churn rate influencer. Value proposition angel investor metrics learning curve. Social proof assets crowdsource infrastructure rockstar backing ownership supply chain. Growth hacking user experience research & development termsheet series A financing hackathon. Ramen release buyer infrastructure. Scrum project client buzz. Marketing social media bootstrapping technology paradigm shift prototype business model canvas graphical user interface direct mailing long tail stock MVP partnership freemium. Disruptive sales technology supply chain return on investment. Hypotheses lean startup validation funding network effects. Non-disclosure agreement business-to-business innovator research & development alpha focus founders entrepreneur analytics iteration funding return on investment business plan advisor."
aliases = ["/4"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-01-25T04:08:15-05:00"
episode = "4"
episode_image = "img/episode/jan.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["jsmith", "chernandez", "ccooper"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "Happy New Year"
youtube = ""
categories = ["Cloud Technology"]
series = ["Exploring the Cloud"]
tags = ["Mobile", "APIs", "Technology"]
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Description = "Conversion agile development direct mailing ecosystem social proof pitch branding interaction design rockstar return on investment network effects churn rate holy grail. Early adopters iteration technology venture alpha learning curve responsive web design backing. Direct mailing backing handshake return on investment stock monetization validation branding infographic responsive web design incubator rockstar burn rate pivot. Product management seed money channels. Stealth value proposition infrastructure disruptive social media business model canvas buyer return on investment. Metrics product management analytics mass market leverage. Social media innovator rockstar. Stealth supply chain deployment advisor partner network ownership direct mailing rockstar social media crowdsource ecosystem value proposition focus. Series A financing agile development accelerator venture return on investment hackathon crowdfunding funding. Direct mailing research & development value proposition beta niche market equity backing traction."
aliases = ["/10"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-07-25T04:09:54-05:00"
episode = "10"
episode_image = "img/episode/july.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["cadams", "rcastillo", "rshaw"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "Independence For All"
youtube = ""
categories = ["Cloud Technology"]
series = ["Exploring the Cloud"]
tags = []
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Description = "Creative release iPad churn rate traction niche market iteration iPhone ramen funding. Leverage A/B testing marketing technology. Business plan niche market equity creative facebook user experience gen-z conversion social media iPhone focus low hanging fruit. Accelerator market release research & development hackathon graphical user interface gamification series A financing seed round learning curve equity. Success strategy freemium iPad product management customer funding beta launch party business model canvas. Launch party partnership scrum project assets graphical user interface supply chain freemium network effects influencer incubator. Network effects customer handshake buzz hackathon value proposition crowdsource sales. Crowdsource validation termsheet founders creative equity gamification buzz. Deployment lean startup low hanging fruit user experience ramen. Learning curve twitter equity."
aliases = ["/9"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-06-25T04:09:51-05:00"
episode = "9"
episode_image = "img/episode/june.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["rtaylor", "sparker", "cadams"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "School's Out For Summer"
youtube = ""
upcoming = false
categories = []
series = []
tags = []
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Description = "Learning curve user experience branding prototype business plan infrastructure graphical user interface strategy value proposition hackathon assets supply chain crowdsource disruptive. Return on investment twitter series A financing entrepreneur handshake market. Branding funding iPad ramen burn rate focus innovator paradigm shift business plan release rockstar venture. Bootstrapping facebook user experience rockstar burn rate ecosystem sales focus pitch. Facebook entrepreneur vesting period incubator rockstar first mover advantage innovator disruptive research & development graphical user interface. Non-disclosure agreement pivot incubator business model canvas accelerator analytics angel investor conversion responsive web design. Customer supply chain freemium growth hacking user experience twitter influencer. Infographic pivot business model canvas niche market hypotheses direct mailing gen-z metrics equity partnership termsheet. Technology ownership responsive web design return on investment lean startup business-to-consumer value proposition ramen incubator business plan bandwidth crowdfunding direct mailing hypotheses. Infographic first mover advantage return on investment vesting period iPhone ramen scrum project innovator beta gamification launch party market lean startup."
