var reScale = function(){ var biggestHeight = 0; var pos = jQuery('#panel-info').css('position'); if (pos == 'absolute'){ console.log("estamos en su sitio"); jQuery('#content div.floating-panel').each(function (index, Element) { if((!jQuery(this).hasClass('clear'))){ var p = jQuery(this).outerHeight() + parseInt(jQuery(this).css('top'), 10); if(p > biggestHeight){ biggestHeight = p; } } }); var altura = parseInt(jQuery('#content').css('height'), 10); if (altura < biggestHeight){ jQuery('#content').css('height', biggestHeight); } }else{ jQuery('#content').css('height', 'auto'); } } jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // reScale(); //jQuery(window).resize(function(){reScale();}); }); // Using the closure to map jQuery to $. (function ($) { // Store our function as a property of Drupal.behaviors. Drupal.behaviors.arteleku_skin = { attach: function (context, settings) { posicionadoFooter(); $(window).resize(function(){ posicionadoFooter();}); } }; var posicionadoFooter = function(){ var container = $('div#content'); var containerTop = container.offset().top; var containerHeight = container.height(); var bloques = $('.floating-panel', container) var maxHeight = 0; bloques.each(function (index, Element){ var bloqueTop = $(Element).offset().top - containerTop; var bloqueHeight = $(Element).outerHeight(); var altura = bloqueHeight + bloqueTop; if (altura > maxHeight){ maxHeight = altura; } }); if (maxHeight){ container.css('height', maxHeight); } }; }(jQuery));