aliases = ["/6"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-03-25T04:09:40-05:00"
episode = "6"
episode_image = "img/episode/march.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["jdoe", "msmith", "ccooper"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "In Like a Lion"
youtube = ""
categories = ["Virtual Reality"]
series = ["Modern Tech Trends"]
tags = ["VR", "Technology"]
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Description = "Growth hacking return on investment lean startup. Launch party return on investment vesting period MVP iPad product management pivot churn rate paradigm shift creative prototype technology hypotheses. Hypotheses market crowdfunding business model canvas ownership research & development series A financing business-to-business. Facebook series A financing scrum project technology virality focus ownership ecosystem long tail founders android twitter partner network product management. Alpha paradigm shift bootstrapping crowdsource agile development analytics advisor social proof startup early adopters beta. Influencer equity non-disclosure agreement buzz customer ecosystem technology analytics investor founders traction disruptive social media graphical user interface. Startup traction influencer advisor investor scrum project prototype bootstrapping direct mailing creative venture responsive web design. Business plan niche market handshake infrastructure disruptive angel investor first mover advantage stealth entrepreneur marketing monetization crowdfunding backing. Responsive web design hackathon monetization equity founders traction beta alpha social media first mover advantage. Influencer hackathon first mover advantage technology paradigm shift facebook client business plan."
aliases = ["/8"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2016-05-25T04:09:48-05:00"
episode = "8"
episode_image = "img/episode/may.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["jlong", "kgrant", "chamilton"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "Pretty Flowers"
youtube = ""
categories = []
series = []
tags = []
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Description = "Leverage long tail virality seed money burn rate funding. Ownership long tail series A financing non-disclosure agreement analytics graphical user interface channels virality A/B testing. User experience virality incubator equity. Infrastructure value proposition business-to-business branding. Influencer stock channels ecosystem vesting period founders user experience client mass market analytics low hanging fruit. Incubator non-disclosure agreement pitch. Social media strategy agile development funding. Business model canvas backing partner network pitch supply chain return on investment seed money direct mailing branding. Buyer investor incubator disruptive first mover advantage traction. Business-to-consumer holy grail innovator virality crowdfunding handshake direct mailing."
aliases = ["/2"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2015-11-25T04:10:07-05:00"
episode = "2"
episode_image = "img/episode/nov.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["ajohnston", "kgrant", "smorgan"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "Turkey Time"
youtube = ""
categories = []
series = []
tags = ["VR", "Technology"]
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Description = "Learning curve MVP scrum project angel investor success facebook marketing user experience direct mailing. Incubator influencer facebook disruptive interaction design. Disruptive return on investment stealth technology growth hacking focus hypotheses angel investor advisor. Lean startup business model canvas twitter customer iPad social media assets. Focus crowdsource partner network. Termsheet disruptive series A financing MVP ramen analytics investor pivot buyer deployment partner network twitter business-to-consumer. Founders assets innovator customer creative paradigm shift beta niche market startup entrepreneur. Stealth direct mailing business-to-consumer A/B testing venture customer twitter partnership success influencer series A financing ecosystem. Validation startup pitch product management handshake direct mailing social proof low hanging fruit focus growth hacking bootstrapping. Business plan bandwidth beta growth hacking supply chain crowdfunding non-disclosure agreement traction focus business-to-consumer series A financing."
aliases = ["/1"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2015-10-25T04:10:04-05:00"
episode = "1"
episode_image = "img/episode/oct.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["kdixon"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = ""
title = "Did We Scare You?"
youtube = ""
categories = []
series = []
tags = []
Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.
Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.
Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Description = "Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding."
aliases = ["/12"]
author = "Matt"
date = "2020-12-25T04:10:01-05:00"
episode = "12"
episode_image = "img/episode/sept.jpg"
#episode_banner = "img/episode/default-banner.jpg"
explicit = "no"
guests = ["jsmith", "ccooper"]
hosts = ["mstratton","bkromhout"]
sponsors = ["bluthcompany"]
images = ["img/episode/default-social.jpg"]
news_keywords = []
podcast_duration = "1:08:22"
podcast_file = "arrested-devops-podcast-episode053.mp3"
podcast_bytes = "123456789"
title = "Back to School"
youtube = ""
truncate = ""
transcript = "/static/transcripts/chatops.txt"
upcoming = true
categories = []
series = []
tags = []
Graphical user interface influencer value proposition startup hackathon iPad analytics gen-z entrepreneur release traction product management long tail. Buzz business-to-consumer android learning curve innovator seed money iteration buyer startup. Holy grail graphical user interface responsive web design lean startup bandwidth strategy release innovator low hanging fruit non-disclosure agreement. Strategy handshake iPhone interaction design early adopters. Low hanging fruit crowdfunding vesting period. Low hanging fruit social proof series A financing product management founders bootstrapping ecosystem buyer supply chain hackathon direct mailing churn rate client. Scrum project direct mailing ecosystem monetization innovator. Partner network gen-z conversion pivot iPhone infographic growth hacking business plan facebook alpha marketing beta technology. Focus crowdsource venture strategy user experience. Lean startup disruptive user experience stealth interaction design monetization client long tail virality seed round direct mailing hypotheses technology burn rate.
Graphical user interface venture network effects niche market advisor iPad bootstrapping. Hypotheses facebook release strategy business-to-business partnership startup market. Validation hackathon branding focus pitch freemium accelerator analytics lean startup iPhone MVP vesting period. Direct mailing analytics pitch. Metrics marketing interaction design crowdfunding. First mover advantage startup low hanging fruit seed round hackathon monetization value proposition alpha graphical user interface non-disclosure agreement churn rate android analytics business-to-consumer. Freemium success influencer release accelerator network effects burn rate bootstrapping. Rockstar handshake user experience social proof assets value proposition ecosystem buyer growth hacking entrepreneur holy grail research & development. MVP launch party long tail monetization business-to-consumer angel investor traction low hanging fruit stock market crowdsource prototype. Social media investor backing value proposition partnership disruptive infographic lean startup funding research & development.
Market direct mailing channels alpha bootstrapping. Crowdsource gamification scrum project stealth founders hackathon paradigm shift. Termsheet launch party strategy niche market business plan gen-z iteration. Launch party iPad founders prototype series A financing business-to-consumer partner network release responsive web design. Partner network validation accelerator handshake graphical user interface analytics innovator iPhone buzz seed money virality monetization non-disclosure agreement technology. Facebook business model canvas market venture growth hacking. Buzz series A financing infographic niche market metrics pitch business-to-consumer android. Paradigm shift stock bootstrapping market MVP learning curve infographic responsive web design. Termsheet backing deployment A/B testing network effects business-to-consumer vesting period first mover advantage iteration iPhone handshake hypotheses. Sales release first mover advantage investor assets launch party infographic.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
date = "2016-09-25T02:11:48-05:00"
description = "guests of the show"
title = "Guests of HugoCast"
aliases = "/guests"
Want to be a guest on the HugoCast? Send us an email!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Title = "Alan Johnston"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:39-05:00"
Twitter = "@deserunt"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "adipisci"
Linkedin = "ut"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "tempora"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/ajohnston.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
guest_group = "ajohnston"
voluptate consequuntur est nihil aut.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Title = "Alan Johnston"
date = "2020-02-10T09:12:39-05:00"
Twitter = ""
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "adipisci"
Linkedin = ""
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "tempora"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/ajohnston.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
guest_group = "ajohnston"
this is the newer version of Alan

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Carl Adams"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:37-05:00"
Pronouns = "They/Them"
Twitter = "@illum"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "expedita"
Linkedin = "enim"
GitHub = "sunt"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/cadams.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
quibusdam mollitia eaque quam vel ut necessitatibus! nemo asperiores amet quos qui atque.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Cheryl Cooper"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:41-05:00"
Twitter = "@adipisci"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "adipisci"
Linkedin = "commodi"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "doloribus"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/ccooper.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
est excepturi eveniet ad fugiat qui corporis eligendi. temporibus consequatur dolorem quidem. facilis et ipsum sint ducimus voluptatem architecto. earum quae et corporis ad maiores! qui veritatis in. laudantium quas molestiae quae enim. et consectetur velit doloribus dolor consequatur. harum numquam voluptatem.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Carlos Hamilton"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:38-05:00"
Twitter = "@rerum"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "ea"
Linkedin = "dignissimos"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "et"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/chamilton.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
consequuntur perspiciatis totam ut est sapiente temporibus. sit corrupti impedit aperiam officia. impedit est repudiandae voluptatibus excepturi culpa! est quam velit! explicabo voluptatem porro autem consequatur laudantium placeat consequuntur ratione! quos architecto ipsam eos.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Catherine Hernandez"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:42-05:00"
Twitter = "@voluptas"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "aliquam"
Linkedin = "eos"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "veniam"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/chernandez.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
et non iusto omnis. dolor ab harum ab repellendus. nostrum sequi quos quia possimus aspernatur aut. at odio rerum rem consectetur eos.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Justin Long"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:41-05:00"
Twitter = "@id"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "explicabo"
Linkedin = "aut"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "sint"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/jlong.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
inventore rerum eligendi porro est amet molestiae. nemo natus debitis perspiciatis quaerat. ea enim nostrum illo voluptatem et et. dicta possimus voluptates animi tempora doloribus a qui. minus ut qui dolores tempore! aut sunt recusandae ut nostrum! vitae natus et iure aut nostrum. incidunt quod maiores et. odit sint iusto harum ea temporibus.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Title = "Jane Smith"
date = "2016-12-08T20:55:58-06:00"
Twitter = "jsmith"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = ""
Linkedin = ""
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "jsmith"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/jsmith.jpg"
Pinterest = "mattstratton"
Instagram = "mattstratton"
YouTube = ""
Aka = ["jsmith3", "jsmith2"]
Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Title = "Jane Smith-Wesson"
date = "2016-12-08T20:55:58-06:00"
Twitter = "jsmith"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = ""
Linkedin = ""
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "jsmith"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/jsmith.jpg"
Pinterest = "mattstratton"
Instagram = "mattstratton"
YouTube = ""
Aka = ["jsmith", "jsmith3"]
Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Title = "Jane Smith-Wesson"
date = "2016-12-08T20:55:58-06:00"
Twitter = "jsmith"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = ""
Linkedin = ""
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "jsmith"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/jsmith.jpg"
Pinterest = "mattstratton"
Instagram = "mattstratton"
YouTube = ""
Aka = ["jsmith", "jsmith2"]
Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Kelly Dixon"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:36-05:00"
Twitter = "@voluptate"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "magni"
Linkedin = "dolore"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "odit"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/kdixon.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
molestias adipisci quia esse. ex qui ipsam eveniet. in velit et pariatur molestiae harum! repudiandae fugit eos. itaque aut incidunt quo et ipsum ut. voluptatibus totam corporis itaque id sit. sunt modi sed blanditiis et alias.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Keith Grant"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:43-05:00"
Twitter = "@porro"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "doloremque"
Linkedin = "laborum"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "cum"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/kgrant.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
vel qui exercitationem enim ea.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title = "Matt Stratton"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/mstratton.jpg"
Linkedin = "mattstratton"
GitHub = "mattstratton"
Pronouns = ""
Facebook = "matt.stratton"
date = "2017-04-27T13:53:32-05:00"
Twitter = "mattstratton"
Type = "guest"
Website = ""
Matt Stratton is a solutions architect at Chef, where he demonstrates how Chefs automation platform provides speed and flexibility to clients infrastructure. He is devoted to concepts like Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code, and his license plate actually says “DevOps”. He lives in Chicago and has an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who, Firefly, and Game of Thrones. And whiskey.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Raymond Castillo"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:42-05:00"
Twitter = "@dignissimos"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "a"
Linkedin = "nisi"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "velit"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/rcastillo.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
rerum quos nihil quos molestiae est exercitationem consequatur. dolores consequuntur velit cupiditate nemo perferendis. eaque molestiae dolorem nostrum. illo nihil sed placeat eum quisquam. est repellat fuga ad. exercitationem magni nesciunt maxime eos sint reprehenderit sint voluptas adipisci illum ea ducimus aut. aut explicabo exercitationem neque non est voluptatem ut. enim quia est vel autem aut. maiores delectus quo delectus voluptas non. unde id recusandae ut.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Rebecca Shaw"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:43-05:00"
Twitter = "@et"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "quae"
Linkedin = "minus"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "maiores"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/rshaw.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
consequuntur et tenetur asperiores non ea illum eaque. aliquid et et recusandae est molestiae nihil et. sunt odit tenetur quaerat incidunt ratione. non provident possimus et eaque. autem qui sequi deleniti. esse aut sit voluptatum necessitatibus blanditiis assumenda sapiente earum. repudiandae voluptatem nihil et et qui qui.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Robin Taylor"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:38-05:00"
Twitter = "@esse"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "voluptas"
Linkedin = "nemo"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "eaque"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/rtaylor.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
et hic et repellendus ab voluptates necessitatibus. quia et facere. labore aspernatur incidunt assumenda. deleniti facilis enim deserunt voluptas fugiat sed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Title = "Steven Cox"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:44-05:00"
Twitter = "@et"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "numquam"
Linkedin = "id"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "omnis"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/scox.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
Twitch = "mattstratton"
non et ad nesciunt dignissimos quod suscipit similique alias. fugiat aut asperiores delectus corporis.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Sara Morgan"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:39-05:00"
Twitter = "@culpa"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "dolorem"
Linkedin = "aliquam"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "nihil"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/smorgan.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
reprehenderit alias sint.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Samuel Parker"
date = "2017-06-10T09:12:41-05:00"
Twitter = "@voluptates"
Website = ""
Type = "guest"
Facebook = "dolores"
Linkedin = "iure"
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "adipisci"
Thumbnail = "img/guest/sparker.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
porro ab laborum provident dolorem exercitationem! ut at qui aut delectus. velit qui soluta vitae rerum numquam. ut quo dolor laboriosam odit quis.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
date = "2016-09-25T02:11:48-05:00"
description = "hosts of the show"
title = "Hosts of HugoCast"
aliases = "/hosts"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Title = "Bridget Kromhout"
date = "2016-12-08T20:55:58-06:00"
Twitter = "bridgetkromhout"
Website = ""
Type = "host"
Facebook = ""
Linkedin = ""
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = ""
Thumbnail = "img/host/Bridget.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
Bridget Kromhout is a Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Her CS degree emphasis was in theory, but she now deals with the concrete (if "cloud" can be considered tangible). After 15 years as an operations engineer, she traded being on call for being on a plane. A frequent speaker and program committee member for tech conferences, she leads the devopsdays organization globally and the devops community at home in Minneapolis. She podcasts with Arrested DevOps, blogs at [](, and is active in a Twitterverse near you.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Title = "Matt Stratton"
date = "2016-12-08T20:55:58-06:00"
Twitter = "mattstratton"
Website = ""
Type = "host"
Facebook = ""
Linkedin = ""
Pronouns = "He/Him"
GitHub = "mattstratton"
Thumbnail = "img/host/matt.png"
Pinterest = "mattstratton"
Instagram = "mattstratton"
YouTube = ""
Twitch = "mattstratton"
Hide = ""
Matt Stratton is a solutions architect at Chef, where he demonstrates how Chefs automation platform provides speed and flexibility to clients infrastructure. He is devoted to concepts like Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code, and his license plate actually says “DevOps”. He lives in Chicago and has an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who, Firefly, and Game of Thrones. And whiskey.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Title = "Trevor Hess"
date = "2016-12-08T20:55:58-06:00"
Twitter = "trevorghess"
Website = ""
Type = "host"
Facebook = ""
Linkedin = ""
Pronouns = ""
GitHub = "trevorghess"
Thumbnail = "img/host/trevor.jpg"
Pinterest = ""
Instagram = ""
YouTube = ""
Trevor Hess is a Partner Solution Architect focusing on Microsoft at [Chef Software](, working with Microsoft to ensure that Chef is delighting customers and prospects on Windows and the many parts inside Azure!
Coming from a background in .NET Software Development and consulting, he has worked with several large multinational organizations to help kick start their journey to the cloud and the world of DevOps practices and principals. He is excited to engage in new experiences, and learning opportunities.
Trevor enjoys having hearty discussions about DevOps as well organizational change and transformation.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
date = "2016-09-25T02:11:48-05:00"
description = "about this site"
title = "Upcoming Episodes"
these are episodes that aren't published yet

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name: gbluth
full_name: "George Michael Bluth"
bio: "Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas."
homepage: ""
github: "faceblock"
facebook: "faceblock"
twitter: "faceblock"
linkedin: "faceblock"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
name: jdoe
full_name: "John Doe"
thumbnail: "/img/guest/jdoe.jpg"
bio: "Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas."
homepage: ""
github: "johndoe"
facebook: "johndoe"
twitter: "johndoe"
linkedin: "johndoe"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
name: gbluth
full_name: "Mary Smith"
thumbnail: ""
bio: "Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas."
homepage: ""
github: "marysmith"
facebook: "marysmith"
twitter: "marysmith"
linkedin: "marysmith"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
name: bluthcompany
url: ""
ad: "img/sponsors/bluthcompany.jpg"

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